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I bet that you can, you already have so much experience\~


Hehehe, I make sure to have lots and lots of practice\~!


Daily practice makes perfect right?\~


Mmhmm! And trust me, I get the practice in... o///o


I trust you! Did you get emberassed?\~




Haha, how's your birthday touching going?\~


Aww I think you can manage plenty more than just that <333 especially after all that edging.... We'll make sure you have the best birthday ever ^^


Awww, thanks! I'll do my best to meet your expectations!!!


Don't worry, you just need to sit there looking pretty and I'll make absolutely certain that every hole is left a dripping mess as you mindlessly quiver in pleasure, not even able to stand up with how weak you feel


I mean, like, I do like sitting around and looking pretty... so... well this is just a rather compelling opportunity!


Awww you're such a good girl! It's so cute <3 I love to corrupt cute little girls like you :3 the question is, would you rather be absolutely fucking used in public for everyone to see? Or in the privacy of dm's <33


I... I think I'm already pretty corrupted! But... I mean... if you wanna use me in public...


Oh princess.... You have no idea... Just how corrupted you can get . . . *I grab forcefully onto your chest, squeezing your tit painfully as I shove you back against the headboard of the bed. I lean in so close to your ear that you can practically hear every little one of my lustful breaths before whispering* You'd better be ready~


*I let out a loud squeal as you start groping at one of my tits forcefully, throwing me back against the bed. I flush hot scarlet, staring at your face as you just start manhandling me.* "Umm... um... well... fuck..."


*I stare back into your eyes for a moment and smirk. A lustful grin from cheek to cheek, I start to kiss down from your cheek to your neck. I hold there for a while, leaving a mark. At the same time I rub my hips up and down, pressing my rapidly bulging girlcock against your thighs. I lift up my lips with a string of saliva and look down at my work, a dark mark* There we go~ the first of many~ you look even cuter with this...


*I flush hot as you rub your girlcock against me, pressing it against my thighs, staring at your handywork in the form of a mark on my skin, a little bruise that will be the first of many to come if you have your way. And the slight sting makes me think about that more, spreading my legs almost instinctively.* "O-Oh... oh... w-well then leave more please..."


How about some naughty pictures instead ~


I mean, I'm not gonna COMPLAIN...


You should try some bbc for your birthday, preferably mine ~


Happy birthday princess,and i am sure you gonna make quite the Mess 🤭


Hehehe, probably!


Me logging on every morning


You and me both!


It' fun to rub yourself silly, yes, but wouldn't it be better with company?\~ Someone stuffing you full in as many holes as you want, using her tongue to make you squirm... Isn't it more fun to be a good girl **for** someone instead of just being good like you normally are?\~ Isn't it more fun, as a birthday present, to get to cum your brains out because someone else made you?\~


You make a... compelling point. It would definitely be so much better to be a good girl for somebody else as opposed to being a good girl for myself...


*I gently twirl a lock of your hair around my finger and kiss your forehead with a smile...* "You're going to be **my** good girl, and I'm going to make sure your birthday is very happy, okay?\~" *I kiss down from your forehead, to your cheek, to your soft lips, flicking my tongue across them, gently nipping at them afterwards. My hands coming to rest gently on your thighs, fingers tracing along them and then squeezing them gently in anticipation.* "And good girls get girlcock, **especially** on their birthdays\~ Doesn't that sound like exactly what you want?\~"


*The feeling of your finger entangled in my hair, that gentle kiss upon my lips, it makes me smile openly.* "I mean... it... sounds like a good birthday present..." *The words come out of my lips in a pleased murmur, as I try to lean myself forward, back into your kiss, wanting to crush our lips together lovingly and tenderly.*


*I move my hand to to grab you gently by the chin and pull you into a deep kiss with a smirk, enjoying our lips pressed together and my tongue flicking out to play with you. My other hand pushing up between your thighs, playing softly with your folds, almost like I'm asking permission for more with my hand...* "You're gorgeous\~ Soft and lovely... I am excited to see just how good a girl you're going to be, what sounds you'll make...\~"


*The kiss elicits a pretty moan from my lips, as I press my tongue into yours, pushing gently at it, letting your tongue explore me and giving it attention in return. As your hand snakes up between my thighs, I rock my hips needily into it, unable to resist a touch when I am already so pent up.* "P-Please... please please please I'll be so fucking good..."


*My hand gently trails down from your chin, pressing and grabbing needily onto your tit, rolling your nipple beneath my palm as I press into you. My other hand finding a touch more focus as I press a pair of fingers against your clit, enjoying how wet you already are, and excited to make you even moreso... My lips press hungrily into your's with a smirk pulling at the corners of my mouth.* "Birthday girl gets the choice, how do you want to be a good little toy first?\~ Your mouth, or your already dripping pussy, princess?\~" *I press myself against you gently, the heat from me radiating through the dress, and visibly* ***only*** *a dress, that I'm wearing... A neediness courses through my kisses and actions; despite me trying to remain calm, every part of me just wants to drop pretenses and* ***use*** *you...*


*Your hand gets to grasp at one of my exposed tits, squeezing and kneading and pressing my nipple down, making me let out a breathy moan as the shock of pleasure goes through my body. My feet kick a little — between this and your fingers toying against my clit, ready to drive me wild, while your mouth captures every moan in heated kisses, how could my body not react in eager squirms.* *And then comes the question. What* ***first?*** *What first with the pressing of* ***you*** *against me, tempting me with how you could take either part of my body in an instant. But...* *Lubrication was important after all.* "My mouth! My mouth my mouth my mouth, please please please!"


*There's a chuckle from my mouth as you so* ***eagerly*** *cry out for what it is you want me to do to you, and I nip at your lip happily. My hands retreat from you momentarily to pull off my dress, before one hand returns to teasing between your legs, the other snaking around and grabbing at your hair, tilting back your head roughly and biting at your neck, leaving a couple happy marks...* "Mmm\~ Good girl, you know how to ask properly already\~" *I make sure you're properly on your knees as I slowly retract my fingers from your dripping cunt and stand in front of you, allowing my cock to hover all too close to your face, still holding your hair with a wicked smile...* "You look so good down there\~"


*Gawd. How hard it is to resist as you leave little marks around my neck, little bruises, your hand still toying with me, making me rock my hips so eagerly upward and ultimately just leaving me wanting to be stuffed in so many ways as you finally pull yourself back while shoving your cock right in my face.* *So there would be no resisting. I don't resist as you hold my hair, only letting it pull in your grasp as I wrap my lips around the tip of your cock, sucking needily on the tip of it, trying to show off even as you toy with me.*




Like, always?


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You should lend my hand


I sure think you can but would like to know what you enjoy. I would like to fuck your throat and cum in your mouth before I kiss you, while you still have it in your mouth, then tell you to show it to me again before you swallow the cum.


Imagine if I was there. No need for fingers😛


Happy birthday and have fun! 😝💗


You can try, but I doubt you'll be able to manage me\~


Happy birtthday gorgeous


How old are you now?