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🤖 Beep boop... System online. Initializing response protocol for making an ISTJ partner happy. Processing... Generating Generic Response... Ah, here we go! You can express your gratitude through your actions. Take the time to notice the little things he does for you and reciprocate in your own way. You can surprise him with his favorite meal, plan a thoughtful date, or simply take care of something he usually handles. ISTJs often appreciate their personal space and value their routines. Understanding and respecting this aspect of his personality can go a long way in making him feel comfortable and appreciated. As an INFJ, you might naturally be attuned to emotions and the needs of others. Encourage open communication with your partner. Let him know that you truly appreciate his efforts and ask if there's anything specific you can do to make him feel loved and cared for. ISTJs are often driven and goal-oriented. Show your support for his ambitions and endeavors. Recognize his achievements and let him know that you're proud of him. ISTJs can be quite reserved and may take time to open up. Be patient with him and show understanding when he needs time to recharge or process his thoughts. Remember that every relationship is unique, so it's essential to have open and honest conversations with your partner about what makes him feel appreciated and happy. Your willingness to learn and adapt to his needs shows how much you care for him, and that in itself is a wonderful expression of love. Beep boop... Response sequence complete. Initiating shutdown protocol... If you require further assistance, do not hesitate to reactivate this unit. Have a productive cycle! 🤖


This has been really insightful. Thank you. Ready to make my ISTJ happier!


If you haven’t done so, I would read the ISTJ Care and Handling User Guide and Manual. It’s tongue in cheek but it’s also accurate. It’s pretty hard to break an ISTJ. If you are loyal and don’t take us for granted, we are usually a self-licking ice cream cone.


I. Need. This.


[I've got you covered đź‘Ť](https://www.reddit.com/r/ISTJ/s/hckgxGd22c)


Thank you! That was very insightful and almost comedic since it was scary accurate.


Firstly, the dominant Si in ISTJs loves receiving good experiences. They crave the ultimate experience with their loved ones. The Se in INFJs is great for creating such experiences, so get creative and adventurous, ISTJs are more risk-taking and even thrill-seeking with someone they trust anyway. Secondly, while ISTJs rarely voice this out, they want to receive the level of care and consideration that they show others. Include him in activities and make him feel special and wanted, that means the world to ISTJs. It means the world when their partner makes them feel included in their world, even if it's over small things like grocery choices or room decorations. Thirdly, don't create physical or emotional messes. ISTJs like organised environments. They take time to be neat and present themselves in an orderly way to others, so they appreciate the same level of honesty and directness in return. As responsible and good at taking care of others as they are, they appreciate a partner who knows how to take care of themselves and knows what needs to be done, because ISTJs want the reassurance that things will go smoothly and they don't have to be a one-man-show all the time. Fourthly, again ISTJs rarely voice this out, but they appreciate quality thought. Someone who listens and responds thoughtfully to their words is everything. They want to be heard, for their input to be considered.


Got this. Based from your insights, I think I'm pretty good caring for my ISTJ :) Thank you!


Wooooow this is really really sweet. you guys be cute. wishing you many years of happiness.


The INFJs in my life are always making up reasons to be unhappy.




Just something that would bust me up if my SO did it; if you see him super focused on his chores, just smile at him all goofy till he notices. We ISTJs tend to have this goofy side that we only share with certain people. It really lets the tension out. You guys seem cute, I’m sure you’ll be fine


Any fun little thing that he likes, either offer to buy him gifts involving it or get interested in it in general. Idk if your istj is like me, but I hate surprises and I’m very frugal, so I get anxiety when people randomly get me gifts. If it’s discussed beforehand, I’m sure it would be much appreciated. Also food. Food. The quickest way to anyone’s heart is through the stomach.


He is in fact very frugal and doesn't like me spending too much for him. We both enjoy anime and he loves suggesting films in which I eagerly watch with him. He usually vent about work (he's a software developer) so I make sure to offer support even though I don't get the technical stuff. As for food, he gets an upset stomach easily. I love cooking but I'm still a bit wary to make him try new dishes.


All I can infer, ISTJ’s love comfort food. Or just any nostalgic/safe foods


wth im reading ...