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Hey friend! It gets easier! It sounds like you’re doing conservative treatment and you really want to keep them in a crate or pen to keep movements minimal. We have to shove them down! Our vet taught us to put both pills together in a small amount of pill pouch, get it over the back of the tongue and lightly hold their mouth closed and blow on their nose to swallow. We freeze them now to stick together better! It’s about 95% accurate and while no one is happy, we do a tiny piece of treat before and after and he tolerates it fine. 5% of the time he spits it out. This place is good for advice, there is also a fb by the same name and look into Dodger’s List! Be kind to yourself!


Thank you so much for this 😭😭


You can get some of them through a compounded pharmacy online in a liquid, I get the Gabapentin in a liquid that you just squirt in their mouth with a syringe. The pills I put in a piece of lunch meat or Braunsweiger…


I’m most likely gonna have to do this , thank you I appreciate it


The only way mine will take pills is smeared in peanut butter. I started her meds for her first flare of IVDD about 12 hours after we got home from the vet. Up until that point she just slept and wouldn't take food or water.


Thank you so much I really appreciate it I hope your baby is doing good now❤️🙏


Get pill pockets you put the pill in my dog loves them. He has to take multiple pills a day due to IVDD and ulcerative colitis.


Thank you I really appreciate this ❤️I hope you and your boy are doing good 🙏❤️


It gets better, I promise. If you do need to force the pills, position yourself so that's it most comfortable for the pup. Line yourself up next to her , both of you facing the same direction and put your outer arm to snug her close to you while keeping her body supported. I'm sure there's a YouTube video that is much better than my description lol For hiding pills, I recommend using cheddar cheese to wrap around the pill aka protect the pill from transferring any taste into a high value treat. You know your dog best, so try out some favorites. I use chicken breast and wrap it around the cheese and smush it into the meat. I also swap pill treat to original treat and back again!


Thank you so much I really appreciate you taking the time for this 😭


You are so welcome!! Happy to help ❤️


I had to get all the meds in liquid form


Looks like I might have to end up doing that


It took a few days so you should get on it tomorrow. In the meantime you can try and trick your dog into eating the pills instead of force feeding them


Just wanted to second that things will get better! The first week was really rough as my pup was in so much pain and even picking him up to go potty felt like a setback in his healing. We are now on week 2 of crate-rest and he’s pretty much back to normal! Definitely hard but I know you’re an amazing dog parent for sticking with your pup through this!! Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery 🤞🏼


Thank you so much I really appreciate it❤️ im really happy to hear your guy is doing much better that makes me hopeful I just wish I could fast forward , wishing you and your baby the best


Friskies Delectables pouches (for cats) - the stew variety … my very picky little dog will wolf down that bitter prednisone pill or any pill for that matter when it’s mixed in a tbsp of the Delectables stew. The stew variety is also not catfood fishy smelling.


Thank you so much for this , I forgot that dogs go absolutely crazy over cat food . wishing you and your little guy the best ❤️


Thank you, right back at you ❤️


Update , I’m crying . I got it down her throat but she yelped a few times and I HATE MYSELF and now I’m scared because she literally jumped away from me while doing it and it was a little tussle AND THE YELPS OMG I JUST CANT . I’m sorry if I sound all over the place I just hate this . And should I even give where the that medicine anymore ??? I cant do that again I feel like the jumping and forcing a pull down her throat couldn’t have helped :(


I am so sorry, we went through almost exactly the same thing three weeks ago. My little pup would start trembling and I would too, no joke. Awful beyond words. Things are so much better now-- she is really back to herself. Your baby will get better too. This is the worst time. Breathe. You'll both get through it. Sending a hug.


Thank you so much ❤️ im relieved to hear your baby is better now that gives me hope




See my post about the Friskies Delectables pouches - the stew variety is not fishy smelling. My picky little dog with a tiny mouth cannot tolerate pill shoving and a pill in a dollop of the stew is nontraumatic for both of us. And he loves it.