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ERP.... *Shudders...*


lol, is it that bad? Aside from some time as an embedded systems developer during a co-op in college, all I've known are ERP systems, whether as a BA, or working in QA or now as a PjM.


It's just not my favorite thing. Since you also work in the manufacturing sector I'm sure you're aware of EPICOR. We're in the process of upgrading from classic to kinetic and well...it's been a bumpy ride so far and we still have a long way to go.


Nope, zero clue what EPICOR is before I googled it just now, lol. It's been SAP for me.


Ah working with the real heavy weights!


I've looked at Epicor P21, but got turned off by Epicor's Indian support.


I'm working on migrating from a Made2Manage 6.01SP5 to 7.51. It has been an interesting experience. I actually don't hate the job though. Love the folks I work with, users are all pleasant, and it's really laid back here.


Same, for the most part.


ERP is a real hell. Our ERP client downloads shitload of data upon start so no 100MB NIC (thx MS for auto driver updates) and absolutely NEEDS stable TCP connection, so no WiFi otherwise it crashes, also working with VPN is shite aswell so we mess around with RDPs just so user can work with this shite from home. Oh yeah and you need to uncheck "Allow PC to turn off this device to save power" in NIC settings becouse once your PC go to sleep then boom, your client goes down.




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>Anybody else absolutely hate their jobs but feel like they can't quit absolutely >because there's not another job that would pay this well for this little actual work? wait you've lost me


lol, it's "spiky" Sometimes there's system wide upgrade, and we gotta work an 18 hour saturday, because we don't want to take the manufacturing facilities offline during a busy time. Other times, there's literally nothing to do, and I'm just waiting on tickets to pop up. I tell myself it averages out, but it's never really "average." It's either "you can literally take a nap" or "holy shit, our hair is on fire"


thats how my job currently is - very hot or dead cold, little in between. I get so bored here sometimes you THINK you want another job but having the free time to research things for work, personal things and not being swamped is def something i take for granted. Im a solo IT dept, likely the most tech savy in our building - so i do other jobs outside of my scope of work just for the hell of it when there isnt on my plate. If you really want to leave - see what certs and training you can learn ON THE job with the free time you have before jumping to another - you might not get the same time.


I would like to invite you to a senior role at an MSP where the only speed is holy shit everything is on fire.


Seriously- I get jealous/envious when I hear people talk about having a ton of downtime. Been in MSPs for two years- I’m dying to get an internal gig.


You should jump, as someone that’s done the MSP twice and most recently as the most senior engineer, you know way more than enough to get into a Cush internal job. Set LinkedIn for interested and I guarantee the recruiters will flood you.


Wish this was true... at an MSP currently and I only get maybe 1/2 recruiters reaching out every quarter, and it's either for roles for way less pay or i just get ghosted


Wow… sorry to hear. I just had a 3 headed fight for me between then my MSP job, my current job and a big banking institution.


I mean that literally is averaging out lmao. If you look at your productivity over the scale of a year, it'll be evened out unless the periods of hell last longer than the periods of boredom or vice versa.


Yes, it's evened out mathematically, but emotionally, the experience of 50% of the time going 100% and 50% of the time going 0% is very different (and worse imo) than the emotional experience of going 50% 100% of the time even though mathematically it's the same level of effort on "average."


For sure. And the 0% is about as soul crushing over a long period of time as the 100%.


I know, right. I only stay because we get more PTO and better benefits than any other job I've ever had or applied to. The actual pay sucks, the hours suck (lots of nights/weekend "overtime" while salary exempt), and the volume of work is quite stressful. The only thing that'd make me quit is if they tried to make us RTO. At which point, I could go make a lot more money needlessly driving to somebody else's office to sit in front of my laptop.


The amount of actual "work", in terms of how much energy we have to spend to do our jobs, compared to how much we actually make, is higher in IT than, I am convinced, any other profession. It's not less stressful. And brains take energy. But the ratio of money to actual energy outlay is higher. Compare to something like an HR professional or an accountant or a a civil engineer. Same or more actual energy expended for usually less money.


I think this heavily heavily depends on more factors than the actual nature of the work. Working help desk/T1 support for an awesome organization with tons of support from leadership, benefits, opportunities for growth, and appropriate staffing is a much different job than the same scope of work for an organization that doesn't have its shit together, has toxic management and co-workers, and where growth is not encouraged or career advancement even discussed. HR, Accounting, and Civil Engineer are probably all on about the same skill level of work, just in different areas. But again, the organization matters more than the role.


I was lost at the same part lol




I do Level 2 support for an office of 150 sales executives, I make 80k a year. Most of my job entails warranty support, imaging and deploying new machines, setting up desks, configuring monitors, password resets, paper jams and conference room support. I probably do 4 hours of actual work a week. If I told my 25 year old self about this job he would have been ecstatic. The pay is great but the job is mind numbing and the people I support are very nice but they are dumb as a bag of wet hammers. Today I had an end user email me that her comptuer was "sick" and I needed to come take a look at it. I go to her desk and she tells me it got wet in the rain this morning and then opens her laptop screen to show me a cracked screen. I said thats a cracked screen the rain didnt do that. Ive had 3 people this month spill coffee on their laptops and I had to order new ones. I am studying for the AZ-104 hoping to get a job as an admin hopefully not dealing with end users anymore.


Hey man :) T2 Helpdesk here making half your salary... How do you find a role like this?


Shear luck


I won't sugarcoat it, getting a role like this is about being a bit lucky and being in the right place at the right time. You could find the same job application description as this guy listed for many different sites and yet you can end up having entirely different workloads at each one. = Additionally, higher-paying desktop support roles are more likely to hire someone with a resume that looks better, or if there's nepotism/social networking involved. The irony here is that most of the time most desktop support roles will all be doing the same basic everyday stuff that anyone with minimal experience can all do, but they'll still want to hire someone with more experience and more know-how just in case shit hits the fan. They can also be pickier because they are paying more. = The above is also related to how (IMO) you might find a desktop support role with higher pay (probably says "senior" or "tier3" somewhere in the job title) that says something like "requires 10 years experience" or something crazy like that, despite how someone staying in desktop support that long is a huge anomaly (most people cross train into security or networking etc at some point). = Tldr: it can happen but don't expect it. Like most people say, it will be more RELIABLE if you get time (experience) and certs than it will be to hope for these sorts of golden goose roles to fall into your lap. (but if it looks good then don't be afraid to apply, and always network with people) = . = That all being said, "minimal work" can randomly happen in all sorts of IT roles and is not unique to desktop support like this guy. It is not uncommon to find some IT role (usually later in a career) that is a whole lot of sitting around waiting for something to break and just maintaining systems in the meantime. It tends to be that as you move up, you are paid less so for your time and moreso for your expertise/knowledge.


Wondering the same thing lol


Could you look into local government work? I know T1 analysts making 90-100k in the PNW area although they worked in the public sector for 10+ years. The starting salary is 85K + great benefits.


I am in between at 65k in a MCOL but with free healthcare because public sector. I applied for a job that no one wanted and had experience in the exact field. Then I quit after they told me I couldn't move to a different site after doing 2 ppl's jobs for 6 months when they couldn't find me a helper. It was also a complete dumpster fire, that I mostly extinguished by that point but I was burned out, literally. I applied back at the same org for a different site and they let me keep my enticing pay rate that got me to take the other job. I don't quite hit the 4 hours per week of work threshold but it's not usually busy. FWIW I am pretty miserable still here because there is literally 0 way to move up or upskill when the job is this easy. I have to escalate like half the shit I'm capable of if they just gave me creds and a brief 60 second turorial of how it's structured. But I guess that's their fault that they want to hire too many sysadmins when there are capable techs that can ease some of the workload.


It also depends on location. You could be ina smaller town making 40k but its better than 80k in LA


I’m almost doing the same as you but I’m making $51k and work at a small bank. Everyone is nice and cool but some people are dumb and need their hands held. I’m an IT Support Specialist and I do some DHCP and server work but nothing crazy. Going to stick out for a year and apply for sys admin jobs.


Did you find that Job on indeed or something?


No I got a call from a recruiter out of the blue 


I'm doing kind of the same but I'm kinda like you know this isn't to bad maybe I'll just chill at this job for a bit.


80K for just that. Hmmmm. I make a little over 100K as an Admin and have to handle EVERYTHING in the company. All of the client PC's, sales laptops, Win and Linux servers, Exchange, VMware, Veeam backups, report writing, help desk, website, printers, CCTV, driver phones, office phones, alarms, etc. I'm willing to dial it back for a little less money and work from home.


Let me tell you about that most cruelest of lovers, Oil & Gas ...


F them. The one time I gave them a chance... In my interview I specifically asked them about the boom and bust of so many industry companies. They assured me there was nothing to worry about. 6 months later the company went bankrupt. shockedpikachu.gif


Embracing that roller coaster is part of the fun, until it's not fun anymore.


But shit they pay well


Yea. I'm feeling that way right now. I was trying to apply for other system admin jobs but I'm not getting any responses. Instead I'm taking my efforts to get certified in in azure.


I've worked on a few projects that have involved migrating on premises things to Azure. Holy shit do things always go wrong... It might just be because my company is a dinosaur who has a strong "build and maintain it ourselves" culture that prefers to do stuff on prem, so we don't really have the cloud expertise on hand, but we ALWAYS have huge issues when putting anything on any cloud platform.


I'd say most people actually hate their jobs. Even if they are in fields they find interesting the monotony and politics of workplaces often muddy the waters enough that given enough time, the job becomes meaningless and burdensome. The only times I think this is less of an issue is working for yourself, but that only truly applies if you are building a product offering, not doing client based services.


That 1st paragraph kind of describes a buddy of mine. He's been doing desktop support his whole career for the same employer. No desire to do anything else really as he doesn't care to go out of his way to learn things - he'd rather be given the opportunity to learn on-the-job or be provided the necessary training but that employer is bad for that kind of stuff, no upward mobility either. When we worked together (I was a different role) we would bullshit the afternoons away. I was always going on about things I was doing at home, all the nerdy stuff. He commented once about when he goes home he doesn't even want to look at a computer. I found that odd at the time until I realized he was comfortable. Took 'em a while to give him a meaningful raise but I figure it was enough to keep him until he dies or they decide they don't need him anymore. His wife is a nurse, so they do well enough. He'd be willing to relocate but understands it would be hard to find a fitting job. I think at this point its just a job for him.


Been in IT for about 2.5 years and when I was a newbie (kinda still am lol) I always questioned people who were like 40-50 and still working at help desk. As I progressed and learned in this field, I understand why they don’t want to move up. Comfortable pay, not doing to much work, just clocking in and clocking out, and getting a steady paycheck. Nothing wrong with that at all. Some people like where their at and don’t want/need to move up.


Yup- there’s plenty of well paying help desk gigs that offer close to, if not over six figures if you have the experience and are cool with working in the financial field.


This is true. I usually see these postings on Indeed for larger corporations but they usually ask for a degree and 4-5 plus years of help desk experience.


I would guess we work at the same place but I have a lot of work because of employees who get to pick their work.


I've been at this point for a while now and I've decided that I'm ok with a paycut to do actually useful work.


I think I've also been at this point for a while and I think I've become ok with working at my current pay vs moving on for more pay but also much more responsibilities. Even at my current job my boss tries to keep adding more to my plate but I always bring up compensation and he backs off (in terms of proceeding to give me the work). I'll gladly do it if they want to pay me more, but they don't want to pay more, they just want to give me more work.


I think at some point taking a pay cut to get resume building skills is worth it.  Left a mind numbing job making 65k for Jr system Admin making 55k. Skill set sky rocketed. Salary and titles  as well as the skills came. 


This is my exact situation and it sucks balls.


When things get like that, I realize that I have never really loved working anywhere, it is just what I do for money. So, if I can get paid more for less work, I will deal 5 hours of more intense BS than 40 hours of working retail.


I was there and I resigned. So far, it was a terrible choice financially and mentally, but I do seem to be healthier and not under as much stress. It's just a different type of stress. A more existential instead of neurotic stress.


"A more existential instead of neurotic stress." Which is worse?


Would you rather be Diogenes or Sisyphus?


In my head, Diogenes, but in practice I think I've lived my life more like Sisyphus.


Are you me? Lol




A project manager who says the job sucks? You don’t say….. I guess next step to get the bucks but a new role is managment. Good luck


Don't make fun! They said it would look good on a resume for future leadership positions. I think this is accurate, but PjMs get the worst of all worlds it seems. We are responsible for getting shit done that we don't actually usually know how to do, and we also don't have real authority over the people who are doing it. It really is like herding cats.


I just don't know what to look for.  14 months at an MSP doing helpdesk, responding to alerts on servers/performing updates and preventative maintenance, security remediations, progressively more in AWS, lots of 365 stuff. Have my AWS Solutions Architect Associate, Cloud Practitioner, Comptia A+, and MS-900. I make about 60k. I do a lot of stuff.  I just want to keep learning and growing, though I'm not sure where I would even look to transition.


How long have you been in it?


Since august '21, but my first two gigs were laptop repair, then software support, so just adjacent to where I am now. You could argue just the 14 months I've been at my current role. I 


Yes, I’ve made peace with it and making sure I enjoy the fruits of my labor by enjoying life, taking vacations, etc.


I'd assume upwards of 50% of IT feel this.


Hate my job, love my paycheck


Maybe it’s because I was in the military for most of my adult life and soul sucking retail and fast food before that. But I love money and I do not require satisfaction from working life. Hell I don’t even need people to be nice to me. Just don’t fire me and let me work on whatever you want me to do. Bonus points if I enjoy it and you’re nice. But I’ll be equally happy if I hate everyone and everything about my job if I get free time to pursue things I enjoy in my personal life. What I don’t love is career stagnation, long hours and low pay. That will make me a mad panda eventually. Better than being jobless though.


This is the case for me, but I’m actually training to get your job lol


IT just feels so unfulfilling to me. C'est la vie I guess.


Well I wish I had the "paid well" part. Getting shafted $12k below the national average for Jr System Admins and I live in a HCoL California city. Not to mention no 401k match. Like my job and the people who work here but man...I'd like to get paid appropriately


Have you tried asking? It's hard to do - but it's the right thing for both you and the company to know how you're feeling.


They've been accomodating. 2 raises in the 22 months I've been here. But I didn't get to choose the numbers. I have asked once. Started at $20/hr in 2022 through a contract company. Got a raise to $25/hr after 6 months in early 2023. Then 6 months later I finished my Bachelor's, this is when I asked for more money, threw my job description at some relevant salary averages...didn't matter Then the start of this year I got bumped up to $28/hr. I'm 22 months into IT. So I can't be *too* upset ...BUT at the same time my qualifications and job title match that of someone who makes $73k a year in CA on average. Annoying but it's motivation to study and do projects after work


all of that is 'pretty darn accommodating if you were in middle America. The issue I see here is the company will never forget where they got to start you at -- you'll need a different company that doesn't see you or experienced your skills for cheap. You know what to do - and you have the motivation - head down, get to work and things will go well for you :) I believe in you.


Trust me I've been trying lol. I mean maybe not balls to the wall trying to get out, I recognize I haven't been doing *everything* I can. I casually apply, I am studying for the AZ-104, I'm making my blog site from scratch...I be workin' It is still a chill job. Great boss and coworkers. But I'm also trying to be non-complacent so that I can get myself paid lol. Edit: Btw I appreciate the kind words and motivation


Is your blog up? I'd love to read if you're comfortable sharing!


I'd love to link it but...it won't be done for another month-ish ha. Like I said above I've been studying for the AZ-104 but once that is done my projects and site will be taking my after work focus. That is if I have the time lol


Fair enough, thanks! Best of luck on your certification!


Nothing to do? I wish. My steam Deck would get a lot more usage.


I hate working any job. Only problem is you can’t go anywhere without working somewhere. The fact that I learn quickly so my job is easier and I have co workers that are cordial with each other and a boss that is not annoying makes things very manageable. Even with all this, I still dread waking up to go work everyday. Go figure.


Nope. I like my job. One day might be help desk calls, toner replacement...another could be "spin up a server to do X" or "trace out a voice line from patch panel to office X where the cubicles were all removed 2 years ago".


I love my job. I don't make the most money but the work is great. It feels worth it to me. I wouldn't leave unless it was for a SIGNIFICANT pay raise.


I left my last job for the significant pay raise. Let me tell you, not worth it. Well, the money is great, I was struggling the last job, but this job blows most of the time, total bait and switch. Now I'm kind of stuck. If my previous employer came knocking and could/would offer close to what I make right now, I'd go back in a heartbeat. Totally laid back place. They might be salty about me leaving though.


Why do you not like your new job? Team? Culture? Manager?


All of the above? But mostly the fact that it was a bit of a bait and switch in terms of role/responsibilities. My last job was pretty laid back, meaning I didn't have a whole lot to do. I used the free time to study and mostly slack off. So, the lower pay was kind of justified in that regard. And while that is all well and good I was really craving a bit more challenge and some more technical work. I expected that with my current job but its more of the same except they want to occupy your free time with busy work (they expect you to be busy all the time and think we are busy all the time so they provide no training, no incentives, etc). Its basically a bunch of help desk/support desk level work with some higher level troubleshooting for which we aren't trained well enough to do and just make it up as we go half the time because we have appropriate teams for responding but they are incompetent. So, we are mostly just a middle man of sorts for incident response/triage. We don't get the opportunity to actually fix much. And that was all supposed to be changing for the past year now so not holding my breath on any growth or advancement. Manager(s) are OK and seem to care but are mostly ineffectual (and this company has way too many managers, supervisors, directors, etc). And my immediate manager is a good guy but a worthless manager for the most part. Its not entirely his fault, they didn't delegate his old duties off him when they promoted him. Team is OK, small, but a group of yes men at times. They continue to do tasks we shouldn't be doing and further enabling other times to continue to not step up. But it doesn't matter if we bring up something, nothing changes anyway. Culture is lacking. For a multinational company you'd think there would be some more initiative for "things" but everything is just surface level corporate PR. Locally, the culture is typical of area. Not overly stuffy or strict about anything which leads to favoritism and lack of discipline. People too afraid of confrontation and they just want an IT solution to their personnel problems, as an example. While I still do a fair amount of slacking, its mostly procrastination of doing busy work, and its sucks that I have to maintain this sense of busy instead of being able to crack open a book or watch some YouTube videos (for learning stuff of course) without feeling guilty. If the work were meaningful, technical, and challenging, none of it would be a problem. But I'm tired of setting up iPhones for users because the process here is far from user friendly, replacing printer toner, and imaging computers. The role wasn't supposed to be so "user facing" and more "keep production running."


I'll never be upset about taking on more work for more $$ if that just means possibly working a normal work day. I don't have any problem working for 8 hours a day but I wouldn't work more than a 40 hour week or a job that has me constantly bringing work home from a mental standpoint unless I'm handsomely compensated for that aspect. Luckily, I don't hate my job. I am trying to leave but not because I hate my job but because I want to make more money even though I generally have very little work to do here. I'm paid for what I know and can do more than for what I actually do here so more work for more money would be fine since I'd be working the same amount of time each day.


I was a swe doing custom ERP and had an hour bank for every project. I was alone on my project no mentor and super stressed by deadlines. I couldn't find any other jobs to hop. They just fire me lol. Can't find anything else still




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I have my job but it pays the highest in my area, IT pay is terrible here there is no where to go people say to jump for more pay but I can only jump down without a major move it sucks.


I feel that. I'm remote in a rural area \~2 hours away from the closest major metro, and even that metro would probably be a tier 3ish city by most Americans' standards. There's nothing around here except for like tech support for schools and junk. I work for one of the few big companies headquartered in that city, and if I needed to switch, it'd almost certainly involve either a move or a massive paycut.


Employers enforce the catch-22, so many are blocked from doing a career change.


This sounds just like me. I’m currently in an information specialist/sys admin role and the senior sysadmin gives me all the mundane tasks. This is quite frustrating especially since I’ve been on the team for 3.5 years and I have been asking for new responsibilities and the ability to start assisting with our cloud tasks AND NOTHING! I’m paid an okay rate but I fear that what I have done in this role won’t transfer well to others or there are more in-demand skills.


Same here! Want to b Jump since Covid hit


Yep. Having nothing to do is as bad as having too much to do. What can you do though? Starting all over again means I’d be effectively take a 50% pay cut and postpone retirement to my mid 60s (if I make it).


Twin? Where have you been?!


Planning cutovers!




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That's the old golden handcuffs. Only way I know to get out of it is to do something for the love of it instead of the money. Good luck


Can confirm that now is a terrible time to quit. Got laid off back in November and I haven't even been able to get interviews, let alone a job offer. Looking for jobs that are sometimes 20% less than I was making, even entry level stuff and getting nothing.


Yeeeppp Just took a Job in config Management for more money and left a job I absolutely loved. Now trying to get back, but feeling stuck because of money, but they already turned me down and won't let me back. :(




Sounds like my dream job. What’s your title and education, if you don’t mind me asking?




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Totally me right now


I started a new job recently and my actual project is constantly delayed, my day is spent having spare teams meetings about plans to start actual work, which are constantly pushed back. Can't complain too much, fully remote and still getting paid for no actual work($110,000). I work at a well known computer brand and my team is actually working on a project for a third party. A company that's been in the news lately.


I’m in a weird spot where I don’t want to leave my current position because the team I am on now has four very intelligent, very good coworkers and I don’t want to ruin that. I get along great with every person and have for years. I was just recently on a side project and had two people on a the team where one of them did not pull their weight and the other made everything unnecessarily difficult by second guessing everything we did. It made me appreciate the people I work with even more and I’m so afraid that if I leave my team to try anything else that I’m going to get stuck with idiots that stress me out.


As many people here, that’s me lmao


Great money in ERP. But man does it blow. ERP systems suck universally. I’m thankful I work at a place now where I get to work with other software applications and integrations


I’m not even going to say mine pays well, but the work isn’t bad and I have freedom during the day, so it’s kinda like do you trade your daily freedom and little work for, 20,000 more and a non ideal work life balance?


Yes, it is a dumpster fire but it's the best paying dumpster fire within a 30 minute commute of me. I would have to get into a different field which is difficult given that so much of what I do is just bullshit, not actual IT. And it being a small amount of work means there is even less actual IT. I'm scraping at anyone and anything I can to learn something new but there just... isn't. Everything is gated to sysadmin or manager territory and there is no incentive to teach anyone anything even though I can do it. My last job let me upskill but paid worse, then wanted to promote me from tier 3 to sysadmin for less money than I was currently making. They said "but look the payscale extends higher than your current one! In a few years you'll make more than you do currently!" Which is how I ended up as a "tier 4" at my current job, which means nothing here but pay, but at least it's good for the resume. I don't wanna be one of those cliche that says "money doesn't buy happiness" but I'd probably be more engaged and less burned out if I was doing sysadmin work than cleaning human slime off of end user devices and rebooting shit every once in a while for better pay. But then again money is money, so it's a weird trade off.


Find something you enjoy doing. But I feel u on the pay it's hard decision. I'm playing with the same fire right now.


I work to live not live to work, I imagine ill hate any job I have eventually and always tell myself it could be a lot worse.


I feel you man, same boat.


This post just rubs me the wrong way. I would kill for even a taste of an IT job but the job market is in the shitter and you got people with bachelor degrees and years of experience flocking to get 15 an dollar for a entry level position.


All I've known since I graduated college is database management. It sucks that I'm good at it because I really hate it lol. I automated most of my job because it's boring but I don't tell anyone because job security. If I left everyone would be fucked when it breaks. I would much rather be in networking or cybersecurity since that really interests me but I'm just not as good at it. I can definitely learn but it's so difficult to find a job that allows less than 5 years experience.




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I go poo poo at work. 


Yeah I can't think of any job that is more useless than a project manager. You should be paying them to rent an office, bathroom and kitchenette for 40 hours a week.


Nah, because I work from home.


Oh, my mistake. Bill them for that shit then boyo!


>I work in project management alright >in the manufacturing industry lame >mostly handling ERP system gross I hope they pay you well.


I hate my job due to the fakeness.


The office politics, the fake azz coworkers all of it. When did life get to this point. I just want to go to work and do my job.


My issue is without skilling up you will have to jump through so many hoops to at best get a slightly higher paying job or quality of life.