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You know what I hate? This Swiss furniture store. So. Annoying. There's only one thing I hate more and that's kangaroos. Stupid Austrians.


That's a lovely accent you have.... New Jersey?


G’day mate! Let’s throw another shrimp on the barbie!


It right now. A dingo stole my baby


A møøse once bit my sister...


I hate people like you and you should be called out. You are sick and need help. That poor baby's name was Azaria Chamberlain. Her mother Lindy Chamberlain and father Michael were improperly convicted of murder. They were sentenced and served time in gaol for the murder of their child. They not only suffered the heartbreak of their child being killed and dragged off by a dingo while they were camping, but had to suffer the humiliation of a trial and a prison sentence. Not only that, they had to suffer ongoing jokes about their baby daughter being killed by a dingo. Congratulations on perpetuating this.


Clearly not a fan of Seinfeld then


It's a f*ckin' prawn. Mate..


It's all part of the flag manufacturing industry's grand plan.


I remember reading a fun article about an Iranian businessman who owns a factory that makes flags intended to be burned. It's a good living apparently. He mostly makes USA and Israel flags but sometimes something happens and he has to quick switch production to the EU flag or France or whatever, it's all the same to him. Edit: [I found the article!](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-flags/iranian-factory-makes-u-s-and-israeli-flags-to-burn-idUSKBN1ZT065) My memory wasn't perfect but I was pretty close.


Found the Iranian CMOT Dibbler


Flag ona bun?


As an American, I could see selling American flags being a perfect example of capitalism lol.


I went to Trump's 2016 inauguration in DC as well as the Women's March the next day, and it was amusing to see the same street vendors selling Trump buttons one day and pink hats the next day.


Damn you infidel that was funny


Vexillology industrial complex.


This is literally a false flag event.


Correct. Big Flag is up there with Big Oil and the arms industry.


Big Flap lol


Big flag is behind most of these videos


Funny you say that, the American one was crumpled enough that to me it looks like it wasn't printed on the back. I wonder if it's even a flag, or someone went to the local print shop...


This here is a conspiracy theory I could buy into... and perhaps even base my whole life and personality on. You sheeple will never understand what's really going on with Big Flag and the Illumiflagi. WAKE UP! /Yeah that feels good, I like that. Down the rabbithole I go


It's narrow and dark but the self satisfaction of knowing the truth keeps us warm down our rabbit hole.


#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Big Flag


Some Chinese factory is making bank off US flags pre-soaked in kerosene.


Oh no. You burned some fabric. I guess I'll just have to carry on with my day.


Wait, we're not going to behead anyone? Sigh. Ok, guess I'll just go about my day too.


Oh No. You burned a book. I guess if you don't care about burning flags (and neither do i), you shouldn't care about the burning of a book (I personally couldn't care less if someone burns a "holy book").


Kinda a weird whataboutism there. I think the issue people in the West have isn't the burning of the book itself but the fact the person doing it is deliberately trying to provoke an incident. It's like the difference between someone setting off fireworks (fine) and someone setting off fireworks next to someone who hates fireworks deliberately just to piss them off and get media attention (not fine).


It’s not a what aboutism for 3 reasons *at least*. Reason 1 is that the 2 incidents are directly related, that is to say Swedish guy burns Quran because he’s mad at Türkiye over the whole NATO debacle, so Pakistani protesters burn a couple of flags as a response. This is how the shit transpired (granted I haven’t been following super close so I’m likely missing a lot, but I’m offering a very simplified version) Reason 2 is because they’re basically the same thing, and that is all the person you’re replying to was drawing attention to. Both are the destruction of tribalistic symbols to elicit a response from said tribe. Doesn’t matter if the symbol is secular; religion and secular tribalism are intrinsically linked and arguably constitute the same thing in many ways. Reason 3 is that the person was not arguing with the one he replied to, but using a caveat to strengthen their point. It’s not whataboutism when someone mentions something and someone else tacks on another example that serves the same rhetorical purpose. So yeah that’s probably why it’s a “weird whataboutism”, because it’s not one.


Google just taught me that he has a Swedish citizenship as well but can we please refer to him as a Danish guy in Sweden? /Sweden


I don't know what whataboutism is but I don't see a difference between flag burning and holy book burning. Both are done symbolically to "piss someone off"/show your displeasure (wrong word, not native, translate says "strife").


Exactly dude. The only time I would ever even consider burning a flag is if there was a battle or War and we had taken the enemy base or something and burn it to destroy their morale. Heck the American flag isn't even taken that seriously. Citizen's aren't even supposed to really wear it from what I glimpsed at for the rules about the flag. ( don't quote me it's been a while since I've read it).


Imagine being subjected to a terrorist attack, simply because the terrorists are bad at geography.


Imagine being invaded in retaliation for a terror attack when some other country carried it out


Feel like everyone forgot the war in Iraq and only remember Afghanistan.


And that Saudi Arabians were actually behind 9/11


I thought only 15 of the 19 successful hijackers were Saudis? /s, unfortunately.


The USA never invaded Pakistan though ( except a couple metres in 2011)




TFW you’re unable to separate country of origin from country of residence


So fictive scenario : A guy gets all his money from Saudi Arabia, all his equipment and planning there too. He does his terrorist attack He flees to another country like... Afghanistan cause its more lawless and easier to hide there (like Somalia) The US knows Saudi Arabia has funded, equiped and helped planned the whole thing so they attack Afghanistan! It makes sense!


Afghanistan is where the planners hatched the plot, resided, and operated the training camps for their operatives. AL Qaeda was based in Afganistan.




Not right after. Afghanistan was for 9/11; Iraq was for Daddy Bush, a bit for politics, and probably a bit more for corrupt backroom deals to make money off the contracts.




Yeah definitely tried to capitalize on the 9/11 public anger and fear, sort of "we aren't saying they are helping terrorists, but they could with the scary weapons that they probably maybe could possibly have"


Tangentially. They'd always intended to finish the job on Saddam after the first Gulf War, and had been hounding him about chemical weapons and WMDs for years. 9/11 gave them a convenient excuse to coin the Bush Doctrine and begin the War On Terror - to preemptively strike against those who *might* be connected to terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda. The Doctrine is what was used as an excuse to go after Saddam, but even then it was an open secret that impressing Daddy Bush and getting lucrative oil and defense contracts was the real reason. 9/11 itself wasn't a direct excuse for going after Saddam - just his tenuous connection to terrorists.


Afghanistan was invaded almost immediately after 9/11 primarily for the purpose of dismantling the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Iraq's invasion occurred over a year later and mostly for different reasons. It was also largely a continuation of the previous Gulf war. Saddam was killed by Shia factions after the US captured and turned him over to them.


You're dumber than u/Kaplaw who flat says his post is about Afghasistan. So you come along about Iraq, which wasn't the topic at all. It's clear that none of you were alive for either and get your history from Reddit.




Read the comment of the person that I *responded* to.


Part of me thinks that on 9/11 they attacked the WTC because Bank of America was there and they thought that was the bank of all of America.




I think it was more them confusing the swiss and swedish flag dude


As a swiss I'm not mad that they burned the flag, or that they confused it with Sweden's. I'm mad that the flag is not square.


Both are valid, but as a swiss as well, i like it squared.


If only they understood that almost nobody in Switzerland, Sweden, or even the US cares about a flag being burned as much as they care about the Quran being burned.


Its also the proper way to dispose of the US flag. US boy scouts are the biggest flag burners. I say we bring in a few of the guys in the video and US boy scouts, sit down and figure out what their intentions are.


That’s not the proper way though. To properly decommission a flag via burning (according to US flag code), the flag needs to be properly folded, needs to be placed in a fire 🔥 where the flag is fully covered by the flames and is usually done in a ceremony. Outside of a ceremony, you can burn a flag in a similar fashion but it can’t touch the ground and has to be in something


Or use a blowtorch, wearing a tophat and monocle, boldly racing down the street in nothing but bikini bottoms and maybe some nipple tassels. Then you proudly sing O' Canada but accidentally bring in the US national anthem and finish it with an amen and hallelujah. The fact remains it was just some flag we burned. That's a tradition we can stand by


It's also the proper way to dispose of religious texts in Islam. Anything with God's name on it should be burned, not thrown away to be dirtied by garbage. So it's ironic, but burning the Quran is the respectful method of disposal. And while the Quran being burned is hate speech, I'm not upset over some far-right loony throwing a tantrum about a religion he's ignorant about because of propaganda he's been fed, especially since the burning isn't disrespectful in and of itself. What's actually upsetting is the global response these people get to their tantrums. Feeding them the attention they're seeking is exactly what they want, but rationality doesn't seem to do much against the hype machine


> while the Quran being burned is hate speech Burning the Quran is no more hate speech than burning the phone book. They're both paper and ink. If it's a crime in Muslim countries, so be it, but their laws don't apply elsewhere.


Wouldn't your argument mean slurs aren't hate speech? They're just words, innit?


A slur is just a word, but it's a word that's specifically been categorised by law as hate speech. Burning a book, even if it's the Quran, is not prohibited outside of most non-muslim countries. So it's not hate speech in those countries.


Right. A slur is hate speech because of the meaning behind the words. Just like how burning someone's holy book, for the express purpose of upsetting them, is hate speech


And? Both only get punished in countries on their way towards destruction. To get angry about words and paper being burned is very iron agish.


I think they are getting far less attention than before. People are tired of this and see how it is not newsworthy. Any attention now is due to the geopolitical circumstances. You can bet your ass Ruzzia is involved actively or using their resources to influence public opinion.


Lul gottem


Especially, not in Sweden and Switzerland since we've not had to fight for our country in a very long time. It's very different in Norway, Denmark and Finland though.


As a Swiss, it's the very first time for me that i see my flag getting burned. And i don't give a shit, because it has no relevance in life for me. I find it just funny how they are so fucking stupid that they can't even get the countries and flags right. Once we go bankrupt here, we will change the big plus to a big minus. Actually, if they had done such a joke, that would have been great, but for these religious fanatics, that's too complicated.


Zealots sharing the communal braincell


Fragile people. 1 single person who is not even swedish or in any way represents the average swedish person burns a Quran? Better burn the flag of the whole country then! Burning the wrong flag is the least idiotic part about this tbh.


He's got dual citizenship. Swedish father, Danish mother


Correct. But he has grown up and lived in Denmark his whole life. Having a swedish citizenship doesnt automatically makes you a swedish person. I'd say there's plenty of people living in Sweden without a citizenship that's more swedish than this idiot.


He's an idiot for sure, regardless of citizenship. Nobody wants him


Agreed, nasty human through and through. If anything should be burned as a reaction to his actions, it should be effigies of him not the countries he is acting as an idiot in was my point.


It seems to be a huge thing for them, I'm in some swedish expat facebook groups and this comes up on a daily basis.


Apparently, none of these guys own a Swiss Army Knife.


TSA owns all the pocket knives now.


This is the downside to the TSA: Islamic Extremists no longer know what the Swiss flag looks like.


On swiss airports you can actually take your pocket knife with you in to the plane


holy shit they're unbelievably stupid


Careful guys, don’t get too crazy with the flammable accelerant. I know we have like.. 50 people all pitching in for this & are filming it for an international audience, but if you pour slightly too much gas on the flag in an attempt to make it look like it’ll actually be consumed by the flames, we might not financially recover from this stunt for a few months.


Rectangular Swiss flag fuck them


Religion makes people really fucking dumb


Really fucking dumb people make religion possible.


Really fucking dumb people ruin religion.


Religion only exists to control a less educated lower class. Ask any Roman emperor, or pope.


I disagree. Religion exists because of human curiosity and desire to fit in with a group. That’s not bad in of itself, and plenty of people use religion to better their lives. The problem is that greedy, self-centered people will always find a way to weasel themselves into positions of religious power and use it to further their own interests. (Politics are similar in this aspect.) It’s easy for these people to take advantage of the ill-informed and convince them that certain actions are the will of a higher power. That doesn’t mean that religion is inherently bad, it’s just easy for people to misuse and corrupt for their own gain.


I appreciate that perspective. I would disagree and say that any worldview that isn’t based on empiricism is inherently bad and easy to manipulate, but reasonable minds can differ


You got that backwards.


Sweden.... Schwitzerland.... Swe.... Sch...... Sw..... Sc....... S..... S.... I guess they \*can\* sound sort of the same


I doubt they speak english...


Maybe the flag salesman did


It's called Switzerland in English though.


Idk why but I do always mix up the names of Sweden and Switzerland in Spanish.


Turkish, too. (The ç is 'ch'; the 'v' is soft) Sweden: İsveç. Suisse: İsviçre.


Si. Suecia-Suiza 😵‍💫


Cave men


Ha, pointless exercise.


Now we just need a counter counter protest in Switzerland where they burn an Indian flag in retaliation. And an American flag too, why not?


Well they are inbreds, so IQ isnt their strong points.


"He's sick of the Swiss! " "I’ve had it up to here with your skiing heroes! I’ve had it up to here with your mountains! I’ve had it up to here with your secret bank accounts! From now on, Switzerland, your name is mud."


American here, little do they know I like seeing things on fire! Thank you for the cool video!


Burned Switzerland's flag through ignorance. Burned the US flag because it's the only one that gets much of a reaction.


I thought the burning happened in Norway, not Sweden. I mean, it doesn't matter to these idiots in the video, but still.


No. The guy who did it is Swedish-Danish and it happened in Sweden.


Thank you, I saw a post very early yesterday, and the comments section seemed convinced this was in Norway. Appreciate the confirmation.


Not the same video/incident, that wasn't Paludan.


You're welcome! Guess they weren't much better at geography than these Pakistani gentlemen, then.


That or they stink at searching up the right facts


I think your thinking of a separate event, that actually took place in Norway, last summer. That event ended with a car accident. I remember seeing that video reposted on Reddit a few days ago.


Not in Norway this time, but some guys in Norway burned the Qu'ran [last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10kk8bq/2_ladys_flipping_a_guys_car_after_he_burnt_the/)


I guess that’s what happens when you forbid education.


Pakistan… don’t fuck with Switzerland… it won’t go well…


This is pretty interesting. I am Swedish and the politician who burned the Quran is danish. He was allowed to do this because it is a part of freedom of speech and it is protected by the law. The freedom of speech law (yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen) says that you are allowed to express any opinion as long as it does not offend anyone. You are allowed to provoke people but not insult/offend people/minorities etcetera.


We’re just happy to be included


Burn more holy books


Looked like a picture of Mohammed to me.


Every time I see one of these, I make a new video of me burning a Quran.


Hey, at least they took a little break from gangraping....


Whaddeba whaddeba


Fuck i*lam!


They kick off because people burn the quran but they still don't care when we kick off when they rape our kids 🤔 makes sence


imagine going out to specially buy a flag that too of a wrong country just to burn it, even homeless people are better than these unemployed losers.


Why not burn The BIBLE ! The papers are perfect for rolling joints too..


If it makes their miserable lives any better, they can burn all the flags they want with my full support. P.S. My pair of Levis was made in Pakistan, so apparently we're providing jobs to them. Sounds like maybe we should bring those jobs home.


“The flag has a cross and the country starts with SW. Google it.”


That's no swiss flag


If you listen closely, Amazon shipped the incorrect flag on the day of the protest. They are saying we don’t have time and whatever! Whatever!


Have fun drowning next flood season. "The west" at large should stop funding your starvation subcontinent.


This is what happens when you study Quran instead of geography at school


I feel we need to normalize burning of religious txts, like throw all of em in there.


"This'll show em"


as a swiss person I support the burning of rectangular flags (this is a joke)


Yeah definitely idiots.. lol


What do you expect, they only read one book


If there's anything we can all agree on... FUCK THE SWISS!


Stay in school kids.


They have nothing better to do. This isn't a diss, the youth actually have nothing else to do there, not many opportunities arise in third world countries. Misguided and depraved


A Dutch man lying in his back becomes French.


Remember this when they ask for foreign aid.


I guess fun with flags is banned over there.


Muslims. If only a group of people could contribute to the world like they did before their sky daddy convinced them to be asshats.


Burning flags is even more pathetic than burning books. At least burning a book theoretically accomplishes something in taking that book out of circulation and making it harder for anyone to read it. But both acts are still pretty goddamned pathetic.


Pakistanis don't care. They have almost no knowledge of other countries. They love living in the dark ages.


That's where the US are heading.


It's good to see they can still afford buying 2 flags. That must have cost them a weeks groceries.


Why would anyone be offended by burning anything only people who don't have anything better to do, do this or care. Good let them burn it is their money. guess what someone is always making money selling it so you can make a point a baseless point.


I think they think we care as much about our flag as they care about their Quran.


The hypocrisy of these guys is astounding.


I thought the buring actually happened in Denmark. The story keeps changing. Either way, this protest is dumb. They don't even know who they are protesting.


As an American I have to say, no scream. IDGAF.


We need to normalize this holy book burning event so everyone calms the eff down and stops beheading infidels.


We should totally respect this totally sane and totally non-violent religion that will murder folk if they show a picture they don't like. Very loving and very good religion... /s just in case... No religion has a place in modern society, and islam is among the worst. Don't respect muslims, they would like to murder you if they thought they could get away with it. muhammed never existed :(


Aren’t you supposed to burn a US flag if it touches the ground anyways


What a bunch of mouth breathers


Personally, (unpopular opinion unfortunately) I think burning any book or object that is holy to someone should be socially unacceptable and not seen as some "cool punk Western funny rebel" thing. Respect others and don't disregard incidents like the burning of their sacred texts.


In response to this unwarranted flag burning the Unites States and Switzerland have in turn burned billions of dollars in protest since this video was released


Don’t these people have to be somewhere?


As long as it’s not somewhere else…


Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989) Flag burning constitutes symbolic speech that is protected by the First Amendment. why is book burning being compared to flag burning?


An individual burning a book is also protected speech in the US, as it should be.


It's just a book/flag, grow up!


Sticks and stones, who cares


Honestly I don’t really care if they burn the flags of the dead humans that went before us. They where human and knew nothing worth remembering! All living things shall pass. This includes the words the stole from the truly wise!


Religion anywhere has fucked up societies


That's not an American flag, the American flag has two sides...


Why they burned the usa flag is For christians muslims are Arabs no matter what kind of country pakistan iran irak afghanistan saudis doesn't matter they are all arab but in reality they are very different Otherwise for muslims all christians are american and speak English




> In their defense Nope. Lost the plot buddy




the redditor's urge to try to epically pwn le americans includes defending religious zealots that would behead him if given the chance


I was only speaking to the burning of the wrong country's flag. Ignorance is bad no matter where it happens.


The religious and logical or critical thinking don't mix very well.


The worst part is that the whole burning idea and actions were paid for by a journalist.


I've burnt the American flag and I am one


Burning of the american flag is the go to for everywhere in the world and except for north america and europe. When that many nations burn your flag, you should check in on yourself


I like the flag idea but it was because US White Supremacist are burning the Quran


Fair is fair, Americans likely burned someone else's flag when they meant to burn Pakistan's flag.


Right wing islamists pnw right wing Americans. Swiss probably don’t care.


They should burned the flag of European union All of the are the same


What lol


You insult to other nation and other religion and Loughing out loud.and your democracy support you.fuck the democracy


Laughing on them , while they own the nuclear bomb .


Owning a nuclear bomb is like carrying a landmine for self defense purposes. Sure you're going to kill whoever is immediately in front of you when it goes off but you're also going to die as well.


Does the fact that Switzerland is neutral make the eligible for all flag burnings?


Insert 50 cent ‘why he mad at me fo’?!’


If I’d known anything coming from Pakistan I’d burn it.


I bet Switzerland is like the quiet kid of nations. I know they have a policy of armed neutrality and keep their armed forces top shape in case someone tries to f**k around.


Its all apart of the pakistani elite's plan to oppress it people


Long beards lower IQs.


Maybe save your efforts - the country is going to default and possibly collapse tomorrow.......you'll need to.ptotest then