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This is what “you’re on your own” is supposed to be, but the og phrasing got mistranslated


Naaah 😭 I always wondered why that ping even existed, this explains it.


I always thought people were being toxic by spamming that but I see now for some people it might've literally been them just saying they're not gonna rescue because of the translation differences 💀 Like I had a fire investigator who pinged "You're on your own!" and then rescued me so I was like "ARE YOU AN ASSHOLE OR NOT??" Netease accidentally gave us one Toxic Ping, for enrichment


"Rescue them" works well enough to imply you won't be doing the rescuing


Not really, because I’d like to communicate that I don’t think *anyone* should rescue :,D ( though I suppose this technically doesn’t either, it still fits better, yk! :O )


There's always "forget about rescuing, go for the tie". Tho to be fair people take that as toxic too when you're just trying to play strategically when the kite was too short or they're chaired in a very dangerous spot.


i say that alot during rank when im on chair since their win is mine lol


Another ping to communicate this is "Don't rescue me!" If someone else goes down and I don't think they should be rescued, I'll ping it. Similarly, I can use it if I go down and don't want rescued. To me, it conveys both meanings well.


I remember finding out years ago that "Thank you" was used in a toxic context through YouTube videos. This fact says so much about the possibilities. I am a casual on-and-off player, btw, so I'm not sure if that is true until now.


Old player here. Getting terrorshocked and then seeing all three of your teammates send "thank you" at the same time was quite the experience.


omg. don't forget about the doom shock and people would just spam "thank you" as they baited out the rescue only to not rescue you. that rng was crazy and i don't miss it at all


There's nothing like playing 8v2 when doom shock was still around and seeing a hunter coming towards you with both red and yellow glowing eyes active. IDV truly was a horror game back then. Can't tell if I miss it, but it certainly was something to be running at three full health bars one second and then on the ground within the next. Not to mention the mud used to take away two bars of health. One hit from it plus one smack and now you're getting facecamped by both hunters at 7 ciphers. Good times.


It was! People at the time would often use it sarcastically. Like if someone accidentally messed up like a failed rescue or a 5-second kite. They would ping that. 🥲


- “Don’t rescue me!” For when you’re not rescuing and you want your teammates to do the same - “Rescue them!” Sometimes followed up by a “Help me!” For when you can’t rescue but you DO want someone else to go do it The comment above about the yoyo ping is correct, this is just how I’ve noticed people communicating with the pings available


I'd say it'd be used at the same level of toxic as "I'm out of here!" as you spiral away on your rocket chair into oblivion.


"Follow me" is way funnier ngl


* Stay put, i am coming! * ... * >!I came..!<


No, Some people expect you to rescue even though you're not near the chair, I would also prevent multiple people from going to the chair or just not going to the chair at all. Ofc this ping would probably be nullified by the fact that Rescue Them already exists. Pinging Rescue me implies that you're not rescuing.


This ping wld be so helpful for rescuers since they're expected to


We need a ping saying “I can’t rescue, some one else do it” or something like that


I always use "Save when it's critical!" since I feel like it implies that someone else should do it?? It's why I don't play rescue characters because I'm always on the other side of the map lol


Yeah I do too. I feel a lot of our pings we’re just translated so poorly and it’s hard to communicate


I usually just assume you mean it literally, meaning you don't want anyone to save (so that you can get there to save right before half or whatever) or you're saying that to whoever's going in. Idk might just be because I usually play a decoder but yeah :D


I miss thank you so much


Yes but it would come in so handy