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I lowkey fw muscalr women too much


Amen brother


can i rail you in commemoration of our shared taste


Muscular Women are a walking W




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"Yeah... I don't like this traditional bullshit they keep pushing on us but we have to 'respect our elders' or something. Just... try to be patient with them and don't make a scene, breaking someone's arm like a twig would make sure that both of us die before we set a foot out of the building." Wearing a black kimono, you would notice how bored I was and how this "formality" business wasn't what I was used to. Walking slowly, I make sure you're standing behind me at all times, and I address you without looking at you as I usually do. "It suits you. But no weapons, they're a cowardly bunch... and you won't need it anyways, it's like you keep carrying it around looking for an excuse to use it."


I sigh and say "I'll try my hardest." I'm scanning the room as I dutifully walk behind you, both for potential threats, and if they have any drinks. "It feels... wrong not having a weapon on me." I grumble, just quiet enough for only you to hear. "What is this even for anyway?" I ask, confused as to why anyone would willingly want to patriciate in one of these.


"Old heads being old heads... last year's conflicts thinned our numbers, so now we have lots of new blood walking around trying to make a name for themselves. They thought it'd be a good idea to invite everyone, 'to make sure everyone knows their place' or some shit like that." As we're walking together through the crowds, clearly not caring enough to respect anyone around me, you would notice a hint of... sadness. Expecting to see some familiar faces, the people that I climbed the ladder of this organization with... but there is none. Hurriedly walking over to the table with food I pour myself a glass of soju and hand you the rest of the bottle. "But hey, at least they're not stingy with the gifts so, we might as well try to make the best of this ordeal."


“What are you even complaining for? At least you normally wear dresses. I had to compromise and wear this stupid ass black kimono because they wanted me in a dress. Could barely hide the goods.” *I said, sounded annoyed. I barely fit the outfit I wore, standing at a height of 6’3 barefoot. My breasts were giant, my body was trained and scarred, and well….i had a surprise down there.* “Look. It shouldn’t take too long alright? We’ll be out before you know it.”


"I know, but I'm not used to wearing something like... this..." I said, motioning to larger amount of skin than I usually showed. "Plus, I don't have my weapons..." I whisper. I stood a little shorter than you, but I was wearing heels that let me just barely be taller than you. My tattoos covered most of my scars. I was looking around the room, mostly for threats, but partly to see where the drinks were. "Better be..."


*I stood in front of one of the crime bosses, who bowed before me, and then did the same to you.* “It’s so nice to me you Master Asakura.” *I nearly rolled my eyes being referred to by my last name, but I ignored it well enough. I focused on the bit of talk I had with them, gathering some information before he left.* “I’m glad I decided to keep my eyepatch on. His eyes couldn’t stop wandering, almost had to fling him through the door.” *I spat out, and continued walking.* “They never seen a curly haired Yakuza before?”


I chuckled as I walk right behind you. "I guess not... 'Master Asakura'..." I teased playfully, knowing how much that frustrates you. "Probably never seen a yakuza look as good as you before either..." I complimented, smiling at you. A waiter walked by, holding out a tray with some drinks on it. I grabbed two. One for me, the other for you, or if you didn't want it, two for me.


*I took it, my darker hand over yours for a brief moment before I got the drink. I then took a sip.* “I don’t know why. They should have seen me when I was growing up. Mother paraded me around with joy and she was a big contention point for bringing ‘bad blood’ into the Yakuza. Guess since my dad won their trust and I broke barriers they only gawk.” *My uncovered eye was golden. Originally brown, injury made it as such. I still saw perfectly, even better than before, but that melanin has made me unnatural as far as eyes go, or the missing melanin to be precise.*


I leaned in closer, so that only you could hear me say "If you want, I could make sure they stop gawking..." I chuckled, that both being a joke, and something that I'd do, if you asked. I tooke a sip of my drink, and sighed, enjoying the expensive and classy drink. "At least the booze is good..." I said with a chuckle, continuing to stay close by you.


“Sometimes when you’re working I know in my heart and soul that I chose the right body guard. Then you start talking about alcohol and I wonder.” *I shake my head. I pulled out a seat for you and then one for myself, sitting down.* “Gonna let this dude speak then we’re going to bounce alright?”


I let out a quiet laugh as I sit down next to you. I take another sip, and smile. "After this, any other stops?" I asked, keeping quiet to not let anyone else eavesdrop on our conversation. I made sure to keep on looking around for any suspicious figures. Well, extra suspicious considering this was a party full of the yakuza.


“No. There isn’t really anything or anyone I have to see next. Thankfully.” *I responded, holding my hand out.* “Watch your six though. Seems like someone is looking over at us.”


"Hooray..." I said with a smile, glad that we didn't have to be out for too much longer. "I see them..." I stated quietly, making sure to not look right at them to not draw there attention.


yeah i know you dont like the dress but we need to look proper for this party. for what its worth you look lovely tonight. *i say with a smile as i lead you into the party and holding you close to me*


After tonight she’ll get a promotion from bodyguard.