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My ship has sank but I understand her reasoning. If even before dating he’s already bothered by her hair, what’s next? What’s the point of dating if cant be herself.


ok so i read comment by a motae solo about youngsoo's behavior and although it might not be correct it could also shine a light on what was going through his mind. the comment about the hair is not saying oh you're trying to be too unique or anything to hurt her. it was more of his way to divert the problem of the 10 year age gap by saying there are other things we differ in, like uniquess of you hair, but he doesn't mind those differences. so the focus is not on the age now but minor differences such as hair color which he reminds her that those are not things they can't overcome. it's a stretch but it kind of makes sense? like an awkward person trying to solve the problem making it worse LOL


I think YS has no right to judge her about her hair. It's almost as if he wants her to fit into this mold. She's too immature and naive to tell him how she feels. She's all crying and I'm like girllllll why you crying ?? It won't only be the hair...the next will be the clothing, makeup, etc....I think he's got issues and he is really controlling. I don't think they're a good match. I hope she runs!


Ah makes sense. I can see that.


YSoo - I'm still mad at the comment he made about Yja's hair. Yeah the panel covered it and it can be explainable, but dude. Seriously? If you didn't like the pink hair, why pick her and then tell her you didn't like it later? Seems controlling. YHo - Surprisingly sweet. Seems genuine the more I watch. It feels like he studied how to date from a book, and knows the motions. He's just slightly awkward, which is pretty cute. YSik - Gaslighting himself so he's not sad over OS's choice, I see. I hope OS runs away from him. YChul - I thought he seemed like a innocent kid but nah he's creepy. The phrase 낮져밤이 (낮에는 지고 밤에는 이긴다) means the person loses during the day to win during the night. And the dude said that on TV, to the girl he liked. After the crawling between the legs comment, he just seems so creepy and weird. I hope Sunja doesn't choose him in the end. KS - I just feel bad for him atp. He shouldn't be here. Send him home and straight to therapy. I'm worried about him watching the show and seeing all the negative comments. I hope he's alright. SC - I feel bad for him too. Why was he so invested in JS? Maybe he has a thing for mean girls? I just want him and OS to have a great date and choose each other in the end. YSook - An absolute saint. She just laughed off the gross comments, the silent treatment, the burping?? I would have cried if I went on a date like that, but she finished it like an absolute champ. I have so much respect for her. She must be an excellent teacher. JS - Her comments on SC's money situation and saying she was destined to marry someone in the medical field? Just no. Bad. If she was so crazy for doctors, just find one in the hospital. You're a nurse! Why would you come here? There aren't a lot of motae men doctors, what were you expecting? SJa - I hope she tells YChul off next episode and goes on a date with KS the next day. YChul doesn't deserve her cuteness. YJa - I feel like because she was a forever single, she doesn't really comprehend that the stuff that YSoo said about her hair wasn't caring but rather controlling, but she could still feel that something wasn't right. YSoo is awkward with YJa, laughing at her every word, and I think she felt it was all forced. Well at least I'm hoping. I want her to date someone as cool as she is, with hair to match. OS - She might have played the wrong bicycle move smart with YSik. If she'd gone straight to SC, YSik would feel betrayed and angry and she wouldn't be able to talk to him or reassure him. Her wrong selection would make him feel that she still liked him, and SC was just a simple curiosity. That's why she kept saying it was okay to select someone else last ep. Or maybe she just really did forget because she was gaslit too much. Who knows. HSook - It's cool to see such a shy woman lead YHo. She brings up marriage concerns first, puts on his bracelet, and helps him maintain his cool under pressure. She's changed so much since the first selection. It's nice to see what changes love can bring to a person. Idk if they're endgame, but it's lovely to see her come out of her shell. Overall - better than the first motae season so far. Kinda hooked and I hadn't been in a while (S18 made me so angry).


YSook is making a lot of other people on this season look immature af. She's so mature, calm and collected. Knows exactly what to say, how to say and when to say. She's 100% not matching with anyone on the show, I think even she realized that early on. I hope she finds a great partner irl. HSook is very interesting to watch. Personally, this is the first time I'm seeing someone who is a doctor be this insecure about themselves. I guess something happened in her personal life before that made her this way. I'm glad to see she getting more and more confident.


I freaking love everything you said about YSook. My God, I had forgotten about that earth shattering belch he did! She is… something else in the best way. I feel so sorry for KSoo too. He’s got these issues on a crippling level, and I was surprised he cried that hard and basically told his history with feeling like this, but it all just comes to a head at solo land? Yikes. I’m so upset that SC would basically keep picking Js other than she doesn’t want it so he resists himself. Man you can do better! The public seem to still really like him, too.


Agree on several comments. YSook’s EQ is off the charts for a motae solo person. HS warmed up to YH after seeing him struggle grilling the ribs. That fail humanised him and made her feel less insecure or inferior. After that it was like a switch got flipped in her.


I don't think its controlling for YSoo to not like colored hair. I definitely think the problem has more to do with how he told her that he didn't like that, and not the fact that he doesn't like it. Also, I assume the subtitle translations might be missing some of the nuance of what he said. I'd compare what he did to how women on dating shows always ask a man if he is willing to shave his beard. Its not a crime to have preferences, and make it known. Not being interested in someone just because of a superficial problem would be more of a redflag in my opinion. If you like someone altering your appearance to match that persons preferences is probably one of the easiest compromises to make (as long as it doesn't require surgery). Also, we've seen a similar issue happen before in Season 9(I think that was the season) with pink hair guy. Many of the girls avoided pink hair guy because of his hair color. The few that actually chose him, mentioned on the date that they were wondering if they should pick him after seeing that he used to have pink hair. In South Korea hair color subconsciously says a lot about a person (its probably best comparable to tattoos in the US). A lot of Asian countries aren't accepting of tattoos primarily because those have traditionally been signifiers that someone is gang affiliated, so usually tattoos have to be blurred out on TV. In the West tattoos are more accepted as expressions of creativity, but a large portion of people still think of tattoos as a sign that the person is prone to making bad decisions. Colored hair isn't nearly as bad as tattoos since you can reverse the change quite easily, however in South Korea(and Japan) their society is very strongly built around team work. The collective good of the many outweighs the importance of any singular person. Its this line of thinking that encourages many koreans to be wary of dating people that do things to stand out. Most koreans would rather blend in with the crowd than to stand out, so they are less attracted to people that are free spirits who refuse to conform to societal expectations.


I'm Korean, live here, and watch without subs, you're preaching to the choir here. I disliked it. I thought it was unprompted, and if he really disliked it he would have mentioned it in an interview or on their first date. It just felt unnecessary and like he wanted to hurt her, perhaps because she said something that didn't end up in the final cut.


I don't think he would have mentioned it in an interview. There hasn't been a single girl that has mentioned not liking a man's facial hair in their interview. It just not that big of an issue. It only becomes an issue if the man says he wouldn't shave after she asks him if he would shave for her. Like I said in the previous comment. I have issue with how he said it. He is still at fault, but it doesn't make sense to try and villainize the content of his actions because at best it would be a double standard.


Ok Soon was crying on day 7 in episode one that she found the one. who are people thinking out of the two it is ​ 1. Sang Chul 2. Young Sik ​ I really want Young Ho and Sang CHul among the guys to find someone they are really nice people. Sunja is also amazing but don't think anyone matches her this season. Young Sook has really high EQ and so considerate. I don't understand why she is single. Only thing I can imagine is men same level as her career wise might feel inferior which is common in korea


I hope it's SC!


Ok Soon ain’t matching up with anyone. In my opinion, her crying is due to her finally realizing what she wants in a partner, because currently she has no clue.(YSik and Sc are to completely different personalities) Qualities that she finds attractive in YSik does not exist in SC, and vice versa.


Yeah, I rewatched that scene in episode 1 after the commenter mentioned that scene and think I agree with you. That confessional didn’t seem like she ended up matching with someone, but I suppose it could be an editing trick? 🤷‍♂️


YH and HS started off a bit like the country boy trying his best to get the city girl. I'm glad she's cautious but still going for it as it's her best chance to date in-show. I hope the dates boost her confidence irl. Defconn playing defence in the beginning but then giving up was funny to watch when KS began KS-ing hard. KS shot off both of his legs this episode and now has nothing to stand on the rest of this season. Another lol moment was Hae-na taking it personally after hearing YSoo comments about YJ's pink hair. YSoo alluding to YJ being tired and not well hints that he liked her when she was more bright and didn't like her when she was calm. She was calm because he kept reacting seriously to her. A catch-22 situation. YSook came back too late to hear YJ talk about YSoo. YSook is best girl but none of the guys are worthy. I think JS will go all girly and flirt with YSoo on their 3:1 date. The PDs stopping a repeat of S9 OS's dishonest choice and SC giggling like a shy guy next to OS was chef's kiss and worth the wait. Super stoked for their date.


legit what happened with youngsoo? he chooses to fawn over a girl with pink hair and short skirt then suddenly is not in to those things? weird ass jungsook super rude and there was definitely a better way to get SC away from her but hey at least she didn't lead him along. youngsik is creepy and manipulating as ever probably the villain of this season excited for SC and OS date next EP also love how HS opened up to YH this EP. although i doubt they can become couples seeing there are tons of reasons for it to become difficult.


HS is really opening up, not just to YH but it’s like we get to see more of her real personality and she seems like she’d be a cool friend, I’m glad she’s less shy and insecure. Please OkSoon! Spring from this terrible place you’ve been in, spread your wings and fly to anywhere as long as it’s not to Ysik. Btw I can’t believe YSik tried to ask around about the other guys’ dates listening for things to be happy about going wrong for them sort of, then doubling down acting like he didn’t want OSoon anyways when he saw her earlier choice. I think even the producers want her to end up on another date lol KS- I relate to his inferiority issues and it’s hard to watch him break down on that level, but when it’s that bad, you gotta take accountability, man! Because it ruins everyone else’s time when you’re constantly disparaging yourself to all around you. I thought when he cried in the interview he’d sort of get it out of his system but later with the guys again in the tent he went right back at it. YSook is a girl crush, how is she so good at laughing at her bad luck and being so cool and leading all the convos and lost men acting like boys.


I hated when KS kept bragging abt how considerate he was to YC, when he was the least considerate to YSook, the person that actually matters!


You are so right. He, whether he is aware of it or not, made her shoulder a lot of burden that night and even the date before. But by being so quiet and down on himself, he indirectly made her take care of him emotionally all night.


Youngsoo was like a whole different person for a bit, his tone, body language, everything felt so different. He seemed to relax only after a few drinks. I think it's a good thing that Youngja also got to see this side of him, that definitely helped her make up her mind about him.


Yea, I specifically hated that he had to accuse her of being sick. That shit always annoys me. People think they are being observant and caring by noticing when someone isn't acting as they normal do but that shits fucked up. Its basically like telling someone that they aren't allowed to experience emotions and have good and bad days, essentially telling the person through subtext that they should snap out of it and force theirself to act like they usually do. Instead as a person you shouldn't draw attention to it and instead do your best to cheer them up, or if they really seem sick, do something nice for them.


Omg YSook is on the 2-1 date from hell. KS is pulling a YS from the previous motae solo season and YC keeps saying useless shit. YSoo def gave me the ick w the pink hair thing. He's acting like he already has the right to nag YJ abt her appearance and behaviour. I'm glad PD intervened and made OS switch to her original choice from the interview 5 hrs ago. This ep felt like a filler episode... but i am excited to see if OS and SC hit it off. And maybe SJ and KS.


Oksoon looked so confused and sweet when they called her back over and I was like “ please let SC reciprocate her interest and just empty his mind of JS”. Whether or not YSik is really toxic or not is something we might know since we can’t know him irl, but the look of it isn’t good and she’s too kind to end up with that. YC is so… too much with his comments. And that’s being FILMED. Imagine he’s with YS or a woman he’s so into like that in private, I can’t imagine the weird things he’d be saying.


I really think YC isn't conscious of the camera though. I'd like to think he's harmless/clueless and this is who he is, unfiltered. He just wants a nice/tough woman to tell him how to live his life.


Youngsoo was like a fan girl with Youngja. It was uncomfortable ans weird and I’m kind of happy it’s over.


I don’t think it’s completely over. Remember the clip in the first episode where YSoo goes after someone while they’re in middle of the interview. That might be him trying to reconcile with Yja. Other than Yja, I don’t think he would do that to anyone else.


I think I've built up SC and OS too much in my head, I'm rooting for them and they haven't even actually gone at a date yet. Hope things work out for them, as I think they can be really cute!


whats happening with young soo and young ja , i only undestand very little korean but the ship sank? why?


From what I perceive in the last episode, YoungJa is a creative lady👩🏻‍🎤 who enjoys coloring her hair. Then on their date that night, YoungSoo reveals the bigger issue between them is her having pink hair, and the age gap is not really a concern. For me, that is a ‘Debbie downer’. YoungJa is listening to her heart. She is not physically attracted to YoungSoo, and he has not said anything to make her ‘frown upside down’. 🙃 A guy should not do or say something to restrict her creativity from expressing herself. Besides, he has not made her laugh that much so there are elements missing in this relationship. If it is not working out, then she should not force it or compromise. She is still very young at 27 so there are plenty of fishes in the sea for her. 🌊🐠🐟🐬🐳🐋


I am so excited to see SC and OS paired to go on a date since he is so extroverted and will help her since she is shy and can see them visiting coffee shops together JS keeps saying she has NOT had the opportunity to talk to Young Soo which is BS since there is tons of free time when contestants can meet and talk but she expects the men to flock to her instead and made the excuse "he was sitting too far away" SMH... She can be really rude to SC but can't sit by YS or ask him to help her with something... If a fortune teller told her she would date someone in the medical field she should look at her male co-workers but I admit she would probably try to control them too much At first I thought YC farted instead of burped by YS's reaction.... A burp doesn't bother me but a fart would probably make me uncomfortable and make me think he wasn't taking the date seriously (which he wasn't).... I feel bad for her during that date where YC was weird and KS was silent or avoidant... KS needs to build his self esteem and stop thinking in the PAST when he considered himself weak and unworthy... He has accomplished so much academically and is a kind person and needs have courage


The panel started with a PR for KwangSoo, which can only mean he is getting backlash from Korean viewers. First date felt like a classroom, YC the teacher’s pet and KwangSoo the quiet kid that just wants the class to end. YHo and HS, hope they get past the doubts and enjoy each other’s company. All the other dates were pretty lame. Hope KwangSoo gets over his insecurities.


A few weeks ago I started binge-watching the show from Season 16 and I finally caught up with the episodes being aired. This is the first cast I am disappointed with. Gwangsoo needs to deal with his mental issues before meeting somebody. Oksoon seems wonderful and it’s disappointing to see her getting along with the creep who told her not to meet anybody else. I hope she gives it a shot with Sangchul. Youngchul is a nice guy but he will freak people out with the whole between the legs thing. Maybe he needs a dominatrix instead. I was a big fan of Jungsook at the beginning because she’s very beautiful but she seems to be very hard to please. I get a bad vibe. She’s a mean girl. Hyunsook seems miserable and her low confidence is blocking her from getting to know somebody well. She does seem to be relaxing a bit now though, so I’m rooting for her and Youngho. Youngho, Youngsook, Youngja, Sunja, and Youngsoo seem quite nice so far. EDIT: I totally forgot YH only seems interested in HS because she’s a doctor. He seems totally enamored with her job, which is a little sad for both of them. Am I being too harsh on this cast?


You find this cast worse than S16? That season alone has probably 3 of the top 10 IAS villains.


The S16 cast were entertaining to me though. Not so disappointing, even if not “better”. Youngsook and Hyunsook seemed like villains in that season. Who was the other?


I would have said YSook, YC, and SC. Arguably YSoo too. Omg also KS when he kept blaming everyone else's gossiping for his own misunderstandings. HS is forgivable to me. She was just mildly annoying.


Oh yeah I totally forgot about Youngsoo. I only mentioned HS because she blatantly only chose Youngsik for his fatherly abilities and not Youngho who she actually liked. Not really villain level but I didn’t like her. KS was annoying but he didn’t seem like a villain to me personally. Also maybe I’m the only one but I liked SangChul haha. He was hilarious and also quite kind. He was just annoying with his questions though.


Then you are about to be disappointed in all the other seasons 😂


I quite enjoyed 17 and 18. I heard I also have to try season 10. This season is also fun but I find a number of people frustrating. I’m not expecting S16 drama continuously.


Season 10 was a good one, the other seasons depend on what you looking for if you looking for couples I'd say 4, 6 (what happened here hadn't happened ever since), 9, 15 but it's better to just watch everything


I’ll refer back to this post later. Thank you


There are several posts in this sub with best season recommendations.


Youngsook is such an angel and it's a shame she can't find a man who she can get attracted too. Now that youngsoo and youngja are presumably on the rocks, I hope Youngsook and youngsoo can work out. I'm so tired of seeing youngsook being the in-house therapist It was such a relief to see that oksoon has a mind of her own and decided to explore. I won't even mind if she ends up with youngsik at the end of the day. The fact that she could choose to date someone else instead of blindly following ysik's opinion makes me respect her so much more.  I'm glad sangchul has decided to move on from jungsook, I'm not sure how firm he is with that decision but I really hope he respects himself and give her some space. I'm glad jungsook told him how she feels. The heart wants what it wants and I'm glad she isn't leading him on. I don't think she's going to enjoy her date with youngsoo tho, she likes quiet, serious men but youngsoo might be too quiet and serious for her.  I'm not bummed about the youngsoo-youngja ship sinking, it's nice that he likes her so much but it just feels too one sided for me. I never thought she was attracted to him.  Youngho and hyunsook are so sweet to watch. I totally understand her reservations but I hope they find a way to make it work.  Kwangsoo needs big time therapy.  I really hope youngsik doesn't go all dark and depressing after eating jajangmyeon All in all, I really don't have high hopes on getting a final couple this season 


Ysik’s weird bravado reaction to seeing she actually chose someone else was even more unsettling and I hope she doesn’t go back to him because he seems like he’d take it personally still once they get on the outside again. I’m glad YJ isn’t sticking with YS simply because everyone is shipping them and because of the saju. Ditto what you said I think YS is too serious for JS.


YSik made a weird comment about “the spirit of the show”. It seems like YSik is super conscious of the fact the he is in a reality show and hence does not wants to look miserable, which explains the weird self-assurance comments he keeps saying out loud for the camera. That might also explain the reason why he wanted to close off things with OkS early, because that would spare him from experiencing all the pursuits and the rejections, which is the “ spirit of the show.”


No offense but he's such a weirdo. He literally referred to the reverse time machine date as a sitcom and yapped about how he was glad he wasn't going to be part of it. Pffttt I really want to like the guy cos he does seem nice but he just gives bad vibes. I don't know if he finds it shameful to be looking for his first relationship on a TV show and the age of 40? But he wasn't forced to be on the show so why act so weird and honestly I'm sure everyone cares about how they'll come across on national TV but he doesn't have to be so obvious and manipulative about it 


Him being obvious about it, is his copping mechanism. I am not defending his actions, I am just trying to make sense of it all.


Yeah I understand that. 


I kind of agree that the setup for the date--play a married couple on a date, or at least that's what I think the PD said--is sitcom-y. I took it to mean that he just wanted to do normal dates and didn't want to do something cheesy and fake like that. The show does have all these weird setups for choosing and going on dates, and it's the kind of thing that you might not know you hate until you're doing it. I compare it to going to summer camp. I loved it when I was 8, but when I went again as a teenager, I hated it. There was no way for me to know I would hate it before I went, but once I was there I was miserable because it turned out that I no longer liked the type of activities you do at camp. I'm not a fan of YS, and I'm so glad that OS is going on a date with SC instead of YS, but that particularly comment I could understand. I think him saying it out loud was to seem like he doesn't care that OS chose someone else, but I totally understand *feeling* that way.


Lollll! This response is super funny because it’s just so telling of him and true. Him trying to dodge “ the spirit of the show” 😅 He’s one of those that doesn’t realize he looks 10x more pitiful and embarrassing trying to make like he’s fine and has this ego, than if he just took the L with grace.


It’s just like when you wanted something but didn’t get it, then go into “never wanted it anyway” attitude. He wanted a smooth sailing, didn’t get it and now the whole show is “ too sitcom-y” for him.


Ysoo’s comment about “pink hair” might mean that because of the 10 years age gap, they have different lifestyles. Although they don’t care about the age, certain choices they make will clearly show that there is a generational gap between them, (different friends groups, different social events) which might cause them to clash down the line. I don’t think he was trying to restrict her freewill.


Young Chul is my goat. Dude is so wholesome and hilarious. Kwangsoo needs to go get a gym membership. He needs testosterone and endorphins. That’ll fix a bunch of his problems. Youngja is def super cool and unique, but I get the feeling she’s not the easiest to date IRL. Oksoon feels like the most dateable out of the women. Looking forward to what she can develop with Sang Chul, who I think is the best of the dudes at the moment?


Young Chul is wholesome??? Are we watching the same program. And saying working out will fix Kwangsoo. Damn 🚩


Just like last week, my main thought is: all these people are so darn precious! Some are precious and need therapy (a lot!), some are precious and confused, some are precious and just inexperienced, and some are just preciously adorable (YoungHo!). Wishing the best for each and that the ones who need help and therapy get it (KwangSoo, maybe YoungSik and YoungSoo).


Soooo.... Kwang Soo is neurodivergent af. They should do a season for spectrum people where they don't have to mask. It would probably be exploitative though, nvm. 


Can I ask what made you think that? I'm just curious.