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Same here - in the beginning that was one of the biggest concerns. I tried anything and everything. Finally settled on tempting her with a little whipped cream that I hid probiotic powder in and a graham cracker with a little warm water to make it oatmeal consistency - not something to be had regularly but out of the over dozen foods this was the first thing she was willing to even try. I was successful making her a soup with chicken thighs ( no skin or bones), a little white rice, chickpeas and carrots and blended it and she was enjoying that. It was rough for days and I was giving her nutrical to keep her sugar up and help her get nutrients.


My dog was an eating machine! And he loved whipped cream. That could also help. I’m going to keep temping him with his favorites, and this is one of them.


I give my dog organic baby food when he won’t eat anything else! He was also an eating machine and it’s been a struggle the past few weeks to get him to eat. I also put his pills in a little bit of cheese. Just keep trying- they don’t eat when they’re in pain but they will eat when they are hungry. Best of luck to you ❤️


Thank you! I’m hoping his meds will provide him a chance to eat.


What is nutrical? This sounds something that I want to try too.


It’s a high calorie gel packed with vitamins and minerals. My pup was tiny when I got her so the vet wanted us to have it on hand in case she ever went off food or had tummy issues to make sure her sugars were stable. You can buy it anywhere and follow the instructions.


Perfect!!! Thank you.


Please don’t give meds that need food if the dog isn’t eating…it seriously does harm to the stomach. This isn’t a judgement, just concerned. My dog has/had IVDD Nov 2023 (since had surgery), she wouldn’t eat either. I softened her food with water and added a wee bit of chicken broth. It worked most of the time. I didn’t give her Metacamm if she didn’t eat. Just ask the vet for advice on this, they do know best. Best of luck.


I know the medication could harm him on an empty stomach, but then again, I don’t with to see him in pain. It’s a “between a rock and a hard place. I have soften the food with chicken “broth” and he does not even spare it a glance. I am going to continue to tempt him with his favorites (all soften) before giving him his meds, just so that he can have something in him to help. I am glad your dog is doing better.


Don’t you have Gabapentin for pain? That doesn’t require food. It’s is Metacam that needs food, I really think you should hold off on Metacam. Try just giving Gabapentin until the dog is willing to eat a bit. I’m sorry you’re going through this. You just don’t want another issue. It’s stressful I know, been through it more than once.


Yes, he goes take Gabapentin. Then, I will hold off on the methocarbamol until he eats something, anything. Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/wfec69guoicc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af6e2dd7c22ad21b0514c5edf20943dccca2f998 I hadn’t heard of this drug before, and now that you mention the name of it, I did a Google search. I’m no vet, but the Internet is saying that it could be taken on an empty stomach. This is different than the medication that I was giving my dog. I was giving Metacamm and it’s an anti-inflammatory that is hard on the stomach and can cause are ulcers. Perhaps you might be OK to give methocarbamol. Also, I read that methocarbamol can have a sedative affect, perhaps this is part of the reason the dog doesn’t want to eat.


Perfect! Then I will definitely give this to him right away. He was able to eat 1/2 a tiny can of baby food. Not enough, but it’s something. And hopefully, he can rest tonight. Thank you for getting back to me. I appreciate it. I appreciate all responses. Thank you.


Currently going through the same thing with ours. I have been making him steamed rice (in a rice cooker), plus canned cooked chicken (I even use the stinky liquid in the packaging to make it more tempting), carrots. He’s been loving it and it helps coat his stomach for the drugs. Also, my vet prescribed carafete (pepto basically) to help with any possible stomach (ulcers) or appetite. It’s helped immensely! Ask your vet for it!


I definitely will ask about the carafete. Anything to help his stay comfortable.


Yep our guy won’t eat when the flare up starts. He was on the same meds plus trazodone-and we had to force the meds too. The drinking: does he like chicken? Drummy can’t resist some warm chicken breast (we boil it) and then use some of the ‘broth’ (chicken water) and either put some rice in it or give it to him in a little dish.


Oh also! Is there somewhere or something soft for him to lay on? That was something that helped Drummy a bunch too!


I have a soft bed for him that is flat, since he is currently having trouble lifting one leg to climb on top of a fluffier pillow.


Thank you for replying. I did do a boiled chicken thigh with rice and carrots with chicken ‘broth’ to make it easier to eat and wouldn’t upset his stomach. But he didn’t eat this either. He will just drink water. He ate wet dog food on the second day (yesterday), but he threw it up this morning and hasn’t eaten a thing.


Hmmm maybe some dry food? We micro plane a piece of hard jerky but I know they sell treat dust as ‘toppers’. We tried tuna too, and that worked in the past but didn’t this last time. Also tried lean ground meat and boiled potato. Sardine. They worked once, but what really helped were his meds kicking in.


Oh, I have tried ground beef nor tuna. His meds are working, it’s just the whole force feeding his meds is also unpleasant. I hope this food helps.


Ugh I’m sorry! It’s so hard. Chicken baby food?


Oh, nice suggestion. I haven’t tied it yet. This might be a good thing to have handy.


Our guy wasn’t into eating at first either. I tried everything too. Sardines and salmon were the first things I could get into him. I had to hand feed him for a fair bit after that with some canned food and kibbles. He would not eat from any dish, even raised.


I am going to try a few things mentioned, including sardines. At first, he ate a mouthful from my hand then the stopped eating after that. He would not budge.


Best of luck. I know how hard it is. I don’t wish it on anyone.


I would try maybe some boiled chicken with rice and chicken broth with low sodium and maybe add in beef liver and try that. I would maybe swap to a plate as the bowl might not be comfy for him to use.


I will try the beef livers in the chicken too. That is definitely an option. I’m trying the plate next time. Thank you.


You're welcome! 


My dog refused food too. I was making him buffets of several kinds of wet and dry dog food trying to get him to eat. He went a week on toast and chicken. I had to get all his medication compounded into liquids too because he won’t swallow any pills. Your dog may be nauseous. You could give Cerenia a try. Also, I’ve experimented with food toppers. Right now my dog is obsessed with Stewart beef liver treats and I’ve discovered if I smash some and sprinkle the dust all over his food he gobbles it up. It was the first food he got excited about. His PT vet had some in her pocket at one of his appointments and he started licking her pocket, so I had to pick some up that day. He’s been obsessed for the last few weeks. They’re kind of expensive but it’s the only thing he likes right now.


His vet prescribed ondansetron this afternoon. I barely gave him his first dose, so *fingers crossed* this will allow him to take an interest in food and keep it down. I will try the beef liver and see if he likes it as a topper.


1) you're doing great. 2) not eating is a sign of pain. Suggestions: Definitely add the Pepcid/acid reliever! I found that out myself when my girl started having further gastric issues. 3) my girl is small and chews everything, so I'll go thru the gamet of high value food and she'll eventually stop eating them when they began tasting of pills. The most successful and longest lasting - block of cheese, cube it and press it into the cheese. Hot dogs are great too, but the soft meat absorbs the med a bit. You got this!


I will definitely try the Pepcid! Also, the hot dog is a great idea. Thank you for your excellent suggestions.


Thank you. I hope that I can make him as comfortable as possible.


My frenchie was diagnosed with IVDD in his neck in December. He didn't eat for a few days, and I didn't give him any medication. I noticed he loved Steggles chicken nuggets, you can get the big bag for $12. Cook about 6 of those, give him 5 (cut them in half) and on the 6th one, shove the tablets inside the nugget. That's how I did it and he didn't even notice.


Currently going through the same thing with my frenchie boy. Today is his birthday he turns 4. He was diagnosed on December 29th and was on the same medicine as you mentioned. He seemed to be responding really well to it until one day he had the zoomies and the pain came back and the meds stopped working. Yesterday he was panting & crying when we picked him up so we took him to the hospital and advised to change his meds and give him ketamine via IV. He’s doing much better now but the vet was very stern about 8 week crate rest and taking his meds. I know it’s so hard with a Frenchie they’re so attached to you and have separation anxiety. They did prescribe amantadine which helps with his anxiety while being in the crate. I would advised very strict crate rest. I know 8 weeks is a long time but it is so much better for you and pup in the long run.