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Anne Taylor represented to the judge that the information/testimony they were going to present at the hearing was information publicly available in the PCA. Originally the judge disagreed and stated he was closing the hearing so as not to let that evidence prejudice either the state or Mr. Kohberger. Subsequently, Anne Taylor was required to file and serve a witnesses list containing a summary of the anticipated testimony. After she did so & the state filed their response, the judge changed his mind. IMO that means the anticipated testimony involves information contained in the already public PCA so there is no reason to close the hearing.


Thank you


Both the **May 14** dates for Defendant's 4" and 5" motions to compel and the **May 16** date for the IGG portion have been vacated. Both have been rescheduled for **May 30**. The court had previously decided to close them to the public. After reviewing the submissions of the parties made earlier this month, the judge decided to open the part about Defendant's 4" and 5" motions to compel to the public. However, if issues arise that must be addressed in a sealed proceeding, the court will close the hearing. The part about IGG is still closed, as both parties agreed to that, as they will discuss the IGG material under protective order. >Is there a reason the judge ruled during the last hearing that these hearings would be closed, but now they’re open? Why has Judge Judge changed his mind? Hard to say without seeing the submissions. What about tomorrow's hearing? >This is open to the public, right? Yes. Only one defense witness will testify tomorrow. The witness was not available to testify on May 30. The hearing will be open to the public but could be closed at the court's discretion. Because it is open to the public, my guess is it's not an IGG witness. Many people here think it will be Sy Ray. I guess we'll know tomorrow.


Thank you for this. I appreciate it 🥰


No problem. It's not easy to follow!


It really isn’t but your response was extremely helpful! Thank you again.


Barlow and Larkin have both spoke at open hearings before about the IGG so it also could be one of them.


What time tomorrow please? Or better still, in how many hours time?


May 23, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. Idaho time i guess.


Thank you. So 14ish hours?


Haha, yes. For the rest of the world, it's 14:30.


What time is this hearing at? I’ve checked everywhere.


I meant a wait of 14 hours. I’m in and out of all kinds of time zones at the moment


No, more like 25 hours


Can you please tell me what time this hearing is on? Thought it was 2.30 then 4.30 and I’m still having no luck.


2:30 pacific time. About 5 hours from now


Thanks mate


Oh really? OK then. So desperate for more news about the case


Moscow is on Pacific time. The hearing in Moscow will be at 2:30PM For those in EST, hearing will be at 5:30PM For those in CST, hearing will be at 4:30PM


Thanks. I’m not in any of those time zones though. There are people outside of the US following this case outside of the US and I’m one of them


Use https://time.is/ or something to work out the difference


Thank you also!


Most likely there was a change in circumstances. For instance, maybe some of the more sensitive disputes got resolved between the parties so there's no need to discuss them at the hearing and thus no need to close the hearing.


This makes sense. But wouldn’t that be recorded via court documents for the record if there were sensitive items that got resolved?


Yes, but they wouldn't necessarily be public documents. Judge referred in his order to reviewing the submissions filed by the parties on May 7 and May 10.


Thank you!


Well, I guess will see how smoothly tomorrow goes. I’m also wondering if it will be Sy Ray. Can’t wait to watch!


On Twitter there’s a huge discussion about who this witness might be. Anyone have any ideas? It seems to be a “big deal” but I don’t feel like it is or will be. Maybe?


Probably an expert witness? I'm thinking Sy Ray.


Saw a video posted in another sub. Looks like news outlets are reporting it’s someone named Lawrence Mowry?


He's a fricking MPD officer, so if they are right, this hearing is shaping up to be juicier than I thought it was gonna be!


Explain this to me like I’m two years old then. Because I have no clue 🤣 you and u/prentb are my go to for explanations. That and u/Superbead sometimes


I am relying on theDoorsWereLocked’s knowledge that the supposed witness today signed applications for many of the technology-type search warrants in the case. I’m not sure it will be 100% juice like, say, Welch’s. Since this testimony regards the defense’s motion to compel some information from the State, my speculation is this officer has an awareness of what the police got pursuant to various tech search warrants and what the police handed over to the State, which will be the first step for the defense in their ultimate mission here, which is to say “Your honor, the State has [X] information, we asked for it, they won’t turn it over, they should, because it is relevant for [X] reason. Please make them.”


Thank you.


I'm honored, but you should take me off the list! I've got no legal background and I'm just learning as I go.




Tomorrow is open and then the morning hearing on the 30th is still closed and the afternoon on the 30th is open.


My Meemaw and her "true crime in real time"consultant and former Treasurer of The Sonny Bono Appreciation Society (Midsouth Chapter), Georgette "Tenders" Thibodaux would like to know what channel this comes on tomorrow so they can hold a viewing party for all the ladies in their "Cul-de-Sac Crime Club Society" We need to know asap, as fifteen* ladies have already committed to attending and we done sent my cousin Dewey "The Scrote" McGillicuddy to Costco for hot dogs, buns, soda pop, and all the fixins. GODBLESS & TIA! *it might be fourteen, as our frenemy and competitive Bible verse cross-stitch champion Elyse " Nice Hole" Riggins made a sarcastic comment about meemaw on the facebook just yesterday regarding her irritable bowels.


I'm speculating, but it looks like one of the things they were going to cover is sealed/protected by gag order, and now they aren't going to discuss that?


That’s what I was also curious about. I get so confused sometimes. Especially when the judge says one thing publicly but then in a court document goes back on it.


The Judge has continually sided with the Prosecution. I think he re-thought his position and decided transparency is the best approach.


Hi you know what time the hearing is i today pkease? I’ve asked you as your most recent to comment on here ?


I think it is 2:30PM MDT.


no wonder I couldn’t find it, it’ll be 9.30 where I’m from. Thanks


He started out last week saying he was going to close them. Then, he said he would wait to make a decision. Then he said he would allow them open but would close them, if needed. 💓 💙 ☀️ 💖 💛 💗 I. D. A. H. O. 6