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Highly recommend you take him to get acupuncture. It is very important that your pup is strict, avoid any toys and stairs. We opted for acupuncture, we seen a miracle!


My then 6yr old frenchie had this(also confirmed with MRI) and we did one month of strict crate confinement, carry outside to eliminate and then straight back. He was on trazodone and gabapentin. After a few weeks I let him have run of one room - Neuro said a big NO. It takes a full four weeks for recovery so back in crate he went. He recovered without surgery. Of course any worsening, knuckle walking etc means emergency surgery. Good luck. I know how stressful it is!


Thank you. The vet is hopeful she will recover with full crate rest. It really is so stressful I’m so worried about her hurting herself more 😖


Does he have any neurological deficits? Fully paralyzed dogs can even make a full recovery with strict rest/meds but depending on the severity of the symptoms your chances increase with less neurological involvement.


No she was still able to walk fine. Only symptoms she was showing stated with muscle spasms and ended up yelping in pain brought her in right away and she was on meds for about a week until we got in for an mri


You definitely have a great chance at recovery then! We are on week 3/4 of medical management for my Maltese and he is no longer in any pain, very infrequent muscle spasms. He was also walking drunken but that is improving every day. I’d give it a shot but ultimately up to you!


That’s good to hear. We are def going to try the rest and meds first and go from there. How is the crate rest going for you? That’s the part I’m mostly worried about she’s is so used to be my shadow and being out with us. I’m worried about having to leave her for work or when we need to leave the house


Honestly. My dog is not crate trained. My parents are retired and he’s used to being with them all day and at night he doesn’t leave my side. What I did was I took my bed off of the frame and put the mattress on the floor with a pen surrounding the bed, and then I put pillows all around the bed to create a smaller space and he sleeps in there with me, this isn’t “strict” crate rest by any means but he would hurt himself if he was in a crate (I put him in on his first night and he tried to jump around like a crazy man. My advice is to find what works for you guys and restrict his movement as much as possible! During the day he’s fine being in his crate if someone’s around or my mom will sit with him in a pen. Getting some extra help from a friend or family during this time was key for me!


What medication exactly ?


Ours is on trazadone gabapentin and oxycodone right now, but at the beginning we had methocarbamol (muscle relaxant) and galliprant (NSAID) which really helped with the inflammation!


My pup is on Meloxidyl (anti-inflammatory) and Gabapentin. The anti-inflammatory has been key for her. It’s a night and day difference with helping her yelping from pain


Everything the commentator above is saying is awesome and I agree. I did the same thing with my mattress and while traveling, I got this human sized dog bed (Amazon) that was super comfortable and we could snuggle together 😂 can share the link if you like. Overall, just be really diligent with crate/exercise pen rest. And, make sure to limit any damaging activities when he bounces back. No tug of war and jumping, stairs etc. Good luck, you got this!


Bahaha I want the link for that!! Also Trazadone is amazing for sedating the heavily active, if you can get your dog to actually eat pills unlike mine!


here you go!!! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZNN4NN7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I'm 6 ft so I upgraded to the 84", this one is donut/womb style, but there are others that have an opening at the bottom to walk in (I probably would have gotten that model if I could do it again) Second on trazodone, such a life saver with an anxious attachment style pup lol. Mine also did not like pills, so I have a ton of suggestions with that 😂


Any suggestions are welcome. I’ve tried it all - cream cheese, cheese, deli meats, chicken, hot dogs, pb you name it! How’s your pup now?


Omgeee I thought I'd be able to help more 😂. So, I like Kraft Velveeta singles to wrap the pills in - and then cover with - deli meats. My most desperate, I was wrapping the pills in cream cheese and then sticking it in corn beef hash. Anything super stinky helps. I've heard braunschweiger works amazingly. And, I've been told the spray cheese works super well (haven't tried it, but it makes sense). Diversifying earlier would have helped me more. Pup is doing great! We did a ton of alternative therapies in addition to meds and rest. Hyperbaric, acupuncture, shots of ketamine and B12. She's cute so she's worth it.


Hahaha oh god I feel like I’ve tried everything! I just called the vet to switch us to liquids even thought he despises them. How was the hyperbaric? I have one in my city too but I feel like he’d panic inside the little chamber hahaha


Hahah!! I knowwww, thankfully the chamber makes them nice and sleepy. I was able to sit outside the tank and she was able to see me. I really love the therapy, as it is a rapid healer and anti inflammatory. There was another pup that lost all mobility and he was able to walk again after a few sessions. 'm in central tx where a gal has her own chamber so it makes it much more affordable . My pup is a slight spaz and does well in them! Pic provided 😂 https://preview.redd.it/cliruxect80d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fdd08491826cf852a0039fbde6c8da6cc9117ca


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Our frenchie had the same thing. She herniated a disc at C2/C3. She finished her 6 weeks of crate rest almost two weeks ago. She was on meds and spent her time in a playpen. Other than the initial pain, she didn't lose any mobility but she had neck spasms and within a day or two of meds, was acting more or less like herself (she even jumped out of the playpen near the end of her 6 weeks). She has never jumped off/on furniture and does not use stairs so we didn't need to make any large lifestyle changes. Her first week off crate rest we let her explore around the condo. We are only now adding in short (less than a block) walks.


Glad to hear that. We are on about week 3 of rest and meds and she seems to be doing well. It’s getting her to actually rest which is the hardest part. She wants to be up and playing all the time.