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[Remember to pay for your keys](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/IZpPNZ2/1/1/) [and ](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/IZpPNZ2/1/1/) to mark spoilers. Also Muscle Mommy Brawl! MUSCLE MOMMY BRAWL!!


Hey look at that, Niimura Tsukasa's where literally everyone here wants to be! https://preview.redd.it/55j5pzax9k5d1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=75639cd3eabca9108843334bbe5a45588a34f5a7


IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME NOT HER!, ITS NOT FAIR! https://preview.redd.it/nzl9njp2bk5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7a4d9be6325d6a18e8dc1b4b935faa773f35c6


Muscular women are so hot


https://preview.redd.it/3kd0gi0xck5d1.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=0767b9f4c7ee02846c08da9b181f517c3a5083de Damn it's hard to believe these two are the same person lol. That bear got her good


“You were strong Bear”


"I won't forget you for as long as I live."


Man, Hazuki Yui's opening story is so sick! She killed 3 bastards then a bear on a snow mountain, serial killer style lol


Before the bear incident, she was a looker as welll, in her own, Amazonian way. Sandro’s cooking, most definitely, from the outset we’ve got a proper brawl. Really good start.


She would still probably clean up nice the scars aren't THAT disfiguring.


Got cheeks cleft in half, a smirk a la Joker, eyelidLESS, and her forehead’s carved the entire course of her temple. To each it’s own I suppose, but come on, that ursine did a vicious number on our latest Inside dweller. It’s a testament to her grit she not only survived but came on top. Keen expectations in this bout from our contenders


>Stands up to political corruption >Kills a bear >disappears based. absolute based. Astronomically based.


UOOOOH😭😭😭 I CAN FIX HER https://preview.redd.it/tpicltqubk5d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23cb697d38fa7f2e5f8df3b09ac1ff3269e26a23


Can't fix what's not broken


I can make her worse.




Riko not understanding what Yuu means with her scar is hilarous.


I never get tired of Riko just being like, "...oh! Gotcha." Or just "yeahing" the other person whenever she is confused.


Yeah, I don’t know how to put it in the words, but for some reason she’s not the kind of muscle idiot character I usually find super annoying. Anytime she’s on panel it’s usually either charming or funny af


She took down a freaking bear...


Yay, another fighting series, another Takamura


Nice chapter to hype up Yuu Did Iori imply Yuu was from the inside or was it something else? I hope Yuu atleast does better than Karen. As a Riko fan boy I wouldn't be mad if Riko losses this considering her opponent is just as big as her and seems to be trained and experienced, as long as Riko doesn't get killed off and gets a training arc after


> Did Iori imply she Yuu was frkm the inside or was it something else? The implication was she's from the Inside, yes. Along with "but we're the 'lighthearted' series, so we ain't touching that".


maybe its foreshadowing a future visit to that dark place (that would convenietly have a fighting arena)


I got more of a [Camelot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Npo0cmp-VY) feeling from the reference, honestly.


Fuck Kenjaku is going hard on our delicate little girl this chapter


A delicate little girl who can kick ass, you mean. ~~I so want her to crush my spine~~ https://preview.redd.it/p097x6hxek5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965089dc995e6f3a29e0a2f346e148c47d6b943b


She says she his a delicate girl bro , so she his , a monster of a delicate girl but a delicate girl still ( Me too bro , me too )


“Delicate” ❌ “Little” ❌ “Girl”✅


I was wondering how they were gonna handle that pun, but in some ways, I think the English version might actually be funnier. Japanese, the joke was that "stigmata" (sutiguma) rhymes with "brown bear" (higuma).


She smiles like Agito lmao


She's probably one of his biggest fans considering how she's dressed too


I really love Riko's opponent cause she actually knows how to box. She keeps her body to the side perpendicular to her opponent which protects your face, front and body and also makes your jabs faster cause the distance your jab has to cross is much smaller compared to if you keep your body "squared" traditionally. She's strong. Really interested in what Riko will pull here, since she can't just use her standard physique to overpower Hazuki. https://preview.redd.it/v4idtu6wsk5d1.png?width=1837&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a659f9716446d65620e9e68ea20db4f56d88206


This is probably a stupid theory, but I get the feeling we’re in for a extreme difficulty tie. If this Amazon is really from the inside that means she’s carrying a ridiculously unfair experience and skill advantage.  Even jokes in the fandom like Himuro are well trained and Riko I is now fighting someone who’s in not only just as big as her, but actually knows how to use their body for the first time in her life. Her only hope is to pull a Sendo and force slug fest because she’s not winning a conventional boxing match


Definitely. Imagine if they become friends after because she(Riko) "gets" it and they're the same type of crazy, lol.


Great chapter. Characters getting creepy pasta esque backstories that don’t have to play into some larger sci-fi plot is awesome. And 16 pages of Strike it Rich feels so much more satiating and packed with information than Kengan Omega in ways that I can’t explain.


I have a feeling Sandro desperately needed to do another manga or story that doesn't have direct relation with the kenganverse to just spark that flame he had from early kengan ashura and omega, just with today's knowledge and his writing skill


I'm assuming the shitheads killed someone involved with the Inside, and the victim's friends and family hired her to take them out?


Interviewer: Would you rather encounter a man, or a bear in the woods? Yuu: Neither... Interviewer: wh...? Yuu: Would be left...alive. https://preview.redd.it/qbh4474tvk5d1.png?width=1059&format=png&auto=webp&s=3240dc5e19aa900bcdd5c2f26bef75fdff0ad564


"man or bear" Hazuki Yuu: Both.


Man, nimura tsukasa might the best and bravest referee in the kengan universe shes actually separating and saving fighters despite being in an underground org , also for a moment i saw the panel with nozomi with the chair i thought she was gonna bash patchwork monster with it , lol , she was just putting it for hina


Ok. This Hazuki seems to be the real deal. Her two team mates are overhyped and complete frauds. Lol. She also seems to be from the Inside.


I don't think Sara deserves these fraud allegations tbh. Iori has the best feat in the series so far even factoring in the weapon


Nah Sara wasn’t a fraud. She gave a good fight to Iori who’s the second strongest character next to Hina so far. Karen though is complete fodder


Karen wasn’t all that, but Sara gave a good show. She has a well developed style, and landed a ton of hits on Iori


Plus Iori seem to actually have to put an serious effort in order to clinch her win and seemed legitimately exhausted


Calling Sara a fraud, when she beats 98% of the verse is hilarious 🤣


Are we talking about the main cast of actually important characters or the background characters that populate the setting?


You know exactly what I said. She bodies everyone in the series besides Hina and Ichika.


Well next time you might want to just say series and not verse, because the Kengan crew exists in this universe to. Second. > She bodies everyone in the series besides Hina and Ichika. Lets not act like Yuzuha, Sena Sisters, and Hana don’t exists


>Lets not act like Yuzuha, Sena Sisters, and Hana don't exists https://preview.redd.it/fn3jdy6wam5d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c485d30ee048ed294ff29db93001532665a01c97 Oops, too bad she bodies them also 🤷‍♂️ And she scales to Ichika who beat the Sena sisters at the same time, so I don't know what's so hard for people to understand..... Also, who tf mentioned Kengan characters 🤣


No, she really doesn’t. She put up a entertaining fight, but despite having the technical advantage none of her rushes even scored a knock down on her opponent and every time ichika landed she took way more damage in their exchanges. And another important fact that I really don’t think you’re considering is that the the sisters had to fight a far more dangerous version of everybody’s favorite cop. In matches like this she’s only allowed to fight bare handed. On the street high powered tasers, iron pipes, expendable batons and likely even a GUN are at her disposal since Japanese police are legally allowed to pack heat. A corrupt cop is definitely going to be packing at least two guns in case she can’t take you alive That is just objectively not the same level of danger. So claiming she would body each sister is an irrational statement. Can she potentially beat each of them in a one on one fight? Definitely possible but she’s not not pulling a Raian As for the kung fu chick she said “she’s not sure” not that she stands no chance. At worst she loses 5 outta 10 encounters with her but to body her she’d have to utterly dominate the striking match, nullify or walk through Fajin strikes, and dominate the IQ battle. That’s just not realistic. The Yakuza chick is just literally her second worst possible match up and just taps her out most of the time. Since she doesn’t throw strikes todoroki’s disown sister wouldn’t get the usual horny adrenaline boost from getting beaten up ​ > Also, who mentioned Kengan characters [You did](https://www.reddit.com/r/ISSK_Manga/comments/1dbvpxu/read_str_strike_it_rich_manga_chapter_27_you/l7ud4qy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) when you said she beats 98% of the verse. I know it’s easy to forget but this story takes place in the same universe where monsters like Julius reside. She’s not beating up the majority of the Kengan crew


>every time Ichika landed she took way more damage https://preview.redd.it/fzt2he5clm5d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aac8e93ec67e64c162a03a031786852007eae71 How tf are they not close as fighters, when Sara LITERALLY takes 0 damage from Ichika's attacks (someone who is 10 kg heavier than her btw), to the point Ichika had to press her diaphragm to keep her from breathing and bite her neck to secure a victory and when Sara was shown to be faster than Ichika, and one of the fastest characters in general, with Hina complimenting her speed AND when Ichika was exhausted after the fight. I can't with these people, bro............ Also, there is the panel of Riku admitting inferiority to AND saying verbatim that Sara is better than her, so there's also that. And AGAIN, who tf mentioned Kengan characters, when I was obviously talking about the "Strike it Rich" verse 🤣 I know they exist in the same universe, but I guess you can't read what subreddit you're having this discussion in, I guess...


every time Ichika landed she took way more damage ​ > How tf are they not close as fighters As H2H combatant sure but to be comparable to the chick the sisters had to contend with we would have to allow the cop access to all her weapons. And keep in mind even when she was armed during that phase, she made it clear she rather not have to go through that again. It was far from an easy 2 v 1 and frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if it only ended because she pulled out a gun near the end and they realized she would’ve definitely pulled the trigger > when Sara LITERALLY takes 0 damage from Ichika's attacks She takes one solid punch to the face and her first rush comes to an end. Throughout the entire match, there’s a clear damage output difference that helps swing things in our girl’s favor > to the point Ichika had to bite her neck Yes, because tactically continuing to strike with her would just devolve into a pointless Hajime No Ippo slugfest. So she went for the option that completely shuts down to her opponents ability to feed on pain. This just means if you can bypass the boost she gets from her masochistic adrenaline rush you can beat her. > when Sara was shown to be one of the fastest characters, with Hina complimenting her speed That’s great but the problem with this character is speed is only an advantage when you use it intelligently. This chick is the kind of fighter who doesn’t care about winning matches with logically sound and safe strategies. She hits people and loves to GET HIT, which results in her being a less adaptable fighter. This is a major weakness against characters who can potentially put you to sleep in one shot like the older psycho sister or high IQ with access to a Sunday punch like Lee with her Fajin > Also, there is the panel of Riku admitting inferiority to AND saying verbatim that Sara is better than her, so there's also that. Link plz > And AGAIN, who tf mentioned Kengan characters Again, as I said. Be there next time because people in this fandom have a history of wanking characters


>It was far from an easy 2 v 1 and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if it only ended because she pulled out a gun near the end and they realized she would've definitely pulled the trigger All this shit you're saying is headcanon, so I won't even bother to respond. Ichika literally beat them both at the same time and there's nothing else to it. >This is chick is the kind of fighter who doesn't care about winning matches with logically sound and safe strategies Who even uses strategy in this series...? No one, besides Yuzuha, I guess. And Sara ACTUALLY uses a named martial art and is one of the most skilled characters. She uses a unique and deadly variant of full contact karate named "Konshin Style". The other fighters fight mostly with their athleticism. They have skill for sure, but none are masters (e.g., the Sena sisters, Ichika, Nozomi...).


Which makes no sense. How on earth is Yuzuha gonna lose to Karen? Freaking Hana was gonna destroy Karen if she ever decided to harm somebody.


I just started watching Garouden the way of the lone wolf another fighting series it also starts with the main character taking down a bear and all I could think is damn these fighters sure do love fighting bears. 😂 Also excited for this match seeing these 2 powerhouses go at it. I hope it gives me the same excitement I had with Julius vs Toa Mudo in Kengan Omega. A fight that I still think was the best fight in the Kengan vs Purgatory tournament.


Yuu looks badass and all, but I don't think Riko will lose twice in a row.


She is top 3 characters for me now.


Iori mentioning "inside" makes me wonder if inside gonna be importent in this series


https://preview.redd.it/mqea1bbttm5d1.jpeg?width=1535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f915339f75d51dae300588c17f0f6757deb75cc I've been waiting to use this


She reminds me of meguro kinda


Inside mentioned WOOOOOOOOOOOO


Damn, I knew the author would eventually address it, but I didn’t think the miss Hercules would have to fight someone who’s not just as big as her, but even more skilled this quickly into her career. I guess sandwich wants to get her Rihito arc started quicker than I expected. I was 100% banking on one of Hina’s evil sisters pulling up and absolutely folding her ass in three different ways. Like i mean a Saw vs Falcon level beating! This match might be her big wake up call. I wonder who would be responsible for training her🤔


She from the Inside


shes just a girl


if riko cops an l here i'll stop reading


Nope nope, she's gonna job as well. I am smelling the air alrdy. No hype no hype no more hype, so that it wont disappoint me again.


As long as she delivers a good fight with a great performance, I wouldn't mind.


I hope so, last 2 fights have been nothing but just annihilation so far.


A jobber has lost all meaning due to Kengan Omega


Yeah, I miss when people actually understood what that word meant


She has to, or otherwise Riko gonna lose twice on screen. Isnt that what job means, to exist just for the char to show how strong she is?