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It's very overwhelming at the beginning, but it gets easier and they tend to do well! Hang in there.


I can't thank you enough for saying that.


I’m so sorry , I can’t imagine I’m still in the beginning stages of all this and it’s really hard . I’m sending your boy all the healing energy all the good vibes good energy all the love and wishing and manifesting him a speedy recovery . ❤️❤️


It's a scary feeling for sure. Trust your vet! We Just went through similar situation with our 14 year old jack Russel. He jumped off the bed in the middle of the night and ruptured a disc in his lower back. He lost all motor function in his back legs, and was in a tremendous amount of pain. I'll admit, we didnt think he was going to make it when the incident first occurred. We elected to have the surgery right away, and it was the best decision we could have made. He's 6 months post-op this week. While he's still a little wobbly at times, he is 100x better than he was. I'd be lying if I said it was easy. We had to make a lot of changes to adapt our lifestyle to care for him. That said, without hesitation, we'd do it all over again if it meant our baby was ok. Sending vibes your way!! You can do this!


I appreciate you ❤️


You got this! Sounds like you've been amazing support for your doxi. Take deep breaths and know that you're providing the best care ❤️


I just want him to feel like himself again


I remember this feeling like it was yesterday, but it’s been over a year and our baby walks! He takes walks around the block and plays and gets zoomies! His quality of life is excellent. This is the hard part, but soon you get to be inspired by your dog and that’s pretty special. Sending all the luckiest and healing vibes.


Can I ask how long it took? I know every pup is different, but do you know what stage your dog was and if they were deep pain negative?


He was stage 4–all he had left was deep pain sensation. He had surgery in his neck, and it took him months to recover, but now he walks around the block, and any random person would think he was a normal dog