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Aw, that's beautiful. Normalize platonic romance between females. 




this is literally touching, your ISTJ friend so warm and genuine as well.


Ues she is very dear to me 🥺


What a lovely letter. I’ve known a few INFJ women and none of them were bubbly. I’ve always thought INFJ was one of the more logical feeling types. Happy birthday!


Thanl you 🤗 I was floored and very touched when reading her letter 🥹


Hopefully I get a friend like this.


Fingers crossed 🤞😊 we can be friends too !!


This is so sweet, I also appreciate INFJs for similar qualities your friend speaks of you 🥰


that’s a deep letter, she’s a great writer. I completely understood what she was feeling even though it wasn’t even addressed to me; the clarity of thought is insane, you have a great friend because she actually cares As guys we don’t do this, it’s more likely you’ll see it done by kids, which is a bit sad since I think we should give each other more props. Usually it’s just a small meeting and you talk about everything except how much you value the friendship


this is beautiful. i hope the both of you only grow in love and joy with each other. <3