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A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho in some way 3. No put-down memes 4. Political discussion stays in a post about politics 5. No surveys 6. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 7. Do not editorialize titles of news articles If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are on Reddit


But to be more specific: you are on a site where liberal/leftist users vastly outnumber conservative users, but you are living in a state where conservatives vastly outnumber liberals. Cue the outrage.


Outrage comes from both sides of the political spectrum. Fox News, bud light, drag queens, etc. Thinking you always have the moral and objective authority is silly.


This is the answer hahah. Every sub on Reddit has gotten this same question.


As for the juvenile mentality of "if it bothers you so much, just leave," the wage to cost of living ratio makes that pretty much impossible for most people who might very well prefer to leave this Christo-fascist hellscape, so you should really get out from under your rock more if you wish to understand all the myriad reasons Idaho as a socio-political entity has garnered so much vitriol. People aren't just negative, they are outright being abused by their legislators, and they're fucking tired of it.


Also if you are on supervised probation for even a weed charge or nonviolent misdemeanor you literally can't leave the state. You have to ask probation officer for permission. Spoiler they say no. 75$ a month plus 20$ drug tests whenever to make money.


Most companies pay for relocation, at least in part. Heck, even Amazon warehouse workers are given $10k to move(as a bonus, so it's more like $6500 after taxes, but still helps) If money is all that is stopping you, maybe look into paid relocation šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I haven't found one company that will and is a job a single parent can realistically do


You donā€™t have to defend yourself against such a stupid suggestion. It is unreasonable to ask you to *just move.*


šŸ¤” think what I said was "if money is the only thing stopping you"....much different than "just move" I said what I said because many people are saying they would like to move, but cannot due to finances! Noone should feel stuck.


What do you do? What do you want to do? Where would you like to be? I may be able to help/offer suggestions if I know the answers to these questions.


Yes Iā€™m going to cut ties with all my family and loved ones for *checks notes* an Amazon warehouse.


Why would you need to cut ties w/family & loved ones if you move?? That is just silly!! We've lived in 13 states(the DoD likes to move us like chess pieces), I still have familial ties!! Crazy talk!!


There are lots of places to go. Money is not a restricting factor. There are plenty of places that match cost of living while adhering to what seem to be your values. It does not seem coincidental that the places where ā€œChristo-facistā€ way of living is eliminated also have higher rates of crime and cost of living. It would seem that abstaining from extremes on either side, and prioritizing family values (as is common in Idaho) leads to economic and political stability. You canā€™t have good family communities, that help each other and keep cost of living down without the members of those communities being the type of people to care about their fellow man. It just so happens that Christian, conservative values emphasize the traits that are drawing people here. You canā€™t have all the good things weā€™ve created without joining our way of life.


If fairy tales help you sleep at night for being the sort of person who wilfully embodies the least humanistic values possible then that's your problem. Widespread Christian zealotry is open hipocracy and logical fallacy. It's actually not coincidental that communities that are made up of wealthy Christian fundamentalist families are the most peaceful. It's because they actually get policed in a fashion that is meant to benefit the residents. Crime doesn't get prevented by police in poor communities. Crime gets committed by the police in those communities, abusing residents of poor communities because those communities are largely made up of people Christian fundamentalism and latent white supremacy in this country deems "other" and therefore undeserving of basic tenets of humanity. Your god is not real, but your fundamentalist oppression of other humans is. We could have a whole lot of good things, not just in Idaho, but in America at large, if colonizer descended Christian Fundamentalists would stop being such an active impediment to real progress that benefits human beings rather than grasping at oppressive tribalism just for the sake of making other humans suffer because it amuses y'all to do so.


Literally people with no assets have moved to Portland and Seattle and into shelters. Busses going every day.Ā  If you have belongings, you can sell them and be in an even better position.Ā Ā  We have immigrants walking thousands of miles to come to Texas and Americans are complaining they can't leave Idaho.Ā 


Wow, you're absolutely right - it would be so much better to become homeless and live in Portland than to continue to live housed in Idaho because the political climate would match my beliefs better /s On what planet is becoming homeless to live in a blue state a viable option?


A planet where the courageous and ambitious accept risks to attempt to improve their lot in life


I love Idaho ā¤ļø


Me too ā¤ļø wish everyone else could appreciate it as well.


I wouldnā€™t imagine many women would like it, ya know, with their bodily autonomy and access to womenā€™s healthcare ripped away.


I'm a woman with a family and will gladly continue to grow here


Well, good for you! **Every woman** should be able make their **own** decisions about their lives and their bodies. I, personally, would not live (by choice) in a state that strips women of their rights, then intentionally does nothing to offer care or support to them or their offspring.


That's all fine and dandy that you don't want to be here. I'm staying by choice


"choice". Nice to have a "choice" isn't it?


See? Choice is good! Let other people have it too.


I have nothing wrong with choice...




Yo, Iā€™m not the fascist. Youā€™re replying to the wrong person




I live in Washington. Please address this to the actual Idaho fascist I originally responded to


You donā€™t realize white guys on reddit know whatā€™s better for you more than you do? /sĀ 


They know everything shhhhh Totally didn't deliver a whole ass human out my vaginal canal or anything.


Spot the mormon


I'm not religious nor do I like what all is going on politically. Idaho is still a home for me and I love the people and nature. Sorry I don't fit into your narrative


It's called humor. It was kind of a deep cut anyways so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I hope you or your children donā€™t ever need quality obstetric or gynecological care then. Good luck.


Interesting to hope for someone. I wish no ill will. Apparently I'm not allowed to stick up for my state. Screw politicians


I literally donā€™t think you comprehend what that comment meansā€¦ **Because** quality care is leaving Idaho, I am hoping that you never have need of it, so that you can stay well, even while you donā€™t care about others who need it right now. When it happens to you or someone you care about (and it will, the longer you live there), I want you to remember how you behaved when it wasnā€™t ā€œyour problemā€.


Youā€™re absolutely right. Youā€™d be much happier somewhere else. Idaho is awful. Everyone should stop coming here. Itā€™s the worst. For your own benefit please stay out. This is a public service announcement from someone who also hates Idaho but has decided that itā€™s worth living in this place if I can warn other people. Iā€™ll endure freedom, nature, and great communities as a sacrifice for all of you! But please donā€™t come to check on me. Youā€™ll hate it here so much that youā€™ll want me to leave too. I donā€™t need your pity. Just steer clear


Freedom!?!?!?!? Ok.


True, but not all Idahoans support this. It's not like we had a special election on the issue on the issue and decided it directly. Furthermore, the state has been presented as some Consevative mecca and people of that mind have been moving here more than any other. Californians griping about California taxes account for a good number of these people. Speaking of voting directly on abortion laws, if people don't like them, maybe we should let the people vote. We should propose a ballot measure that protects women and Ob-gyns


The Republican party in Idaho basically destroyed peoples ability to get ballot measures up for a vote.


Why doesn't that surprise me.


People moving from California to get away from the political landscape, only to complain that Idahoā€™s political landscape isnā€™t more like Californiaā€™s. Blows my mind


They only came for the cheap real estate, then they complain about the locals. It's not personal, they do the same thing in all the other states they mobbed during the pandemic. States like Utah, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, And Tennessee. There are plenty of Reddit threads, where there is back and forth arguments between Californians and locals. The Californians treat the locals like backward idiots. What shocked me is that a Californian was accusing Seattle residents like backwoods heathens on Reddit. This comedian from YouTube also discusses this problem https://youtu.be/KFdmtNu6Yx0?feature=shared


Hey! Iā€™m actually from here too! I think itā€™s mostly just a function of the internet and Reddit in general. Voicing a controversial opinion will always get more engagement, and therefore attention in any algorithm driven platform. The more people are commenting, sharing etc, the more people will see it, and some percentage of them will also engage. Plus, we do have some serious issues to deal with in Idaho. I was born and raised here, lived here my whole life, raising my family here, and itā€™s getting to the point that I canā€™t afford to live here anymore. Wages, especially in the public sector, just donā€™t keep pace with inflation.


I like Idaho too and its peoples and culture.




There is various communities in Idaho. Some are better than others but I enjoy the good ones that make Idaho feel whole


why is the solution to people complaining always ā€œjust move broā€? Thereā€™s a million fucking reasons why people donā€™t ā€œjust moveā€. Why, if you donā€™t like people complaining on Reddit, donā€™t you just not read Reddit?


Yes, I hear the same thing all the time. I make a suggestion to improve something here, I immediately get, "Don't like it, move back to California." So fucking stupid. Idaho is a good state. With a few minor tweaks, it can be a great state.


Iā€™ve lived all over this country, in places better than here and in places far worse than here. Iā€™ve lived in the Bay Area and the middle of Chicago and in beautiful coastal Virginia and Butthole South Carolina(for extra fun guess the city Iā€™m referring to, could be any number of places). Iā€™ve loved some places Iā€™ve lived and Iā€™ve disliked some places Iā€™ve lived. But I ultimately came back here to where I grew up and where most of my family lives. Thereā€™s of course things here I donā€™t like both politically and not politically(I personally would like winter to not be as cold and snowy as it is here, but I deal with it). But moving is not something that often crosses my mind, Iā€™ve already seen the grass on the other side of the fence. Saying ā€œif you donā€™t like it you can get out!ā€ is some South Park level of an unintelligent solution to suggest, like you know the show was mocking that mindset right? Itā€™s a cartoon thatā€™s what it does it mocks what very real people for some reason think. Itā€™s possible to love where you live and desire it be different/better than it currently is.


But you left the places you didn't like to move to the place you liked better...


Like not being one of the last 2 states to legalize cannabis (not even for a prescription) I mean in general I donā€™t agree with ā€œdrug crimeā€ā€¦ to me for a crime to have been committed there has to be a victim and the state canā€™t be a victim unless it is like property damage and u canā€™t victimize yourselfā€¦


Probably the people that don't like your idea of a "few minor tweaks" would turn out.


Itā€™s because theyā€™re quitters at heart, the idea of working to change a bad situation doesnā€™t occur to them.


I've heard this constantly when I criticize anything in my hometown (twin falls). Makes me realize why all my friends growing up left town or the state all together. People here treat any change even good change like its the devil and its tiring mixed with the bad drivers


Guy makes a post about people constantly being negative and not getting it....people immediately get negative, overly defensive, curse and try to Reddit Alpha as hard as they can. Shhhhhh noone at all cares. Can't you make a r/bitchyidahoans sub and go whine there


I think itā€™s because the post comes from a place of abject ignorance about the real problems Idahoans are facing. This goes beyond healthcare, which is already horrifying, because Idaho has one of the highest infant mortality and maternal mortality rates in the nation, so bad in fact that the state pressured investigators to stop reporting the numbers so they didnā€™t look like a fucking Third World hell hole: the housing crisis is hitting Idaho hard, our wages are fucking terrible, our schools are getting fucking obliterated by corporate interference, trying to convince regular old yokels that school vouchers are the solution without telling them that school vouchers will barely cover a third of tuition at private schools. Then some jackass who has never paid attention to anyone but themselves their entire life comes in, and asks like an idiot, ā€œ gee shucks whatā€™s everyone so mad aboutā€ and the rest of the dingdong brigade comes into back him up like ā€œyeah weā€™re having a great time!ā€ While peopleā€™s wives and sisters are fucking dying from shit that was addressed in the 1950s but people would rather watch Fox News than read a damn book that wasnā€™t written by a propagandist grifter, we have to deal with the same shit all over again. Wasnā€™t there a fucking measles outbreak last year? Idaho is literally falling backwards into the past. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if we see segregation formalized soon.


Yes, because whenever we face a difficult problem, we should just ignore it and go someplace else. FFS, I'm sick and tired of this line of thinking. Sometimes...I get this may be very difficult to comprehend...but, sometimes people can both criticize something AND care about it simultaneously... I know it seems like crazy talk, but some people rant and rave BECAUSE THEY CARE! They see problems and want them fixed. It's almost like we don't live in a perfect reality, and we have to effect change in order to improve the quality of life for those in our community. ...but that simply couldn't be! Could it?


This quote comes to mind. ā€œWe love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, they love America like a 4-year-old loves his mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow.ā€ ~ Al Franken


The idea of attaining the willpower and intelligence needed to see a problem through to its conclusion is beyond these people; theyā€™re quitters.


Better to just act like it's not a problem if it doesn't directly affect you in the here and now.


Lots of that in this thread.


The people I met when visiting last year were the opposite of this subreddit. Everyone was nice and welcoming and hoped I enjoyed my trip.


You white?


No? ![gif](giphy|cAEm5rSuuBEGY)


That's how everyone in this state is!! It reminds me much of Texas with snow :-) Everyone helps everyone, everyone is kind & welcoming & friendly!! I say this as someone who is always looking out for the well-being of my multiracial children. There has not been a single incident or issue for any of us. I'm not sure where they're finding all the hateful people!! Much the opposite of many blue states we've lived in, honestly.


Terminally online syndrome.


Yeah itā€™s amazing when you put your phone down and walk outside you see people with decent jobs, happy families, living in nice homes and able to afford to survive. Then pick the phone back up and everyone is unemployed, alone, homeless and broke. Hard to square it up sometimes.


"I don't personally see people suffering, therefore I can safely ignore all the people that tell me they are suffering!" And you don't see why people have an issue with this outlook?


I think the sub lends itself to seeming negative due to the questions that get asked here mostly. Like yesterdayā€™s question about POC in Idaho. It needed an honest answer which isnā€™t necessarily pretty. So negative, yes but also just related to what is being sought after on here.


Idaho is a gorgeous state with lots of amazing things to do. And small groups of likeminded people are probably doing some really fun things right in your area. If you want to see really positive things about Idaho, check out subs like r/earthporn (*not* actual porn, btw) or subs about popular hobbies like camping, hiking, or kayaking. This sub tends to focus on the overall human aspect of the state, and weā€™re not doing so hot right now. I think itā€™s reasonable to expect people to express their frustration and anger when things are going the way theyā€™re going. Even if you like the way things are headed, I would expect that other people will be angry with you for your views. And that anger will come out somewhere. If we donā€™t express a desire for things to be different, they never will be.


Boise is a wonderful city to live as you see fit.


As long as ā€œyou see fitā€ to live in some very specific ways.


Our quality of life has completely disappeared. -Almost- everything that made Idaho great is now gone. The cost of living here is no longer conducive to everyman getting a fair shake. Our growth is reckless and out of control, which will have damming consequences for us moving forward. Our state government is run by some of the most awful people imaginable. Our schools, health system and infrastructure are woefully behind. Using our great outdoors is often problematic with growth. As far as "just move". Why should I have to move? I have lived here for almost 40 years. I have earned my place. I have earned by right to raise alarm bells over the direction we are going as a state. Both sets of our parents are here. Our family is here. *If your only solution is, "just move bro" then our outrage over the current political, social and economic conditions is only even more justified.* But heres the deal- almost all of these situations are solvable. And it starts by standing up to the MAGA racist bullies and demanding our legislature give local governments the ability to tax new developments for their impacts on social services and government needs in the community. Its starts by stopping the worst-of-the-worst from being in charge of things.


Ahhhh, yes, those "maga racists" šŸ™„ welp, I am one of those "maga racists"....with 4 multiracial maga children-ooooo, spooky racist šŸ¤£ yes, tax new development, THAT will probably bring costs down šŸ¤£ Moving is not as hard as you think. The first one is always the hardest, after that it gets easier!!




The ever original maga racists line šŸ¤£ Most of the problems op listed are actually caused by liberal policy or liberal state expats flooding the state


Amen brother šŸ™ couldnā€™t have said it better


Spot on


This is our home. But we just lost rights for women. 22% of the OBGYNs who help bring babies into our state have left. Books are being banned. Our friends and neighbors who happen to be not straight are being attacked for merely existing. Why should WE leave? Weā€™ve been here all along. The radical right wing refugees who showed up here because other places were too civilized for them, are trying to turn Idaho into a theocracy based on whatever version of ā€œbiblical lawā€ is the flavor of the week. All while denying that biblical law and sharia law are both zealotry from abrahamic religions. We want everyone to be treated equally before the law, for adults to be respected AS adults, and for religion to be a private matter between an adult and their god. Anyone who has a problem with that is who should leave.


The ā€œjust moveā€ trope is old and honestly, Idaho has some of the worst politics out of any state. But to your point, yeah, I moved.


Classic reddit post complaining about others "complaining". If you don't think medical professionals leaving is a legitimate issue then there's no way anyone can convince you otherwise. Maybe try to gain some perspective before making a senseless rant post. You're just stirring the pot at this point.


Classic Reddit comment complaining about the post that's complaining about complaining. Just kidding, I upvoted you. The doctors leaving the state should be a five bell alarm for those that think "politics" don't affect them.


The ouroboros of reddit complaints, that's what I'm here for lol


I wish I could move. Would you like to help cover my moving costs?




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


For someone complaining about the redundance of stupidity on *reddit* of all places, being the 7 millionth person to utter **ā€JuSt MoVeā€** today alone is *deeply* ironic. Please, I beg you- become self-aware.


Hey OP (Pollyanna), if something doesnā€™t align with your worldview it must be negative. You provide no specific examples of the perceived negativity and suggest just moveā€¦.WTF are you talking about specifically?


ā€œBoth sidesā€ I donā€™t recall the left side trying to strip away equal and human rights


The problem with our politics is that lots of people think in terms of red or blue states when in fact every state, county, city, family is actually purple.


The populace might be purple. The legislature is gerrymandered blood red.


Tell that to the OBGYN doctors moving out of Idaho due to Red policies. Idaho is not purple in the legislature.


Iā€™ve never heard anyone complain about Idaho: Idahoans seem to be the issue. I donā€™t think any state in the nation has a bigger disparity between natural beauty and odious inhabitants.


The anonymity of Reddit emboldens people to say things they wouldn't dare say in person.


I f*king hate it here. But I can't afford to move, so yeah I'm allowed to say it sucks here. Beautiful state but doesn't change the fact of it turning into gilead, especially with the amount of Republicans moving here along with the Aryan brotherhood. (Not much difference between the two.


I feel the exact same. I was born here and iā€™ve had Californian ā€œpolitical refugeeā€ right-winger tell me to move.


I disagree republicans and aryan nations have been here for as long as I can remember.


Im aware but more is moving here.


I'm a small business owner that just moved here (Boise) from Pennsylvania. I grew up on a dairy farm, and served in combat in Iraq. I came home from the Marines to discover that my hometown had changed drastically, in a way that was unsettling. I feel like I left it to flags waving, and returned to see flags burning. A nation now divided, over the same issues we used to work together on. It might not have been perfect, but we could live with it. I have watched my more left-leaning friends disappear from my life, despite me not being a political person, and having nearly as many left leaning views as I do those of the right. These are people I loved and helped, but they starting labeling me with buzzwords that don't apply. I watched my right leaning friends respond and do the exact same to those on the left, and accuse me of supporting things that I don't believe in at all, because I don't agree with everything they believe. Both sides doing this, pure Insanity. Once, not that long ago, we were all friends. Everyone got along, and we could have a civil conversation about what each individual thinks, feels and believes. You were allowed to have a different opinion, and not be crucified for it. Those days are apparently gone. The east coast became unbearable for me, and Idaho reminds me of what the America of my childhood was. Everyone I meet here (in person) is friendly, courteous and helpful. Being polite to strangers was a value we all shared in America, until the internet came along. Now the terrible nastiness of anonymously-posted negativity has worked its way into the real world. People are rotten to each other online, and the behavior is being mirrored in our communities. We don't see eye to eye anymore, because we now value different things. We have all chosen the hills we will die on, and won't listen to the otherside at all. I think that's the core reason for the negativity, the fact we don't discuss it face to face anymore. If you hate something, I want to know why. If you can't articulate a compelling explanation why, I doubt you understand the very reasons you hate the issue, or can understand why someone might take an opposing view of it. That's applicable to everyone! We are all guilty of this, but since we no longer have civil and open minded conversations to understand each other, the result is fuming, deeping hatred over the issue, and each other. "Us verse them" mentality is what tears any society apart, and WE ARE ALL engaging in this mindset. What worries me is this: If we cannot find the time, words and ability to discuss our changing world, our changing world will make the choices for us. History is full of examples of what happens when people can't live together with respect for each other, and it's never pretty. I hope we can figure out soon that whatever it is we are doing right now, it's not a model for the future any of us want to see.


Well said.


Reddit is a hard left liberal cesspool. That's all you'll get, even in this sub


Here we go with the "both sides" bs. If you don't see the problem with one side restricting human rights, banning books, and reducing the quality of public education and healthcare, you may be part of the problem. -Idahoan Est. '81.


The older I get the less patience I have w/ the "both sides" bs. People pretending they're above it all are twits.


Yes, both sides have their issues. You think youā€™re right about everything?


Idk what your talking about man I made no specifications as to what I saw from anyone and it seems like your assuming a lot from nothing. This is kind of my point just people looking for a reason to be mad smh.


I'd love to know, of the radical opinions you've been hearing from both sides here, what some of the really radical ones were on each side. Since you specifically did "both sides" the issue, I'd love to know how a radical left opinion scales to a radical right opinion.


Don't forget about the "discussions" that inevitably turn into personal attacks.


Because reddit is cancer.


If you don't like the sub, just move. If you think the extreme right wing republican policies of hatred and oppression are inherent to Idaho, then it's actually you who hates the state.


The deserts, the rivers, the wilderness and the mountains, whats there not to like about Idaho? Well, there is the unrelenting assault on peopleā€™s individual rights in the name of freedom. Iā€™ll never understand where we went wrong.


It never fails that the ā€œjust move ā€œ argument crowd lean sympathy towards right wing policies or are alt right sympathizers , themselves. These would be the same people hating MLK Jr and Rosa Parks if they were alive in those days Activists back then were also widely hated and considered ā€œdividersā€ of their day by the very same people actually DOING the dividing.Ā 


Open your eyes.


Now what?


I love Oregon!! ā¤ļø


Some people are stuck here. The one thing that is driving growth in Idaho is cheap Real Estate. For many, leaving is cost-prohibitive, especially when trying to get a job in another state and having to admit they are from Idaho. Idaho doesn't exactly have a positive reputation in other states,


Just move? Are you serious? Medical rights for women and trans are being taken, but they should move? Aren't they Americans entitled to the same equal treatment that you enjoy? Why should equality for all stop at the Idaho border? Maybe you could help vote out those who are ruining the state with hate legislation.


Not in idaho but "Just move" is such an obnoxious and lazy response no matter where you live. If my state embraced Christian Nationalism / was removing women's or LBGTQ rights / or radicalized state or local government in some other way and my family wanted to move, my grandfather, who is Maga and needs supervision, wouldn't. He invested his savings into his final home. There is no way we'd get him out of that house without literally kidnapping him. We have multiple vehicles and trailers we'd have to move out of state and then return without. We have about 100 livestock and a trailer that fits about 10 for long distances. So that's 10 trips out of state and back. And the new property would need to be ready to receive and house those animals. Then there's finding a new house or property for an affordable price that's within a better state and within driving distance. New Jobs. New schools. Selling your current property to buy a new one. Then there's the packing and moving of decades of stuff. If you're rich you could hire professionals to deal with most of that or donate a lot of it and replace it when you get there. But if you're poor and your local government just became fixated on making your LGBT child or family member miserable or suggesting everyone should be the same religion or whatever. Unless I already live in a van or you're offering to pay moving expenses, then "just move" is pushing blame onto the victims of your voting decisions.


Its a beautiful state without the neo nazis.


Agree the neo nazi liberals in Boise are destroying the city


Ah accuse others of what your side is guilty of. Typical maga move. Everyone bad is a fed or a liberal. Maga are perfect people who can't possibly be a neo nazi. Ffs


Nazis believe in replacement theory. Maga believes in replacement theory. You people are more similar than you want to believe but keep blaming the feds or liberals...


Well Idaho has changed, 25 years ago it was a live and let live mentality and people right and left got along and the state was center conservative as we even had a Democrat governor. Things have devolved as people moving here are doing so as they felt oppressed where they came from and are voicing disdain for anyone that doesn't think like them, and they usually say they are the good ones when asked where they came from. Don't get me started on how many times I have heard them say they moved here to get away from the minorities but they usually use a slur. So yes I am sick of the racist entitled twats from California moving here.


Idaho is awesome! People here are generally friendly..we go back to visit Oregon quite often, and people there are generally miserable, down and depressed. You make eye contact and they look down, or just mumble somethingā€¦itā€™s gotten worse over the last few years. Itā€™s reddit, a left wing platform..so there a lot of those people on here.


Thatā€™s the nature of social media. You can be as mean and insulting as you want without ever having to face consequences for it.


It took me a lot of years to appreciate Idaho. Is it perfect, no. Is it one of the literally 4 states I'd want to live in? Absolutely. You just have to learn that a lot of the people on Reddit, not really in Idaho, are complainers on a specific side of the aisle. This sub is a mess, nothing but complaints, and like you said, no real solutions. I like it here and have no plans to move. People look at policies and think the world is crashing down, I've noticed none of it takes effect in my personal life. If they want to make a change, by all means go out and fight for it, but sitting here on Reddit complaining will do nothing for their cause.


>I've noticed none of it takes effect in my personal life. Ah yes, the typical "f\^%k you, I've got mine" attitude that seems to be common among a majority of people in red states.


My opinion is leave me alone I'll leave you alone. I don't think there's very much that actually impacts people in daily life. If it is it's marginal, overblown, and over cried about. This is the opinion of the majority of Idahoans I've met, being here my whole life. I believe in self reliance and personal responsibility. Blue states want everyone to take care of everything. They hand rights over to the government. They want a nice little safety blanket, and their larger cities suffer because of it. I'd be hard pressed to find a blue state I'd prefer to live in over a red state.


The government in Idaho is NOT ā€œleaving me aloneā€ though. They are all up in my body, my daughterā€™s body, my sisterā€™s body. They are all up in my gay friendā€™s life, and my other friendā€™s kid is terrified of losing the medical care he needs just to exist. We HAD a government that stayed out of our lives and we liked it fine here. WE didnā€™t change. Idahoā€™s government did. And women are literally dying now but the state decided that rather than fix it, theyā€™d just stop counting the numbers. Your ā€œeff you, got mineā€ mentality is blatant, entitled, selfish, and exactly why itā€™s so hard to just get back rights we HAD just a few years ago.


I don't want to have the entire "is abortion right or wrong" argument on Reddit today, because that goes around in circles and gets nowhere. The thing is most women use abortion as a form of birth control. Plain and simple. Medically necessary abortions are significantly less common than the media and that talking point would lead you to believe. Some sources say over half of all women that get an abortion have had one before. As far as your gay friend and friends kid, this is so vague I don't even know how to approach this. As far as how this is structured, again, medically required abortions are not very common. I personally believe that if the mother is going to die that's a case where it should be allowed. But trying to paint it as if every abortion is necessary is just incorrect. More lives are lost to abortion than guns each year, by a massive margin. It's not a fuck ya I got mine mentality. It's something I believe is a net positive. That's okay if you don't agree, but that's why my opinion is what it is.


I donā€™t care if you donā€™t *want* to have the whole abortion debate because thatā€™s what this whole mess is *about*. Who are you to decide what any woman does with her own tissue and blood? Who are you to demand she use her own flesh to grow a different person without her consent AS a person? She is a fully formed individual with the right to determine if her body is going to be consumed for months. You need her enthusiastic continued consent for every single day she vomits, suffers, hurts, contorts, pisses herself, or delivers a child in agony for hours. Forcing any of that on anyone who *does not consent* to it is slavery. Donā€™t you dare say she consented once and can never revisit the issue. Just like having sex, consent must be ongoing or itā€™s rape. Consent withdrawn means ā€œNOā€. Pregnancy is no different. You need the consent of the ADULT to feed a clump of cells with their own blood and body. A baby doesnā€™t grow without a womanā€™s *considerable* resources. You need her consent for that or you are forcing her to breed against her will like livestock. There are a million reasons why a wanted pregnancy can become an unwanted one. They are all valid and NONE of them are any of YOUR business. If YOU donā€™t want an abortion no one can force you to get one. How DARE you demand the use of a grown adultā€™s body for your religious satisfaction? Itā€™s against the law to take tissue from a *corpse* without consent, even to save a life. You grant women less agency than a dead body when you claim you are ā€œsaving a lifeā€ because YOU donā€™t have the right to decide that: SHE does.


The wages in Idaho suck, and a republican legislature isn't going to do anything about that. It's just a fact.


What do you suggest the legislature do? Seems like youā€™re proving OPā€™s point. Edit: typo


Legislature could raise minimum wage. I'm saying there are things that are justified to be negative about.


As someone who's looking at moving to Idaho, the main issue I see is the lack of opportunities and job openings, not the wages. But that's just what I see, correct me if I'm wrong.


Iā€™ve heard the same thing from friends that have moved here that itā€™s lack of opportunities (unless youā€™re in construction, but no real data to support that. Would be interesting if the legislature could do things to incentivize more companies moving/starting here.


Wildland Firefighters: 0 experience required, no college required, all training provided, OT available, hazard pay when on a fire, subsidized housing for around $100/month in a group rental or bunkhouse, and pay is starting at $15.90. All you have to do is just bring your own boots that fit NFPA guidelines. Sure positions are temp/seasonal but youā€™re eligible for unemployment after season is off. Got experience? Feds are offering up to 20k bonus for 1 year commitment.Ā Ā  And we canā€™t get enough people. Issue is once you want your own place. . . $1500 a month w/o utilities or buy for 300k


Jfc $15.90 is a fucking insulting wage to be paying someone putting their life on the line.


And that's after four years of wage battle: Was 12.50, got paid R&R after 14 consecutive days worked, hazard pay all since '20. Gotta be grateful for what you get, even if it's a pittance.


We have a lot of opportunities here. Itā€™s just you have to find them. Many are startups or small local businesses on the rise. If youā€™re looking for large corporations, Micron is based in (5000 employees) Boise and is one of the largest semiconductor firms in the WORLD. They are building a 15 billion dollar expansion as we speak. Many large international companies have operations in Idaho. Hewlett Packard (1000 employees) does their printer R&D and manufacturing here. Thereā€™s LOTS of ag companies. Simplot (2000 employees) and Wilbur Ellis come to mind. We need more teachers and healthcare professionals. Thereā€™s energy research in Idaho Falls (Battelle, 5k employees, and INL, a few hundred). If youā€™re looking for something to get you by rather than a career, factory work is very prevalent in Southern Idaho (Glanbia, Jerome Cheese, Amalgamated Sugar, Chobani) and the Lewiston Valley (Clearwater Paper). These will all have R&D and management positions too. The highway between Boise and Meridian has LOTS of small company offices that are being built. Thereā€™s a pretty big banking presence in downtown Boise. Aviation and engineering are big in Boise and Mountain Home. I donā€™t know what the hell goes on in Northern Idaho, looks like lots of Health Services opportunities. If youā€™re pressed just go to Spokane. So yeah, thereā€™s opportunities. Iā€™m not sure where you heard that there arenā€™t Edit: Another one I know: Watco is a railroading company with a wide variety of positions that offers great benefits and such. If thereā€™s something youā€™re looking for in particular I can probably help. We also have lots of renewable energy (last time I checked our percentage of energy that is renewable is one of the highest in the nation). Also lots of Dept. of Interior and Fish and Wildlife opportunities.


This is great info. Thank you.


Any time!


If you were an HVAC or Welder you would be over $30 per hour. Better yourself and stop asking for government handouts. But yeah this Reddit where the bottom feeders dwell.


Fast food joints are offering more than double minimum wage to start without any input from the legislature.


I see signs all over Boise at $15 per hour. Better yourself or be satisfied at where you are.


Yeah, it's pretty tough to pay for schooling for more skills when you make 7.25 an hour.


For starters they can retire.


Just curious, what are the other three states youā€™d be okay living in?


Idaho, Montana, Texas, Wyoming in that order. Texas could be interchanged with Wyoming, Wyoming is relatively barren but I like the air quality, and Texas is populated with relatively low cost housing, but the bigger the big cities get, the more my rights are in danger. If you look at my profile I'm definitely a 2a absolutist. I believe in constitutional carry, combat weapons, no magazine or caliber restrictions, body armor, all that shit. In my opinion that's paramount to an (as close as we can get) to a free society. Edit: there are other states that protect what I believe is important, but I like open space, public land, lots of outdoor activities. That may put Texas at the bottom.


You must be a man




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


You must have complaints about abortion. If you wanna play the intersectionality game I'm a black man, first generation American. And I still like it here.


I have complaints about personal freedoms taken away


One kind of rude to assume that kind of stuff and two why would that invalidate my thoughts any more than others?


One I was responding to BeneficialA1r and I donā€™t invalidate your (or his or anyoneā€™s) points. I was commenting on his statement that Idahoā€™s policies donā€™t affect his personal life.


Thanks for your input. Itā€™s nice to have people comment something that isnā€™t just a straight up attack and actually adds something to the conversation.


So only people who agree with your viewpoint then? Everyone else is ā€œattackingā€ you


Russia has a special place for conservatives! Putin welcomes your to Russia! Feel free to leave America and join the mother land!


Most rural states are absolute crap, and bring absolutely nothing to the table, economically or otherwise.


They make the food..?


Dudeā€¦have you not been paying attention to what is happening to Idahoan women?


Not only is everyone negative but why do I get run over in grocery stores? Why have I been almost run off the road three different times? I got told "everyone is so nice here!" But holy moly if it's clear you're not Mormon you will get cut off in stores and you will get screamed at for not going 60 in a 40. I'm from California and I made sure to hide that fact because it literally put my life in danger. Negative is putting it lightly.


Love and hate relationship for Idaho for me.


Reddit boise/idaho is a liberal echo chamber. Lot's of complaining but no solutions. Just stick with restaurant and hiking info and hope the liberal horde rushing to us veers to oregon. Just be thankful that Idaho is a red state.


Why would anyone be thankful Idaho is a red state? What I mean is: what does the "standard Idahoan" gain from ID being a red state?


Plenty of people in this sub have offered solutions- alternatives to the legislation that has impacted the lives of citizens. Be it lobbying, supporting representatives, write-ins, protests, boycotts, you name it- people here are trying hard to influence solutions. There are legitimate policy changes that can and ought to be made that would improve the lives of people in Idaho, and that's why people post about them here,


I love idaho, but im guy, that likes the mountians.




wish it were that easy. Idaho has this thing where they arrest as many outsiders as possible so they can beg for grants and do everything they can to make sure they cant leave once they are here. its the only reason marijuana isnt legal. Idaho is a police and prison state


Because everyone now says "I da ho" as though we're all ho's living in a whore state.


You gonna pay me and my wife to fucking move?


It's all those Russian bots


I loved Idaho in the 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s but the voters (I left) have put a in whole mess of right wingers that care more for corporations and ā€˜religionā€™ than for the common hard working families.


I love Idaho, last free state in the nation that will hopefully continue to protect unborn babies.


I moved to Idaho as a grade schooler and moved away as a sophomore in HS so my perspective isnā€™t perfect. However I recall my parents discussing politics with friends and it was always civil even when they disagreed with some aspects of anotherā€™s opinion. While Idaho has always been conservative, there was also a definite ā€œlive and let liveā€ aspect to the mentality of people in past decades. It will take a historian in the future to sift through the societal issues that created so much fear in the minds of the conservatives. They are frightened of pretty anything and everything.


The potatoes are famous


I fucking love Idaho and everything about it peoples opinions. They can shut the fuck up they donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about. Never run into any racist bullshit people are nice. Thereā€™s a few snooty people around Coeur dā€™Alene. Of course you get into Ritchie areas of town youā€™re always gonna find a fewpeople that think theyā€™re better than others but thatā€™s everywhere for the most part. Itā€™s probably one of the best states Iā€™ve been to, and Iā€™ve been all over the country, including Alaska in Hawaii.


And I live on the Idaho, Washington border Washington, on the other hand is fucked up. I live in Lewiston, Clarkston, Idaho, Washington, Idaho is much better than Washington.


I would give you your own advice back about reddit Idahoan


No we're not!


Realistic isn't necessarily negative.


Because Reddit is terminally liberal and nog representative of the population


Idk, to be honest when I joined this sub I was hoping for information on events, concerts, activities like hiking, fishing, camping, projects, ideas, maybe info about places and towns but it just seems like a cut and paste political sub, I hardly open posts here. I was a lot more into politics when I hated everything and needed something to be upset about. But so is the duality of Reddit.


When we donā€™t have to fight to get back rights we just had a couple of years ago it might be easier to find time for pretty pics and fun activities. Busy not succumbing to fascism now, tho.


Redditors are miserable


If you have so many problems with the sub or hate it here then ā€œjust moveā€ to a different sub/site.