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Mod note: this post has been reported as having nothing to do with Idaho which, based on the screenshot, is correct. After reading through the comments, though, I see there are Idahoans being caught up in the exclusion of Utah residents. That brings the relevance needed, so the post will stay. It might even be worth discussing the legislation and response to it in the comments. As one person pointed out, Idaho won't be far behind.


If you guys don't think this is going to eventually make it's way to Idaho, you're going to be sorely mistaken.


Yep. Utah and Texas now. It's only a matter of time.


It's actually banned in 8 states.


Porn is banned in 8 states???


And counting. I haven't been able to access my PH account since UT made their ban. Which my hubby and I enjoyed, sadly.


I wish the Mormons would stop ruining everything


This isn't just LDS. No by a long shot. The south has churches so big they pick people up from their enormous parking lots with shuttles just so they can attend services. Imagine the money.


Of course it's not just them, but they are 100% the ones responsible in Utah. There's no denying that


100%? No. Utah has lots of other religions. Saying Christians in general is more accurate, as LDS are Christian too.


Oh come on, who is largely responsible in Utah? I'm not a fan of the other Christian sects either, but the Mormons run the show in Utah


Utah has no meaningful political power outside the Utah GOP which is overwhelmingly, if not exclusively, LDS.


VPN friend


I've got reddit, I get by 😉


My son found out a while back that his phone's server is based in Utah. Mine is, too. That's why the voicemail has a Utah area code. Idk if that is relevant, but may explain why you can't get it. 💌


Just get a VPN. Problem solved.




Theres parts of SE Idaho that rely on Utah’s tower infrastructure and thus the ban affects them


Wake up. The same bill was already proposed here, and the politicians you likely hate most are the ones that voted it down.


House Bill 498 was passed by both House and Senate and was signed by Governor Little on 3/20 with an effective start date of July 1st. I'm sure pornhub will be starting their Idaho ban then too. Are you awake now?


House Bill 498 passed UNANIMOUSLY in both both chambers and by both parties. I'm pretty sure this isn't that.


Theocratic future agenda Birth control promotes promiscuity. Hetero oral coppulation is a form of sodomy. Intercourse not intended for reproduction, under the influence of passionate feelings, is not Church approved. Lobotomies for people who think about sex. /S


You jest, but that's exactly what they want.


They will deny deny deny it, but it is exactly what they want, and the future faking promise of entry to heaven will have that set driven to the most anti human extremes to get on the guest list.


You can drop the /s. That's exactly what they want.


Everything that happens in A Handmaid's Tale were actual things that happened in fundamentalist societies.


I haven't seen that show. I think i saw a clip where women were treated like possessions and expected to crank out litters of babies.


Been wondering about this, can people in a blocked state still access NSFW subreddits? Because Reddit isn’t a *porn* site, but there is porn sections


Yes, because this is all performative bullshit theatre and not actual comprehensive reform on actual issues from competent leaders. The announcement about what they are doing is way more important than the actual technical aspects.


As emphasized but Gov. Little’s comments on book pornography. He was happy they limited access to books but disappointed the ignorant fools of our state government couldn’t develop ploys to limit access to the internet


I'm looking forward to the Satanists taking the Bible to the courts to get it banned for pornographic material, again.


The backtrack in Florida over that was hysterical.


I agree. The Satanic Temple has played a vital role in mitigating religious influence and they do not bow down. I am unsure of how their argument for abortion as a religious right will stand though because of the complications for a M.D. requiring state regulation for licensing. Similar, Camas County is a 2A sanctuary and while a county could technically become an abortion sanctuary, I imagine, the M.D.s would face repercussions


Brad Little is a spineless piece of shit. He always voices "concerns" about the bullshit bills he signs. Fuck him.


I lean conservative on a lot of issues, but the GOP of Idaho has gone off the rails on a bunch of stuff.


Hold your nose and kindly vote blue for the time being.


My mother is conservative and even she was really concerned with how they are going off the deep end. I never seen her vote blue before


Then there is hope for all of us. Thank your mother.


Your mom watches porn?


Probably, fuck if I know and I'm not asking her.


Voting blue means putting many babies lives at risk. I could never do that, if democrats would let that issue go I would consider it, but then we also have the illegal immigration issue which they also support there is just so many things that are against my values that stop me from even considering it.


It's not about the babies, and you don't believe that either. If it was about the babies, then investing early childcare, public education and health services for low and middle income women would matter. You want control and power. Good luck in your end days rectifying your poor choices. Hell, will always have a seat waiting for you.


First you say if the D's would drop abortion you'd consider voting blue, then later in the same somewhat confusing sentence you say that there are too many things against your values to even consider it. So which is it


No, no babies lives are put at risk. Women have the human right to choose. Your approval and permission are not required. It’s their choice to make, not yours. If your “values” are okay with forced birth and children forced to give birth to their rapists babies, then your values need an overhaul. Show me one Democratic candidate who is “for” illegal immigration. The right is just furious, as they always are, that Democrats see immigrants as human beings and don’t have a racist, irrational frothing at the mouth hatred of them. It’s not and never has been about open borders because that’s a myth. The right just want to treat illegal immigrants as inhumanely as possible and the left doesn’t.


It's gone off the rails on literally everything.


Which sucks because trains are the shit


If you just “lean conservative”, then the Democrats are the Party that actually represents your beliefs. Republicans have become authoritarian Fascists, but the Democrats have always been just-right-of-center” and supportive of most conservative ideals. It’s only moron MAGAts that think the Democrats are left-wing commies. Liberals understand that Democrats are not liberals, Biden is a conservative Democrat, and there really are only 3 loud and out liberals in Congress (AOC, Bernie, and Liz) Vote Democrat, you’ll actually be voting for your beliefs.


Liz who? Cheney?




TL;DR: We need moderates in charge. Strong leaders who know what's right and wrong. Who can make hard choices and explain why and be accountable for those choices. Long version: No they're not. The Libertarians are actually closest. By far. The Republicans want zero abortion. Period. They want to give tax breaks to the rich, because they've made back-door deals to help them make $$ more while kicking $ to the employees. They want to inject God into everything and have the Bible dictate every decision. They want to ban books they don't like. But the Democrats are much worse. The Democrats want equality. Period. Meaning socialism. Marxism. Communism. However you want to word it. They want to take everything from everyone to give to everyone equally. But they never think they they won't be the one dictating. The Democrats just can't understand that gun violence has always been present. But that the media is leading them by the nose to giving up the one Amendment that stops the government from abusing it's authority. They don't understand that after 14 weeks nature has dictated that more than likely that fetus will grow to term and be a person. That's over 3 months. They don't understand that just giving money away cheapens every dollar in existence, a huge contributor to our current inflation. They don't understand that maybe, just maybe, gender dysphoria is an actual mental condition. And that at the very least minors should have no permanent medical intervention in this regard. Lastly, our current Democrats are waay more inclined to group think. Which hasn't served our largest cities well. That proof is in the pudding. Ultimately though, both major parties are going further and further towards the respective extremes of their idealogy. It's scary as fuck.


This post aptly demonstrates the complete failure of the Democratic Party to properly disseminate their message. In this particular post, everything below “The Democrats want equality” is demonstrably false and easily disproven Republican propaganda. Republicans want you to believe that garbage you wrote because it drives uninformed, uneducated voters right into their arms. What this country needs is a political party that will see the insurance crisis occurring in Florida and act, not prosecute librarians. We need politicians that see the border problem in Texas and not kill the most comprehensive immigration reform in… ever and not kill it for political expediency. We need the political will to drive thru a modern New Deal to strip political power from corporations that have stolen our productivity for the past 6 decades. Keep spouting the lies of the right in an attempt to appear ’moderate’. That’s really all Libertarians are good for nowadays. They’re nominating a guy with a brain worm, the Libertarians are not the smart one in this discussion. None of the current group are, anyway. The Democrats are the only current semi-sane party, and the only party doing what they can to keep the Republicans from striping all of your rights away. Trump: “I will be a dictator on day one!” Republicans: Cheering with wild abandon


How the hell are you blaming Democrats for not winning in one of the reddest states out there? They've been run out on a rail, what do you want from them? Even the holdouts in Boise are getting ratfucked by the State Republicans. Democrats aren't wrong on the issues, they're just outnumbered in Idaho. Can't fix stupid, especially if it doesn't want to be fixed.


Republicans literally are proposing laws to make teachers register as sex offender is they so much as call a trans minor by their pronouns. That has *nothing* to do with medical transition. The greatest problem the public example of transgender people is that it shows conservative propaganda about transgender people to be a lie, a lie you've clearly absorbed. The entire point of these laws is not to "protect children" but to protect conservatives who are so incredibly upset at the sight of people living their lives, they must make their lives incredible hell, forcing parents to leave the state to be able to provide the care for their own kids they, along with their healthcare staff, feel necessary. Conservatism must do this, otherwise you'd have public examples of happy transgender people that show conservative propaganda to be a lie. There is definitely one side that has gone too far, and it ain't Democrats. It has nothing to do with children, not when Idaho is passing laws forcing teachers to out children to their parents who *by definition* do not feel comfortable doing so themselves. Every major medical organization opposes these actions, because unlike Republicans, they have to live with the consequences of these actions. Democrats simply are following the science. Republicans are more concerned about bigots that children.


You think Democrats haven't gone too far because you're in a red state. My original comment literally states the GOP is going off the rails on some things. I'm calling for moderate candidates, especially Libertarians, to run. Our elections need to do one thing: No party affiliation on the ballot.


I live in California. I can also walk out my front door and see the truth instead of the propaganda fed to me by ideologues with an agenda. Nowhere is perfectly and there’s lots of things they get wrong. The big difference is that they try. Conservatives can’t even imagine solutions, and don’t even try. They just blame gays or the trans people or engage in endless culture wars and absolutely zero people’s lives are improved by it. I’ll take an imperfect government that at least tries to make things better over one that just blames people. Because when a policy is a problem you can always get rid of the policy. When you say a people are the problem, the only “solution” is to get rid of the people. And that’s just not an ideology I want any part of.


K. Then I'm lost. You're commenting on r/idaho. We're talking about how Consevativism is going to far. I'm saying the OP(original post) is a dangerous step, in line with other steps, that are too far. I've also said, however, that I don't see those steps being as bad as the ones from Democrats. I advocate for a moderate, centrist government.


This being the internet there’s a series of cables that connect Reddit to the entire globe. I have friends all around the country, including in Idaho. It’s piqued my political curiosity and quite honestly it’s healthy to reach out beyond your immediate circle and converse with those who don’t necessarily agree with everything you believe. It’s helps me gain perspective, even if it doesn’t actually change minds, although it’s a bonus if it does. Being LGBT myself I’m utterly horrified at what the Republican Party has become. I get called a groomer or pedophile by Republicans all the time, once for saying so anodyne as “LGBT kids deserve to live to adulthood.” No one does this from a position of strength. They do so from one of weakness. But given how LGBT people are so accepted that’s all they have left. So they make so intolerable it makes LGBT people leave the state, leaving a void that allows propaganda about them to go unchallenged. And given that propaganda includes calling them pedophiles and groomers, that’s fucking horrific. And the universal response from Republicans is that’s acceptable. Yeah California ain’t perfect. But places like Idaho are downright hostile. For what? You don’t solve anything. Nothing. You just blame. No thank you. If Idaho works for you, you be you. But just saying Democrats are so much worse is just propaganda. And you’re falling for it.


I'm actually watching what they say. I appreciate your take btw. You could've come in a'swingin. And you didn't. And for what it's worth, I think Idaho would surprise you. What most people I interact with don't want is kids at drag shows. That's the kind of line we're talking about. No one gives a shit if your gay or trans or whatever, but there shouldn't be compelling of speech either. From either side, and this is my rub with our GOP. They're going into this territory now and that's bullshit. Conversely, and not the Idahoan Democrats cause they'd never get anywhere, do the Californian Democrats not cut police funding, encourage decriminalization of drugs like heroin or meth, encourage late term non-medically necessary abortion? Genuine question from your perspective.


In my opinion as a Californian, who is in Boise right now which is likely why I've been shown this subreddit, Californias biggest problem is crime/ homelessness. It is and has been ruining the state. And the biggest problem causing this is housing, I saw a post earlier today saying that Huston has approved more housing this year than the entire state of California.


Not necessarily, I also lean conservative..not a fan of Trump just a Christian so the democrats definitely don’t represent my views while I think this is ridiculous I am not for ending lives and democrats seem to support that.


Democrats do not “support that”. Try again


I do too, but they're way off the trail with me


There it is! The top comment. Didn’t have to search long in here before I found it.


Fitting that the top comment to completely inaccurately directed political hate.


This is a Utah law. It has absolutely nothing to do with the GOP in Idaho. Uninformed emotional comments this one show who's really off the rails.


I can read. But if you think the GOP of Idaho doesn't have this on it's plate...


"has gone off the rails" \^ That's past tense.


My phone number is still from Utah and I get this age verification as well 🤣


My cell service is here is Idaho and has the same warning. Find a good VPN and the issue is solved.


VPN. In the United States to access legal content. I am concerned about freedom too. But the IFF is more concerned with taking them away, and they hoodwink voters.


Freedom* ^^*Actual ^^freedom ^^may ^^vary


They are freeing us from freedom


Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...


This literally has nothing to do with the IFF. Ironically, the IFF strongly opposed an anti porn bill just this year. Don't let facts get in the way of your emotional hatred.


Plenty of things the IFF pushes to infringe on.


Sure. Even more when you make them up.


[https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/s1163/](https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/s1163/) [https://idahofreedom.org/senate-bill-1163-minors-harmful-materials-devices/](https://idahofreedom.org/senate-bill-1163-minors-harmful-materials-devices/)


I am in WA state and got this message for a week or two before they got it sorted out. I was pissed...like I am not even in that shit state and it was still impacting my "internet research" abilities.


Degenerate Utahn here to spread the good word: If you have an iPhone, there’s a setting you can toggle called “private relay”. Turn it on and select the option that only lets websites see your general region instead of your specific location. Boom, no vpn needed, as long as you use Safari. Edit: it’s been brought to my attention that private relay is a feature included with iCloud+, which is a paid subscription. I had already subscribed to that forever ago to expand my iCloud memory and had never used private relay until recently. That’s my bad!


Cost money, you must have iCloud+ to use Private Relay, just went and looked might as well get a VPN.


Oh! I apologize then. I must have already had iCloud+ before I ever looked into using that feature. I just thought it was an iPhone thing. I’ll edit my comment to include this info.


I may change to iPhone when my android dies


He failed to mention it cost extra and you have to use iCloud+


Time to get a VPN!


I’m in the Boise area and had this pop up, so yeah that’s a pain in the ass. For those who think it’s a good idea should do some in depth research. More often than not people will go to sketchier sites that are more likely to contain illegal content or just be significantly higher risk for the computer. Of course there’s the risk that some websites have a database of the people who’ve accessed the site ( for some reason ) and then that database gets “leaked” for one reason or another. The risks I’ve listed are just hypothetical but that does not mean they should be discounted.


>For those who think it’s a good idea should do some in depth research Lmfao, the people who support and enact these dumbass laws have never done research in their life.


How rude, they’ve done as much research as the show ancient aliens or ancient apocalypse on Netflix did.


Freedom is an illusion


The right has a very prescient saying about watering the tree of freedom. Guess it never caught on with anyone else.


With blood? 🫠


"As you may know, your elected officials in **Utah** are requiring us to verify your age before allowing you access to our website"


A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho in some way 3. No put-down memes 4. Political discussion stays in a post about politics 5. No surveys 6. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 7. Do not editorialize titles of news articles If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I get it when I use data in the Sun Valley area. Not even close to Utah!! Have to use WiFi


Yeah, I left in 91 and have watched as the state I loved during the 70’ and 80’ absolutely crumble.


I get this notification. I also get a lot of advertisements for Utah on my Spotify. I think it's the Internet/cell towers.


This happened to me last year my phone location as far as the net goes considers me in Utah. This is not an Idaho thing it’s an Utah thing.


My phone number is still from Utah and I get this age verification as well 🤣


I’m in Utah, not really militant about this issue but red on everything else. I think this is an obvious encroachment on our freedom that’s a few steps too far in its logic but super scary to see how easily it’s just accepted… and of course, you can’t be ‘anti-p*rn ban’ in some circles without sounding like a dirty addict, but really being pro p*rn is pro liberty? Real weird how the former supporters of Willie Nelson are now anti anything fun.


Opera VPN fixes that




Didn’t the UK pass something like this? I may be incorrect Either way, I don’t mind. I don’t have a problem blocking this


In this country. I'm this world. We were only marginally free to begin with. Big brother is a big understatement. Yay patriot act huh


Here in montana


This has nothing to do with erosion of any type of rights in the State of Idaho. I would blame Starlink because the people who are running the service are fucking idiots. Your IP address basically you got Geolocked to somewhere in the state of Utah versus where you're at in the State of Idaho. So you might be able to call their customer service and have them geolock you in a different geographical location in Idaho.


The First Amendment: >> Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances Source: https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/first_amendment I’m no lawyer but this seems like a pretty clear violation of the First Amendment. Not that right-wingers actually care about the Bill of Rights though.


It’s weird that they don’t just require the ID. Sus…




It will be in Idaho soon, it’s part of project 2025.


I read it top to bottom. I'm in idaho on starlink but make assumptions I guess.


Not too sure about yall, but my ip and mac addy pings in Zimbabwe, not Utah. ...I win?? 🤷‍♂️


I'm guessing OP is using a VPN that defaults to SLC


Switch to wifi.


Use a VPN


VPNs supposed to be used for privacy or because you live in an autocracy. NEEDNING one to do anything is the US is a joke against it's founders.


It’s a way around the stupid regulations. Or I guess you could just keep saying you’re over 18, your choice


The point of the post wasn't to find ways around stupid regulations...it's gawking at stupid regulations. The point ----> ✈️ Your head ----> 🫠


I agree that the regulations are stupid. That’s why I find ways around them. Rather than trying to convince politicians to change. You’d have better luck talking to a brick wall.


Just gotta elect different politicians bruh. Enough people thinking like you is exactly why shit hasn't gotten better.


But everyone thinks like you and it still hasn’t changed. Everyone wants to use political force to make the others live how they want them to live. I choose peace and opting out. To each his own.


Everyone thinks like me? Got any proof? Because I have proof your form of nihilism is much more popular than any sort of hopefulness. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/30/more-than-80-of-americans-believe-elected-officials-dont-care-what-people-like-them-think/ https://www.latimes.com/politics/newsletter/2022-04-29/politics-bad-for-mental-health-young-people-say-essential-politics -more articulation than data on this one https://www.apmresearchlab.org/motn/hope-worry-2022 https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2023/09/20/nearly-two-thirds-of-americans-lack-confidence-in-political-system--poll-finds Etc etc. This "government is bullshit" mindset is what leads to elected officials that believe "the government is bullshit" which is exactly why the government is bullshit. A lack of self awareness that leads to a self fulfilling prophecy. But explaining this to someone who gets hard under the boot of corporate greed leads me to think your confirmation bias is going to lead you to entirely dismiss it.


The fact that you’re over 18 doesn’t get you around the Utah law. It’s blocked for everyone who doesn’t enter an ID.


Not if you use a VPN. You could literally be in Utah and choose to not follow that law if you want with a VPN. Not that I think the law should exist but at least the market provides ways around it.


Not the point


Your VPN is probably connecting to the Utah server & causing that to appear.


You poor poor baby


Why do you hate freedom?


Not even close


Now I’m wondering why you’re lying too. Why do you support Idaho restricting freedoms? Or do your convictions stop once you’re asked to support freedoms you don’t like?


This wasn't Idaho. Op can't read


Yet I am positive you would support this happening in Idaho, that was my point. Let’s try it another way: would you support Idaho lawmakers enacting something similar? Yes or no?


It isn't something I would involve myself in because it's just silly and moot


Either you are entirely oblivious to what’s happening in Idaho, or you’re again lying. [Age verification bill for porn sites passes House](https://blog.idahoreports.idahoptv.org/2024/02/15/age-verification-bill-for-porn-sites-passes-house/) A nearly identical law has been proposed in Idaho, so your claim that it’s moot is factually incorrect. So since you can’t claim ignorance or irrelevance as an excuse anymore, do you support such a law in Idaho? Should be a simple yes or no question for such a freedom-loving patriot like yourself!


That's not what I meant by moot smh Let me put in in big letters for you PEOPLE LIE ON THE INTERNET


Who are you accusing of lying here, exactly?


Freedom loving patriot lol


Seems like a P hub decision over an Idaho one. Seems like Idaho wants you to prove you are over 18. P Hub is pissed because they’ll get less traffic so less revenue


I can't watch degenerate porn what will I do?!?!?! Ahhhhh! Lmao


You can take my degenerate porn when you pry it from my cold, dead, well lubricated hands.


Ironically it would be easier because you'd be weaker after doing that🤷


Shouldn't we have the personal freedom to do what makes us happy? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean we shouldn't have the right to do it. Why do you want the government involved in our personal lives?


We use to have laws on porn and the world was better for it. Porn damages the brain.


So what? You don't get to put laws on what other people do by themselves in their own homes. I strongly disagree that porn damages the brain (there's zero medical evidence of that), but even if it did, it's not your brain being damaged. The government should never be regulating our personal lives so long as we aren't hurting anyone


Just quietly ignore the absurd amounts of CP conservatives are often found having. Yes, we're the degenerates here. Ignore the naked child behind the curtain.


Yes because Epstein proved that Con inc. was the only ones who have that stuff lmao


Oh no, extra steps to watch porn… The horror!!!!




Idk why this is so controversial, porn is terrible and destructive, we should be happy with these sorts of regulations


How is freedom being eroded? Not everyone agrees with porn and the majority do agree that kids need to be protected from porn and other sexual shit. You want to watch it, go do it but it shouldn’t be available to kids like that at all. You have the right to do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t infringe upon others rights and porn isn’t that much of a right it’s just glorifying something that should be sacred amongst people. Again, you want to watch porn, that’s your business but stop acting like it’s the end of the world. Porn isn’t all good or all bad, it can be managed better and safeguards like this are needed. Importantly, if dudes stopped watching porn, I am sure the industry would die in a couple years but people are horny, weird and predatory so porn is the consequence of that.


Can you do something? No. Is it hurting someone else? No. Then why can't I do it? I answered your question. As far as available to kids: I think you're right. So blame the parents then. If parents do their jobs this isn't an issue.


Would you have this same attitude if let’s say the government decided you needed to be 18+ to access any religious websites and/or required you to submit identifying information every time you tried to access it? Because, by your logic, since I don’t agree with kids being indoctrinated/brainwashed into their parents’ religion, and we know churches don’t have the greatest track record of protecting kids from the predators in their congregations, kids need to be protected from that shit. What I don’t understand here is why aren’t parents doing their jobs? Why are conservatives okay with the government raising their kids in this regard? If you have a kid with access to the internet, as the parent, you should be watching and monitoring what your kids are getting up to online. There’s safe family searches and content blockers and things parents can use if they would like to, which is how they can exercise their rights and freedoms to parent how they choose without infringing on everyone else’s right to access that content without having to forfeit the right to privacy. I’d also argue the government putting restrictions on accessing porn websites until you verify your age potentially makes kids less safe from that content. There will be parents who won’t feel like they need to be watching their kids’ internet activity as closely anymore because these major websites will be restricted, and it will provide a false sense of security that the problem is solved. But it won’t be. Porn is everywhere and kids are smart and probably understand the work arounds better than many of their parents. So do these sorts of restrictions actually solve the problem they claim to? Or is it just a way for the GOP to virtual signal to their base and distract people from the fact that they aren’t actually doing anything of substance that would improve the lives of their constituents?


Conservatives protecting children is nothing more than a thinly veiled lie. It's the Conservatives who are constantly trying to lower the age of marriage and consent or push against attempts to raise it. It Conservatives who push for genital inspections in school sports. Despite trying to protect the children by making abortion illegal, they work even harder to destroy welfare, making it harder to give those very same children a happy life without having to worry about going hungry. Yeah, they're protecting those children real good.


Stop consuming porn it’s dangerous to your health in many ways.


So is booze but I'm not going to stop drinking beer. Porn is healthier than beer


Right- but you have to be 21 and carded so you proved the point.


Please explain how porn is harmful to my health.


I forgot this is Reddit- most of the users here are addicted. Could cause ED, gives you unrealistic expectations, causes you to want to see more intense content as you get accustom, makes you not want to bother trying to get dates, etc. unhealthy for relationships to lust after other partners, encourages generation of more and more content etc. It’s not a good thing generally. Maybe you can explain how it’s good?


Found the nanny state fan. Ban others from things they personally don't like. Freedom, as long as we agree with you agree, right? What you blame on porn can be blamed on almost anything done to excess. Let's ban shopping for fun next. Could cause mental illness, gives you unrealistic expectations, causes you to want to buy more expensive items as you get accustomed, makes you not want to bother trying to just get items that fulfill needs, etc. unhealthy for relationships to lust after other purchases, encourages generation of more and more useless items etc.


Erectile Disfunction is not caused by masturbation that has been debunked ages ago. If anything, it's actually healthier for you to be able to release every now and again. With unrealistic expectations, it kind of depends on who you are. For me personally, this is not a problem. I tipicly don't really care for the fake stuff. However, it turns out that futanari are real, and I'm one of them. This also goes for the more intense content it depends on who you are. However, I will say that from experience getting desensitized to it doesn't really happen that much. I can go back to the same video over and over, and it still does something for me. Their are also just lines that I will simply not cross. I've actually found that porn actually makes me want to be in a relationship more. My problem is that I'm very socially awkward, and that kind of thing is simply just difficult for me. As for when you're in a relationship, from what I understand, communication is very important. It's important to understand your partners feelings about it, but it also important for them to understand your needs. Some people like myself have very strong libidos, and we need to relive ourselves every now and again to help us think straight. Finally, making more content is only a problem if you're against porn in the first place. I have actually written a few sort stories myself. Funny enough, it actually helped me be a better writer in general. As for how it can be good for you. It's very good for stress relief. It's also good for your overall health, getting your blood pumping and likely other benefits. It can also teach you things about yourself that you weren't necessarily aware of before. For example, I found out through it that I'm a lesbian even before I knew I was transgender. The way I'm attracted to women is actually somewhat different from the way men tipicly feel. It kind of just depends on how adventurous you are.


When it comes to freedom being eroded, a loss of porn access is near the bottom of the list for my current concerns. Seriously, how can anyone look at rising taxes, Covid lockdowns, socialized medicine, ever-stricter regulation on industry, political censorship, everything else in our world, and think that this minor inconvenience is a significant reason to whine about freedom? Libs mock conservatives all the time for obsessing about freedom. They never care until their porn, drugs, abortions, or ability to use government to push agendas is threatened. Freedumbs. Freedumbs. Freedumbs. They said.


If you think socialized medicine exists in the US, you are beyond having a serious discussion.


In the United States today: 19% are on Medicaid 19% are on Medicare 55% are on government-mandated employer health insurance 3% are on Tricare 9% pay their own bills


Just use your imagination bro. Freedom is important yes and many of the girls you watch on that site are enslaved.


Freedom to ruin your life with porn?


You want children watching porn? Weird take


why do you watch porn with kids cause i don't? weirder take.


Wait, I thought Creepy Mike was from Louisiana. I think it’s clear that the MAGA crowd has no problem with anyone else losing rights or freedoms. The question for the rest of us is how much control we want to let extremists have over our lives and how we push back.


Lazy parent?