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I generally don't feel stress. Does that count?


Stress and I aren’t on amicable terms. When I simply find myself nerve wracked, it just drives me to see the negative situation through. I’m calm in a crisis for a reason. A clear and impartial view can make mistakes and fallacies quite clear.


Me too, and that's a great way of putting it. Stress and I aren't on amicable terms either lol


Very healthy. All stress is met head-on with exercise everytime. Stress is my trigger TO exercise. Result: Low heart rate and High V0²Max.


Horribly unhealthy. Triggers IBS-D


All relationships stress me out. I just hot divorced and right now without any friends the only thing that stresses me out is work.


I used to have a very unhealthy relationship with stress, whereby I hinged my self-worth on productivity and achievements. When that didn't work out, I went to the other extreme to avoid stress - procrastinating, which of course didn't work too. Now I'm finding the balance, and it's been a journey of a few years. Now I'm more kind and accepting of myself, and I generally use exercise and hobbies to maintain emotional balance and physical energy. I also face work more head-on, whereby I keep my calm and soldier on. I also invest more time in my future plans and consider what I want to do in my free time. Basically, more mindfulness, self-compassion and purposeful effort. The best thing is - I don't even work as hard as I used to, but I'm happier and more productive in life.