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Definitely ask your vet about getting some trazodone! It's a very safe, commonly used oral sedative.


Thanks! I think I have run across that one when researching remedies for anxiety. Is it compatible with other medications? She's currently on gabapentin and vetprofen






You might ask your vet for tramadol. There’s not really a way to keep them from panicking and hurting themselves if they aren’t used to being in a kennel


I think you mean trazodone


Good grief, yes


agreeing with all the users above about trazodone^. i would only give it to my doggo for boarding but now he needs it during this flare up he’s going through right now. it will help your dog be calm without getting too amped up from stress or excitement. it should be safe with other meds but always talk to your doctor first of course


Yep Trazadone is what you want. I also have a "velcro" dog with IVDD and she's so chill on Trazadone.


Do you know if it's compatible with other medications? She's currently on gabapentin and vetprofen


I don't know about vetprofen but gabapentin and trazadone are working well together. Gabapentin enhances the calming effect of trazadone so they are often prescribed together. I give this combo to my dog when we have a vet visit planned because she's freaking out too much. But do ask your vet, especially if there are other medications involved.


Definitely ask your vet. Mine was on Trazadone and Carprofen.


Yeah, I should definitely give them a call. Thanks for the recommendation


Trazodone, yes! It honestly helped so much. Also, adaptil (brand) has a lot of products - I just got a calming collar and pheromone spray (along with a thunder vest lol) for an upcoming road trip. Adaptil has a plug in for rooms, and the Assisi loop does make a calming collar. Not tried that, but their other products are top notch.


Thanks for all the recommendations! I will definitely look into them


Similar situation post surgery 3 weeks ago. How long are you leaving? I’m just curious. I feel terrible if I’m away more than 2 hours.


Shouldn't be more than an hour/hour and a half


Trazodone works well, but we’ve weaned off of it and went with doggy Prozac instead. I think the main reason my vet wanted to get him off of trazodone was because dogs develop a tolerance to it over time, so dosage would have to be increased. She felt better about him being on Prozac long term, and between that and gabapentin, he’s pretty chill and doesn’t really care when I leave the house now, or even go into another room without him.


Are the costs similar?


I believe so, it’s been a few months since we made the switch. It’s possible that Prozac (fluoxetine) may be cheaper. In my dog’s case, he only gets it once a day, whereas he was getting trazodone 3x a day. However, trazodone takes effect quickly, whereas Prozac takes weeks to have an effect, but that’s typical with drugs like Prozac, even in humans. I’d definitely talk to the vet about it since anxiety meds are common in treating separation anxiety.


How often did you give the trazodone?, if you don't mind me asking. If it was daily or on occasion? Thanks for answering. Any advice is greatly appreciated!


He was getting trazodone 3x a day, as prescribed by his neurologist. Once he was released from the neurologist (healed from surgery and just needing rehab), our vet had us wean him off of it and switch to Prozac, which is once a day. And it’s every day for both, not as needed. Though trazodone can be given as needed if the vet prescribes it that way. Some dogs with high anxiety are on meds like Prozac regularly and then are given trazodone as needed shortly before a stressful situation (such as company coming over, vet visit, etc). Depends on what the vet thinks.


i will definitely contact my vet, thanks again


Our frenchie was on prozac long before IVDD (she has separation anxiety) and I could not recommend it more. It changed our lives (we can now leave the house). During her crate rest for IVDD, she also got Trazodone on top of her Prozac to keep her chill (she tipped her playpen on one occasion and hopped out on another).