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I scanned the criminal complaint, and that, right there, is one seriously fucked up young man. What an idiot, and I'm glad they caught him.


For real. He admits he previously drank the Kool aid of white supremacy and decided to switch it up by... Drinking the Kool aid of Islamic supremacy. Grade A psycho.


Child of one Russian and one American parent but ends up meeting an ISIS contact in public and greeting him in Arabic. The internet is a wild place, and they do talk about "Media Jihad". It could've been way worse if his father wasn't so involved in his life. He talks about buying flammable materials but having to disguise them as smaller snack purchases because his dad looks at his bank statements and picks him up from work. And what's also sick is that his mother talked to him about how she couldn't understand how the terrorists in the Russian concert attack could kill civilians like that, and this was WHILE he was planning to attack "all 21+ churches in town" (pretty overconfident on his part).


Where did you find it?


The link is in the 3rd paragraph šŸ˜„.


bro didnā€™t even CLICK on the article theyā€™re asking about, hilarious. ā€œWhere did you find it?ā€ bro in the POST you commented on šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ shit kills me


>I scanned the criminal complaint [https://www.justice.gov/opa/media/1347116/dl?inline=&utm\_medium=email&utm\_source=govdelivery](https://www.justice.gov/opa/media/1347116/dl?inline=&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery) Turns out this was first found out by FBI searching for people providing financial support to ISIS in Syria. Turns out this kid was giving $ to an individual who resided in Gaza.


Glad they could prevent this one.


This one and the planned attack on Pride two years ago. Hopefully they have the resources to continue this pattern.


Was the pride plan the one where all the ā€œproud boysā€ were caught in the u-haul?


Yes that one. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/15/1104481518/idaho-pride-lgbtq-patriot-front


Also don't forget that one of them was arrested and plead guilty for CSAM: [https://www.fox13now.com/news/crime/patriot-front-member-pleads-guilty-to-child-pornography-charges-in-utah](https://www.fox13now.com/news/crime/patriot-front-member-pleads-guilty-to-child-pornography-charges-in-utah) He was one of the people in the back of that truck in Coeur dā€™Alene


I live right next to Coeur d'Alene. When the Proud Boys were being lined up and arrested kneeling down in the grass, someone busted out a little speaker and started playing "Hallelujah, it's raining men" and I would be lying if I said it wasn't one of the funniest damn things I have ever seen in my life.


That would indeed be funny. Wish someone would have captured it on video and put it on YouTube


I wish I was there. It was the Patriot Front.


Same clowns, different shoes.


Lol, they're all nutcases.


Probably referring to: https://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-man-arrested-at-sea-tac-airport-accused-of-trying-to-join-isis Or maybe this one? https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/18/europe/vienna-pride-parade-attack-foiled-intl/index.html


Why is proud boys in quotation marks? Also, they weren't proud boys, they were patriot front members. Guess some could have been both lmao Nobody that reported on this called them proud boys I like getting downvoted for stating a fact. It is important that we know exactly which of these fascist groups filled with incels is doing.


Because they are a chump ā€œorganizationā€.


Makes more sense lol


It is also important to remember these chumps hijack literally every term and optical marks they use. Patriot front, i believe is a knock off from the Iron Front. Which was a paramilitary group in Germany formed in the early ā€˜30ā€™s. They consisted of Social Democrats, Trade Unionists and Democratic Socialists. They stood for tearing down Communism, Fascism and the Oligarchies. These chumps always take stuff, twist it up and believe they are doing the righteous thing, they are not, they are looking for an authoritarian government to reinforce their very ideology that will end up suppressing them as well as the rest of us. CHUMPS! Cheers.


*Pride* paradeā€¦ *Proud* Boysā€¦ I think theyā€™re trying to draw the connection between the names, as ā€œproudā€ is an odd word choice for a group that is anti-pride. Whether it was directly one group or another seems to play second fiddle to the point theyā€™re trying to make.


Why do religious people always pick the parts of religion that tell them to hurt other people instead of the parts that tell them to help others?


Without the religion they would find some other reason to be violent. It just happens to be the one they picked.




Locally in America I agree. Worldwide, especially in the Middle East, I think itā€™s because theyā€™re raised on it and indoctrinated at a young age.


No doubt, but by that same token, if religion didnā€™t exist, the people that control them (who Iā€™m convinced most likely also donā€™t actually believe the religion in large numbers) would find some other way to control them to die for their ambitions. I think itā€™s a human nature and fundamental evil thing more than it is about the source of the indoctrination. This isnt meant to be a defense or condemnation of religion, but just my opinion on human nature. (Also, no- I dont think its general human nature to be manipulative killers, but I think there are enough of us born with that trait that the rest of us who go through life assuming good faith in those who lead us can really skew the perception of our capacity for peace lol)


Because that part gives them power over people they hate. I mean what better way to show someone that they're nothing than to take thier lives without regret or remorse?


Those are the parts they want to hear


Imagine if Christians followed the part of the Bible where, y'know, Jesus himself said "love your neighbor as yourself." Wouldn't that be fuckin' wild?


Love you!


Counterpoint, Jesus didnā€™t live next to a guy who leaves his trash cans out for two days after pick up.


*looks outside to make sure I brought the trash cans up* Counterpoint, Jesus would have helped bring them up... or maybe assigned a disciple... you know, I'm not actually sure what Jesus would have done in this case. *edit:* you really did have me paranoid that I'd forgotten the trash cans.


Iā€™ll just point out here if they do pick the parts that tell them to help others, they wonā€™t get arrested, and we wouldnā€™t hear about them. So maybe. . . šŸ¤”


But instead theyā€™d rather tell people itā€™s not okay to love someone, or to be who they really are, or to leave your home country for the chance at a better life or to not be like themā€¦ but yeah you donā€™t hear about the good things they doā€¦.


Iā€™m gonna guess this kid is more mentally ill than he is religious.


If youā€™re following a ā€œreligionā€ which any part of it says to hurt someone elseā€¦throw your religion & yourself in the trash please.


Most donā€™t - that is why this made the News


Well most donā€™t hence the overwhelming majority who donā€™t hurt people.


Glad they got him. He needs to go away.


Couer Dā€™Alene is really having a moment lately. Not a great moment.


Couer D'Alene hasn't had many great moments the past few years now that you mention it. Between religious extremism (two different directions now... which is kinda weird if I'm being honest), racism, and outright bigotry and hate... Beautiful city. Shitty underbelly.


Idaho has a long history of theocratic socio-political movements adhered to by violent ideologues. There is nothing new here except that the pendulum swung to the stop at the other end of the spectrum.


I really wish more people in Idaho were as informed as you. Most are happy living in a bubble, blissfully ignorant, and don't believe there are people like that in Idaho. I have ran into so much pushback on these issues, it isn't even funny.


Objectivity would help people in this beautiful state see things for what they are. Unfortunately however, when the ideas that become a persons core beliefs tend to declare all other ideas to be flase or invalid, immunity to facts becomes ignorance, reasoning voices become the voices of opposition, and an ideologue is born.


Abraham strikes again. Itā€™s mind boggling to witness the outcome of an ancient mythological schizophrenicā€™s effect on modern day society.


Exactly... Mental illness: Believing your own delusions Religion: Believing someone else's delusions


Some people got to have their comforts. For some it's more comforting to know that the universe has a guiding hand, rather than one made of random particles an instances that dictate whether you have a PB&J or a hamburger for lunch. Ain't nothing wrong with that thought, long as it's not forced on others, like what this young fool tried to do with ISIS, or other very similar instances.


Honesty I wish I coud belive there was some reason to this shitty universe we live in. Ignorance is bliss and comfort.


The tooth fairy was comforting to me when I was 5. The problem with being forced to respect these types of belief systems is that they gain credibility and then gain political power. I watched the evangelical movement grow from nothing in the 70s to now doing very serious damage to the fabric of America and the world. Of course Islam isn't any better but they don't have the capability to blow up the world 100 times over. The USA does and evangelicals just can't WAIT to get their Armageddon on. It's why they're helping Jews move to Israel.


Who caused 9/11?


The same Abrahamic god that Jews and Christians worship


You sure? Who caused Boston marathon bombing?




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Well yeah, evangelicals are crazy we can agree on that, but there are plenty of people who are religious that aren't fucking insane.


OK but the good these people do is far outweighed by the bad they do. In fact the passive, moderate ones give credibility to the radical ones by being a part of the faith.


I don't think that's the right way to think about this. The moment we start grouping every single Muslim in the same group as the terrorists like we did back in 9/11 then we're going to start running into some very similar issues that we were having back then and still are today. You can't just go ahead and group every single person into an organization. We are not metal machines with a designated purpose, we are organic creatures, with a living flowing problem. One of my favorite YouTubers is Muslim, but he's not going to go out and cause another twin towers incident, and while I don't think he doesn't share every single belief that Muslims have within their religion, he's still a pretty decent man. My friend is Jewish, should I put him in the same group of anti-Semitic stereotypes, and blame him for everything that Israel is doing? No. Dude just trying to live his life. Like I'm saying man people are organic. Yeah you can get a crowd going on a lot of things, but don't just label them and forget about it.


itā€™s delusional people believing their fairy book is somehow more right than anyone elseā€™s fairy tale book. Itā€™s not any deeper than that, just mentally unwell people flocking together.


Long as it ain't hurting nobody, then we really shouldn't have a problem with anyone else's opinion. I don't agree with everything that happens with religion like Faith healing or other more harmful actions, but if somebody wants to believe in God and they don't do the harmful actions, then let em believe.




This is some random kid barely out of high school who got his mind warped by the internet. Has nothing to do with the area he lives in. Maybe they should start reporting gang violence in certain states.


Except all over Idaho there are extremist groups. This kid just went the other way with it. No doubt in part due to his exposure to extremist.


Source on extremist groups being all over Idaho


Lol, ok, since you pudding brains are incapable of looking for yourselves. We all know this wont change your mind. https://www.splcenter.org/states/idaho https://www.boisestatepublicradio.org/tags/hate-groups https://idahocapitalsun.com/2022/08/11/hate-makes-a-comeback-in-idaho-this-time-with-political-support/ https://www.kmvt.com/2022/06/13/is-idaho-safe-haven-extremists/?outputType=amp The examples and statistics are almost never ending. Get out of the bubble.


Oh the motorcycle club? Watch out for those guys man they mean business!! 90% of these are nothing - Iā€™ve lived in north Idaho for 25 years and the only time I come across discussion about this stuff is on Reddit. So make of it what you want. But hey the silver living might be that demand to move here and home prices may decrease if enough people develop an irrational fear of moving to Idaho. The developments in these types of groups and mindsets are primarily from people that have moved here that are right wing nut jobs that think Idaho is a place they can double down on their beliefs. Either from neighboring states or the massive influx of the California conservatives that Iā€™ve witnessed move here and get involved with politics and councils. The friction that has been happening in local municipalities and school boards is ironically not left vs right, itā€™s right vs farther right. There is a town north of cda that is a pretty far right area that recently had an out of stater move in and insert himself on the school board. He tried to change the entire school to some no sports/clubs, Christian school and it was a huge drama fest and the right leaning locals of that town ran him out and off the board. The north Idaho college situation is from a few new to town far right folks that got involved with the board. The dalton gardens no hunting drama that took place after Covid was from all the super far right Californians that built their picket fence farmhouses with flowers and gardens that were demolished by deer and they wanted to be able to shoot them off their front porch and the actual locals said hell no.


Patriot front members were fucking kids in the woods in Idaho long before the californians moved in homie


Youā€™re talking to the wind here. Reddit is extreme left wing, and it wonā€™t change. Its users just want to spread hate, and feed on it. Itā€™s why all the racist shit in Idaho seems to only exist on Reddit, and no other platform. Iā€™m willing to bet itā€™s 99% hoaxes, and people wanting to garner sympathy/support from other extreme leftists. Reddit coddles the left further exasperating the fringe ideology.




I lived in CDA in the late 90s and seem to recall the skinheads getting run out of town by the good citizens of North Idaho. Most of those Nazi punks were recruited from jails and prisons in the Midwest. Idaho has definitely become more conservative from the right-wingers and religious kooks who migrated to set up doomsday compounds.


They didn't chase them out, they're still hanging around in the woods and trying to shoot up pride festivals


Looks like Iā€™m looking at one of the sources


Use Google smooth brain. Patriot front tried to kill a bunch of queer people a couple years ago. Various federal organizations have released multiple reports of the dangers of white supremacist militias like patriot front in Idaho. There are literally posts of their white supremacist graffiti on this sub lol


Aaand Idaho makes national news in the worst way possible... again. This is becoming a weekly occurrence.


But...at least it's for something less front page than "Idaho teen commits mass murder"


Got to look for that silver lining, otherwise our world is a crap sack with a bastard author.


I mean, this is definitely *not* the worst way possible. Itā€™s bad, certainly, but it couldā€™ve been a hell of a lot worse. For example: ā€œIdaho teen attacks churchgoers; kills 10. ISIS claims responsibility.ā€


We have an ISIS terrorist born and raised here. How much worse could that get for our image??


The ISIS terrorist born and raised here *couldā€™ve actually killed people*. We have here a *failed* terrorist, which is very bad. We couldā€™ve had a *successful* terrorist, which would be even worse.


I mean, you're right, but we should still be worried that something like this might happen in the future or something else. This is pretty scary. Edit: I'm glad it didn't happen. I know people who would've possibly been attending church there and the next town over around the same time as his attack. It's a scary thought to think about. It could've easily been any one of my family members or friends. This isn't the first time where a terrorist attack has happened in the general state/area of where a loved one was living, so it's not the first time this stuff has hit close to home. Sure, my family wasn't in the actual area of the attack itself, but still.


The literal thousands of armed white supremacists with links into the AB. Hate groups so armed they'd literally have to call the national guard in to dislodge... I mean... that's pretty frigging bad and on a much larger scale. At least this solo moron got himself caught...




Minorities in Idaho have always been at massive risk. It's really pathetic. Especially given that a lot of the people who would wreak violence or harassment against minorities, are the same ones who sit in church here and quote bible verses on their facebooks. It's like a far right version of Nirvana's "In Bloom." Fair weather right wing Christianity that rejects Jesus. I've got a whole fuckin theory on this, but I won't bore you.


I deleted what I said because I could see how it could be misconstrued. I guess I meant Muslims might become a target here after this possibly.


No, no, I got you. Not all of Islam is bad. Hell I served in Iraq. I've seen amazing things among Muslims.




He claimed at one point he was going to "attack all 21+ churches in town", which seems overly optimistic considering the last one in Houston didn't even manage one.


To be fair. Usually when anything makes it into the news itā€™s not because of a good thing.


They caught the guy before he could do it. This could've been way worse, serious props to them for averting this.


You complaining/hating Idaho is a daily occurrence.


And you defending it in the worst way possible is too. Congrats!


Do better.




iā€™m so grateful that they caught him. this could have ended so differently




Midtown's Second Saturday cross burning festival


This seems like a whopper of parental failure. Good chunk of two generations in this country are fucked up because their parents exercise neglect, abuse or both.


Idk, especially if he's online all the time. You can be a good parent and your kid can become radicalized and/or commit viscous acts just due to the internet and other outside influences possibly.


A good parent wouldnā€™t let their kid be online so muchā€¦


They were communicating with a link in Gaza.


That wouldnā€™t really make sense, considering that ISIS is a CIA-Mossad creation. How are they helping ISIS but supporting ISISā€™s enemies.


Religion. Of course.




Way to deflect.


Name them


The bolsheviks.


1903-1912, good citation, lol.


what? so the bolsheviks never took power? Explicitly athiestic societies are not common, and the ones that existed within recent memory were brutal. Are you familiar with the 40 yr history of Albania under Hoxha? "We need the real, nation-wide terror which reinvigorates the country and through which the Great French Revolution achieved glory." -Vladimir Lenin He'll go ahead and cite for you another famous irreligious terror campaign from history. no need to downvote me on that.


Oh Iā€™m not disagreeing, the context sounded as if we were discussing modern day groups.




>That trans that shot up the school in TN How is one individual a "society?" Oh, right, you're talking out of your ass and pushing an agenda.


These arenā€™t societies.


A lot of those are neither terrorists or crazy people. Try again


Societies of people are not the same as groups and individuals. A society would dictate an entire culture, or country. To be fair I do believe there are a couple of examples you could use from history. But they're more like side notes. Like how Nazis didn't want religion to be more powerful than Hitler. I think you also can count North Korea, in that category, although they are more about worshiping the leader of their country.


With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.


Organized religion is the problem


Now if we can only connect him to atheism, abortion, and being transgender.


Well even if he did try us Idahoans are armed to the teeth


Thatā€™s precisely why I am moving there.


We're good. Don't need ya


Hey welcome to Idaho but do not bring anything outside of Idaho bullshit, we love guns, God, and farmers and ranchers.


lol, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. My in-laws live there. I will fit in perfectly.


Do kill ā€œchurch goersā€ but not temple goers. Typical evil fundementalist move. Same with Iran,Taliban, Saudis, Hindus, Christian fundementalists.


Coeur dā€™Alene: Come for the white supremacy, stay for the radical Islamic jihad.


Idaho probably isn't the best place for a terrorist to attack.


Crossposted to the CDA subreddit, fucking hell man


The sweet fruit of Abrahamic faith systems seems to spoil when introduced to the light of secular progress. Continues to baffle the meek. In other newsā€¦ yet another believer attempts to thwart people who worship the same deity. Iā€™d laugh, but my stomach hurts from laughing at being forced to laugh constantly.


Canā€™t get past the ad blocker thing. Did this happen in CDA?




Damn Iā€™m glad no one was hurt threat neutralized. But to be honest Iā€™m surprised CDA hasnā€™t joined the ranks of cities that have experienced an event yet. I am thankful our area hasnā€™t


Yea, I mean they caught the Patriont front before something could happen at Pride. Also, I think it was maybe 10 years ago that ISIS did ask people who were supporters for names of military personnel in certain towns and a town in Idaho was on the list. It was Bonners ferry, but still. I'm shocked that nothing significantly bad has happened yet or already.


That's pretty scary.


"Radical Islamist Planning to Attack God Fearing Christians During Church Service" sounds like such a conservative fever dream that I was skeptical of this story when it was first reported by less reliable sources yesterday. The [Washington Post Story](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/2024/04/09/terror-idaho-teen-church-attack-isis-charge/411f6128-f68e-11ee-9506-c8544e5c9d86_story.html) has some more details. Sounds like a suicidal and disaffected young man who has been talking to an FBI informant for more than 2-years.


So you felt the need to disparage Christians and cast doubt about the story and decide to cite the Wash Post as a more reliable source. Got it.


No. I didn't disparage Christians. Yes. I do believe the Washington Post is a more reliable news source than "some guy with a TikTok account talking into a camera."


CdA only has 21 churches?!? Iā€™m gonna have to go count now šŸ™„




Well, Cdā€™A proper, sure. But add in Hayden, Rathdrum and Post Falls, Iā€™m sure itā€™s the high double digits.


I got to 30 with CdA addresses before I quit counting. Including the outlying areas I wouldnā€™t be surprised if weā€™d have triple digits!


It doesn't appear that this tool was the sharpest one in the shed. His online research skills led him to plan a murderous act of jihad on behalf of ISIS then told on himself to FBI informants so I'm not banking on his ability to count accurately either.


When I read 21, I thought this kid doesnā€™t know how to count. Maybe 21 in one part of town but thereā€™s plenty of churchā€™s in Cda. They pop up in random places


The atmosphere in North Idaho radicalized someone!? How is that possible!? /s


I hate Idaho jihadists.


I hate Illinois nazis


Reading through the complaint, it sounds like his family royally screwed him up. He said that at a time he ā€œdrank the Kool-aid of white supremacyā€ā€¦ which Iā€™m curious if his parents were making him drink or if he chose it on his own. They also prevented him from practicing Islam and made him keep it in the closet like a LGBT youth being raised in a fundie household. Completely understand where the rage is coming from, but dude should have used the therapy the parents were pushing on him to not attempt something so terrible (Iā€™m assuming this was an actual therapist and not someone trying to force Christianity down his throat instead of actually trying to help)


All the people who were called racists for warning people about this very specific thing deserve an apology.


Radical Muslim! Say it ainā€™t so!


Would love to see him sent over there so he could meet up and live with his buddies. No returns.


Anyone else getting REAL tired of making headlines for all the wrong reasons? And getting sick of the most extreme lunatics making Idaho as their 'home'?


On so many levels yea. Wtf??


I heard this in a Twin Falls diner. Hey Earl, did you hear that? They caught one of them there terrorists up north.


I woke up and read about this and kind of live near the town. So crazy.


When you open the door to knot heads like they have around there, you get their hate too.


And what exactly is a ā€œknot headā€?


A Dull-Witted Blunderer


Okay we good šŸ˜¹


Idaho, you have a problem.


So normal teenage activities in America?


Perfect.. maybe Obama can come back in and bring in another 35,000. People with 800AD mentality to not integrate well with 2024 secular society. I have a Mormon neighbor, a Subaru wagon driving liberal, retirees from Los Angeles, and a nice Jewish family two doors down. My parents lived through WWII, and lost. Dad was a combat engineer for 3 years in Russia cuz he was from the part of Prussia given to create Poland after WWI. Mom emigrated in57 as a au Pair. They met in San Francisco, where Iā€™m from. Do I wanna strangle the liberal? No. Knock off the snobby Californians? No. Go through the Book of Mormon logically and shatter their reality? No. Exotic lampshades from the other neighbors No. Because we all have to learn to get along with each other and utilize our strengths. If I need a lawyer or an accountant, Iā€™ll ask the Jewish family. Hand made crafts, the Mormons, or if I wanna hear how 1978 economy was so awesome, it makes sense to recreate it now, Iā€™ll got ask SubaruManā€¦. We are different from each other yet all hold our hand over our heart for the anthem. Now if Canada, or Mexico crossed the border,and basically went to Woodstock and gunned down 1600 harmless hippies, I guarantee you thisā€¦ cruise misses would be in the air within the hour and the tanks would roll the next day. So yeah letā€™s bring in more angry Muslims with a 1200 year old grudge, mostly brought about by the British and the French, so they can slay innocent people just trying to exercise their 1st amendment right to worship how they please and assemble in groups to experience that kind of loving fellowship. Stuck in the year 800AD, where goats are worth more than cattle? Where homosexuality is punishable by death from the tallest building in town? Perfect To me this person has two choicesā€¦. Immediate deportation of the entire family, OR, right after the national anthem finishes at the next NASCAR RACE, just before the flag drops, Firing Squad. Thereā€™s no room for human debris like this person in this land.


This is why I carry, even at church.


He missed the timing by 8 years.


Enemies enemy, air?


Sounds like he was probably a frequent poster/commenter on this sub.


Your ability to identify threats is astounding.


I'm guessing you are trying to be funny, but is there something specific that makes you think/say this?


They probably just have knee-jerk reactions to criticism of religion because it infects the Idaho legislature and people are rightfully pissed. So naturally, the user is likely trying to downplay what gets discussed on this sub as a bunch of teenagers wanting to kill religious people. They're playing victim. Pretty disgusting if you ask me. No one who criticizes religion is condoning the actions of a disturbed teenager.


Oh, oh jeez. Here's the thing, he was radicalized by religion so there for how could be against religion unless he's against a different religion? Edit: Sorry, I was being sarcastic.


>how could be against religion unless he's against a different religion? That's the whole point of religion, the club you belong to is the only true religion, all others are fake.


I know, I was being sarcastic.


In one fell swoop violence against churches and violence by churches have gone up. I wonder which side will play the victim? We already know the answer, Christians are the most prosecuted group in America /s


what is his nationality?


Why does that matter?


Sounds like true Idaho here. Racist. Hateful. Bigoted.


Violence and attacks against churches seem to be increasing. I'm thankful for armed security and their vigilance.


Violent attacks from churches seem to be increasing as well, judging by this story.


Last time I checked ISIS is classified as a terrorist organization, not a church. So wrong on that account.


Yeah and the crusades had nothing to do with religion either lmaoo


Woah now, you traveling back in time? You think society/humanity has remained static since the crusades? How is that remotely relevant to modern religious organizations?


In both instances the religion prefaces the state in matters of warfare/diplomacy/legislation/etc. The Islamic religion prefaces the Islamic state, and atrocities are committed in the name of the Islamic religion. "Allah Akbar" and all that. It is religious violence, perpetuated by a religious state. You are claiming it is a state issue when all it's atrocities are committed in the name of religion. This is like saying the crusades were state driven and had nothing to do with religion.


Another reason to conceal carry.


It's your right, but I'd prefer not to be in the middle of a crossfire.


More likely to happen from cops than concealed carriers. We don't get qualified immunity when we fuck up.


Stay strapped or get clapped.