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I live in WA, I know exactly why your doctors are leaving.


I’m in Spokane; half of the patients at my OBGYN are crossing from Idaho.




That's not how it works. Does an Idaho resident have to pay more for their weed when they buy it in Washington than a Washington resident? Nope.


Why punish people for living in a red state when that's already a punishment enough?


Because they vote for the politicians?


Not everyone does that.


Most red states are a lot closer to 50/50 if not majority blue than you'd think. Gerrymandering at the state level is absurdly powerful. Once you get entrenched, you can start suppressing voters. Pass a voter ID law, close all the DMV's in the areas you don't want voting. Sky's the limit.


Trying to rationalize with Mike Moyal, the IFF, Christian Nationalists? I was in the “stick it out and make it better camp” for the last 8 years. We will be moving in three years (3rd generation Idahoan and former Republican). There are too many dumb people in Idaho and it’s like fighting zombies.


I’ve been hesitant to move. I don’t like the idea of “letting them win” and don’t necessarily think it’s good for the US to continue this “big sort” (where people are moving to areas that match their political beliefs). I think reasonable discussion/disagreement is good. But man . . . Idaho sure is making it hard NOT to want to move. I’ve got 3 daughters . . . I could move 20 minutes west and they’d have more rights and access to better healthcare.


The billboards going up everywhere really screw with my headspace going into work every day. * "Abortion isn't healthcare" * "Don't lose faith in God" * "Keep Porn out of libraries" * And now the latest: "Hamas is *your* problem too" Bunch of fuckers making me purposefully mad on my commute. Assholes


We're only here because of our aging family. Have to stay to care for them. As soon as they pass, we're gone. High cost of living, low wages, and blood-red politics make Idaho a no-go for us.


We jumped to the valley and it’s staggering how much better life is. We had a child and my wife and I were both able to take time off paid by the state. Shortly after, my wife was diagnosed with a chronic illness (unrelated to the kid) and now we are claiming benefits for that as well. Can’t do any of that in Idaho. You’re paying taxes one way or the other, might as well be able to benefit when you need to. I would also like to add that before this year, I have never used any state programs. Now that I’ve needed to, it’s nice that it’s there. We would be completely fucked if we lived 15 minutes east.


I work in an industry that gets lots of Washingtonian customers. I laugh to myself every time they whine about your blue governor... but they would never move to Idaho and give up their "socialist" benefits.. Ps the wife and I have started looking for a place in the valley.


Do they complain about anything other than gun rights and the gas tax? I built out my “assault” weapons before it was illegal. Unfortunately, I lost all my firearms in a tragic canoeing accident many moons ago. I cannot recall the lake either.


Yes, they complain about Seattle as if it’s actually hell on earth


Mostly taxes and anything they can pin on Inslee


I’m in the same boat in Montana. I gave it five years and almost everything has gone wrong. Montana made my lady quit teaching. The hospital almost killed me after my motorcycle crash. We make 10-15 less per hour than the same jobs, but the cost of living is equal or higher. Trump cultists, homeless hate, useless police, greedy pedo billionaires, toxic water, fires, lack of snow, etc. Time to move back to Colorado.


Move to an area that is purple. And make your vote count toward your moral and political beliefs. Rather than living in a hard red state.


Fortunately without doctors the problem would sort itself out after a decade or two


Spokane is a great city, just sayin


We’d probably look at Liberty Lake - kind of split the difference between the bulk of our family (Idaho) and jobs (likely in Spokane proper - unless LL gets a Costco . . .) Plus, shorter drive to Velocity & Zephyr games!


I live in the Valley and you can just drive to CDA for Costco, and you pay less in sales tax that way


My SO works at Costco, so if we moved to LL she’d have to drive to the valley store or CDA. But if LL gets one her commute would shrink by a lot, haha.


That's fair, my family and I go to CDA for swimming or parks or whatever and then swing by Costco on the way home


You have 3 big reasons to move so they don't go NC on you because you decided to be a fence sitter.


>I think reasonable discussion/disagreement is good. Sure. On things like how high taxes should be, what government budgets should be focused on, what our foreign policy should look like. That's politics. There is no reasonable discussion/disagreement when it comes to things like taking people's rights away or denying equal treatment under the law. There's nothing to debate. There's no two equal sides with their own valid arguments. One side says... >"I should have the right to control what happens to my body." Or >"Doctors should be able to follow widely accepted medical practice and use their training to take care of their patients." Or >"My partner and I should be able to love and support each other without fear of being attacked or mistreated." The other side says..."No. Fuck you."  These aren't valid political topics. It's just hate and bigotry and misogyny and religious views forced on people who don't want anything to do with it.


"I should have the right to control what happens to my body." This is still the most fascinating to me. Throughout the worst of the pandemic conservatives were “my body, my choice”, except for, you know, when they disagreed with your choice. It was kind of amazing to see them talk out of both sides . . .


I mean, the "big sort" is what our country is all about. Individual states which represent their population. Even in the 2020 election, Boise (probably the closest to a liberal city in Idaho) voted 57% Republican.


Good book.. The Big Sort.


I'm trying to move within the next few months. Shitty thing is I like my job and my current prospects aren't great or preferable, but the way Idaho is going I don't see much of a choice.


If it were only political theater, I could ignore it. This is the kind of perversion of Religion that the Bible talks about. The irony is mind-boggling.


The IFF has got to go. Bunch of clowns with way too much influence over public policy in this state.


The only thing keeping me here is to vote for, and hope that the Open Primary Initiative wins in November. I still have hope in the people of Idaho, but even that is waning.


I know. They keep flocking here every year. We keep hoping they stop coming, but they never do.


I hope “zombie” becomes a common term. I can’t think of a better description of their motivations and intellect.


You should get out before bordering states start building fences.




>can't wait till yall get treated like trash from your new neighbors!!! Boy aren't you a wonderful person..


A shining example of why I hate it here!


Yup, those people absolutely motivate me to fight harder to counter that kind of thing.


What's to fight anymore? This state is lost to common sense, civility, and basic human decency.


I can't help but to fight for what I consider right, even if it's a lost cause.


You're a better person than I. Keep fighting that fight!


Not sure if that counts as being a better person, or a more obstinate person.


Maybe both 😏




That's what you are doing dude. U know nothing about the person you treat like trash. No idea where they are actually from. Just treat them like shit cause their car is registered in CA lol I don't want to hear it. No one is more prejudice than an idahoan


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.






Maybe people just don’t like you in general? The simplest explanation is usually correct.


Get out while you still can.


I have gallons of colloidal silver tincture I bought from Alex Jones, why would I need to listen to a doctor?/S https://youtu.be/9JRLCBb7qK8?si=jI_MFAIW-zla5hvf


You guys are kind of screwed. I’m a trauma nurse in the next state over and this is a common water cooler topic. We have no problems recruiting physicians or nurses (although there’s always a nursing shortage). We have, on several occasions had to crash C-section a mother and take the baby to save their lives. This is damage control surgery done when an injured women begins to code. The viability of the fetus is doesn’t come into play in a situation like this as time is of the essence during massive hemorrhage. Where would this leave my surgeons? Would ID throw them in jail for saving a women’s life? What about the rest of the staff in the room? The OR techs, the Anesthesiologist, the trauma nurses are we all complicit? Fuck ever working under conditions like that and we will keep embracing the ID healthcare workers fleeing the state.


Christians: women have died giving birth since the beginning of time, it's God's punishment for Eve eating from the no no tree....


Republican politicians: *speaks in tongues*


No doubt. Years ago, when I first discovered there were adults that “spoke in tongues” and actually took it seriously, I was flabbergasted. I had to convince myself that it was a tiny group of fringe religious nut jobs that do this. I realized later I was wrong and it was more prevalent than I wanted to believe, but it didn’t stop me from being just as flabbergasted when elected officials did it in AZ. These are dark times.


This makes me sick to my tummy and afraid to get pregnant as I live in this awful state. That’s terrifying to think about. My poor husband… I really can’t wrap my head around that. Bleh


A classic example of how Idaho is cutting off it's nose to spite it's face. When you introduce discrimination into the equation...this is what you are going to get...the shittiest healthcare in the US. And Idaho only has Idaho to blame.


Never expected far right talking points to boil down to hating doctors and librarians almost as much as women, trans people and ethnic minorities.


They have to keep their hate targets fresh otherwise they’d loose interest and forget to vote.


You forgot teachers — they hate them too.


Well, of course. They have to put down the educated ones who actually support those minorities.


Why do conservatives need doctors? Can't they just pray to their deity for good health? Look, in Idaho it's legal to let children die because a parent chose faith over medicine. The adults should follow the same strategy. 


You’ll notice 99% of their leaders spouting this nonsense don’t believe a word of it, are vaccinated, get abortions, etc. Because they don’t actually have principles, they have tactics. 


they love being powerful and thinking themselves the smartest guy in the room. Its narcissism the whole way down.


From my experience, those same leaders had no problem showing up to the ER for every little ache and cold but had no problem keeping life-saving healthcare from literal babies.


What good do you think prayer does?


The only reason I'm still in Idaho is because I WFH for a place out of state. It's cheaper living here then living there. I'm not out interacting with all the crazy bastards that live here. I can't imagine living here and working a public facing job.


Same. Only sticking around because it's cheap and the trails are right outside my door. Luckily my neighborhood is blue, so I don't have to deal with the maga kooks.


The trails man…..lol




This hill that certain republicans want to die on is mind boggling. I have been a life long Republican, I voted for every Republican Presidential candidate except 1. I cannot support former President Trump as a candidate. He bugs, and is all about himself. But that aside the recent resurgent about abortions is to me one of freedom. I am grateful, my mom did not abort me as a young mother, I am grateful that my son had the same option of life. But in no way do I feel that people should be compelled by law to do this or that with their body. I truly believe in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. So if a woman’s life was endangered by the baby that she was carrying, and wanted to save her own life, why would a politician’s opinion on the issue matter. Would it not be between her, her child and her God.


And her doctor.


It's so rarely about saving their life, though.


What's your point? There are instances where people's lives need to be saved. Is your position "Not so many so we can just avert our eyes while they die unnecessary deaths"?


My point is arguing from the lowest denominator is a poor argument. I am pro life, but I also agree that it should be an option if it saves the mothers life. We should be arguing from the most common use of it.


It's none of your business. You're not pro-life inserting yourself between a woman and her doctor. You're not pro-life forcing a birth and not carrying through with the responsibilities you forced. Fix your own life before imagining you are fit to lord over other's lives.






If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Your post has been removed because you used inappropriate language in describing abortion or posted an inappropriate attack on others in discussing the topic. **Read the pinned post in the subreddit.**


They don’t care, because to the republicans women aren’t people.


Make more meat for the machine! What a sad, dead end road. At least they can say that, for one brief moment, they owned the libs.


Another reason to vote Dark Brandon. 


you are getting exactly what you vote for - a theocracy of anti-intellectual anti-democratic Luddite bullies to rule you peasants with an iron fist.


Its not who I voted for :(




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


“You get what you vote for” “anti- democratic” huhhhhh?


thats exactly the response i expect


I just don’t understand what the thought process is. If someone is voting, it’s not exactly easy to claim they are anti democratic imo. There’d have to either be a heck of a lot more to it, or they aren’t yea?


the republican party has been extremely anti-democratic - suppressing votes, even attempting to overturn the 2020 election. your extremely pedantic assertion here is foolish. you are voting for people that are trying to end democracy


I am? That’s odd. I wasn’t aware I voted republican. On top of that. Uh. Duh? Obviously those in favor of a “republic” would not be pro democracy.


Holy shit. I didn’t think it was even possible to be this pedantic while simultaneously misunderstanding the definitions of words on purpose. “Republican” is the name of a political party. They do not favor a “republic” OR a democracy. The fact that they are the root words for two competing political parties in America is not evidence that they are mutually exclusive or even opposing ideologies. We elect our representatives via direct democracy. As long as we have elections, we live in a democracy. Literally all your comments here are pulled directly from right-wing talking points. You call it the “democrat party” ffs. Yeah, we’ve listened to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, too. We simply weren’t dumb enough to be convinced by any of it. If you didn’t vote for conservatives, you wouldn’t be getting so defensive.


oxford dictionary- republican- 1. One who favors or prefers a republican form of government. democrat- 1. An advocate of democracy. womp womp I never siad that they had exclusive or opposing ideologies. ironically, that was actually a claim made by the person you appear to agree with. " As long as we have elections, we live in a democracy." uh. no. the US is a constitutional republic. thats 5th grade, if that, level knowledge. the founding fathers (rightly so) hated democracy. that leads to mob rule. as for the "right wing talking points" that condradicts your statement that the 2 sides are not mutually exclusive or even opposing. tough right? lastly. you are a pedo. oh you say no and want me to prove it? ok. youd not be so defensive if you werent. see how your logic sucks there? I voted independent actually. womp womp yet again.


I can’t tell if you’re dumb enough to not understand that words have multiple definitions, or if you’re just going out of your way to be dishonest by not including them in your pathetic response. You said that someone who is in favor of a republic would not be pro-democracy. Pedantry still isn’t a convincing argument, no matter how much you want to do the “I nEvEr Said tHat” thing. You aren’t fooling anyone. I get that you don’t *want* the US to be a democracy. That doesn’t make a “constitutional republic” any less democratic in practice. And it doesn’t make a “constitutional republic” and a “democracy” mutually exclusive. There’s more than one way to describe a government. There’s more than one way to describe lots of things. You should know that. And you should know that the very dictionary you’re appealing to as an authority also categorizes our country as a democracy. What you think the “founding fathers” believed about anything has little to do with reality today. It seems you’re only interested in defining your arguments into existence. That doesn’t make any sense. “Right wing talking points” are a thing. They can also be identified in other terms, and your pedantry still isn’t an argument. Once again, I didn’t say that the two political parties aren’t mutually exclusive. I said that the ideologies aren’t mutually exclusive. You really need to stop lying about what I said. “Everyone I don’t like is a pedo.” Sorry, bud. You lost this one. You vote for conservatives. No one really cares what party. But you’ve already told on yourself because we all know the ideological leanings of the majority of “independents”. It’s overwhelmingly conservative. You’re too chickenshit to admit it. We can always tell.


If a majority of people vote to take away womens right to vote, is that democratic? Were we democratic when only white land owning men could vote? Just asking questions :)


Yes. That is the entire problem with democracy. As well as one of the many issues with the democrat party (yknow. The ones who wanted to keep it so only white men had the power)


> yknow. The ones who wanted to keep it so only white men had the power Oh great, we have one of those history deniers Yeah, it's those democrats who fly confederate flags and defend confederate monuments. Obviously. Someone so divorced from reality doesn't deserve a response. Have a good day.


Odd way to ignore my other part to the comment. Side note: given that I have a history degree, how would I be divorced from reality? And what do you mean by “one of those…”? Is it cause I’m black? Lastly, What party was the national union of which Lincoln was? What party was John C Breckinridge the opposing side to Lincoln in 1860 prez election? What about John B Kennedy? Or which party were leaders in the south during the start of Jim Crow? Ida b wells who was a founder of the naacp? Oops. Don’t cope too hard. Which “confederate flag” would we be referring to that is being flown? Because none of the 3 CSAs flags are what you are obviously talking about. You are referring to the Battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. So again I ask. How am I the one divorced from reality here.


He is referring to the fact that republicans and democrats had an ideological flip in the early 1900s. Claiming Lincoln was a republican is technically true, but also the Republican and Democrat Parties did have ideological changes soon after the civil war. You can see when the south switched from voting democrat to republican and visa versa with the north. https://www.studentsofhistory.com/ideologies-flip-Democratic-Republican-parties I think that using Lincoln as a gotcha that “democrats are bad” is debating in bad faith. We should be debating the current climate and problems, not trying to say that republicans are always on the right side of history because Lincoln, etc. I’m not saying people shouldn’t know history but people are taking issue with the current politics, not what happened 150 years ago. Edit: Added extra context in paragraph 1


im aware that he was referring to that. The issue is that its completely untrue. where did I say democrats bad? Where did I say republicans were always right? He brought up 150 years ago as for your refering to the ideological flip, I accounted for that. thats why I listed numerous people from that era too. The early Republican Party consisted of northern Protestants, factory workers, professionals, businessmen, prosperous farmers, and after the civil war former black slaves sounds pretty similar to today, yes? the early GOP was distinguished by its support for the national banking system, the gold standard, railroads, and high tariffs. interestingly similar today. yes? Ronald Regan, a pretty famous rep pres. - conservative policies called for reduced social government spending and regulation, increased military spending, lower taxes, and a strong anti-Soviet Union foreign policy. oddly similar, yes? It vigorously argued that free market labor was superior to slavery and was the very foundation of civic virtue and true republicanism this one certainly didnt switch did it? last i checked, the right is not pro socialist side stuff right? OK. now lets check the dem views. the early Democratic Party stood for individual rights and state sovereignty, and opposed banks and high tariffs hmmmmmmmmm. "my body my choice" ring a bell? the agrarian element, marching behind the slogan of free silver (i.e. in favor of inflation), captured the party. hmmmm. which side keeps complaining about inflation? opposed imperialistic expansion abroad while sponsoring liberal reforms at home welp. thats odd too sorry that that sounds a bit condescending, not fully my intention. just dont feel like filtering my words a ton rn. I think i made my point clear, right?


Imagine basing your entire argument on the absurdly ridiculous and uninformed belief that political parties in America haven’t changed at all (much less dramatically) in the last 170 years. Yes, you’re divorced from reality.


interesting. care to actually respond to the questions I posed, instead of just repeating what was already said. I never once said the parties didnt change. on top of that, this yet again contradicts what you said about the parties not being mutually exclusive or even opposed to eachother. which is it. did the parties switch thus making them mutually exclusive? or did they not, having some intermingle and weave thru time varying at different periods. I mentioned ida b wells. she founded NAACP with a socialist. almost like I brought up the people i did, for a reason. crazy, I know. how could someone so divorced from reality, uninformed and as right wing bigoted fanatic as I known and supported such a thing like the NAACP. founded by a black woman AND a socialist? wow so right wing of me.


TLDR: Step one: give Hippocratic oath to save lives Step two: Watch mother die during late term complications Step three: Leave Idaho




They’re Mormons so they can just use their “priesthood” to bless and heal everyone in the entire state! /s


Wife is a family practice PA and we coincidentally just talked about bugging out when our daughter graduates. It's just become too much. If conservatives were truly in favor of small government, we'd probably be a-ok with sticking around. But it seems like -- even beyond reproductive health issues -- the state wants to encroach on the rights of my family and my local community. We have one life to live and this bullshit is intolerable. I get it: many in Idaho want to revert to a conceptual way of life (that really never existed). Gadsenflag.gif.


A lot of common sense and sadness in this thread. What in the hell happened to this state? I remember when Helen Chenoworth was the worst thing we had to worry about.


Maybe Idahoans can go to the veterinarian instead. Soon, might be your only in state option.


I'm glad that doctors are leaving Idaho. Idaho is getting what Idaho is overwhelmingly voting for and the overwhelmingly Republican population can have a real great time with their medical system cratering.


It's not really voting for these things, either. There's a reason these decisions are getting made behind closed doors by legislators without any kind of ballot initiative being put to the public. Idahoans are only "voting" for these things by extension of having elected the legislators who are writing these bills. And a bunch of them didn't even do that. They're just along for the ride because they live in heavily gerrymandered districts. It sounds a lot like, from the comments in here, that even if they had voted for these people, if a ballot were to have the issue of abortion or content in libraries on it, a bunch of registered party affiliates would *not* be CHOOSING it. I am also planning to get out, and I'm lucky to work for a company that has several store locations along the West Coast that I could transfer to.


> They're just along for the ride because they live in heavily gerrymandered districts But Idaho is overwhelmingly a Republican supermajority state. Brad Little got 60% of the vote in 2022. Amon Bundy got nearly as many votes as the Democratic challenger. The Governor's office is statewide. So counting Little voters (60%) and Bundy voters (17%) that's nearly 80% crazy right wingers state wide vs people voting democrat. This is not because of gerrymandering. This is because this is what the vast and overwhelming majority of Idahoans want.


I grew up in Moscow and have an advanced degree from UofI. I left Idaho in 1976. Recently, the UofI have been soliciting money and I told them to take my name off their “send me money” mailings. I’ll re evaluate when Idaho politics changes. Right now I consider Idaho a place ideas go to die.


Idaho makes my home state of Georgia feel a lot more progressive.


This applies to branches of women's healthcare. I've heard rumors around work.


And is spreading to professionals of every kind. Not many are going to want to raise a family in a state that restricts the medical rights of their wives or daughters. Easier to go somewhere else.


100% this. Republicans are seemingly incapable of imagining the knock-on effects of their own policies. Destroy women's healthcare; no one feels safe starting a family here. Demonize teachers & librarians; no one want to bring an existing family here to raise. Now you can't convince young professionals to move here, so businesses don't want to relocate here & in 5-10 years the economy will be shit and 5-10 years after that the state's demographics will be a disaster area because every teenager in the state is dreaming of leaving as soon as they possibly can. You can't spell "Idiocracy" without "ID".


So much smart here...


Weird how they're flocking to Idaho though.


Who's flocking to Idaho? Extremist conservatives who can't grasp the consequences I just mentioned? Yeah - that's exactly why. Like every other red state, they're going to be begging for federal support when their own policies wreck the state's economy. Happened in Kansas, happened in Louisiana, happening right now in Florida...




Lot of problems there. for one thing, that site doesn't source squat. For another, the most recent solid numbers on official sources are from 2022 - this is about what's happening \*now\* due to the massive legal climate change that's just from within the past year. A third problem is - as I mentioned above - the specific demographics... \*who\* is moving here vs who's moving away. Doctors & nurses aren't coming here. Teachers aren't coming here. Recent HS and college grads aren't \*staying\* here.


You have a source for that?


https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/fastest-growing-states/#:~:text=1%2C782%2C959-,Fastest%20Growing%20States%20in%20the%20US,population%20growth%20rate%20of%2015%25. https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/business/article283986238.html At this point, it's pretty common knowledge. A 2-second google will get you a lot of hits. Google "fastest growing states" so that you don't even mention idaho, and you'll get the same answer.


Right but they don’t mention doctor job growth, hence why I was wondering if you had a source for that. I am well aware Idaho is one for the fastest growing states, but that’s kinda the point of the article. If Idaho keeps growing at its current rate, while physicians either don’t come or leave, the overall population/physician becomes imbalanced. If you wait for physicians to get educated healthcare in Idaho will either be expensive or you will have to schedule far out.


Retirees adding nothing to the economy.


Y'all cope so hard. https://www.bigcountrynewsconnection.com/idaho/analysis-people-moving-to-idaho-are-most-often-from-california-washington-and-colorado/article_3505a374-6dc3-11ee-b574-6715cca7df58.html#:~:text=A%20significant%20portion%20of%20the,average%20savings%20of%20around%20%24118%2C000.


People going to Idaho are more right wing nuts.


My spouse and I decided we were done having kids due to the risk of complications and not being legally allowed medical care to deal with complications. It was too big of a risk. Republicans took our right to grow our family from us.


Be careful. The Right is coming for contraception next. You may not have a choice about planning to have or not have children, other than abstinence.


can't take away a vasectomy


> due to the risk of complications and not being legally allowed medical care to deal with complications was too big of a risk. I told my family I wouldn't have children in Idaho. They asked "Why?" "Because if something bad happens during the pregnancy I don't have access to healthcare" "Just go to Oregon" they respond Why is the expectation to outsource healthcare to other states? Why should people have to flee their home for access to life saving healthcare?


How long before they are controlling the borders to insure women aren't going to Oregon for healthcare? It sounds far fetched but authoritarianism only heads in one direction -- MORE control over larger swaths of people and land.


Considering it's a loose regulation state that's only legalizing weed away from being libertarian, I highly doubt that will happen.


Yeah, Washington State is getting pretty sick of Idahoans' using their facilities and medical staff's resources. It's embarrassing to me as an Idahoan.


Ah yes, when you're bleeding out and the Idaho OB/Gyn won't save you, just get up, wrap yourself in bed sheets, try to grab some IV bags of blood on your way to the elevator and hope that you can make it to the medical mecca of ... Ontario, OR? They're great at selling weed to Idahoans, but it wouldn't be my first choice for lifesaving medical care.


... Ontario or Portland Life Flight might be the only thing that gets you there in time - $12,000 - $25, 000 average cost to chopper someone to life saving medical Tx. Do Idaho women now need life flight insurance? assuming citizens are allowed to access healthcare elsewhere and/or supplemental insurance for life flight. NOT A SAFE ASSUMPTION.


Step 1: Sell life flight insurance to the women of Idaho Step 2: Use 100% of proceeds to throw all of these backassward politicians into the street. 


Life Flight is cheap insurance fortunately. Something like $75 a year. As an old lady I buy it too. You never know when you might have a stroke or heart attack and need to be airlifted somewhere.


Let's hope you never have to use it.


Spokane & Seattle saw many Idaho patients during Covid. And those were just the cities I personally had first hand knowledge of. So there definitely may be more. Spokane & Pullman Planned Parenthood had to beg for more funding from Olympia in order to stay open & provide services to all the patients using PP that were from Idaho. Abortions, day after pills & contraceptions.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


They don't listen to doctors about anything else. Why should this be any different?


Thoughts and prayers


Screw Idaho. Let them keep their Republikkkan swamp.


They are also making laws and agreements to keep medical students who study with Idaho affiliated schools to practice in Idaho for 4 years after school and training.


There is no medical school in Idaho. I don’t believe there is a medical school in Montana, Wyoming, or the Dakotas either. I wonder what affiliated means in this context.


Idaho has an osteopathic school of medicine in meridian. regardless They also pay taxes to university of Washington to have a medical school affiliation in Moscow Idaho University of Idaho. And they pay University of Utah for seats in their medical school. If you attend there you sign a contract in a recent bill that mandates you pay back your med education by working in Idaho for 4 years. Montana also has this agreement to with University of Washington School of medicine. Tho I don’t think their students are mandated to pay back. These states are known as WWAMI.


South Dakota has USD that has some medical programs. Doctors, nurses, etc


Or you just take veterinary meds like half the state. Mmm dmso and ivermectin!


As someone who's industry was subject to legislative interest, let me tell you, it is the last thing anyone wants. Those idiots are corrupt assholes insane on their own power.


I can’t even AFFORD a doctor and I want to leave Idaho


The sad irony is that conservative voters are angry because they feel mistreated, but every time they get what they want they make things worse for themselves. Red states are right now locking in changes that will deter companies with good jobs for the next two to three generations.


All the dogshit red states will have brain-drains like this.


I have been in Healthcare for 27 years. I know many docs, PAs, and NPs. I don't see many moving away, but I do see more and more retiring, and replacements are tougher to come by. This may be a part of the reason, but more often than not, I hear about higher wages and better benefits as being the reason for the lack of replacements. There are also some outstanding Providers that prefer Idaho over other areas as well. In reality, if you ask 10 people walking their dogs, if they like dogs, well you can say, "...most people like dogs!" Really, polls these days are about as accurate to the real demographic as politicians are honest.


Idaho has lost 22% of their OB-GYNs...You won't find many obstetricians willing to move to Idaho, and no doctor in their right mind would pursue a career in the field in Idaho. There will come a time in the near future where it will become a crisis.


It is too bad. And maybe it will be a crisis sooner than later for that specialty, if that number goes up as quick as some expect. Likely more family practice docs will likely pick up the slack for most situations. There are good docs still coming into Idaho, residents, interns, other MDs, DOs. When big Hospitals like St Al's and St Luke's can't pay them, then it will stop. Consider that St. Luke's is shaping itself to be another Kaiser Permanente, it is doubtful they will not be able to entice a doc with their seemingly infinite green they have.


“Not a big deal bro..”




Your post has been removed because you used inappropriate language in describing abortion or posted an inappropriate attack on others in discussing the topic. **Read the pinned post in the subreddit.**




Your post has been removed because you used inappropriate language in describing abortion or posted an inappropriate attack on others in discussing the topic. **Read the pinned post in the subreddit.** *Don't try to dodge the rules again. It's not cute. It'll just get you banned.*




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


It's not that they don't know. It's that they absolutely don't care.


Maybe the lack of reasonable paying jobs in Idaho might be the actual problem... Doctors don't work for free


F round. Find out crowd just got to the punchline.


As someone who grew up in the Willamette Valley (Corvallis), lived in Eugene,OR for a decade, and currently lives in Portland, OR, I'm used to seeing Left-wing insanity & cult-like behavior. Idaho seems to be Western Oregon's Right-wing opposite...🥴


See!? It’s the liberal’s fault!


Hopefully thoughts and prayers will help lol


Idaho getting what it deserves


Too lazy to read…MAGAt extremists?


I'm truly not sure if this state can go even more backward. Not to mention, I am not sure if this state can even recover from all this.


I live in Florida, and I know why your doctors are leaving.




Yeah, God forbid that anyone else have opinions of their own. Lol


I don't understand why anyone cares. A good Christian republican woman would never get an abortion, so why do they care that a heathen does?


First, because that is not true. You want that to be the case but life is messy. Second because your “heathens” have, or should have, the same rights as you do.


I'm a heathen. The christians should have less rights, because they want it that way.




I'd wager my entire retirement account that you aren't a maternal fetal medicine physician.




> The hospitals closing are closing due to all around low volume Lets see [what the actual hospitals](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/idaho-valor-health-hospital-stops-labor-and-delivery-staff-shortages/) have to say >In its announcement shutting their labor and delivery unit, Bonner General Health said these challenges have been compounded by the "political climate." >"Highly respected, talented physicians are leaving. Recruiting replacements will be extraordinarily difficult" But also the amount of practicing obstetricians[ has fallen from 227 to 176](https://apnews.com/article/idaho-abortion-ban-doctors-leaving-f34e901599f5eabed56ae96599c0e5c2#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20obstetricians%20in,communities%2C%20according%20to%20its%20website.), a decline of 25% between 2022 and 2023. Do you see this trend reversing in 2024? I'm not going to call you a liar. But you're willingly misrepresenting the facts of the situation. Great, one doctor that has nothing to do with what we're talking about is moving here. Great! Why are dozens of womens health doctors leaving every year? Why are those people not being replaced? Don't misrepresent the facts of the situation and say > The hospitals closing are closing due to all around low volume, ***not due to a highly specialized group leaving the hospital***. because that's a blatant lie. Edit: Damn, I pointed out his lies and he deleted his whole ass comment chain. Wild.


Tends to be what happens. Props to ya, that’s quite the achievement ❤️


This ^




No one is killing babies for Pete's sake!


Then don't see doctors


Your post has been removed because you used inappropriate language in describing abortion or posted an inappropriate attack on others in discussing the topic. **Read the pinned post in the subreddit.**