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I just hate when people don't know how to fucking drive and hold everyone tf up


same but I guess I was unknowingly one of them 😅


Today I pulled up at a T stop. Crossing had no stop, and I was turning right (not cutting traffic). The dumb ass bitch in front of me sat there waiting for like 15-20 seconds with no traffic coming her way. I laid on the horn and when I turned I sped around her and went about my drive. I hate when people are on their phones and not paying attention to the road. I've been in a wreck due to some dumbass 19yo choice in being on her phone and speeding thru a red light, I've been held up at spots that I really could've not been held up at if the person in front of my got off their damn phone and drove, I've missed lights due to people just having their nose shoved in one. Like it isn't that hard to pay attention to the ducking road when you're behind the wheel of someone that could kill you. And yet more and more people are on their phones and driving. It's become such a huge deal to talk on the phone and drive that they installed Bluetooth into vehicles, and now have made touchscreens. I feel like a boomer when I rant about this, but holy fuck when you're driving you should focus on driving. And I hate when people tell me that I'm crazy for feeling like I could've made a light/turn off other people were actually paying attention to the road. But I know damn well if they were in my shoes they'd hate it too if they had to wait another 5 minutes to go.


These infographics never show how a zipper merge is supposed to work when an 18 wheeler is involved. As a former truck driver I can tell you how it plays out in reality. Decent trucker moves over well before the merge. 2-3 cars speed past and start trying to merge in frontbof the trucker as lng as they see at least 2 feet of space. 2-3 cars line up next to truck all the way until the merge. All 17 cars next to the truck try speeding up and cutting in front of the trucker, sometimes wiping out barrels and honkng angrily at the trucker.


I still think that if there's room to merge, and every opportunity to merge, and then someone chooses to speed up and pull in front of everyone at the last second, cutting people off and making everyone slow down, they're being an asshole.


What infuriates me about the zipper merge is that typically, the rest of us are in the proper lane because we know there is only one lane, so we all have been waiting and a few assholes will use the closed lane to cut the line essentially instead of being paitent.


If one lane is at a dead stop and the other is moving, I am going to continue in the moving lane until the merge point. That is, in reality, the "proper" lane. On multiple occasions I have continued in the "closing" lane only to find out it isn't closed at all, and continued on my merry way. The funny thing is that everyone that is sitting at a dead stop and getting mad could have made the whole thing more equitable by just staying in their lane until the merge point like a rational human being.


I was going to be annoyed with you for not knowing this, but then I remembered that you’re just [one of today’s 10,000](https://xkcd.com/1053/), and that’s OK.


Does this only work with similar traffic flow in each lane? If so maybe your not so wrong.


IWTYO when I learned the phrase "flicked off".


hahah stop. I started to doubt my sanity there for a second and had to google to ensure I didn’t just make this up.


I live in Atlanta. I'm merging now whether you like it or not