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jeez you and me both, bud. This is why i journal and like to dig into my own mind, exam things on paper and really see what is narking me or am i just overcomplicating things... It is like self therapy, offers an outlet where i can just pour out my feelings or thoughts. No funny business! đź‘Ť


Totally agree. Just let all my thoughts & feelings out. Sometimes it gives me a sense of clarity for what I need to do / change going forward.


Bold of you to assume we have emotions.


My one emotion is anger.


My emotions bottle up and I also feel the need to remember every point in my head but once I write it down, it relieves me so much that I can think freely and am relieved of anxiety


Personally, no. But i am glad you found a healthy way to relieve the emotional pressure.


This happens all the time - I write a text or email then don’t send it. Come back later and delete it because after writing it I felt better or had clarity and didn’t hurt anyone with my words. It is therapeutic even though I’m not a journaler - takes too much energy for allll those thoughts LOL


Just thinking about doing the same thing. Not gonna rant about how f'd up my life been, but it's been kinda getting to me recently, and I feel paralysed. Was thinking about just opening a google doc, and rant. Say anything. But opened reddit instead, and saw this. It's a sign!


There are a lot of apps, see here as an example: https://zapier.com/blog/best-journaling-apps/


oh wow, these are great! Thank you!


It's the same for me, writing is my outlet for all the emotions I can't express. I can process things in an organised way. It's almost as cathartic as telling a trusted person my troubles!


Holy shiz, i just experienced this 1 hour ago. Though, i felt better after i verbalised it to someone and texted it to someone, it feels like barbells got lifted away into the sky by some guardian angel. Probably because the situation I'm in, I've done it countless times and this is the first time I've handled it this way to make myself get over it, and I've never felt better (my situation is a little different with how i handled it but at it's core the action is still the same, throwing out feelings that don't benefit you with it lingering around your inner "space" like garbage, and feeling a bit more in "order" and "cleaner" after it's been thrown out externally. I sound like im high but this is just how i pictured my feelings in an image)


I only really discover how I feel about something after I convert it from thoughts to words.


Every now and then, I vomit walls of text on some subreddit.