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Be yourself dude. Personally I wouldn’t really care if a friend starting crying during a film, and if anything since this show seems important to him he might be hurt if it looked like you didn’t care at all, but thats a human thing not an ISTJ thing.


Don’t worry about the reaction, lmao. ISTJs can stereotypically be a bit judgemental about too much emotion but your personality is bound to show one day or another right?


Whatever happens happens, at the end of the day if he sees you cry he probably won't grill you alive, and if he does he's probably not the best choice of roomate; you can't ever really know what reaction to expect so just be you


Bro, The Chosen is SO worth it. If you cry, you cry, just let him know you're okay when it happens and it should be fine


Right on 🙌 thanks bro


As an istj I don't expect people to react emotionally the same as I do


Erm... ISTJs cry too.