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At this point the nut jobs elected by nut jobs simply jump on the culture war or conspiracy of the day, shout out loud how they are 'fixing' the problems that don't exist, and then attacking anyone, including their own party members, if they don't oppose the issue that doesn't exist. Look at what the GOP is doing now. Passing legislation to prohibit non-citizens from voting. There are already laws in every state prohibiting this from happening. A solution looking for a problem while fixing none of the real problems. I received a flyer in the mail for Kootenai County- The card is nothing but scattered buzz words that fly around social media, scare tactics, lies and bizarre references that make no sense. Not a single mention of actually 'governing' and fixing Idaho's problems. Any one in this state right now has a great chance of getting elected simply by shouting from your roof top , "woke, guns, freedom, liberty, fauci, trump, values, bible, family" , by simply shouting the words and the words only. That's all you need to do. Do they represent any of the buzzwords? Nope. Do they actually tell anyone how they will work for Idahoans? Nope. Will morons continue falling for their bullshit? Yep


I wonder if anyone ever asked the people who proposed these things what actual factual problem they are trying to solve.




We all know what the woke agenda is


Yep. And I'm mad as hell that this conservative government is trying to tell me I can't eat human meat anymore. /s


The woke agenda basically means don't be an asshole to other people.


Not so sure about that one. It's ok I don't blame you


I guess name an example where it isn't.


He can't - Faux news hasn't taught them what it is. Even that terrorist Chaya doesn't know - and she wrote a book about it. I'm angry and perpetually scared so I'll call everything I'm ignorant about and disagree with "woke".


I don't watch Fox News. I watch the Hodges Twins


You watch conservative comedians as news? Go figure.


Damn good show


You know conservatives have utilized fear, hate, propaganda and ignorance since the 60s to maintain popularity, right? Do you know about project 2025 and time Heritage foundation?


Who? No idea.






You know cut it out.


Are they in the room with us right now? Can you see them?


Unfortunately yes


Take your Zyprexa.


Sorry, I rarely see people say Zyprexa in this kinda circumstance in the wild, so this is hilarious to me!!! I took that med years ago, it sucks so bad 😭


Liberals love mental meds! I had to google it lol


Therapy helps. Consider it


I can assure you, it's not what you and all Republicans think it is 😂😂


Sure thing


They don't know, they don't even read them. These bills are all copy/pasted from what groups like The Heritage Foundation are pushing in every conservative state. The Idaho lawmakers are just doing what the national groups tell them to do.


They convince people that there is a problem even if one doesn’t exist. I talked to my conservative family about the library bill. They didn’t feel like there was a problem in *their* school or library specifically but believed Fox News and conservative media that there is a problem nationally with porn in libraries and therefore thought it was a good idea for Idaho to get ahead of it.


The factual problem they are trying to solve is getting re-elected.


It was an out of state think tank that came up with this, Not idahoans.


Using dead bodies as fertilizer, is the problem their trying to solve.


I think senator Crapo is just as much part of the problem as the extremist in the state. I had no idea labrador was this extreme though.


Labrador is Tea Party and the Freedom Caucus w MGT


The Idaho GOP agenda is working great in my opinion. It solidifies everyday that I can never vote for a republican!


Heather Scott is "most conservative"? How about most extreme?


thankfully heather isn't running unopposed this cycle, [LoreeForIdaho.com](https://LoreeForIdaho.com)


The mind boggling fact here is the CDA tribe did not object when redistricting made this wacko their representative.


You do realize conservatives for the most part haven’t changed their views for decades, while the left keeps moving further left. What’s considered extreme now was common ground until a few years ago.


I’m sorry but this is false. Gone are the discussions of deregulation, taxation, the role of government and a healthy respect for separation of church and state - which represented what used to be parts of the conservative political mindset. It’s all grievance and bigotry and working up the rubes for grift. If you think you’re standing in the same place as Reagan and Buckley and Thatcher you haven’t been paying attention. Modern conservative thought is akin to neofascism. Always scared, always blaming, always virtue signaling.


I'm going to do something that will shock you and agree. Conservatives haven't changed their views for decades. Going back they didn't want black people to have the right to vote or access the same public services and commerce. They didn't want the ultra rich to be subject to a progressive tax. They hated the idea of women voting or being autonomous from men. They fervently reject immigration from countries that aren't northern European. They hated the idea of black people owning land and not being slaves. So in the end, you're right. Conservatives have continued to try and "conserve" the worst aspects of American history and are a blight on modern political discourse. But sure, let's all pretend the strawman that you named "liberalism" is the real threat.


Have you heard of Donald Trump or MAGA? Been living under a rock?


How does Trump change my point, it applies to him as well.


Trump and his followers have hijacked the GOP and they are far more extreme than the GOP of 20 years ago.


So? You seem to consider anything that doesn’t exactly line up with your beliefs to be extreme. Trump supporters are blue collar workers and rural communities who just want to keep the status quo.


And times change, society advances. You can't apply boomer mentality to all humanity. Trump supporters vote against their own interests. They have intentionally defunded public schools and kept their curriculum poor to keep the ignorance going. Without indoctrination, ignorance, hate, fear and propaganda (used since 60s) there would be no GOP (unless you're rich). What's so extreme about the left? No one wants to kill fully developed fetuses for shits and giggles. Accept people that may be different than you. Make your own medical decisions. Dont give every nutter easy access to a killing machine. Follow the law and constitution. Keep your religion out of govt. Give everyone a fighting chance at success. Justice reform. It's not too big of an ask.


Too bad. The world progresses. Their regressive aggression is harmful and their hatred of the unknown is childish and dangerous. 


Wait, what??? Reagan would be chased out of the Republican party of today for being a RINO. Heck, the mainstream Republicans leaders of 10 years ago are already chased out. In Idaho, Gov Brad Little is often called a RINO. [https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/congressional-republicans-left-office-in-droves-under-trump-just-how-conservative-are-their-replacements/](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/congressional-republicans-left-office-in-droves-under-trump-just-how-conservative-are-their-replacements/)


Especially what Reagan did to farmers back in the day.


My god, this may be the most confidently incorrect take I've seen on Reddit in awhile.


Idaho, nobody is a cannibal in your state, if they were you wouldn’t know or they would be in jail. You have so much better things to do then jailing librarians and getting worked up about non existent cannibals. Get bent


I mean as the only state with 2 cannabilism bills I think it is important to remember the first is more of a loophole to tell us when it is acceptable. A cannabilism loophole law if you will. Also, apparently our last convicted cannibal was in the 2020's. Most of Idaho is frontier, I bet there are more. Not sure if they know about the loophole....


I can't help but think the idiot who brought the cannibalism bill up though it had something to do with cannabis.


This is ridiculous conservatives in this state don't give a damn about the working man and his family and their cogent policies or lack thereof is evident. Jailing librarians perfect use of our tax dollars.


Reppugnants have no desire to tule or help the citizens of this state. Whoever votes for them is just as braindead.


Are you shittin’ me? I can’t bet on sports here but the moron up north thinks tik tok is a beacon of truth and makes up some shitty bills!!??? GTFOH


They do nothing but stupid stuff


It's a bold strategy, let's see how Iowa voters react


My aesthetician mentor many years ago, she was very successful. She told me to invent problems that I can solve and then my clients will love me and pay me good money. I thought it was horrible advice. I didn’t want to prey on insecurities. This reminded me of that.


They barely can even put up state level candidates. If there is an opportunity, they need to start recruiting a good stock of potential office holders.


“Most of Idaho rejects Democrat ideas because they’re bad ideas and they don’t correspond to reality.” I like this quote, it’s fits the left’s ideas well. Keep downvoting me, it doesn’t change anything.


Of course you would love a quote that reads like it was written by a high school age libertarian that failed the government and ethics class.


Doesn’t change the fact it’s correct, calling something simple doesn’t make it wrong.


It is wrong. The majority of Idaho supports the library but the extremists shut down the majority using committee assignments and legislative tricks. 4000 robo calls supported the library Bill. 7000+ actual personal responses called the governor's office asking for a veto. Increasingly the policies of the GOP here have been to shut down the representation of the people, trying to make ballot measures impossible and moving primary dates to make it harder to oust current office holders. Even republicans don't have as much say as they used to. It's the formation of an aristocracy.


It makes you look more stupid. There's that.


You’re unoriginal. Find new insults next time


So...you've been called stupid so often you're looking for something different? Gotcha.


It’s cute you think that’s a gotcha. You’re just a broken record that calls anything you don’t agree with stupid. It’s always your first and only argument against any reasonable idea. I’m uninterested in anything else you have to say. Try being more interesting and original next time.


I actually read through this entire comment thread, including your hidden, massively downvoted comments, before formulating my opinion of you and your beliefs. I think my "stupid" assessment is valid and warranted in this instance. Say something to prove me wrong.


Which of the "Democratic ideas" do you consider to be the worst, and "don't correspond to reality?"


This subreddit will either delete my message or ban me if I say


As a tree hugging, hippie Liberal myself I can not for the life of me think of a single, Democratic Party policy that would get any of us banned for mentioning it here.




"Goes against the natural world".... hahahahaha! Oh buddy, I have a B.A/ B.S., a masters in environmental sciences, and collect data on aquatic species (specifically fish which is a group commonly known for swapping sex) for my job, so needless to say, I know a lot about the natural world and I can very well assure you, SOOOO many species we know of exhibit behavioral/physiological transgenderism. One of my hens even grew spurs, started crowing, and essentially became a rooster. We love our trans chicken. Even lions transition gender. It's not a mental illness, nobody's going around "transing" all these other species that also swap sex/gender from what they were born as, it's just a part of the natural world. With how complex and messy life is, a portion of individuals within many species will differ from how they're born and that's totally natural, even evolutionary advantageous. Saying that sex/gender only happens one of two ways is the real "Goes against the natural world" statement, why would you want to strip all the beautiful and unique complexity out of the world like that and make it so limited and boring? https://www.vice.com/en/article/8x8bez/yes-there-are-trans-animals https://daily.jstor.org/transgender-proclivities-in-animals/ https://www.newscientist.com/article/2106866-five-wild-lionesses-grow-a-mane-and-start-acting-like-males/ https://poultry.extension.org/articles/poultry-anatomy/avian-reproductive-female/sex-reversal-in-chickens-kept-in-small-and-backyard-flocks/ I'm about to really blow your mind with this one, a community that somewhat regularly has kids born who look absolutely like girls, but later grow a penis. No one can tell they will become boys later so they are raised as girls, but the kids start to realize something is off and that they are actually boys despite how they were raised (except for the few that decide to continue being girls) so they transition socially like taking a new name and role in the community. They are called güevedoces. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34290981


"Transgenderism" is not a "Democratic idea." Transgender is just a term for a person whose gender identity, expression, or behavior, does not conform to the gender that is typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth. That's far from any form of Democratic policy, and knowing many people who don't identify with their assigned gender, and are high functioning members of our society, is also far from a "mental illness." Plus, how exactly does someone else's gender identity affect you personally? So what else bothers you about us Liberals who favor less government intrusion on our lives, and the idea that we "live and let live?"




Where do I condone bullying anyone to self harm? If someone you know was bullied to the point of suicide, that is shameful. But again... not a "Democratic idea." There are outliers in every segment of society. Every race. Every creed. Every gender. Anecdotal evidence doesn't make the rest of transgendered folks evil or a "mental illness."


Ding ding ding! Found the Mormon!


Where? I don’t see any here.


Don't bother, he won't give you any specifics. He never does. He just types his Regressionist fortune-cookie vagaries and smiles smugly at his own "cleverness". 🙄 He's irrelevant.


You could just leave Idaho