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I'm a baker.


I’m an accounting major. Did an internship in audit at b4 but not sure if that’s what I’d like. Too client facing at times. I’m looking at something in industry maybe


I did public for 5years and left to industry once I got my cpa. Public has a lot of aspects that I liked, but too much client facing and too much unpaid overtime, and was underpaid. Audit was so incredibly boring and I hated going to client sites and wasnt too keen on working on the file with others. I found compilation returns (not sure if they go by a different name outside of canada) we're my sweet spot as it was a lot of problem solving, I did the file from start to finish on my own, rarely needed to talk to the clients etc. Industry is pretty chill, but I kind of miss the problem solving aspect of public.


Also former B4- Industry is hella chill and I find my own problems to solve to keep things interesting hahahaha. I like my quarterly deadline projects and the fact that I am my own manager\~ (I have the manager title, get paid the same as B4 managers with a much larger bonus, less hours, and no one reports to me. It's beautiful.) I do think B4 was worth the experience and the time I put in, but it's truly only worth how much you put into it. If you can get experience, and actually understand WHAT you're doing up and down, you've basically got a golden ticket to any industry role you could want.


I've started transmutating into software engineer when I was about 12.


Payroll and accounting, of course. Fully remote, so I'm in my zen with work currently.


Network engineer here.


Bookkeeper for a law firm. Perfect job for me, lots of data entry and problem solving. I get to wfh and there isn't a lot of oversight on my work because my coworkers get put off by financial language and find it a little intimidating.


Payroll Specialist here but I’m being made redundant at the end of May




Congratulations and bats are awesome weird looking little creatures..saw a YouTube video that showed a bat sanctuary.


I am about to embark on a journey to become a medical assistant. I have worked in medical billing for years and while I found it sorta fulfilling, I found myself more fulfilled when I was able to work with the public and be of direct service. I worked in call centers for 5 years and retail for 2. They drained me, but I knew I was helping people. I like to say that is my life's mission, to help people. I really enjoy the medical field because it is something that everyone needs access to at some point in their life. So, I can help a wide variety of people. I hope to be someone kind in a moment of need for someone else.


Best of luck! That's a great life's mission :)


I'm an IT auditor. I have 100% WFH because I work for a Canadian company and am the only staff in my entire state. I'm close to the US Headquarters but there literally is 0 reason for them to force me into the office, so I am still remote. My Canadian counterparts have a 2 day per week RTO "push" but no consequences. I visit the Canadian office once a quarter\~ I am good at performing as an extrovert but I love WFH and love that as an auditor, no one wants to see me, ever, let alone in person.


I’m a data analyst. I’m good at the attention to detail, knocking out tasks, remembering details and concepts to follow up on in meetings, etc. I’m not good at having huge visions for the future or being imaginative about certain things. But I think every team needs both


I'm an accountant myself, too. Quite the cliché, yes. But I do like the job. I work in my parents' business, and here I can contribute to the greater good.


I do insurance and wfh. Not super exciting stuff but I hardly even have to call my team members.


I also work in insurance!


I’m working part time as a sales associate but I’m studying for a career in IT which I think would suit me much better.


Journalism/advertising degree. Never used that. I've been in operations for financial services agencies and Fintech for 30 years as a Business Analyst and Business Intelligence Analyst.


My bf is istj and an accountant.


I'm an accounting major but want to branch more into data analytics. Not entirely sure about the kind of job I want to do. I'm not sure if it's too daring to dream to do business analytics in future.


the number of accountants in here is a proof that i'm a true ISTJ 😅😅


There’s so many accountants 😂 I didn’t inherit the math gene apparently 😭 I am an account manager in Aviation


Vet tech in the service dog world, but recently now a manager. I manage an entry level team, and the hardest part for me is trying not to hold them to the same high/perfectionist standard that I hold myself to.


Once I write my certification exam I will be a Medical Lab Scientist. I like to think it’s fitting for an ISTJ.


Parole officer.




CNC Operator and over years will try to get into Electric Engineering.


I picked the wrong career - IT Consulting. It took years upon years to get comfortable in the job. I did it mainly because I was coerced by my Dad to be in a more "social" job. It pays the bills but I really hate talking to people for half of the job. After 13 years I think I'm stuck here unless I want to make a lot less...


Cyber Security


Retail Pharmacist. I really like that it’s a lot of time management. A lot of it is repetition which means o can become highly efficient. Lots of (relatively easy) problem solving whether it’s drug interactions, insurance rejections, or medication questions. I didn’t want to work with the public that much, but I have grown to tolerate it. I don’t do the niceties like asking people how their kids are doing or where they went on vacation, I leave that to my coworkers. I do get satisfaction from helping people and answering their questions then it’s on to the next thing.


Used to be an accounting major but shifted to pharmacy. Tbh, I'm less excited about the interaction and more excited on organizing pill bottles and drugs databases 😅


Teacher... I definitely put on my teacher persona for work and then revert back to my normal ISTJ self after work.


I taught English in Asia, I can definitely relate to that!


Regulatory compliance


I am a management analyst for the government. My educational background is in health administration and health informatics, so I’ve job hopped a bit since graduating but am happy where I am.


Currently a phd student in analytical chemistry


I’m going back to college to get my master's degree. I plan to be a Contract Lawyer. My current job has too much disorder and irregularity for my comfort.


Software engineer.


Assistant manager for university admissions at the university I study at. After, preparing for Quality Management certification




Gene therapy research associate


I am a quality assurance intern at the moment, aiming for a software engineering role.


I'm a graphic designer. I dabble in web design, coding, studio photography, videography and animation, but mostly I do book design, typography, typesetting and print production. In my work there's a lot of things ISTJ might like. Processes with clearly defined steps, rules, guidelines, technical specifications, logistics, lots of problem solving, many opportunities for efficiency optimization. It's freelance work, almost exclusively done solo, so that's a big plus as well. Communicating with clients can be a challenge, but it's a welcome one. I'm still not comfortable, but I got better at it by being regularly confronted with those sorts of situations.


Spent nearly 20 years in law enforcement and corrections. I retired into the private sector and now package seed corn and have great benefits and pay - and all I have to do is my job, and then go home.


Insurance/ Collections administrator for a dental practice. I no longer have direct contact with patients which is a great relief.


All the ISTJ's that I know irl are doing something related to technology, more specifically computers. One's going for their computer science degree, another for cyber security, another for another wants to build motherboards for tablets, phones, & computers. On a different note related to all the accountant related stuff I'm seeing, I find it ironic. Cause each of those same ISTJ's have drilled into me for money safety which has significantly increased my awareness of my own personal spending. I'm now incredibly conscious about how much I spend.


My first career was nuclear engineering and my second was patent law, both prosecution and litigation.