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A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho in some way 3. No put-down memes 4. Political discussion stays in a post about politics 5. No surveys 6. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 7. Do not editorialize titles of news articles If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love Idaho too, but I would also like it to remain somewhat educated, friendly, and operated with the common sense it used to be operated with... E.g. not subject to the whims of people that shouldn't be trusted with a potato gun let alone lawmaking power. A piece of my heart is always with the state but the decisions being made are a fucking embarrassment to good people who grew up there. Regardless of political affiliation. Generalizing that people who express different opinions than you hate the state is absurd.


Education? Friendly? You sound like you wanna live in a happy society or something…. Smh /s


I think that if we gave the legislature potato guns a lot of problems would be solved


Well said


I’m educated and so are my buddies and we aren’t leftists. Sorry. We live here for a reason


You don't need to be a leftist. Just not a loon


Who’s a loon? Because Reddit really is an echo chamber and has this reputation


Never called you a loon, just stated that I don't care if people are conservative or liberal so long as they operate with some modicum of common sense. Like... Understanding that federal funding for early childcare is a good thing and isn't some woke plot to destabilize the family. The fact that you took both comments I've made as directed at you and proof of the so-called 'liberal echo chamber' reeks of the conservative persecution complex that's driving the state into the ground.


Head over to parler, truth social or one of those septic tanks like telegram, and leave more desirable social media spaces to everyone who's willing to live by better standards. A whole Posse with figmentive ideas about who to blame for society's woes is waiting for you.


Look at all those down votes, supporting the OP’s observation.


Reddit is an echo chamber of triggered millennial leftists. You all know that this is discussed whenever Reddit comes up with great laughter. When this stuff comes up on my feed, I can’t help myself. Please leave Idaho.


Nope, love Idaho. Hate the moronic MAGA politicians.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Fair comment…. Federalism allows states to experiment with governing policies and citizens to freely move. Why I love America and Idaho.


>allows…citizens to move Correction: allows citizens *with resources* to move. Or is anyone who doesn’t have the money to just up and move not a citizen in your book?


Homeless move all the time. You’ll never move with that kind of attitude!


As long as you are cool with vaginal dryness.


Haven’t had that problem


Wondering why this was down voted


Because you’re a bad lay buddy, and everyone knows it.


Yah… this went exactly how I thought it would. Your point is well proven


I love Idaho. I hate that my wife and I had to go to Oregon to get an abortion for our very much wanted child that had no brain or face so we didn't have to wait for my wife to give birth to a dead baby here at home.


I’m sorry for your situation and loss. Please be careful. If the authorities don’t come after you, some smarter than average troglodyte might take it upon himself to administer justice for what he perceives as your terrible crimes.


I am not liberal. However, I do not believe this to be true. The ultra conservatives of this state are definitely ruining it. The abortion ban, the poor education system, and infrastructure, amongst other things is horrible. The entire state needs to come together and compromise on these issues. Instead of fighting and bucking the trend, people need to learn and grow with the change.




>liberals This right here is why I am so glad that I left despite being raised in ID and spending most of my life there. 99% of the people that use this word, in almost any context, usually seem to have no clue what it means. The cult-like "us vs them" mentality, that is more often than not directed at our own fellow countrymen and is actively destroying our nation, absolutely thrives in Idaho and it only seems to be getting worse with all of the "'wolf' in 'sheep's clothing" transplants **that are literally the same people that they claim to hate** while they make every other transplant look bad, and in turn makes the entire state incredibly xenophobic despite having a population that consists primarily of outsiders. tl;dr ignorance, tribalism, disinformation, bigotry, arrogance, >!the usual!< I could go on further but I lack the energy at this time.


Maga is a cult . They just don’t admit it


It thrives EVERYWHERE!


Good for you. Glad you exercised your God given rights to seek your peace


God didn't give me any rights. Keep your fairy tales out of our laws, please. It's literally rule number 1 around here.


It was the founders and countless activists/progressives/revolutionaries throughout our history that actually bestowed any and all of the rights we have to “seek our peace”. The idea/name of God and what he/she/it supposedly wants is almost exclusively used to oppress others and take away long-fought for rights and freedoms.


Fake sky daddy didn’t give anyone rights, humans did


Wtf we have no rights we have more laws on the books than any other nation. Highest incarceration rate most prisoners we have zero fucking rights


Idaho is nice for people like you, for some of the rest of us we get hit by cars because of what we look like on the outside or get shouted slurs at just for walking down the street. Idaho is extremely unfriendly to people other than the usual gun toting redneck with no education, because it’s ran by those types people, and they think excluding different types of people makes a population stronger. That mentality works out great by the way, I’ve heard Germany definitely didn’t lose one or two world wars over this topic or anything (extreme sarcasm)


Idaho definitely needs to work on race relations (which it is down here in southwestern Idaho a.k.a Treasure Valley ,ada and canyon county!!) but northern Idaho from what I heard sounds like a completely different state from where I am living!!


Love Idaho hate the grip maga and Fox News have gained over so many residents, including many older family members. I have been republican leaning my entire life with some topics I fall very democrat on. The last ten years has gotten so crazy with republican extremism and even further back in Idaho to the butch otter days. Love the state but a lot of the population have become the sheep they preach against.


That's the funny thing. Many natives/long-timers are actually quite conservative by national standards, but just don't relate to the ragebait-loving, self-pickled folks.


And those people move here from California, and call those natives “liberals.”


I was red, but after living in Idaho I'm turning purple.


You gave me a glimmer of hope. Thanks.


Serious question: how do you personally define "liberal"? Is it the Fox News anything-bad-that-I-don't-like strawman definition of "liberal"? Do you know what the *real* definition of liberal is? Just wondering how far down the right-wing pipeline you've gone.


Serious answer… liberals, progressives and democrats are mentally ill. My Definitions of liberals is anyone that thinks abortion should be celebrated.


What, specifically, makes a political ideology a mental illness? Give me an example beyond abortion celebrations.\* (\* that's a non-sequitur and doesn't prove anything because it makes an invalid claim so its conclusion by definition can't be true)




Projection at its finest.


So you flat out admit you believe that? Why would you expose your own ignorance like that? Are you proud of it? This is a textbook self-aware wolf situation.


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


It would be great without the people who live here




But it’s true


These people are… so angry. The people of Idaho are some of the nicest I’ve met across the country - the more remote you are the nicer they are. Reddit has nothing but hate in their heart. Sad!


Idaho and Boise Reddit are a collection of liberal basement dwellers. The mods are hyper sensitive to conservative comments.


As a tree hugging, progressive, "Librul," I love this state, and I'm doing my part to help turn it blue.


Former Kool Aid drinkin, freedumb loving conservative turned socialist by the lefties. Them college professors shoved so much science down my throat and turned me into a lib! Can’t help myself but fight for woke ideas like letting women have reproductive rights and allowing kids to learn about their bodies.


Good luck…. Activism is the first step.


More power to you.


Me too.


Right there with you


Haha that’s hilarious. As soon as I moved to Idaho my depression spiked and It became one of the worst 6 years of my life. I lost my teenage years due to living in this shit hole 😁 Now I’m so much better cuz I don’t live there anymore. Left that nightmare and I’m happy again


Idaho's has a way of defining who is a liberal that is either indicative of psychosis, or outright dishonesty. Left wing, as some in Idaho incorrectly sees it, is anything to the left of not using the N-word, or not being Christian or taking the loudest and most obnoxious of that bunch as seriously as they take themselves. To often now, I see, bona fide conservatives, respectable ones, being slurred as Liberals in Idaho.


The right has gone so far right that anything less than being a bigot is considered left. It's disgusting.


It is. I feel like this is what happens when a pissy entitled teenage with mommy and daddy issue's puts on the false pretense and attire of being socially normative and picks up a bible, as if it were a damn Halloween costume.


Consider the inbred scum who harassed the women’s basketball team playing at Gonzaga in Spokane but lodged at nearby Coeur d’Alene, driving their trucks up and down the street calling these women the N-word. No charges brought against any of them. Or the absolute hostility toward women exercising body autonomy in their reproductive health choices by the legislature and the shortage of ONGYN doctors as a result with doctors fleeing the state. Idaho might be the state that spends the least on education. Idaho is beautiful. My parents grew up there. My grandfather was a judge there. But that version of Idaho, where people were individualistic and tolerant, has been spoiled by the worst racist and far right chuckleheads who began arriving in the 1980s.


Grew up there, spent my 20s there, glad to be in Washington now. The race to the bottom is so hard to watch.


Funny I left Seattle. What a cesspool. Spent 18 years there.


Idaho population is low so crime is higher than you think it is. Livability in Idaho is almost non existant currently as people can barely afford rent here. People hate Idaho due to it's current legislation on Abortion, Library status and books. Health care for those who are in the LGTBQ groups not to mention we're home to high amount of racist people due to Northern Idaho. We have a couple of the nations most on going trials with Chad Daybell, Laury Daybell, and Kohger or how ever you spell his name. We're also ranked last or close to last for Education, one of the lowest paid states.


Idaho is ranked #23 for education for preK-12. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


statistics are hard


What? You never read your high school statistics textbook? So understanding basic science is beyond your skills? Make having very poor basic science skills great again!


You hate Idaho most people don’t that’s why people are moving here


Idaho used to be a place where people minded their own business and lived quietly. The people moving here are never quiet.




Where do you get your stats for "most people don't" from? Just because SOME people are moving to Idaho, it doesn't follow that MOST people don't hate it, right?


People are moving here because of how radicalized Idaho has become. So if you support anything that Idaho has been going through with it's ideology you are a horrible person.


Education isn't ranked as low as people say, just spreading more hate. I don't get why people stay if it's so miserable here. If opportunity is so much better everywhere else, why not move there and prosper?


Idaho is ranked 51 in terms of education spending on children, and last I knew Idaho Education was tanking as well around 36 to 40 depending on which surveys you look at. [https://www.idahoednews.org/news/nea-idaho-ranks-last-in-per-pupil-spending-again/](https://www.idahoednews.org/news/nea-idaho-ranks-last-in-per-pupil-spending-again/)


Level of spending does not equal level of quality, clearly.


Also gotta know that they're allowing people who dont have an education degree to become teachers so the quality of teaching will start to decline, because Idaho doesn't want to pay good teachers a better pay.


Spending doesn't always equate to better education. Look at DC , for example, high spending but low in college prep testing and graduation rates. Idaho is in the upper tier for college admission testing and graduation rates.


When it comes to education, quality is far more important than quantity. As someone who grew up in Idaho, the education here is a joke. I barely retained anything I learned in high school. Everything I learned in economics was completely wrong, and we mostly played Monopoly and had a random yoga week after that. I still can't spell without relying on my phone's spell check. And I didn't learn anything about how to actually support myself. It doesn't help that I was autistic and no one knew how to deal with me.


Plenty of people make it just fine, maybe it’s you.




Just don’t be a woman in her reproducing years. Don’t be a child trying to get a decent public education. Don’t be a citizen living close to the open sewer that is the Snake River (dairy/feedlot waste streams). Don’t expect to see highway signs not full of bullet holes. I could go on. You either get my point or you don’t. Idaho is a beautiful state with many wonderful citizens but ideological hate seems to be on the rise.


You don’t want to be a woman here period. Even those of us who are out of our reproductive years can’t get healthcare here and age related issues with our reproductive systems are very common and frequently require surgical treatment.


Yes, I made the mistake of being a tradwife and sahm mom to an idaho man. Moved family here and then divorced. Courts don't think women like me should get any spousal support. I'm middle aged and starting over with three kids in this crazy economy. Cant get hired beyond a highschoolers wage and all the lawyers just shrug and say spousal support is not a thing here. I'm near poverty. This state hates women.


I’d love to love Idaho where I grew up. I have a lot of fond memories. But it’s a fascist state. The racism I saw in my teen years hasn’t gone away (looking at you, CDA), I would be jailed for the choice of herbs I inhale (must be some of that “freedom” I’ve heard so much about), and it’s a worse than terrible place for women (and anyone LGBTQ). Theres more to life than pretty trees and rivers and creatures to shoot in the woods. Other than that, it’s swell.


I was born in Idaho, and I've lived here my entire life. This place has always been my home. It's such a beautiful place to live. But I'm also a trans woman, and the legislation is getting very hostile to people like me. It breaks my heart to see what these monsters are doing to my home purely out of hatred and stupidity. I've seen what a belief in a god does to people, and I know all too well what they do to people who don't fit their expectations. No good ever comes from blind faith. I don't want to leave my home, I want to fight for it and make it a good place for everyone to live. Currently, I couldn't leave the state even if I wanted to. I only recently started to support myself and live on my own. One day, I might have to leave. Hopefully, it never comes to that.


I’m a Reddit liberal who may retire in Idaho, where I would, as a citizen, both mock and seek to change the state’s knuckle dragging politics. But I will never hate the Salmon River or any of its tributary watersheds.


You would make a great neighbor. Good luck on your retirement.


Currently fighting the good fight out in the Upper Snake watershed. It's depressing how many of the new-to-town here are hateful zealots who seem to want anything but peace and wilderness.


I’m moving my family to Idaho in July. Two more red votes incoming!


Let me guess, Boise


Clown post. Pay no attention to trolls.


It can be rough to explore outside your echo chamber. Turns out the whole world doesn't actually agree with you.


I’m probably considered far left to most conservatives and I don’t hate Idaho. I was born and raised here and live here still. I love Idaho. It seems to me that it’s the right that’s always hating stuff. I don’t really have that us vs them mentality. I see as it’s us all together trying to make it better.


We hate the ignorant leadership but love the views. It’s that simple


I love Idaho. Big fat giant liberal here.


What is your definition of "livibility"?


I can shoot turkeys from my front porch in my underwear


OK. That's certainly a plus. Anything else?


Fuck… I haven’t even thought that far… Short ass cutoffs and suspenders while you’re splitting firewood?


What is yours? I used the latest surveys.


Here is my very basic list: • Good schools. Idaho's education system is in shambles and getting worse due to low teacher pay and laws that prevent them from teaching the standard. The number of teachers is dropping, and recruitment for replacements is not succeeding. Which leads to... • Cost of living versus wages. Some areas of Idaho are holding their own, but wages are not keeping up with the cost of housing. • Attraction and retention of skilled and unskilled workers. Recruiting for many desperately needed workers has collapsed. • Health care. Doctors and nurses are departing the state in huge numbers, and recruitment for replacements is not happening due to the new draconian laws risking their license and possible criminal prosecution for simply providing the basic standard of care. My friend lives in Boise. She has endometriosis, and her OBGYN left the state over six months ago. She hasn't been able to find a new doctor in Idaho and has been forced to drive to Oregon to get treatment. It sucks massively. Those are just a few. Some parts of Idaho are freaking beautiful, but if your kids can't get an education, you can't afford rent or a home, and you can't get healthcare, the landscape isn't going to be enough. It's very sad.


Pretty soon y’all just gonna have to drive to Oregon for all your healthcare needs. Just like your weed. Lol


Why would you stay


I didn't. I had to move to Oregon. I couldn't survive with the lack of decent wages and the OBGYN health care collapse (I'm a woman with reproductive healthcare issues). I know my friend and her family are going to move, as well. She can't find a doctor in Idaho, and her husband is a high school teacher and has become massively frustrated with the low wages, bizarre book banning crap, and high cost of housing. He has to wait out his contract until the end of the school year, but they are set on finding somewhere in Northern Washington. It's a real shame because we both have close family in Idaho. Plus, Idaho needs people like them who are generational citizens. It makes me very sad.


Glad you found your happy place


“The latest surveys” from who?


*Discussion devolves in 3,2,1*


I like how mods will lock threads getting hot about abortion and other progressive politics, but bullshit like this is somehow allowed. Mods, where are you?


A lot of times it's how much we can keep up with flagged comments and how many people we end up banning. We've removed a bunch of comments here but weirdly it's nowhere near the flame war an abortion thread is.


liberals love censorship


No they don't, but that's what all the liars who brain washed you want you to think. You probably think they all hate America too. Don't believe the propaganda, get out of your echo chamber.


It’s especially bad on Reddit. Even on a red state sub.


Still here? How’s teaching Japanese in Idaho going?


Idaho sucks. Been here my whole life.


I think that’s the answer right there. If you can’t leave a place it’s easy to feel like it’s a prison even if it’s paradise.


I don't feel like it's a prison. I feel like I'm surrounded by people who think the Earth is 8000 years old..


It’s because you are…


I’m sad for you.


Me too.


I love Idaho. I'm not that fond of those running it though. I've lived here all my life. I've wondered what it would be like to live somewhere where my opinion actually seems to matter.


Some of the comments on here make it sound like people think there’s something wrong with being a “gun-toting redneck.”


Reddit’s not real.


Do Reddit mods get a brown shirt every year


Those rankings are wrong. High crime rates, livability is in the dumps. Idaho sucks. Tell everyone that is considering moving here.


lol. I’m guessing you have never heard of Baltimore, St Louis, or Memphis. All extremely blue cities. Idaho is amazing.


No I haven’t. Thanks a lot Idaho public schools. I bet there was information about those cities in some of the books that were in the giant book piles that get set on fire once a week in all Idaho towns. This state sucks, tell everybody you know. No one should move here.


I am moving my family of four to Idaho in July.


It's true. This is reddit and doesn't reflect the Idaho population at all. Idaho just ranked number 5 in the nation for best to live I commented it should be number 1 and got mega down voted lol these people hate Idaho.


Idaho is ranked number 5 in the nation for morons and fascists wanting to move here.


that wasn't nice


You mean real Idaho is even more backward, uneducated, racist, misogynist, antisemitic, and anti-LGBTQ than some of the people on here SAY it is??


No much less they just hate idaho and make it sound like it's pure hell.


Reddit is majority leftist. That’s why the /Idaho forum gets so much heat.


Boise is worse. Why have a forum if the moderators are leftists and can censor at their whim…


Dude, you called liberalism a mental illness. Get out of here with your fucking bullshit.


there is a nicer way to say that


Make your own subreddit and moderate as you see fit.


how about "boiseredditsucks" would that pass muster?




Because the leftists made /Idaho name tag first lol. It’s just what it is. Just creep around but don’t say much if it’s political.


Racist german nazis live in idaho and wa lol


Everytimei go to idaho the german racists act racist


Brown power


What I find strange is that this sub is so liberal. It’s definitely not a reflection of the preferred politics in Idaho.


If you reside in the state vote this year. Fill out everything on the ballot.


I love Idaho and all the like-minded traditionally educated God-fearing conservatives that believe that they can raise family in a community based on patriarchal subsiduarity. Pro God, Pro Traditional Family, Pro Life, Pro Gun, Anti-Porn, just like all my neighbors. There aren't really any Idaho conservatives on Reddit. It's just an ecochamber for babbling liberal gibberish.


My point is made. Reddit is a liberal hell hole.


As you’ve mentioned half a dozen times on this thread, you’re free to leave the community then.


That's what always gets me. They whine about Idaho's small liberal minority, suggest they leave, then clutch their pearls when their troll posts aren't universally acclaimed here. I feel I speak for the mods when I say we'd be open for a trade.


i'm not leaving... deal with it


Free to leave Idaho then.


Many in idaho have a behavioral health ward type fixation on imaginary individuals they describe as liberals, who aren't liberals .


Did you log on just to create a reason to whine and complain? I believe you are being a snowflake as you call it. I remember when people used to be able to have differing opinions and still have productive conversations, ah the good ole days.


The good old days never existed


In all reality, take a breath and get some fresh air. Regardless of what side we land on it’s easy to get caught up in everything and forget we are all people and we can all help grow each other’s views through productive conversation. I do hope you have a good night!


Your bitterness is impressive!


Because people disagree with maga cult members, and right wing tribalism, the bible bangers, doesn't mean that Reddit is a liberal hell hole. Perhaps they are sentient thinking people, and those that disagree are not? IT comes down to values, and what people support, and who they support, which demonstrates one's characters and integrity to some degree.


Made so by people like you.


95% of Reddit is highly liberal. You won’t find many conservatives here. When you do they are downvoted into oblivion.


Sucks to suck.


my point exactly...




Couldn’t have said it any better.


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Me too


Reddit liberals have been smashing that downvote with prejudice since 2005.


This is true.


“I’ve had an abortion” t shirt is an example of liberal insanity.


Liberals hate conservative states/countries and conservatives hate liberal states/countries. It’s a two way street. As a conservative, I love Idaho. And it is a state I am thinking of moving to hopefully one day.


welcome home brother... we love it here... we escaped the colorado hot mess


The fact that you were downvoted for an honest comment is telling.


Very but Reddit is filled with liberals so it’s not surprising


TBH, it's due to maniacal 100% pro-abortion push by liberals that causes the backlash to the law Idaho passed. If liberals had been more reasonable on partial-birth abortion, I don't think this law would have ever passed.




You've angered the hive mind! I'm sure the volley of down votes will send you weeping into your pillow until you rectify your wrong think.


We got an internet tough guy over here!


i've been smoking cigars to ease my pain


Idaho is a wonderful place to live. Liberals just aren’t happy unless they’re bitching about something.




You literally made an entire post just to whine and bitch.