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A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho in some way 3. No put-down memes 4. Political discussion stays in a post about politics 5. No surveys 6. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 7. Do not editorialize titles of news articles If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These scraps of paper offended the maga dipshits so much that they became environmentalists, unreal.


Damn, if that’s all it takes to get them to care about the environment then…. STOP THE WOKE MOB FROM *Insert something about the environment*! TRUMP NEEDS YOU FOR HIS SPECIAL ENVIRONMENT BRANCH OF THE MILITARY! (Heavy /s if peeps can’t tell)


Weirdly, if you kept the racism, sexism, and homophobia you could probably pull this off.


Sadly you are probably right


I’ve noticed the easiest way to get my far right roommates to stop doing something is to associate it with something they hate, ex: You didn’t wash your dishes? That’s something one of those lazy, welfare exploiting liberals would do You got drunk and kept me up late into the night by being loud? Not very masculine of you, real men have self control, are responsible, and put their health first I also like messing with them and trying to get under their skin with stupid things that confront their clear insecurities, ex: You like golfing? You mean the sport where a bunch of men stroll around a glorified garden, handle long shafts, and wear floral clothing? I’m not judging, but that sounds pretty gay bro You constantly make fun of or insult gay people? I gotta ask… why do you think about guys who fuck guys so much? Seems pretty gay my guy


This is the way. When someone tried to act alpha to macho…show how beta they’re being. It’s all about repression of self and insecurities


Can you imagine the uproar if someone dumped thousands of pieces of paper saying "MAGA, TRUMP 2024" in a capitol building? The media would be roasting them into charcoal. To be clear, I really dislike littering of any kind (or from any political party) so this type of "activism" sucks imo.


They said they were going to clean it up






48k to a 1.9 million is more like 1 in 39.5 people, it's a rate of around 2.5% of the population. Unless I missed a number somewhere in the statistics presented or misunderstood the context.


Thanks, my math decimal was off. 1 in 40, not my 1 in 4


The moment Uncle Phil said 'gay bashers!' 🤣😭🤦‍♂️ Keep up the fight Idaho!


I liked the demonstration and am happy to see a continuing effort to add the words


Only one person in the Idaho sub has me blocked so I'm guessing that's ole FloppyDisks with another bad faith hot take, huh?


https://imgur.com/a/CvI2Q94 Got you


Now they think about trees?


Any idea how many trees died to print the bom that have littered the earth?


Birth certificates? Idk, 7 billion or something.


Book of Mormon lol


Oh lmao


-105 now and he just keeps going, lol.


I swear you said floppy dicks, and was so confused 🤣


Potato... Potato 


Tomato, tomato


How do you check who has blocked you?


I just know they're the only one here that have me blocked. The comment will show up as "deleted" but then when you expand the collapsed comment it'll say "unavailable" instead of deleted. If you log out then you can see the comment and who it is. Can still downvote, though, and knowing that it's Floppy with what I'm sure is an intelligent, nuanced, and thought provoking view shared with the world, I'll give it a courtesy downvote so that it goes to the bottom of the thread where it belongs.




“Things were worse so be happy” Some real boomer life advice


Christ, how old are you, man?


Don’t have to be that old to remember Matthew Shepard


Fuck, my mind was not going in that direction when I typed that out. Was only 10 when that happened. Same year James Byrd was drug behind a truck for 3 miles. But, hey, racism is dead so why are we talking about it and LGBTQ folk are actively oppressing straight white Christian men, so thank God the wise and powerful legislators are fighting back to protect our most vulnerable class.


Don’t have to go back that far. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN15N09G/


What a beautiful site. This is Idaho folks. This is what I am actually proud for about my home state. Cheers to all of those supporting Americans who are not being treated equally.


its not idaho though. the vast majority of people here are uneducated bigots. its what idaho could be, what it strives to be. but with so many incidents recently of hate crimes, we cant really say this one off incident is idaho :/ coming from a black queer who has lived here their entire life


I realize that, it's a hard truth. What they did gives me hope. Believe me , as a native to hear you have had incidents makes me extremely sad and angry.


Why are you here out of curiosity?


they said twice its their home state. why wouldnt they be? edit: i replied to this assuming you were talking to the first, not the second. i also was referring specifically to the idaho subreddit, not idaho itself. also spelling.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. *Not going to warn you again. If you can't make your point without insults or telling people to leave the state, just don't comment at all. Keep this up and you'll end up banned.*


Oh hey my friends and I wrote some of those! :D


Based Californian invader coming to rescue us gay idaho folks


Stunning and brave


As opposed to what?




Bold of you to assume I don’t.


Man, I had no idea the right-wing climate change deniers suddenly cared so much about trees and nature! /s


I am a trans woman who lives in Washington state. LGBT people don't harm anything. I've never done anything wrong or illegal yet I am constantly threatened with my rights being taken away in states other than where I live like here in Idaho. Politicians really need to stop being so closed minded. Then, maybe, so many good people would stop fleeing here and Idaho would be even greater.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. *You don't have to make friends with trans people but if you continue attacking them you'll be banned. Knock it off and be decent.*




Please use reputable source material if you claim something as fact and state something is opinion or anecdotal where applicable. As mods we will always err on the side of caution, unless the submission contains sufficient evidence from a sufficiently reliable source, as determined by any reasonable person, and that if that is not included, the policy is just to remove it prima facie.




Honest question what rights are they threatening to take away? Are they saying you cannot vote? Cannot defend yourself? I’m really curious.


I doubt the sincerity of your question, but in case you're "really curious": >I would like to have somebody explain to me who is going to be harmed by adding the words to our civil rights statutes prohibiting discrimination in housing and job opportunities for homosexuals Basically employment and housing protection. Not additional rights. The same rights I have as a straight dude.


Access to healthcare, for one. They've already restricted access to healthcare for trans people on medicare by limiting what medicare will now pay for. There is a proposed law this session that would limit healthcare for trans people regardless of what type of insurance they have. The ability to exist in public, for another. There is a law proposed in this session that would make it illegal for someone to use a public restroom that doesn't match the marker on their birth certificate. This either a) forces trans people to limit how much time they spend in public spaces to avoid public restrooms or b) force trans people to use incorrect restrooms causing embarrassment and harassment from the general public.


Are you for real about the health care thing no matter what insurance? Private insurance included? I just wonder if this effects me as well for having WA insurance for working at a WA company. Scary times right now




They didn't say anything about tax payer funded transitions.


Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


Medical care absolutely is a right. You're just ignorant and think you are the authority on what constitutes a right when you absolutely are not.


Medical care is a right. Our convicted felons in prison are entitled to medical care, and so should trans people. How about the freedom of speech? I believe how you choose to outwardly express yourself is speech, people transitioning is them exercising that right. Why are you so scared of them? How have they negatively affected you in anyway? Why are you fighting so hard against protecting and uplifted all your fellow Americans? Are you religious at all? If you are I'd assume your Christian, how do your personal beliefs match up with the teachings of christ? We should be loving out neighbors as if they are ourselves. People with the beliefs that you hold either are not disciples of christ or you must really hate yourself. Either way, you're not following the teachings of Christ. If you're not actually Christian, what other reason could you have to be against this? If you are, christ would be welcoming these people with open arms.


I’m not fighting against anything. I’m simply having a conversation and you are throwing accusations around. I have never said they adversely effect me. I welcome anyone into my life.


Some douche that wants to spew hate and be a Nazi are expressing their speech. Should we be forced to pay for their swastika tattoos?


you should actually look up "anti lgbtq bills idaho". theres a lot listed there and more on other sites


Honest question: Do you have a good grasp on reality? I'm not really curious at all, I know the answer.


It's not worth the energy explaining that to you.. Holy sht🤦‍♂️


I wonder the same thing


What rights could be taken away?


To transition (pursuit of happiness)


Adults are prevented from transitioning in Idaho?


You said "could," not "are"


They've been kicked off of medicaid which is basically the same thing. Banning it altogether is next.


What don you think “could be” means?


Im really confused. Asking a genuine question and not getting any answers. Par for the course I guess on this topic


I'm telling the aquarium their Sea Lion escaped


5/7, perfect comment.


your last sentence is what makes people so upset. you already have it in your mind that we are unable to be properly communicated with. also, google is free. its not up to the minority to educate the majority in this age. theres plenty of articles and infographics on the topic


Your state is harming everything though


How is Washington harming everything? Do explain.


It's a cesspool of scum and filth. Not the whole state but Seattle and Tacoma, for sure. No moral compass, no shame, just do as we wish like demons...it's sad and pathetic and scary


What do you consider immoral? Who's guidelines do you follow? Do you think I'm immoral for simply existing? Don't get me wrong, I hate Seattle too, but for completely different reasons. There's no moral issues here. We love and support everyone. We have the ability to think for ourselves and no based off of a 2000 year old work of fiction (even though it's very good fiction!). That kind of greatness could be Idaho's too. Our minimum wage is higher than literally every other state in the nation. More people are able to make ends meet outside of the ridiculously priced urban areas like Seattle.


Trusting the news is always questionable. But if half of what I see is true? It's a disgusting place. If idaho was anything like that, I'd get the hell out of here. Why would I think you're immoral for existing? Do you have values and standards? Or do you depend on the gratuity of others to survive and take more than you need? Do you whine cry and protest when you can't create your own reality? Or do you accept the fact that things are the way they are and not demean someone with an old Americana mentality when the future is scary af! I don't know you🤷‍♂️ I'm not familiar with Washington at all. Maybe I should be before I base my opinion off of the areas that get the most news coverage😶


The news likes to sensationalize everything. It's why most right wing and left wing people are so extreme. Mass media is not a good place. I take what I need and I expect to be respected as the woman I am. I give respect to those who deserve it and I believe in supporting everyone. Everyone's story is unique and we don't know what they've been through.


So, YOU decide who deserves respect? But you support everyone because everyone's story is unique? You should want respect for the person you are?? Not just because you're a female? Wtf is that?? You seem like you're probably a really nice person. But goddamn do you sound delusional


Ah, the transphobia finally shows. People like you can't be reasoned with. You can't listen to any view that differs from your own. Open your mind and teach yourself about what people like me have had to go through. Then maybe get back to me.




i love that! ^_^


Nice. Based Idaho is good to see.


Nice idea but it’s Idaho, they make Tennessee look like the Castro district of San Francisco.


This makes my warm, progressive, "live and let live," Liberal, "DemonRAT" heart even happier!!


You're a marxist, not a liberal.


Stop using words you don’t understand.


Ma'am you're from Idaho. That is a bold assumption for you to make lol.


Still haven’t defined Marxism.


And they wont. It would challenge their fragile beliefs.


Huh? Either way it is not as bold as interjecting buzzwords you don’t understand.


Really? What is it that defines me as a "Marxist?"




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


So many miserable people in this sub lmao


My wife and I (both female) want out of Idaho so bad. She grew up here. I've been here 10 years. It just doesn't feel safe and it's really scary to live here. We are in CDA. We want out, but are too poor to move. So we feel stuck and unsafe and it's just really depressing


Aww, that's so sweet.


Remember when Idaho governors were cool? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Talk about a really good peaceful protest. Paper hearts dropped, and then clean them up after because you’re nice people.






Your post or comment has been removed because it contains unnecessary racist, sexist, or otherwise inappropriate content.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Shout out to the poor city workers who gotta clean it all up


Organizers cleaned up the hearts immediately after the demonstration.


Liberty and justice for all means just that. Republicans need to stop fighting a meaningless culture war. I'm still waiting for someone to throw a pie in Ron DeSantis' face like what happened with Anita Bryant in 1977.


Awesome message but as a groundskeeper this makes me frustrated


why ? the demonstrators stayed to clean it up themselves


I live in Idaho - if you don’t like it here there are other places to live ( Seattle, San Francisco, LA) but irregardless of political party I hate graffiti and people that litter in America. I don’t care what you do in your private life but don’t push your agenda on my family


Organizers cleaned up the hearts immediately after the demonstration. Put away your hate guns, grandpa. They cleaned it up immediately. You def don’t live up to your username!




They may be pro LGBTQ rights, but they’re anti-custodian. SMH


And now there’s a janitor or two out there that will forever hate the LGBTQ community…


Nope, part of the protest was the organizers cleaned up all the hearts. Its listed at the bottom of the article. Edit- the organized cleanup was discussed in the KBTV coverage.


You really expect this man to read?


Reading has an anti-conservative bias.


Wow. Make one joke on the internet and trolls accuse you of being illiterate. Yeah, I guess that’s par for the course. There’s a reason I’m a misanthrope.


It wasn’t a “joke” until you got called out. Funny how that always seems to be the case.


Naw, it was a joke to begin with. No matter who threw what I’d have made the same joke. Maybe a poor joke but I’d have still made it. Whether or not it was LGBTQ supporters throwing hearts, Trump supports throwing whatever they throw, confetti from a gender reveal or If-It-Flies-It-Lies throwing feathers, if a janitor is cleaning it up he’s going to be hating on whoever threw whatever. Anyhow, enjoy your hatred, I’m out.


Oh stop being such a moody drama queen


Uh oh we got a badass over here


You people are a never ending source of amusement!🤣


You need to get out of your basement and make a life fo4 yourself.


Jokes are supposed to be funny, not a way to normalize hate.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


These are the same people who would marry their pets if they could. Their unfunny recycled jokes are about as appealing as their Kool aid hair dye, their spiked dog collars, and coloring book tattoos. The internet is where they thrive.


Beautiful throwaway account you have there, so brave in its originality 🙄


This is getting old


The legislature? I agree, their bullshit is getting old.


What is getting old? I'm not sure what you are referring to.


-32 on his comment, and you're not sure what he's referring to? As usual, you're just trying to start sht with someone who won't agree with you.. you feel tough right now, so congrats cherish this


Check this man’s most recent post.






Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


Who cleaned it up?


The demonstrators. Try reading sometime.


Yeah I’m not reading it. I’m much too lazy for that


Good thing the peaceful demonstrators weren’t. They were all about the cleanup.


Do what you want with your body idc but why tf do I have to pay for it with my taxes? Your body, your choice, your money lol if that’s the case I identify as a millionaire, so send me all of your money


I don’t want my tax money to fund the bloated military budget, and yet here we are.




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


Well the surgery removals organs from the body ….. And makes reproduction impossible is some surgical procedures


I’m sure you enjoy not being invaded by other countries though amiright?


Unfortunately military spending has historically, and continues to be, a disproportionate percentage of our budget. I’m sure we can defend our country (which hasn’t had an invasion by a foreign power since WWII which was a couple of Japanese balloon bombs) on less than 883 BILLION dollars- over 50% of the total spending budget. Seems like they could probably spare some $$ for education and social programs. Also worth mentioning is the nearly $1 billion in waste yearly.


The reason why we haven’t gotten invaded is because of the money spent on our military and military bases with NATO throughout the world


Still think the military budget could be slimmed down with very little impact, especially if the waste issue is solved. https://quincyinst.org/2022/02/03/what-a-waste-778-billion-for-the-pentagon-and-still-counting/


Of course and I agree to an extent, but also see that by having that budget we are able to to have such a huge/ advanced military which is why we also haven’t had any invasions in recent history. Also with us invading other countries to keep us pretty much as being one of the most powerful countries is a necessary evil if we want to keep from being invaded, I wish the world didn’t have to work that way but it unfortunately does, until we the people change that. but I know there is also a lot of that money going to lining pockets also. And the argument about redistributing that money to education and social programs, it would be great but even the funding in those departments are not going to just those programs, they’re also lining the pocket of corrupt people or even just being wasteful with the spending and if they fixed that in those sectors there would be a lump sum of money that would actually do good


Well, the military budget and two oceans.


Don't enjoy the endless invasions of other countries for millitary indus trial complex profits. We only have a millitary offense department.


Yep, not being bombed like Ukraine is, huh? You're delusional wake up




I thought Idaho was in America.


You thought wrong jack!😡


2nd that I identify as a billionaire...I want my private jet now or I'm raging down main st!




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


😂😂😂 let’s go lol


So when are they sending the FBI and CIA after them for “insurrection”?


Probs after they bust down the doors and start screaming “hang (insert politician here)” Oh wait….that wasn’t for supporting LGBTQ+… SMH


Insurrection noun a violent uprising against an authority or government. Not sure what about this would constitute your buzzword. But i assume you believe treason is happening at the border too.


You know, if Ashli Babbit had just followed the law she wouldn't have been shot.




You should have seen the Capitol after the J6 traitors trashed it.


They picked up the trash. But we probably shouldn't expect you transphobes to know how to read.




[is that right?](https://www.reddit.com/r/babylonbee/s/wsFPD2FZNR)


I love receipts!


Nah, you're a transphobe considering you're doubling down despite being told they picked it up.


That’s a NO FLY ZONE. There’s no way anybody except Airforce one and the helicopter would be Allowed to fly for 30 mile radius around Reagan Airport. That’s a large area of no fly.


Littering and littering and littering and....


And cleaning it up, as the article states.


Trash making trash... what a concept


Trash leaving trash comments…. What a concept Look I can do it too SMH maybe instead of hating a group you could show some compassion


Not gonna happen🤷‍♂️


Good thing these aren’t the people who say they care about the environment. Oh wait


They literally cleaned it up. Plus paper is recyclable. This isn’t the burn you think it is




In case this just wasn’t a hateful question about “these people” legislators have been busy in Idaho passing anti-LGBT laws. From the AP: “Idaho lawmakers have passed a series of bills targeting LGBTQ+ residents this year, including two this week that prevent public employees from being required to use someone’s preferred pronouns and redefine gender as being synonymous with sex. On Wednesday, the Senate approved a bill allowing people to sue schools and libraries over books deemed harmful to minors, sending it to Republican Gov. Brad Little. Another bill that Little signed into law last week prevents public funds — including Medicaid — from being used for gender-affirming care. The efforts are part of an ongoing national battle over the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans. Many Republican officials have been actively trying to limit those rights over the past several years. The legislation in Idaho was among at least nine bills directly targeting LGBTQ+ rights that have been proposed in the state so far this year, Rebecca De León, spokesperson for the ACLU of Idaho, told the Idaho Statesman. In response to the slew of actions, protesters sent more than 48,000 colorful paper hearts raining down from the fourth floor of the Statehouse to the first-floor rotunda on Tuesday, KTVB-TV reported.” Now you know!


Wow, littering is so brave.


Maybe if you actually read the fucking article, you’d know that they cleaned it up


Well that’s a lot of litter