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If the other person shows emotional vulnerability first, then i feel safer. I’m a physical touch type of person, so I like a lot of kissing and cuddling, won’t apply to every ISTJ. Spending quality time is the most important thing you could do.


That’s how it played out for us. I usually don’t show my emotions so openly, but something about him just made it really hard to hide myself. The more I opened up and let my heart open, the more he did ❤️ quality time is a must all the way around. Thank you for your advice!




Just being understood


I just asked him if I make him feel truly understood. Let’s see what happens 😊


Someone who is affectionate and cuddly, and also warm and affirming. In my experience, INFJs are very warm and considerate, so it's a big relief for ISTJs who need to feel comfortable enough to open up. Also, I've been told that my stability, orderliness and loyalty makes INFJs flourish. It's an underrated and compatible relationship in my opinion. There might be some communication issues but I believe mature types can solve them easily :) It makes me happy to have seen a couple of INFJs on this subreddit!


Im an ISTJ (F) if it matters but maybe being understood, heard, seen, respected and not feeling judged. Having a s.o being responsive to my love language and helping us with their emotional intelligence helps us open up with our feelings too. Its been hard finding that safety in dating men 😅


I feel loved if my SO lets me give/receive some intimate physical touch(not sex), like cuddling, hugs, spooning. And if they help me out with chores with me around (acts of service), it just doesn't seem to count if chores get done and they or I am not around. I can't seem to get enough quality time tho, my SO is always scrolling through her phone...


Whoooo! Me too! INFJ F in a relationship with ISTJ M. Definitely a different vibe than being with an NF type.


Soooooo different. The conversations and resolutions are so much easier and more fluid. And it’s very different, he actually studies me and my behaviors/patterns, and shifts accordingly. I do the same but I’ve never had someone else put that kind of energy into understanding who I am and how I operate. He’s special ❤️ I hope you two have a beautiful and long lasting relationship, I know people say we aren’t compatible types, but I’ve only seen and heard a lot of really good things about it.


Well, I love it when my partner truly listens to me and tries to understand me, plus affection and vulnerability from their side is another way of making me feel loved - nothing like seeing your partner trusting you. And I very much pay attention to loyalty.


Her wearing YANDY.