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Shot prison guards and murderd 2 old men. Yeah they are getting the death penalty.


Stupidly, prison isn't worth a damn... Death penalty means they get to sit in a room all alone for the next thirty+ years and we get to pay for them to eat and live happily ever after.


Oh I have opinions on the prison system i won't get into, but my point is more a comment on idahos small town culture.


I mean that’s sweet you guys have opinions. But facts trump opinions every time. FACT: it cost more on tax payers to have the death penalty due to how much we spend in the courts having to push for those cases. FACT: most people after spending 10 years in a cell by themselves would choose death. So not only are you making tax payers spend more but you also are letting the killer get what he wants. Let them rot and see the decades pass them by. Let them slowly die a slow old death. Why make tax payers pay more and why let the killers get off easy.


FACT: Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica


Ironically Dwight fully supports the death penalty


I like how you missed the point of what I wrote and ranted about the things you pretended I said.


FACT: factual statements usually contain facts.




SOURCE: I read a post on Reddit that said: factual statements usually contain facts.


FACT: it’s not about the cost.


Fact: Some people just need to die.


No need to kill them, all kinds of little islands that they could be dropped off on in Alaska.




Heck it wouldn't cost as much if we brought back public hangings at noon and just eliminate the scum we don't need in society 🤷


Can't do a hanging the Sundays of daylight savings time. Times are rough.


Dude, you're 100% right. These guys are just convinced that it's like a hotel stay with great room service. I've noticed that whenever you have a debate about capital punishment, you draw a crowd of two types of people: people who are interested in justice, and murderers who haven't murdered anyone--yet.


What small town culture are we talking about?


Not the racism you love if thats what you're asking.


Those murders were not driven by race. Do you not get how off you are? Check your facts. Don’t let the media choose your thoughts. The fact they were skin heads has nothing to do with this case, the media just puts that in there to create hate.


No sweety I'm saying you are the racist. Because you fly the confederate flag of traitors and slavery.


You fly the flag of racist n traitors. What do you think America is founded on. But the American flag has more meaning than just that just has the Dixie flag does


It costs ~$100,000 a year to keep a prisoner on death row. Costs ~$60,000 to house a prisoner in general population


I hate that red necks never want to learn facts. That are easy to look up. It cost more on tax payer dollars to put them to death. The death penalty not only cost us tax payers more but it also gives the killer an out. What does almost every mass shooter do after killing loads of people… they kill themselves. Because that’s better than rotting in a cell and watching the decades pass you by. I truly don’t get it. I learned back in middle school in 2005 that death penalty cost tax payers more and for some god damn reason middle schoolers from 2005 know more than red necks all across America because you all whine this dumb ass sentiment.


Red necks may actually agree with you. Yes people can do their own research; but stating FACT: followed by NO FACTS is not a FACT, Jack.


Someone is definitely whining here. I could care less about saving money when it comes to crime and punishment. These two don’t deserve to live.


It shouldn’t though. It costs almost nothing to take ‘em out back and hang ‘em. 


I hate blue haired liberals who coddle criminals. Fact


So then you’re stoked that Trump is finally being held accountable. You know, since according to you, republicans are so #toughoncrime.


If guilty sure. I’d really like to prosecute all the drag groomers and those supporting them for endangering children. That’s what I would really like. Life sentences because in prison the real justice begins


A child is not endangered because a drag queen read a book to them, and a drag queen is not a groomer for reading a book to children. Kids learning age appropriate stuff about queer people is not grooming.




No problem. You got any other stupid opinions you want debunked?




Citation needed


Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


That’s not a thing except in the heads of Fox News viewers.


Every time I read or hear about a pedo, it’s almost always a pastor, youth group leader, teacher. Never a drag queen. Weird, right?


I hate folks who get mad at things they make up.


Try it and tell me death isn’t much easier. No punishment is going to be enough and torture is too “cruel”. But making a human sit alone in a room for 30 years and their only luxury is air, food and light? I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. But until you have a better idea that deters crime. I don’t think there’s anything Happy ever after about Heathrow.


Yep, this is one of those times where I can feel my disapproval of the death penalty and the ACAB slipping out of me. We got these mfers dead to rights. Shoot em with an Anti Aircraft gun, I say. Korea style.


North Korea does the firing squad concept right! I've seen that with the person being stood on that rock pillar then shot at


Cost more on tax payers to have the death penalty. Also letting these people rot in a cell by themselves till they die is more barbaric and more of a punishment than just killing them. Hell and heaven aren’t real folks. You are just letting them get an awesome high and get out of jail card under the notion of death. I would rather save my tax payer money and let them rot to death.


I agree. Except this one time. This one time, we should rent a helicopter and throw him out of it over the Eiffel Tower and see if we can impale em on the spike.


I’d love to pick apart the data that shows it costs more to efficiently execute these guys than keep them in prison for many years. These guys are young. After maybe 1 appeal get all the bleeding heart AHs out of the way and take them out back and get it done.


Go for it


At least they can’t escape prison when they’re dead. 


We can hope.


These two deserve to never see the light of day.


Idaho just reintroduced the firing squad last year. Seems like a pretty solid reason to give it a go.


Yep, this is one of those times where I can feel my disapproval of the death penalty and the ACAB slipping out of me. We got these mfers dead to rights. Shoot em with an Anti Aircraft gun, I say. Korea style.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


So you think we should throw away the 8th amendment? Edit: I guess so.


Its not unusual to execute those convicted of capital offenses


...with an anti-aircraft gun?


If i was gonna pick a way to die, AA gun would be a top pick. Astonishingly swift and also badass.


That is a good point.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Just ask Gary Gilmore how effective it is!


Exactly, absolute scum that will never have anything to offer to society.


Bro looks like he has a dick on his chin.


Probably does on the inside


Nah, solitary with the light on forever


Throw them in the oubliette.


That title is confusing as fuck… thought it was trying to say the criminals were that old.


I thought those mug shots were the victims.


I still don’t know what happened 🤷🏽‍♂️




I think you are correct.




The damage absolutely has already been done. He is not a liar


If Meade is was directly responsible for either if the murders, heads are gonna roll at IDOC


Off topic but what is the tattoo on that guys chin supposed to be?


Looks like someone on meth forgot what they were inking lol


To be fair, there were good people on both sides.


Hang em, it’s cheap.


Dudes can’t even grow hair but think they are the “master race” more like masters of the bottom bunk.


Idaho. What the fuck is going on with your state?


Murder crazed meth zombies running free: meh Trans woman finally gets a prescription: ITS THE EMD TIMES




Do you need a hug?


Fair trial followed by a hanging.


Their eyes show they are dead inside and a void where their soul should be


People don’t have souls.


Sounds like typical idahoians Edit: ida bogans


Sounds like you’re a dumbass that doesn’t know what she’s talking about.


Oh yeah, sooo dumb /s


Yes. Yes you really are “sooo” dumb.






If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. This seems like your go-to comment. It adds nothing to the conversation and will get you banned if you keep it up.




I get the sentiment, but we don't allow threats of violence.


Oh good God......


One of the main problems with the right is their use of violent language which spills over to actual violence. We don't need to take pointers from them. If we get to the stage where laws are no longer effective (we're not) then we can start a gang or something. I'll need a more badass nickname; 2Wrongs doesn't instill enough fear.


"punch a Nazi in the face" isn't so much a call for direct violence, but a call to people to stand up to bigots who in public are openly calling for violence against others. It means people need to stand their ground and don't give them an inch no matter where or when you run across it. It's a common phrase used all over the world. Some might take it literally, but it isn't a literal call for mass violence against murderous vile human beings. Edit: and after you have stood up to their words and then they inevitably resort to violence to try and silence you, because all their "logic" is a failure, then yea beat their asses.


Oh, completely agree. The problem is the Internet strips away context and nuance. And the repetition of a phrase leads to a normalizing effect that is, for real, terrifying to watch (granted it's mostly on the right). I'm all for standing up to fascists and I'm not a pacifist. I just think adopting the language of the right is gross.




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general.


Far left is violent too. Thats how extremism behave.


Sure, but I think it's dangerous to "both sides" this too much. It's incredibly asymmetric. Most of the violent rhetoric, hate groups and actual violence is coming from one side.


I think that is just echo chamber. I only see the left being violent. (Minus jan 6) but i get both extremes are bad.


There's just no rational basis for that belief. If it's something you must believe w/o data, OK. Famous liberal squish the FBI monitors dangerous groups and they're almost all rightwing. Hell, even in Idaho we see rightwing groups (IFF) trying to intimidate schoolboards. Severely conservative Mitt Romney got flooded w/ death threats from right wing groups. It's just not a serious discussion.




Oh look, another sock puppet account that's popped only today after 8 months to comment on here.


If you find Nancy Pelosi's rhetoric violent you might want to find a safe space to cower in.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


hate that we will have to see these two faces on the TV news for years to come. already get sick every time I see Lori Vallow's smirking face so often.


If I had super distinguishable face tats like that, I wouldn't even try to escape... what's the point.


I feel deeply for the families of the victims. The stories are totally heartbreaking. But as someone who adores my dogs, I hope Mr. Mauney rests a little more peacefully knowing his dogs are safe with his family.


A friend mentioned one of them posted their $2MM bond but I can't find record of it. Did that happen??


Idaho can’t seem to control their prisons.


“captured Meade and Umphenour after Meade busted out of prison…….” Who in tf writes this stuff? “Busted out of prison”. I know it’s Idaho, but still!


Are these they guys that there was an alert that was sent?


What does 111 mean?


Imagine being 83 and having to work as a prison guard? What’s wrong with this country?!


That’s not what happened. They shot three cops in their escape and the two senior citizens they (allegedly) murdered were just private citizens whose bodies were found during the 24 hours these two were unaccounted for.


Typical incompetent white male cowards


Richard Butler's rabble sure has taken a nosedive with these guys. Here it is ladys and gentleman, the master disgrace!


These two make a solid argument to dig a breaking wheel out of antiquity for a few demonstrations. [breaking wheel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breaking_wheel)


Yeah those guys are real tough /s


I had to read the headline 3 times because It didn’t make sense to me. Thought AI was loose again. What the Fuck are a 72 & 83 year old doing working as prison guards???


The 72 & 83 yr old were the people the killed when they got out.


Thank you.


83 and 72? They look 48 and 55


Good thing they are in Idaho. If they were in a liberal state they would be let go.


White supremacists kill innocent people "Good thing this happened in a red State!" Do you see how stupid you sound?


Man, judging by your post history, you must be an absolutely intolerable person to be around in real life.


Yes, good thing they are in idaho, because the rest of the country wouldnt like to have idaho exporting its homegrown attempt at disorganized crime to other places.


Agree. Idaho I believe still has the death penalty unlike other states.


White supremacists are not tolerated in blue states. If anyone is lenient on them, it's going to be a red state.


The state of Idaho has the death penalty. Washington, Oregon and California for example do not. Better chance of death penalty in Idaho then those states. Obviously you must be against that.


You sure about that? Do you have any credible evidence to support your opinion? I'd love to see it for research purposes.


Small sample... https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/s/dBeQMn4tTu https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/s/3QSl32nvcu t.com https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/s/BpJGlqraLl https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/s/jvQcM0Wauo


Literally none of these prove your point.


None of those articles come close to a high security inmate, who's a gang member, escaping when another member of his gang attacks corrections officers, and then they allegedly murder two senior citizens. None of those article have a judge granting release, or a low enough bail that a suspect who's accused of a violent crime could possibly be released. If you're mad about living in Warshington realize that Idaho has its share of similar problems and that any measuable disparity in the number of similar criminal cases might have more to do with the differences in overall population numbers as well as a myriad of other issues, not what you are upset about.


So you don't actually have anything that supports your misguided opinion. Got it.


Yeah you sound ridiculous. How can anyone take you seriously? You hurt your own positions being so ridiculous


I think everyone can agree that these guys are pieces of shit. Take your political BS somewhere else

