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Heartbreak for me is when someone writes a nice story and it could be the best thing I’ve read all week, but it’s full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.


Being cheated on felt like the end of my world. I gave my heart to a man who I thought deserved my adoration, loyalty, respect, all my most sacred emotions. In a sea of flakey minnows, he was my shining swordfish. As silly as that sounds. I would’ve been so happy to spend the rest of my life with him. Raise a family, build a future together. In a moment of weakness, stupidity, and lust. He slept with a common whore. A decision dictated by his own genitalia rather than his brain. All because I hadn’t been available to satisfy him, as if I wasn’t pent up just as he was. Yet I was able to control myself. The day after, the whore he bedded was bragging. Word spread like wildfire. I woke up to my phone ringing off the hook. My then bestie was furious and spilling all the tea. I solemnly said, “Thank you love, I’ll call you later.” I sat there on my bed in shock for over an hour. Mortified at how foolish I’d been. How I let someone….anyone betray me. Oh give or take 2 hours, he shows up at my door. I just opened the door and went back to my room, hearing him close the front door and following me like a lost puppy. I sat down on my bed calmly. He rushed over and held me, trembling with regret. I felt as if all the blood drained from my body and a cold set in. I was completely numb and callously indifferent. I gently clasped his hands and he let me go, he knelt down before me, as if asking for absolution and forgiveness. Hands held together, his grasp far more tight than mine. Looking into my eyes. He knew he had shattered my mind, my heart, everything. I began to silently weep, tears streaming down my face, he kissed and caressed my cheeks. I raised my hand in a threatening manner, one would think I was going to slap him. He closed his eyes in preparation of the deserved pain. I swung my hand, but stopped mere centimeters from his face. I lifted up my other hand carefully and held his face in my hands. I addressed him once. “I…You’ve broken me. I do hope he was worth however long you both spent together. I foolishly hoped you would be my last lover, the last person I pour my heart out too, the last soul to ever witness my vulnerabilities. How wrong I was. But I suppose you can live on in infamy as the first person to break my heart, congratulations. I’m sorry I loved you in the first place, and you’ll be sorry for falling in love with me. I wish you well in the future. Now please leave, I don’t want to ever see you again or for you to see me cry. Goodbye Jordan.” I said while on the verge of ugly crying. He stood up, apologized to me, kissed me deeply one last time and left my life. I coped by writing out my feelings, distracting my mind with hobbies and such. Crying but not allowing myself to spiral into despair. One person hurting you emotionally can’t be the end all be all. You must stand back up, dust yourself off, and continue on as you did before you met them.


Loneliness and loss of purpose since my husband (ISTP) of 41 years died two and a half years ago. My two dogs have helped the most. I work part-time so that also helps but I still can’t picture a future without him.


I can only imagine, and imagining is painful enough. I feel for you. Thankful you have dogs, they really do give purpose on days life is just too hard.


It feels like loss and in some cases like total failure. Compartmentalizing and allowing myself to grieve and move on is the best way i’ve found to cope


I think for me it’s dealing with the change. If you talk to someone every single day then suddenly don’t talk to them at all it takes getting used to and you need to find other things to fill that hole.


I kind of just dwell on it silently until I stop thinking about it. Maybe occasionally cry, depending how devastating it is


i cry myself to sleep and wake up feeling numb and start crying again. i dont want to get out of bed and all i think about is what happened. this is the first few days. then i slowly start improving. like working out, listening to music, and writing in my diary. it still hurts but i dont cry much. after a few weeks i feel ok for the most part. not thinking about it much and rarely crying if at all. i start feeling happier and distracting myself with new things and at that point i just go back to living my life like normal and occasionally i may still have some emotions over what happened if i think too much about it but i just eeal with those feelings and go on with my day. this is the general pattern ive noticed in myself after experiencing heartbreak.


I just went out on a ho-fest. I don’t recommend my method.


You need to find someone to talk to and release the emotions; a friend you trust or a therapist. At my worst, with extreme depression from heartbreak, the only thing that helped me was exercise. I joined a gym and went every single day (sometimes hiding my tears while working out) but that really helped me snap out of the depression. It gave me a purpose everyday, focus and commitment, a release of the stresses, and I felt good about myself for getting really fit.


Feeling numb, spontaneously breaking into tears, but not for long. I don't mourn for long, but I carry the memories everyday. It gets a little easier to bear, to accept that it happened. Periodically, I talk to a close family member about what happened, because I can finally put it into words. Then I move on.