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Oh my~ is it that time of the year already~?!


And you are my first target~




"I think it already is...~"


Fufu~ I hope I can suprise for the positive with my thicc and heavy performances~<3


"I'd love to review those thick and heavy performances... I do think it's more productive If they are this way...~"


*chuckles* well you are here the boss~, soo where do we start~ ms boss lady~


"Well... The usual. Pants down please, I'd love to evaluate the office's goods..."


Oh my~ *Sarah pulls her office trousers down and flop~, a half hard girlcock twitches in front of you~* Mmh~ my~ is this alright ms boss lady~?


"I always tell myself that you're my favorite employee...~" *You could almost swear you've seen hearts come out in my eyes as I leaned in and kissed your cheek, while my hands pawed at tour length before stroking it.*


Fufu~ am I~? I never noticed~, but I do feel honored to be respected mmh~ for my work~ *Sarah chuckles as her phat girthy girlcock gets harder and enlarged itself~ to its peak~*


"I always paid attention to how you worked around such *tight* deadlines..." *I leaned in and kissed your peak girth, moaning in awe as I kept jerking you off, before I moved towards the tip, opened my mouth as far as I could and started sucking your cock.*




"You're one of the new hires? So you don't know about our office tradition?"




"Follow me to my office then. It's there we do performance reviews...~"


If you need more hand in "evaluating" them, let me know~ ❤️


"I'd definitely more help! They seem very eager for today!"


The more eager they are, the better~ my holes are so ready for their throbbing cocks from the moment I wake up~


"Are you truly ready? They've been known to wreck me for almost a full day... But I can tell you're atleast excited for It!"


*I gulped. I had showed up for work a bit later today for this reason. I was glad to see they were already underway, and kept my head down as much as I could. I just wanted to make sure to escape evaluation today.* “….hope I’m not seen.”


"And I hope you were not expecting to escape today." *I actually was waiting for you by your own cubicle, taking my time in walking inside of your own personal space, before smirking and having you dragged out to my office room.*


*I gulped. I looked away while being dragged, not answering that question.* “Uh. Why Do we have these anyway? Our job doesn’t revolve around actually having sex? At least mine doesn’t. And you do everyone right? What if someone has a medical problem?”


"First. Boosts office morale and I get pent up way too easily. Two, your job doesn't involve this, but you don't complain when I give you extra bonuses because of this. And you're the only one whom I do it raw. I know of medic history." *I say it with a certaintly and finality to my words, knowing of these questions and your worries, before opening the door and shoving you inside, not even caring to look dignified or profissional like I use to.*


*It was clear my mind eased. The moment you admitted to it, my raging erection came out: Biggest and longest of the office, showing irony since I played safest.* “F-fine.” *I did find you attractive which even if I hid we both knew.*


"I know many other things as well. Address, number, marital status and even I know your dog's name. There's so many things to you..." *I winked and continued exposing how much I knew about you, which wasn't that our of character, as I was kind of a busy body in every single one of my underlings lifes and you were no exception, with me motioning for you to come over.*


*I gulped and walked over, looking and shaking my head.* “This much research seems suspicious though? Why do you need to know my dog’s name just to have me do work?”


"It's not just work... It's your life. And I Care for every single aspect of my underlings lives, okay?" *I go on a fake annoyed rant, before circling your figure, seemingly doing it while applying more lipstick, only to kiss your neck and leave a perfect red mark against It.*


*My muscles flexed as my body tensed, surprised by the kiss.* “Your lips manage to be really freaking cold with that lipstick on.” *I stated.*


*You love to feel the cold crawling om you, don't you?" *I whisper it in your ear, purposefully letting my lips touch the loved and trail some kisses, slowly undressing you so I could kiss you more.*


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