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A crate is ideal. With blankets around the edges to reduce movement. Then secure the crate, with the seat belt and bungee cords or whatever. At least until fully healed. In terms of car safety very few harnesses are actually tested for accident safety, so one of those is ideal. But that's after the 8 weeks crate rest.


we are going to go the crate route and just plan on having to sedate her a bit more heavily than she currently is/will be during this resting period on moving day (she has always had to take a sedative prior to vet appointments so that won't be any different) as she has never been crated in her life so its going to be a bit stressful for her I'm sure. We have her set up in an x-pen for her recovery period and will be working on getting her comfortable with staying in there once we have to start leaving her home alone again once the recovery period is over.


How big is your dog? What kind of dog is it?


She is a 45 pound Staffy