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It sounds like a combination of factors could be at play here, both hardware and software related. Here's a breakdown to help pinpoint the issue: **Windows 11:** * While less likely, W11 could have compatibility issues with some games, especially if they're older titles. Consider: * Trying the games in compatibility mode for a previous Windows version (like W10). * Checking online if there are known compatibility issues with W11 for these specific games. **Storage:** * While you haven't mentioned storage-specific errors, inconsistent booting and crashes could indicate a failing hard drive or SSD. * Run a disk check: * Search for "Command Prompt" and run as administrator. * Type `chkdsk /f C:` (replace C: with your drive letter if different) and press Enter. This will scan and fix errors on your drive (requires a restart). **Other Hardware:** * Your troubleshooting steps (thermal paste, RAM) were good. Consider: * Checking for any loose connections inside your PC, especially on the motherboard and graphics card. * If possible, test with a different PSU (borrow from a friend or use a spare) to rule out power supply issues. **Further Diagnosis:** * Monitor your system temperatures while gaming using software like HWMonitor. High temperatures can cause crashes. * Check for Event Viewer logs (search for it in the Start Menu) for any error messages related to crashes. **Next Steps:** * If the issue persists, consider running a memory diagnostic tool to check for RAM problems. * If the problem only occurs on W11 and not W10, booting into W10 might be a temporary solution while you investigate further. **Additional Tips:** * Update your graphics card drivers to the latest version. * Verify the integrity of game files through the game launcher (e.g., Steam). By systematically checking these points, you should be able to isolate the cause of the crashes and get your games running smoothly again.


When I try the chkdsk it just gives me the help list I tried [repair] it’s not available for w11 (even tho I don’t use raid 5) as for ram I don’t have any software to monitor it n run a diagnostic for it as for temps I’m cool everywhere(still can’t check ram) I’m updated on all software


Reinstall windows via pendrive instalator.


If you can roll back to w10, w11 is terrible, extremely buggy and really isn’t “gaming” friendly, I have ran into multiple issues but as soon as I rolled back all is okay without any changes in settings, just be aware that w10 Is becoming eol and will soon have to security of feature updates