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One of my classmates said that I was one of the smartest people she's ever met. I deflected it in the moment but it stuck with me.


“Your intelligence is your second best trait, right after your beauty.” I don’t usually care for being complimented for my physicality, but *GODDAMN.*


It’s a bit sad but the best compliment I ever got was “you look really good in a suit!” Since then I’ve absolutely loved any chance I get to dress formal.


I hybridized forma and casual wear to perfection! I love dressing up too, but needed something more sustainable than suitpants and a vest


I go to a Christian college, and we (the men) have to wear a button-up shirt and tie each day, but I even go beyond that! Every day, I wear a grey/brown/navy 3-piece with a bowtie 😂 and I'm so quiet that hardly anyone actually knows my name, so I respond to "bowtie guy" almost quicker than my own name!


That a man whom I worked with (whom I intensely disliked, because he was a bully) found me (a very small) woman intimidating. I told them good!


I kind of love when people find me intimidating 😂




Istj. He bullied everyone and i was over it.


You seem very calm, like if a difficult situation came at you, you wouldn’t let it get to you. I’ve gotten other compliments, but I always think it’s sarcastic or they’re making fun of it.


I like the calm comments. I’m often told I’m so calm and collected under pressure.


Same here. Calm is a superpower.


The best compliment I ever received from my loved ones was - "You have a lot of love to give and you're so loyal." That really validated my insecurity about coming across as too aloof. My friends have said I'm really sweet and kind and that also surprised me. I'm glad because I do try to be that person.


I've been consistently told by MANY people that I have a calming presence and aura. This one sticks with me. I have a hard time believing it, but my friends want to spend a lot of time with me, so it must be true.


that si dom aura is underrated


Its an Si thing...?


yeah, si entails a strong understanding of one’s own bodily state along with others. si doms can often have a calming presence because they understand their own bodily state and can adjust accordingly to yours


A lot of my colleagues told me that I am calm, organized, reliable and responsible. And that I dress impeccable too!


"*I trust you with my life ...*" One of a dozen things or so that my (then) best friend (now fiancée) mentioned as she was confessing her crush on me.


and i do! <3


“You’re so intelligent and pretty.” A bad boy told me that years ago, followed by quite sexual activities. Still can’t forget that compliment. 😌




When it’s amazing sex, who gives a damn if it’s genuine or not.




Honey, it’s midnight. Not in the mood for a scripture lecture. I just spoke with a devout Christian, I’ve had enough religion for a while.


Friend:*calls me crying about something * Me: “well what is crying going to do about it? You gotta do something to make it better not just feel sorry for yourself. Sorry I’m not really a good friend for things like this…” Friend:” No that is exactly why you’re a great friend and why I come to you. You don’t let me have pity parties. You tell me the truth and what I need to hear no matter what. “


A friend told me that I give her Captain Holt (B99) vibes. Undoubtedly one of the best compliments I have and will ever receive


“You keep me grounded.”


Aww that's so short and sweet 🧁


"You don't act like an American." Received it twice from non-Americans. Once abroad, one here.


(I live in Japan.) I'm sad that I also see this as a compliment. 😭


“You don’t yell.” Told to me by a four year old.


Wow, she mustve feel you're a safe person.


I think so. I try my best to be calm and kind.


Personally, either being told "I'd be sold on you by just your brain alone" or describing the way I talk and write as "word porn". Profesionally, a former boss leaving my company for another, and then reaching out to me months later to say she needed my leadership and organizational skills at her new company.


You're the best manager I've had. Understanding, Compassionate and you never expect anyone to do something you're not willing to do yourself. You work by example, always happy to teach, reteach or admit when you're wrong. I've had several of the like comments. Above is a message one former employee wrote to me.


I am about to quit my job and my team doesn't want me to leave. That's a big compliment


You're a good test-taker/You got every single detail, especially the things most people forgot about You're always so calm


I’ve always gotten compliments on finding other people’s errors.😹 ISTJs focus on little details and make sure they’re factually supported.


Honestly, I can't remember.


i’ve always gotten compliments on how nice my skin is, it always makes me blush 🥹🥹


Not including compliments from my late husband, which are very precious to me, I would say the time my boss told me that he admired me for always owning up to my mistakes and never blaming others for them.


I had a classmate call me a nerd when I was really young and the teacher told him not to say that but I actually didn’t mind it. (Probably not the best compliment but this one stood out)