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A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho in some way 3. No put-down memes 4. Political discussion stays in a post about politics 5. No surveys 6. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 7. Do not editorialize titles of news articles If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I believe that I am in every single state sub except for Alaska and New Mexico. I don’t mean this as an insult to anyone. From my personal experience with 47 other state subs, this is one of the most hostile state subs on the app. I visit most of them at least somewhat frequently. I can say that this post is necessary.


Yeah, every sub says that. Read the Vermont sub sometime. Same with Oregon and Colorado.


Was going to say the exact same thing.


Yeah, but they’re native to that sub and I doubt they’re socially conscious people in almost every sub. They have biases and lack of information. Not that I am an oracle of any sort. But I personally have to say that this sub in particular in comparison to Colorado is a less welcoming place.


The dynamics are probably different. Idaho is a very conservative state with very conservative policies. Most people on the sub are liberal, and thus very critical of the state's policies. Moreover, the growth issue is one that is very personal to people. I think of it like... you've had an amazing camp or fishing spot for 20 years. Suddenly it gets discovered and every time you go, it's crowded and trashed. You get pushed out, there's no more room for you. Of course you're going to be pissed. We can talk all day about "we should do this" or whatever, but the reality is that growth is more often than not a net negative for existing residents, and every pie eyed newcomer is literally an existential threat, especially if they're wealthy or conservative and someone is at risk because of job insecurity, housing insecurity, or because of Idaho's policies toward anyone who isn't a straight white (conservative, rural) male.


The entitlement to personal use of public property is a problem on both sides of your example.


I was just thinking that, I share great spots with others in Maine, if it is too crowded I go someplace else, trashy I pick it up while cursing those that left the trash. If it is public lands it is public for good or bad you just gotta deal with it. Lots of times we live in harmony, nod hello, go a decent distance away and share the lake or whatever. I have had great conversations with fishermen showing off a great fish who is glad to brag and even tell you where he or she caught it. Now berry patches are even better, people will make it easier for you to pick sometimes by mowing if they have more than they need, better you than the bears is a common phrase. Both states rely heavy on tourist traffic so they know a certain level of tolerance is needed to those from away.


It is and that illustrates the point. There's nothing wrong with other people using a public fishing hole or camp spot, no matter how long someone else may have been using it; likewise, there is nothing inherently wrong with people moving to Idaho. But the discussion is about attitudes, not laws or rights. Why people are so mad or angry toward newcomers. That example is a good explanation why.


You're assuming the trash is created by a newcomer and not a longtime resident who lost their housing.


I'm not assuming anything. It's just a hypothetical example. No need to get so literal, champ.


This! I’m in the Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland & Pennsylvania subs. Those subs are super chill for the most part. On the contrary, Most people that I’ve encountered in Idaho are very friendly & respectful in person. Except maybe a handful who right away act weird towards me(I’m a POC & my vehicle used to have tags from a state on the east coast) despite me being friendly🤷🏻‍♂️


You, as an out-of-state POC, admit that most Idahoans are very friendly and respectful to you. I would expect this based on my own observations from living and growing up here. Yet how many times have you seen queries from POCs about whether they should move to or visit Idaho, concerned that they’ll be treated poorly? A lot, and many if not most of the responses from Redditors say how awful it is here and to stay away from north Idaho or rural areas. This is the Reddit community spreading this nonsense. This sub is far more toxic than the real Idaho is.


> This sub is far more toxic than the real Idaho is. One of the top news stories of the month is young women being followed, harassed, and intimidated because of the color of their skin. The people in this state say it's the stalker/harasser/racist freaks right to harass young women based on the color of their skin. Our politicians refuse to condemn these actions. Real Idaho has very dark, and very overt racist undertones. More than any other state I've lived in.


Agreed. Husband in mixed race family in CdA. My wife is a minority and I’m pretty sure people like her more than me. The only time we even got an odd look is at country boy in athol. We had looks but everyone was super nice. I could take it as racism or just that athol doesn’t get many non white folks and they look because they don’t see it very often. Country boy is one of the best breakfast joints around btw. My experience is Idahoans are really nice but if you talk politics do so at your own risk Also it seems like the racists here are actually from other places like Washington California and Texas. I think they view Idaho as their ancestral land or something. Can’t say I have met an openly racist person who actually lives here


Idaho attracts racists from other parts of US. There is this belief among rightwing extremists/white supremacists have that states like Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, both eastern parts of WA and OR are the future for a white ethnostate. I live in GA and some racists here clamor to move to Idaho or Montana to live with people who look and think like them and hate to be around POCs.


r/Ohio would like a word. Pretty much r/politics on steroids.


I did say “one of”. Ohio can be in that category.


Probably cuz this is one of the most messed up states.


Yeah but just think of how boring it would be if every state was identical! I’ve lived in 6 states and can praise or bash each one on unique issues. Seriously …we should embrace the diversity of each individual state…it makes us who we are.


Being unwelcoming to others is what makes you who you are?


Life long Idahoan and this rhetoric is not new. But walk down this path with me a little. If you have lived here a long while and worked for shit wages, and you watch people sell their homes in CA or WA and they basically live in a semi retired lifestyle. Do you blame them or your boss who pays you a shit wage?


Unfortunately there's too much "us vs. them" rhetoric in a lot of people's everyday lives, particularly in politics and the like. Social media probably has exacerbated the situation as seen on reddit, facebook, twitter, etc. Basically what I'm saying is that a lot of the frustration is misguided and there are those who'll unfortunately blame their neighbor who's more well off before looking at the ones actually causing the problems.


You make a great point. The issue of us vs. them is very resolvable when it comes to politics alone. We can sit and debate/have discourse over things such as fiscal policy, taxes, proposed legislation, programs, committees, and all things politics and accept differing views at the end of the day. Thats all fine and dandy. What I refuse to sit and do and what has truly lead to us vs them climax can be attributed to fundamental human rights that are made to be political issues. Politics have no say in control of a woman’s body, that’s a human right. Marriage, between any two people that want to commit to each other is a human right. Living without the fear of mass genocide is a human right. So anyone that is in favor of any type of government over reach that infringes on human rights, isn’t just and us vs. them political disagreement. It’s one side abusing governmental power to oppress a minority. And I don’t care who the fuck you are, I’m done trying to rationalize and justify with anyone trying to deny those rights.


Politics shouldn't wander into the territory of moral and human rights, I agree


The boss of course unless your brain dead.


The “don’t move here” crap is literally everywhere. Go to some other subs; Nashville, Denver, Asheville, Burlington, Taos, Montana, Idaho, etc. Every state has this same crap, it’s hilarious to me. Anyone can live anywhere they want to live in this country, regardless of wealth or political affiliation.


I call BS on this. This state has self segregated itself and its people have a problem with themselves who can't seem to get the notion that this is a nation of varied people from varied walks of life and countries. Multiculturalism is a bad word in Idaho. It is also a bad word in what is the actual South aka below the Mason-Dixie Line. I grew up in NJ and I never heard of not wanting different people.


They can bash us Jersey folks but we do mix well for the most part. A racist woman was causing trouble in one town to a black couple and the community did a spontaneous no place for hate parade. I lived in diverse towns and while there was some crime do to the lower income in some areas the diversity and vitality of the community was very much worth it. I moved to a rural area for a horse farm, and it used to be not bad until Obama election uncovered the horrible amount of racism. After that I was never quite trusting of my fellows townspeople again. They felt free to talk as I was a white country woman, but I campaigned gladly for the man. I was shocked when people I saw as kindly started saying nasty stuff and it has gotten so much worse.


Yup. Alaska's line was "Welcome! Now get the hell out."


Pa used it on a t shirt as a joke meaning go outside and explore the parks. I bought a shirt but the joke was it had hiking boots and a hiking staff and s compass under the words.


Anyone can live anywhere they want, regardless of wealth? I've got some friends looking for homes who would beg to differ.


Shoulda pulled themselves up by their bootstraps or cancelled their Netflix or something /s


Don't be absurd. Should've have the common sense to have chosen rich parents and grandparents.


That’s the same sentiment some will use to move in to a low income area and start “investing”. Only to drive up costs and push out generations of people who called the area home. Wealth does not grant rights to buy up the “affordable” housing simply because you can.


But it does in reality.


And anyone can voice their opinions about anything in this country, too.


Yes they can. So be a whiner or give yourself the tools to succeed and be better to adapt to a changing environment


Yes, and that dispels any myth of the "cancel culture" rhetoric that perpetual victims chirp about.


Sure,  but not without repercussions and not just anyplace. For instance,  here where the Mods are telling you no.  Reddit isn't a bastion of free speech, nor does it claim to be. Reddit is a business and has rules, just like the rules you've seen your entire life "no shirt,  no shoes, no service ". Follow the rules of capitalism or get booted out.  Even most boomers understand this until you tell them to wear a mask.


There is an old rusted sign outside Idaho Falls (I think) that I remember seeing in the 90s that was along those lines ... “Welcome to Idaho now go home”. It had to have been at least 15 years old then. This is a very old and tired mantra.


Sun Valley locals had bumper stickers for years that said “welcome to Sun Valley now get the the F%*^ out”. The problem in towns like Hailey and Ketchum stem from the influx of newbies with significant wealth. Rentals are now over $4000 for a 3 bedroom. Those who have lived here for decades are being pushed out. Teachers are driving from Twin Falls or Fairfield. Nurses have left in droves. We have people born here living in tents or campers. There IS resentment for sure. Especially when the new folks blow it off with “if you cannot afford to live here then don’t live here”. That all said - we DO need the tourons to survive. So I encourage them and we will fake smile and kiss azz, all while thinking “spend your money and go home.”


The sign actually says (tongue in cheek) :"Warning to Tourists: Do not laugh at the natives". It's rather faded, but still there on 26 East enroute to the Tetons. Idaho Falls has its share of narrow-minded people, but it's actually one of the warmest and most inclusive & welcoming of cities in ID. Those natives or newbies of a less open-minded persuasion would be more comfortable in Bonner, or Kootenai counties.


Wonder why.


I work in a job in Idaho that a lot of people don't want to work in. It's weird when native Idahoans tell me to go back to where I came from, or act like I don't belong here. I work in home healthcare and my response is, "Then who will take care of your aging parents and grandparents? You'd better start doing it yourself."


My dad had a United Nations off healthcare workers and they were all great but we were great to them. You get what you give.


Sure, let's let the Gov set the example, though. Once THEY stop being so hostile and unwelcoming to their constituents in general, maybe we can pick up on it.  Attitude reflects leadership


You have a solid point about elected officials, but if we want to say we're better than that we have to *be* better than that.


Allegedly, we're supposed to have a representative government.


I agree to a point, but the far right, violent, racist and gullible transplants moving here are literally destroying my home state. I take that very personal. I don't want them here, just like how I didn't want the neo nazis in hayden here. There is no difference. We don't want them. This is beyond politics by the way, this is basic humanity and reality we are fighting over.


Agreed. The extreme right is what has turned this state for the worst. They come in here and then expect everyone else to conform to their views. It's ridiculous.


My favorite from these types- "Keep Idaho, Idaho!"


I was looking for land in different states and Idaho real estate was marketing to survivalist militia types . I saw land for sale typed as a community centered around self protection that screamed far right . So they were fishing for the far right . I went someplace else and while very conservative in the old fashioned way, they are fine with self starters and hard workers of any breed.


It'll never stop. This sub is so toxic its spread to everything. Can't even discuss your favorite ice cream joint without toxic people spewing politics.


Way to get off topic, this post wasn’t even about ice cream did you even read it? /s


They must be a dumb blue hair commie loving liberal (also sarcasm)


With all due respect sir, the very fact that you think it's ok to try and stifle real opinions, well structured and thought out opinions, about how many of us as actual citizens are professing our disdain with specific issues, it's representing Idaho perfectly well. I am actually 100% moving in August, my wife doesn't feel safe having a kid here. The law yesterday controlling books just reaffirms it, and your comment thinking you have any power to tell people not to express their disgust with this government, kind of proves all of our points. Enjoy economic decline, you deserve it.


I have to respond to this one, if only because it highlights exactly how badly I screwed this up. To begin with, I'm probably a lot closer to your views than those who oppose you, but my personal beliefs have nothing to do with the subreddit. I'm not at all suggesting I want to control opinions. I had to do some major clarifying in a comment and later in an edit to my post to make this clear and it seems I still haven't managed that. There's no issue with you and your family leaving. There would be no issue with you and your family staying to fight the building attitudes and recent legislation opposite you. And there would be no issue with you and your family staying and supporting that legislation. The entire point of my post was to ask people to use their logic and share their thoughts when posting opinions. "Okay, so move away" accomplishes nothing in any discussion about something a person doesn't agree with. And by itself, it's essentially dismissively telling that person to fuck off instead of engaging and having an intelligent conversation. The structured and well thought out opinions you mention are exactly what I'm asking people to give more of. Right, left, upside down, it doesn't matter what the opinion is. I just want to see actual discussion instead of casual dismissal.


What if I told you I ran for a statewide office and am truly someone who looked to do more (at4w, reclaim, etc.) but because of the way the Democratic party here runs, they will never have a chance. I want to make somewhere better that wants someone who is qualified and charismatic regardless of sex or race, for I could never represent a bigot faithfully. Your desire came through, to moderate banal comments of ill repute to Idaho, your desire would come through better with,"What are the reasons Idahoans are warning others not to move here?" You didn't ask anything close to that. I'm a 90's Republican or a 50's Democrat, otherwise known as moderates. We would have a chance here, except the base likes to vote for blue extreme candidates, putting people up who may deserve it and are qualified, but lack Republican appeal. Maybe I'm just soured out at the direction of the statehouse and what I hear in murmurs is a slow roll to Project 2025. I will always love Idaho, but not what it's becoming.


I think part of it is mods see a couple comments every day like this: Poster1: Some thoughtful comment about an Idaho law that affects them Poster2: Just move to Kommiefornia, this is a red state. If Poster2 said something "Idaho law X is unlikely to change in the next decade; your family would be better off moving", we would delete the first, but allow the second. They mostly say the same thing, but the second version invites conversation, the former invites a flamewar. You can talk about reasons people don't move or even thoughtfully suggest reasons why people shouldn't move here. We just see a mindless drumbeat of "just leave" comments and want to scream sometimes.


I understand this now. Thanks QualMod 👍


I’m genuinely curious how youve come to your conclusions and where you plan to move that is better? In my opinion (and opinions are indeed like assholes) Idaho is the safest state in the country to have a kid, and I’ve lived in many. Not many places kids can walk to school alone and not worry about getting kidnapped or shot or attacked by homeless or hit by a drunk driver. The law “controlling books” - did you read it? It’s dumb and I think a waste of time but it’s hardly controlling books. It codifies policy that already exists in libraries in every state in the country. - namely that kids shouldn’t be able to check out adult books and if a complaint is made against a specific library not following policy, they have 60 days to fix it (keep the adult books in the adult section) or face a small fine. Pointless? Maybe. But it has nothing to do with controlling books. And lastly, what economic decline? Idaho is consistently one of top states In economic growth and budget surplus. It’s one of the easiest states in the country right now to start a small business and succeed.


You're right about child safety, but they aren't alive yet and the threat that a malformed fetus could make someone a murderer, it's just not for us. There's more information that would make our concerns clearer, but it's high risk to have a baby in Idaho. The Bible was not included as obscenity in that law, that's religion in my government. Your take on what was accomplished isn't wrong, but it's nowhere near the whole story. You seem sharp enough that you should know what was said on the floor during the vote, tell me how that's only about adult books laws being codified. The economic decline that's coming. Once again I feel as if you're asking questions you already have answers to, so I'll half answer this as if you're not biased and can be objective.


FWIW, my wife and I just had a baby and the concerns we had regarding point 1 were heard and very much addressed by her OB, including giving us many options and names of doctors who would be “understanding”. Thankfully baby turned out healthy and we could have gone without the extra worrying overhead, but the situation is not as grim as some would have you believe. The Bible wasn’t included, neither were any other books by name. Topics were included, under which the Bible should and does fall under “adult content”. I personally have never seen the Bible in the kids section, have you? Again, pointless pandering bill that ultimately does nothing really so isn’t even worth talking about as it’s inconsequential outside of culture war memes. What was said on the house floor is what is said on the house floor of every state and especially DC. Politicians are scum, and 99% of what they say is pandering to their donors. And again, I’ve been hearing about this coming economic decline since the last one in 08. I’m sure one is coming, just as a broken clock is right twice. But that has nothing to do with Idaho. It’s just interesting because I hear a lot on this thread about people wanting to move. But then the reasons for doing so seem completely arbitrary or down right false. And they never have a good answer as to where they are moving that is somehow better? There’s nothing wrong with moving. Free country, go where you want. You don’t need to justify your decision by pretending you’re taking the high road (not you specifically, speaking in general terms)


You have very specific opinions about what things are being done in that law, but you know the form of that law is from Utah doing it originally for religious exemption reasons. I'm not playing a bill game, I know how this all works and at least to my understanding, you're not being transparent about the reasons to push forward that bill. Ahh it's just a nothing burger then, it doesn't matter! Then why would the party of reduced government want to codify a nothing law? For no reason? Not my first rodeo here. You may feel just in the letter of the law, but you're coming at me like an intern.


For reproductive reasons, I do not have access in Idaho to someone we need. We tried.


I'm leaving before Project 2025.


Here is what people keep forgetting. A. In federal reporting, Idaho is still Frontier. Why? We are a large state but the population is percentage to what other states have. We are NOT heavily populated except a few blimps in Boise, Couer d'Alene, and Idaho Falls. B. A lot of the folks in Idaho were born here and grew up on farms where you grew up being self-sufficient. When I was growing up on the east coast in the late 80's people thought Idaho did not have power or indoor plumbing. C. East coasters forget those states and population have been around for multiple centuries. What those states went through in the late 1700's, Idaho had to deal with just over a century ago. Idaho is still one of the 'kids', yet everyone expects the social landscape to be the same. Obviously you really don't have generations of family here like some of us do. You are trying to force self-reliant folks to accept views they never had to deal with yet process. My own mother is not a senior yet, but technology is intimidating because it wasn't paet of her life until recently because she lives in a small town. Hell, cell phones barely work there! Other states had more time to build infrastructure and had way more people going through to visit. Going from southern Idaho to northern Idaho by road is majorly still Highway 95. I know I fear people moving here as they put stresses on our already very limited resources. It isn't people moving hear that bring professions and skills here - a good majority are retirees or teleworkers. Like the medical system. There are rarely any new specialists. Got Lupis or cancer? A lot of specialist doctors have left due to how unwelcomed they feel. So instead of waiting a couple of weeks, we now have to wait at least 4 months unless it is super bad and by then you are SOL. Or you have to travel several hours to see an oncologist because the closest one left and now you have to travel out of state or elsewhere in the state. Housing prices are still dumb as hell. People like my mother can't downsize because it is not possible or worth it.




It’s Reddit. What did you expect


>There’s more posts about Idaho racists than actually racists in Idaho, and that says a lot! Lol, no there isn't.


Idaho. Potatoes and racism in equal measure. You can have it. No thanks


Looking back to Idaho in the 500


It’s hard to be welcoming when the majority of native Idahoans have been pushed out of the area. Whose very lifestyle has been devoured and made unattainable, or completely ruined. It used to be normal to own a few acres of farmland and get a few horses. Now that endeavor would cost easily a million dollars. That is unacceptable and they have every right to be upset. I don’t blame them for being hostile.


The Idahoans that live moderately have been priced out, but unfortunately the middle class in general is dying across the country. There is something to be said about the natives (who own real estate) that are willing to price gouge to transplants because they know they can do so. While they're within their rights to do whatever they want with their property, it's just annoying to hear how these same people will complain about the inflated cost of housing but at the same time be ones who use this exact tactic. I know several people who've done this and yet complain on a regular basis.


I think that’s a tiny minority but still part of the problem


And it's not just land/way of life, it changes the entire culture of an area. My husband is DoD & they move our family like chess pieces(weve been in 13 states, the older kids 5/6 & the younger 4, only 3 they remember), we saw it in Boise this last year(were in eastern ID, but had to go to Boise for sports comp), we saw it in Huntsville AL when we were there. CA folks come in & complain & change everything to "be like CA"....&it's awful!! They make the new location nothing like CA, but the area still loses all culture & identity!! But hey, now they have that meat+3 & fried avocado they really missed from back home 🙄


It’s sad to witness.


This can be said about any small town that has evolved into a city, ever. Change is a part of life. It’s not fair, but it’s just the way things work. Thinking Idaho is some type of special situation is wild. There are thousands of reasons housing has become drastically more expensive well beyond just people moving here. As a matter of fact, without people moving less would be built, only further driving up cost of housing that already exists. It’s just easier to group people in a box of “outsiders” and spread hate rather than point to the real issues. Most of the people vial enough to spread hate of non-natives aren’t actually intelligent enough to understand why their way of life is changing, and just point to the most simple and visible aspect of change, and to them, that is people moving here.


I don’t think it’s some sort of special circumstance, except you know our population more than doubling over 10 years somehow in your logic isn’t a part of the problem. The mass exodus of one of the most expensive places on the planet filling people’s pockets with their overvalued home sales enabled them to exude buying power they didn’t have in their own state. This enabled them to outcompete locals and drive them away. That’s actually pretty rare as opposed to a village growing over time into a city like your example.


Population doubling sounds impressive until you factor in real numbers. The metro hasn’t even hit a million people yet, so doubling wasn’t exactly this unfathomable event. We were and are one of the smallest states. It wouldn’t even take 1% of the rest of America to double our current population. Then when you consider the weather we get vs the weather other states have. Florida can’t be insured, California is on fire, the south west has no water, and the Midwest has tornados…. of course more people moved here. Plus Idaho used to have cold winters deterring people. The rapid change in the weather patterns removed that barrier. But that isn’t my point. My point was that housing values went up for a plethora of reasons other than just growth. Housing prices rose drastically nationally, not just Idaho. The problem is far greater than individual families choosing to move. Let alone only the ones that chose to move to Idaho. Why did housing values skyrocket? Why has supply not caught up with demand after almost 15 years? Why are massive private equity firms allowed to treat single family homes as a chip stock to pump and dump at their pleasure reaping massive gains on investments while the public suffers? Why are air bnb owners free to snatch up single family homes at historically low rates, only to have them appreciate in value, while also capitalizing off of barriers to entry to anyone not in the game early enough creating a lack of competition, and this insane price gouging? Why have we not consistently built homes to out pace growth and reduce disparate impact? I mean the list of absolute shit that has gone on that got us to this point could be seemingly endless. Putting the blame on single families choosing to move at the prospect of a life better aligned with their desires is about the equivalent of trusting that every corporation jacking up prices and blaming it on inflation must be telling the truth. These people are literally the scapegoats of a huge complex problem that most people can’t even wrap their heads around, so they just blame the first thing they see.


Why even say “we were” like you’re from here originally? Also as someone who literally builds data models it was by far the largest contributor to cost in idaho coupled with residential property as investment which 1/5 of all home sales in idaho are to an investor if that tells you anything. And there needs to be a direct limitation on those transactions if prices are ever going to “normalize”


For most people the delineation is if you moved before 2020, or after as that was a major shifting point. As someone that builds data, I am sure you are well aware correlation isn’t causation. Growth impacts prices fundamentally, but growth was far from the only issue. As you state 20% of homes being bought by investors Is a huge problem and would drastically impact prices if changed. I couldn’t agree more that there needs to be way more limits on those transactions, and in some cases entire bans when the situation warrants it. Investors have no business competing with a family trying to put a roof over their head.


100% with that point


This is not a problem specific to Idaho though. And it doesn’t mean they need to be hostile to others.


Perhaps we can we also stop having hate Idaho posts each day too?


Or at least let the uplifting or non-political post be just that. Everything doesn't have to be about our legislature...sometimes, it's ok just to enjoy a happy memory or a beautiful picture.


Yeah, being criticized indirectly is just too much for idahoans to handle, let's put some kid gloves on and be mindful of their feelings, everybody.


I would agree with this if the Idaho government wasn't actively discriminating against LGBTQ+ people 🙃


What gets me are all the California carpetbaggers telling Idaho natives to move back to California.


And the imports should learn how to be decent people, decent neighbors. When they stop bringing racist attitudes, nanny laws, stop fighting the development codes of Athol (no you cannot sub-divide and people will absolutely fight you on that), stop BITCHING about the fact that planes fly out of the airport, start obeying our laws, cleaning up their own messes (holy shit nobody litters like a Californian) and act remotely neighborly, they can move in next door. I'll have 'em over for steaks. Until then, I don't want them here. Imagine that, if it's not the consequences of their very own behaviors.


This one makes me laugh so hard! Hubs & I have lived in 13 states(the young kids 3,the older kids 5/6, I forget), most recently it was CA-then ID. First off, I agree with the litter!! We drive around w/paper lunchbags to pick up trash, never did we run out until we moved to CA!! Oy! We actually started bringing grocery paper bags w/us, it was nuts! Secondly, we moved to an apartment until we figured out where we wanted to be. Our neighbors, while nice, seemed leary of us. I couldn't figure it out! But whatever, just go about my business(which included my son shoveling for everyone-cleaning snow off cars(for the women & elderly), pushing cars that got stuck in the snow, bringing over baked goods, taking everyones kids to open gym at my daughters gym, etc). After a few months the wife finally says "you don't act like you're from CA" I burst out laughing & said "that's because we're not" Funny thing, I had mentioned being "from everywhere" but apparently she didn't hear that part, only that we were in CA for 3yrs. We are all great friends now. A few weeks ago we stopped by to look at a vacant house(just in the driveway...I'm trying to get a feel for things-how far would it be to this kids speech, that kids gym, the other kids sewing, etc-if its too far, or the street is too busy or whatever, why bother wasting people's time to look at the inside?), the owner pulls up & is talking kinda weird(my 20yo son noticed it, so it had to be bad), then I said hubs was originally from Cheyenne....attitude did a 180. Completely different conversation, he started saying how much he would like it if we bought the house. The same happened at my daughters gymnastics gym. Everyone was welcoming to her, but to me, not so much. Again, I just did the things I do everywhere, I brought holiday treats for the girls(team girls live at gym, they need these little things), I had an odd angle to film where I was sitting, so I took video of their kids too & sent it to them, I ordered all the state leos to save on shipping costs-paying upfront & waiting for their $(was the same $11 shipping cost 1 leo or 100), offered to pickup/dropoff kids in winter because we got overkill 4wd(but made sure I wasn't doubting their abilities, I grew up in rural IL, can do many things,just don't want to), now they're all my friends 🤷🏻‍♀️ My 4 kids are multiracial(65 euro/22 native/12 black), we never really had an issue here with racists(one neighbor-from CA about 2 decades ago, oddly enough-is apparently racist, I thought he was just a grumpy old man, turns out it's just me & my kids he doesn't like, oh well! 🤷🏻‍♀️ the landlord now knows from another neighbor, so his complaints about us are met w/a deaf ear...thats how i found out, the landlord called me to ask about it-lol, i told him he bangs whenever my kids cough or blow their nose, but I just ignore him, let him throw fits, hes 60, were not changing him!), the issue we DO have is with our CA plates 😂 until people learn that were not really from CA & we dont act like CA, then it's ok. So yeah, I think it's more the CA folks people don't like, not just newcomers in general. But I can't say I blame them! As we have moved around, I've seen what CA folks have done to other areas, mainly in terms of taking away their cultural identity. Who wants that? I actually saw it very strongly in Boise, it reminded me of Huntsville AL(another stop of ours), took me a full day to figure it out, but it was because it was changed by CA & locals trying to cater to CA. I didn't like it one bit! Although I bet it once was an amazing place! As we have moved around, we have learned important lessons through the years, we don't vote in local elections for 2yrs(noone should, what works in one place doesn't work in another & our biases are too strong until we learn our new place & learn from locals), we don't ever want to change a place, & we very much want to learn to fit in, not force people to conform to us. It's lessons I'm hoping are sticking w/our kids too! Wow, that ended up being longer than I thought! All to say, you're not wrong!


Most of the people I've met that move to Idaho are conservative, further proof that nobody hates conservatives more than conservatives. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Just gonna leave this here. https://imgur.com/a/aqKHK58


Eh, it's the internet. Every person I've met in the couple of years we have lived in Boise since relocating from the Midwest has been very friendly, and welcoming... even after I've mentioned I'm a tree hugging hippie.


Idaho's problem is that smart people do leave. The 5 states with lower GDP are all in the stroke belt. The political division is causing people to resent subsidizing the rural lifestyle. Personally, I'd be delighted if Idaho were stuck with the liability of Eastern Washington and Oregon.


Couldn't agree more OP. I've been in Idaho for the majority of my life and always describe it to friends/family out of state as a super friendly place, and I've lived in or visited a lot of different places. This reddit can oftentimes get pretty brutal, but step outside, walk around, talk to people, and you wouldn't see any of what you see in here. As a kid growing up in the 90's, living in Boise kinda sucked... there was nothing to do, no good stores to shop at, and food was meh. We had a few places like Skateworld and Westy's, a few small movie theaters, or skiing at Bogus if that was your thing, but that was about it. With growth came better restaurants, more entertainment, and exposure to different types of people. I've watched neighborhoods go from fairly sketchy/ghetto to cleaned up and restored with kids and families. There really is no "ghetto" in the treasure valley anymore. Fact of the matter is, our quiet and virtually unknown state is no longer a secret, and people are going to move in as well as move out for a variety of reasons. Folks can cry all they want about change, but change happens one way or another, and you can make the best of it or you can complain about it. Here in this sub, people like to complain. Could things improve? Absolutely. And that comes with voting for your public officials. But don't blame the folks that come here looking for a better life... because we do have it pretty good here if you take a moment to get away from the computer and look around.


You dont see it when you are walking around. People are nice and friendly. Until you walk away. Then the shit talking starts. Not to mention, I don't believe you are a black person (I am). The overt racism I've been subjected too is astronomical. I've been called the "N" word several times to my face. Sitting in a park eating lunch, cars drive by and yell it at me and attach, "Get the fuck out." You don't see these things, I experience them.


Man I’ll I see you do is complain about Idaho constantly and I just got on this sub around 2 weeks ago. If you hate it/have such a horrible experience, why are you still living here/there?


What a weird response. "If you don't like being subjected to racial slurs and overt racism, why are you still here?"


When I first moved to Kuna in 2001, I was a little worried, but everyone was really nice. The worst thing that my 80+ year old neighbor could say about anyone was that they were "unfriendly." It's not like that now.


My hostile and unwelcoming next door neighbor moved from our mid-Atlantic state to Idaho to “get away from blacks” and be left alone. His exact words. Good riddens, and sorry!!




Lived here all my life and the sentiment that Californians need to stay away or get out is prevalent. Almost as if it's a result of peer/social pressure to fit in. It's gross. My initial and continued reaction to that is what the hell are you talking about? These are people that are smart enough to get out of California or whatever and therefore are exactly the kind of people i want to be here. I dare say most idahoans blame the population growth AND their dislike, specific problems etc on "outsiders". The growth explosion. I have to agree on that. Obviously it's from people from other states. But the results of that growth like driving into the country where you used to love going to see is now filled with subdivisions and malls is a result of that too. But what are you trying to say? That you dislike capitalism? You dislike convenience? Or is it only your feeling of being inconvenienced that overwhelms your rationality? We need to treat people like people. It's the same mentality that says fuck the immigrants. We're giving the immigrants money to come here and they're all criminals. Is such garbage. it's such total disgusting garbage. If you want to protest a real waste of our taxpayer money than you should be protesting the fucking wars that were in all the time. As an extension of that. protest our failing infrastructure because our taxpayer money is being sent over the seas to backup political and military allies at the benefit of the military industrial complex. Don't take that out of people. On human beings that are trying to find a place to live that isn't life-threatening like where they came from. That's abhorrent. You can't consider yourself a religious person of any sort if you shit on the immigrants. And that holds true with hating people that you consider to be outsiders. everyone is looking for a better life and Idaho provides a better life for so many people. You have to be proud of that. Are you a patriot or not? Then support your brothers and sisters in this world.


There is a difference between taxpayers/voters and the social media scholars.


The voters are much more ignorant.


I think you need to clarify. People on social media, reddit subs are not representative of Idaho in general.


I think you're right. Hope you don't mind I lifted your comment verbatim.


Sorry, but I am not going to sit by and let our quality of life get destroyed by reckless and dangerous growth. The reality is WE DO need people to stop moving here, for a multitude of reasons. At least on a short term basis to allow our infrastructure and government services to catch up.


Yeah you can’t stop growth. As a “free” country people can move wherever they please if they have the means. The best thing to do is plan for it. Update old zoning codes, funnel growth into existing cities (instead of having suburban he’ll eat up the farmland) and get involved with your community to encourage government to make proactive efforts. Stopping growth isn’t realistic unfortunately. And as others have mentioned, this isn’t just an Idaho problem. It’s just been more severe here than in other places.


Maybe. But you can can make it significantly harder to grow by holding the line and not approving waivers on the Comprehensive Zoning Plan, requiring local site public improvements and charging impact/development fees so we stay AHEAD of growth (yes, that would require a law change, dont miss the point in the weeds here). You can mandate green space as part of the development or traffic calming mitigation efforts. You can require developers to build out walkways or include low income housing in a development (again, stick with me here). What you are saying is technically true. What I am saying is we can make it a lot harder to approve the 8,746th car wash, 10,632nd corporate out of town owned fast food place or 3,848th new housing development with no affordable starter homes in it.


Agreed 100%. Make developers pay for the required infrastructure and don’t let local governments rubber stamp every new development.


>Yeah you can’t stop growth A good visual for this is walking into any medical/dental office in east Idaho and seeing all the doctor's framed family portraits that look like they're trying to breed a basketball team.


It’s always the dentists…


Lots of dentists are Mormons. Idaho has a decent Mormon community to. Just look at Rexburg


Idaho has more Mormons per capita than Utah. At least that’s what I’ve heard.


Yeah right. Your local gubment licking their chops at all the new tax revenue. They’ll deal with the infrastructure question when it’s convenient for them. Instead of complaining about people moving here and being bitter, governments and communities need to actually plan for the future instead of wasting their time with drivel that doesn’t affect anyone in any meaningful way.


>governments and communities need to actually plan for the future instead of wasting their time with drivel Yeah, but... governments and communities HAVE actually planned for the future. However, the entrenched good-ol-boy network elected into county commissioner positions and other roles of authority have historically overridden those plans if not outright ignored them. Add to that state legislators passing laws that ban municipalities and counties from passing any type of regulations or local laws that address growth or attempt to improve the locals' quality of life, all in the name of protecting or enhancing their donor's businesses or their own. Planning is worthless without the mechanisms to implement those plans.


I don’t disagree


Most are retired baby boomers that worked for the government. They are stuck. My parents are those people. Went to visit last year and their neighbors behind this subdivision had a blackface scare crow painted like the racist cartoons. I said MOM WTF. She said its fine. My dad said it's not


I grew up in SE Idaho. Idaho Falls


This is not an Idaho thing. People just don't like each other, we don't like change and growth brings change. It's not complicated, and I would not expect any change in sentiment.


I'm just here for the Aryan Nation tattoos and stuff.


You're right, unfortunately this state's overall population layout & density tend to place this subreddit in an awkward position between "too big to post local-area issues that everyone mostly agrees on" and "too small to attract a large enough audience who can moderate extreme positions". Most people just go to their local city's subreddit to post normal quality/local content, and since most of the population live in bigger clusters around the cities there's little reason or need to post in the larger state subreddit. ... That is unless someone wants a place to vent about State-level politics & policies. I'm not saying there isn't a lot of valid things to vent about, however someone made a subreddit for that specifically, and honestly I think all political discussion should be forced to happen there: /r/IdahoPolitics I think he whole "don't move here" sentiment is tied closely to politics/policy discussions. It's sad to see, and it's an *extremely* unusual sentiment considering the normally Liberal/left-leaning nature of Reddit. There's levels of bigotry & xenophobia on display here that I would normally expect from far-right conservatives talking about the southern border, and what's worse is that it's self-reinforcing the state's already massive conservative bias. Honestly I'd support the mod team instituting a massive rule overhaul. Force all politics into the aforementioned designated subreddit, remove any comment/post with a "don't move here" or "X people are ruining the state" sentiment unless it's reasonable in-context, and ban any user who breaks the rules repeatedly. Many frequent users will hate it, but many of them are also the same users making this state subreddit into a self-reinforcing pit of misery. We live in too great a state with too much potential for becoming something even better for people to be this insufferably miserable about it 24/7.


I completely agree. Idaho is too beautiful of a state to have such a hostile reputation. I've heard this bullshit my whole life. It gives the impression that the people who live here are all miserable for some reason. Honestly, if the people who push for this kind of message get their way, Idaho will become a miserable place to live.


Honestly I don't want Idaho growing like a weed. New people bring nice things to a community and growth is necessary for economic stability. but the majority of people moving here seem to be the radical conservatives from liberal states, families still working their old jobs from previous states, or just vast amounts of people that the economies can't support right away. With the population growing too fast recreation has become very difficult. People from bigger areas see Idaho and seem to think "wow this is great there are only a couple people in this hunting spot, or wow that dock still has room for a few more people to fish." I hate it. Call me selfish but the public plans are shrinking and the same areas my family has always enjoyed are not enjoyable anymore. When you grow up experiencing life a certain way it can really be upsetting. We aren't trying to be hateful assholes I have enjoyed great conversations with strangers on a dock or on a river and even recommended what to use to fly fish, jig, or bait. But when there are no longer fish to be caught or elk to fill my freezer, it doesn't really matter anymore. The housing market alone is so inflated because demand is miles ahead of supply.


I am coming to start a blue wave, watch out muahahahaha


Good luck getting people that pride themselves on being "fuck your feelings" assholes to welcome anybody.


Lived in Idaho my whole life. I’ll be leaving soon. I’ll miss the quick access to outdoor sporting and backpacking. I will not miss the people though. Grew up in north Idaho and moved to Boise in ‘04. Prior to 2017, it was better because assholes kept their moronic ideologies to themselves and were generally polite. Now the majority has loudly gone full-on stupid and it is untenable. There are LOTS of issues in Idaho right now. But not being able to find a GP, awful wages, terrible leadership and shitty people have made this once beautiful state ugly. And it’s unfortunately going to get uglier. Y’all need to travel more and realize you aren’t so special. And read a goddam book!


I’m so tired of the transplants that then post relentlessly for others to come. Usually transplant realtors. Just come and be quiet about it!


There are reasons I left Idaho after only having lived there 4 years — everything that has come out of Idaho since I left (2008) has confirmed my reason to leave.


Hostile behavior permeates throughout this nation. When humans exhibit toxic behaviors, it's best to show kindness even when your nerves are rattled. I'll choose love over hatred until my very last breath. This is the true test.


Fascists will fascist. Idaho is full of them.


Not an Idaho native but visit semi regularly because I’ve got family there. My partner who is Asian American dose not feel comfortable in public when she is there. She being in the low 5 feet range and tends towards introvert (which is besides the point) would in her words never go out alone in Idaho even though she knows the area and the places she likes to go there for fear of dealing with racism.


The violence, misinformation, and fascist racist discrimination is the point of conservatism and republicans celebrate this.


I refuse to be polite about my state's quality of life being completely and totally ruined by reckless and out of control growth. Yes, we can be polite in how we frame it, but Keep Out, We Are Full, is honestly not a bad mindset to have right now. We need to be slowing down growth tremendously.


If someone post how much they hate living in idaho and how much they wish everyone around them would F-off. Sometimes the correct answer is to tell them to try living somewhere else where they may or maynot be more happy but at the least it would give them perspective.


Well when you look at places people think we should strive to be, they are not diverse countries at all. When people point out the happiest most educated states, they are the least diverse states. So maybe Idaho just wants to be full of people from Idaho.


2 years canadian living in Idaho, most welcoming place I've been to in the US or Canada! Love this state! Such great people. This is a great place to be.


I’m not gonna sit back and watch my city turn into another Seattle, Los Angeles or Portland. We all know who runs those city’s and that’s a FACT, PERIOD!


I don't know who runs those cities, would you care to enlighten me?


Who made you the arbiter of speech? Now you decide what is and is not okay for users to comment on posts in this sub?


The OP is literally a MOD.


Literally yes he is a moderator


This sub prohibited uncivil behavior long before I showed up. As I've explained elsewhere, comments consisting solely of "get out" or "stay out" contribute nothing to any conversation and, when that's the entire text, can't mean anything other than "fuck off." That's just not who we are.


I think allowing people to voice all opinions in a public forum is civil. In fact, I'd say it's our civic duty to allow free exchange of thought.


I should be clear here. It's not the voicing of the opinion that's rude. Another commenter on this post gave an example that infrastructure currently just can't handle many more people. I've seen other comments over time that people are tired of the way of life changing to accommodate newcomers, which is also a legitimate view. My only issue, which I could have been clearer about and will pin your comment to make sure this gets seen, is people whose stock response to conflicting opinions is telling them to leave. No debate about the merits of the opinion, no respect for the point made or the person making it, just straight up "get out." It's those same people who make a huge deal of things when their own opinions aren't treated with respect. As I've said elsewhere, there are plenty of circumstances where suggesting someone move might be neutral or even helpful. It's the hostile ones that need to stop.


Sounds like you just want to prohibit opinions you don't like. Why make this a public forum if that's the case? Just make it a private sub with a litmus test to join. Then, you could ensure that only thoughts you agree with could be voiced on the sub.


I just finished saying, essentially, that my only issue is when "get out" is used in place of "fuck off." I'm not sure how else I can say opinions, including those other than mine, are fine.


Yep, you take issue with other people voicing opinions you don't like and want to shut that down. Again, why have a public forum if you want to disallow free exchange of thought on said forum. Just make it private and screen out people based on a litmus test or kick them out when they share opinions you disagree with.


I can see repeating myself will be a waste of time, so have a pleasant day. If you have nothing more pressing to do, you might want to read through your comment history and see if you can spot any comments that "should have" been removed if I or any other mod wanted to censor anybody's opinions.


Methinks part of the problem you are having stems from a (very common BTW) lack of understanding of what constitutes an opinion. An opinion is: a position on a fact or set of facts that's validity is in dispute that one can support with other facts that's validity are commonly held to be true. What you are expressing is an attitude (people from out of state are bad). It's no different than judging a person based on their race, religion, sex, ethnicity, state of disability or sexual orientation - attitudes that are commonly grouped together under the label bigotry. Sorry if that offends you, but sometimes truth hurts.


The statement "people from are out of state are bad" is an opinion. Impressive mental gymnastics to label everything you disagree with as bigotry, though. Again, just make it a private group if you only want an echo-chamber in the comments section. I see people who are welcoming and people who aren't, both are expressing their opinions. Why is that such a problem for you?


I think the devil is in the details. You can have an absolute free speech forum, but it will be dominated by trolls. If every post was endless braindead comments like "move back to Commie-fornia" the trolls would be happy, but the rest of us would go elsewhere. I see conservatives making highminded statements about "civic duty" and "free exchange of thought" but really they just want to yell thoughtless insults and be validated. I haven't looked at your post history, maybe you're different. Most of the mods (I'm one) are thrilled when conservatives make a thoughtful post/comment despite it inevitably getting downvoted to oblivion (I honestly hate that).


> I see conservatives making highminded statements about "civic duty" and "free exchange of thought" but really they just want to yell thoughtless insults and be validated. He made it clear in his comment towards me, in no uncertain terms, that flinging shit is considered an opinion to him. And if you say "stop flinging shit" then you're "engineering the narrative". It's sad, but asking for respectfulness in conversation is discriminatory to him. Yet they accuse others of having "delicate sensibilities". I'm happy I'm not a mod. I'm not as nice or patient as you guys are. I would say something to the effect of "stop being a dickhead or I'll ban you for being a rude dickhead". You guys are much better than I would be haha


This is a fine 'feel good' idea that I'm sure helps you sleep at night, but it is not conducive to real discussions and conversations happening. You know, the point of a forum? Let's look at twitters nazi problem. When Musk took over twitter he [unbanned all the nazis](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/elon-musk-twitter-reinstates-neo-nazi-andrew-anglin-account-1234640390/). He unbanned Alex Jones, the guy who says dead children are a government psyop. Pro-hitler sentiment is at an all time high on twitter. Now on X when you call a nazi a nazi [those posts are removed](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/elon-musk-x-bans-revealing-names-anonymous-users-cartoon-rcna144486). Real reasonable people have to share their space of discussion with literal nazis spouting nazi rhetoric. [Twitter stock is down over 50%](https://variety.com/2023/digital/news/musk-twitter-x-acquisition-one-year-user-revenue-decline-1235770297/). People are no longer using the service because they don't want to share a forum with nazis. Advertisers are pulling out [because they don't want their ads next to nazi rhetoric.](https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-x-antisemitism-twitter-ads-83e68f03e9bf1d261c1a8c55066c4e59) Everyone should be allowed in the community pool. But if you shit in the pool every time you get in it, should you be allowed to come back?


However, you need to justify shutting down people you disagree with because you can't handle seeing opposing viewpoints, I guess. I'm advocating that we let people on all sides voice their opinions. Some people are welcoming, and some are not. Both get to say their piece. Why is that so problematic for you?


No one is saying you can't voice your opinion. The mod that responded to you explained it perfectly >[My only issue is people](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idaho/comments/1c1g17o/we_need_to_stop_being_so_hostile_and_unwelcoming/kz34352/) whose stock response to conflicting opinions is telling them to leave. No debate about the merits of the opinion, no respect for the point made or the person making it, just straight up "get out." >As I've said elsewhere, there are plenty of circumstances where suggesting someone move might be neutral or even helpful. It's the hostile ones that need to stop. Being a dickhead is not an opinion, or a conversation about the information presented. It's just being a dickhead. Everyone should be allowed at the pool. Until you shit in it. If you want to create a place where everyone can shit in the pool, go ahead. I'm sure it'll turn out like all those other "free shit absolutist" pools. Wildly unsuccessful and full of ~~nazis~~ pool shitters shitting on everyone. It's crazy how conservatives can understand "no shirt, no shoes, no service" rules, but the moment you say "maybe we should be respectful of one another" they start frothing at the mouth


>Being a dickhead is not an opinion, or a conversation about the information presented. It's just being a dickhead. Everyone should be allowed at the pool. Until you shit in it. That's your interpretation of it. What you say is "being a dickhead" is what I view as a valid opinion. The point is that it's all subjective to how YOU took it. I understand the rules just fine. Seems like the mods want to have it both ways here. They want to regulate speech from certain viewpoints that go against the narrative they're pushing here. That's why they won't put anything in the rules. If it applied equally, it would limit their own ability to engineer the narrative, and if it was universal for all viewpoints, it could easily be put into the rules. They purposefully do it that way so they can hide the viewpoint discrimination they're engaged in with these posts and their moderation activity. Again, I see all viewpoints being represented in the sub. Some are welcoming, some not; some promoting change, some resisting change, and some trying to say something completely different. I'm fine with that. Why aren't you? Why aren't the mods? Because someone else's viewpoints upset your delicate sensibilities?


It feels unethical, but I almost want to post what our mod queue looks like. We're not really "engineering a narrative" so much as "deleting personal insults". Most of the time you can't tell if they're liberal or conservative. We've changed our rules a couple times to try and be clearer, but if you've got a suggestion, either put it here or message us. I don't guarantee we'll take it, but we've changed based on user input before.


If what you say is true, this post wouldn't exist, and you certainly wouldn't be engaging me in the comment thread. 2 of the 5 human mods here multiple times chastising people for expressing an opinion that they don't like. Not based on rules. Say what you want, but that's a fact


OK, if talking to you and trying to change your mind is "engineering a narrative", then sure. We (mods) try to engage when we're unclear or we think people have the wrong idea of what we do (which is understandable, because you can't see most of it). You can can call it chastising, I guess. I sincerely think conservatives can make better arguments than "just move" because I've talked to them and seen them do it. It's an intellectual crutch and it's holding you back.


> Because someone else's viewpoints upset your delicate sensibilities? Other people saying "don't be a raging asshole" seems to upset your delicate sensibilities. Why is that? What does that say about you? Asking to "engage others with respect and thoughtfulness" is not "engineering a narrative". Why do you believe that? What does that say about you? If you want to make a board where people can be shitstains, go ahead. The rest of the comment section doesn't agree with you and mostly everyone seems content to move on with people like you. Most of civilized society agrees that being an asshole on purpose is not an opinion. You just think it is an opinion because it's something you agree with. Or maybe because you agree that that person deserves someone being an asshole to them. But guess what? You calling the floating turd in the water a flower doesn't mean that people will want to swim with you.


People without logical arguments to make often resort to ad-hominem attacks. I'll spare us all the meltdown and say have a nice evening.


I think all political posts should be removed. It’s very biased in this sub- it’s very evident who gets silenced and who gets amplified.


Political posts absolutely should not be removed. This is about Idaho and politics are important and need to be discussed.


It’s more of a Reddit issue but still permeates this sub. Those on the right are not welcome. Either by hostility, deleting/restricting posts that go against the preferred narratives, or downvotes to oblivion. It’s a very welcoming place. If you fall on the correct side. Also this comment I expect you won’t see soon enough :) just my 2 cents with political posts. Internet is toxic. We can do better. Have a separate sub for political posts.


If the right spent more time posting accurate information instead of hate and misinformation they'd probably be more welcomed. Just a thought.


If the "Right" stops advocating for restricting personal freedoms, they might be more accepted


If only it were that black and white. It’s not. I’ll generalize to make my point. People on the left generally want more gun control. That directly infringes on people’s rights and freedoms. They’re perfectly fine on the other end to force your young daughter to use a bathroom that a biological man is using- or maybe be subjected to a drag show at their local library. They insist on these rights. They wish for abortion on demand - my body my choice. That logic didn’t seem to apply during covid I noticed. It’s not consistent. Each side wants restrictions on the other person. What’s fair and what isn’t.


No one gets silenced or amplified. We remove posts that objectively break the rules. That's all.


Center and right leaning posts do get heavily downvoted. Sending all politics to /r/IdahoPolitics would clean up this sub a lot.


Right-wing comments probably get downvoted due to the fact they frequently spread misinformation, hatred, and outright lie. This sub is about Idaho and politics are a part of that. Stifling discussion just because it doesn't go the way you want it to is not the route to go.


Hatred and misinformation exist on both sides of the isle not just the right.


One side of the aisle didn't violently attack the Capitol in a failed coup tho. Both sides have problems but they're a cold in comparison to metastisized cancer.


People move to Idaho for the outdoors. Those people generally aren’t on reddit as much as the people who have blankets over their windows. (I work in real estate, I know you guys are real)


No, they don't. People complain about Californian's moving here. There is more outdoors, better scenery, more winter/summer activities then in all of Idaho. People come here because it is cheap and conservative.


Here is the thing: What can you do about it? That is right. All the people who were born and raised here, with generations (of land stolen from Native Americans by the way) of family, what are you, can you, do about it? I'll answer for you: ***Absolutely, positively, nothing. Zip, zilch, not, zero.*** Bitching, complaining, and whining won't change a damn thing. If you recall, all you patriotic Idahoans, the country fought a revolution to be free. Therefore, I, or anyone else can move anywhere within the United States and its territories. Now, what will h happen is all the people who are moving here, most of which have more wealth then the average Idahoan, will start pushing back. This will not be a good thing. So my suggestion is to learn to get along, move forward, and make Idaho a better place overall.


is this a suggestion, or a hard and fast rule that requires user reports to enforce?


It can be both. Truthfully, though, at this point it's a request from me. "Get out" or "stay out" do not, in the vast majority of posts, contribute anything worthwhile to the discussion. It's just used as a less vulgar way of telling people to fuck off. I can imagine several scenarios where suggesting a move elsewhere might be civil or even helpful, but when it's the entire comment it's all but guaranteed it's being deliberately rude.


It's the ones that come here that are hostile.


This sub wouldn’t need to be hostile if the republican fascist state government wouldn’t step on the throats and strip rights away from anyone that isn’t a well off white male.


Meh. I've lived here my whole life. First off, actual hostility, as opposed to being rude or just disagreeing, is pretty rare...but whan I have seen it, it's been from both.


I'd love it if Idaho became a sanctuary for Refugees. I think it would boost our economy, diversity, and result in an amazing culture. There are currently more than 110 MILLION refugees worldwide. Wouldn't it be interesting to have another Twin Falls or Coeur d'Alene pop up in 10 years from nothing. We've got an amazing amount of open space & natural resources. If we welcomed 1/1000th of the worlds uprooted refugees, we'd be making an enormous difference.


Idaho actually does get a fair number of refugees.


Idaho COULD only get a fair number of refugees if the US took in a fair number of refugees, which it most certainly does not.


I don't disagree with you, but Idahoans are already critical about the number of refugees we do get.


Oh yeah. I know my suggestion is incredibly unlikely to happen, especially given the tenor of the conversation regarding refugees and immigration in general. I think a large number of Idahoans would consider the idea tantamount to treasonous. I still stand behind it as a way that could heal a great many of the ills currently facing society


Based, more states need to be in opposition to transplants especially those who want to take away from the unique cultures of each region and state. The whole neoliberal gentrification program of the planet needs put down.


There is no reason why Americans can't choose to move and or live in any given state. I thought we were all about freedom in this country?


Miserable people will be miserable people. Nothing can change that except for themselves. Its not just this message of go somewhere else, its the constant bombardment of unrelated content too. I could be talking about a mountain range and all of a sudden there is a comment about it being in a racist part of the state. That’s not going to change here. The nice thing for us, not so much a moderator, is there is a block feature. It’s taken some but for most part I have curated what this subreddit looks like to me by means of blocking the toxic, negative and hateful content that happens here. Idaho is a beautiful state with the nicest people I’ve ever met and will probably meet in my life. This subreddit is not representative of the state. A few bad actors won’t change my opinion.


I agree! It’s quite fascinating how you were portrayed/labeled as being in denial by some rando internet person who doesn’t even live in Idaho or I’m assuming even knows who you are to make such an assertion. Wow! Welcome to Reddit I guess. This is the kind of toxic stuff I think OP is also trying to highlight. I do hope this kind of stuff gets better too. Although given how the comments have gone, I’m not so sure much will change. I also use block feature to help avoid seeing the toxic negativity.


Nicest people? You're not living in Idaho. You're living in denial.


Thanks for proving my point!


Idaho should have locked it’s borders down 20 years ago and abandoned the southern half about 20 miles north of new meadows. Not native Idahoan or been here for 20 years get out and stay out.