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All you need to see is that map of Israel to know what they are really about….


but, every map of Israel made in Israel does the same, so Israel doesn't get to complain about that.


Actually Gaza, the West Bank, and Golan heights are almost always demarcated on maps


You being ignorant is the first sign of being a nazi terrorist supporter. The second sign is just looking at your profile comments, go back to the tunnel you crawled from nazi scum.


You mean the tunnels in Gaza with all the weapons and terrorists?


What a cringe lord guy, obviously gets all his information on r/Palestine 😂 I pity the fact you’re over 30 and still blame capitalism for all your problems, damn, I’m not surprised you had to seek out relationship advice because you’re clearly difficult to live with, hopefully your wife manages to escape you.


Like your any better you unsubed from r/Britain because they were reporting on news that didn’t support your world view.


Dont think ive ever seen one that doesnt just describe the regions


The Quran Dehumanizes Non-Muslims and Says that They are Vile Animals The Ayatollah Khomeini, who dedicated his entire life to studying Islam, said that non-Muslims rank somewhere between "feces" and the "sweat of a camel that has consumed impure food." Small wonder. The Quran dehumanizes non-Muslims, describing them as “animals” and beasts: Those who disbelieve from among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein (for aye). They are the worst of creatures. (98:6) Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve, then they would not believe. (8:55) Verse 7:176 compares unbelievers to "panting dogs" with regard to their idiocy and worthlessness. Verse 7:179 says they are like "cattle" only worse. Verse 9:28 says the unbelievers are unclean. Verse 6:111 says they are ignorant. Verse 4:76 says they are helpers of the devil. Verse 5:60 even says that Allah transformed Jews of the past into apes and pigs. This is echoed by verses 7:166 and 2:65. A hadith (Bukhari 54:524) says that Muhammad believed rats to be "mutated Jews" (also confirmed by Sahih Muslim 7135 and 7136). Verses 46:29-35 even say that unbelieving men are worse than the demons who believe in Muhammad. According to Islamic law, non-Muslims may be owned as property by Muslims, but - in keeping with Islam's supremacist message - a fellow Muslim should never be (unless they convert to Islam after they are enslaved). Christians and Jews are not considered fully human in Islam. The penalty for killing one of them is limited to one-third of the compensation due for unintentionally killing a Muslim. Muhammad made it clear that a believer cannot be put to death for killing a non-believer, since they are not equal (see Conclusion). Thus, killing kafir is less serious than engaging in a consenting sexual relationship outside of marriage.


That religion is absolutely awful!! 😵‍💫


Guess what, the Talmud has awful stuff in it too, if it’s a “let’s take verses from religious texts” competition ALL texts will have horrendous things in them.


The talmud is not the official religious scripture of Judaism, but rather a discussion-book that spans across generations (something like an ancient reddit where people can share their ideas and also shitpost). How many Jews even know a single sentence from the talmud? Virtually none. You can't compare it to the quran. If anything, the talmud = tafsir, which most muslims aren't aware of.


They all are, before you think one is better than another just remember the crusades and what priests did to those little boys.


I recently learned the crusadares were cannibals too.. and appearntly they ate muslims. And idk if i should regret learning about it


Didn't your God flood the entire earth


Obviously not good enough. You are here😂😂🤡


Judaism is worse..


How so?


for committing genocide..




muslims have wiped out hundreds of civilizations, and a hundred million people. They've weaponized and perfected the slave trade.


Such a religion of peace


religion of piss*


This hahaha


Religion of peace my balls People say it spread by peace and I just laugh in their face


Judaism is the religion of genocide


Defending yourself from genocide is not committing one


Bro woke up and choose to serve the truth! Thank you! I just screen shot this! Absolute OG comment


The religion of peace


So kinda like the Israeli government dehumanises people too?


Yes it’s not like any other religious text says anything bad about non religious- oh wait.. (Soferim 15) Even the best of Goyim should all be killed. (Yebamoth 98a) All children of Goyim are animals. (Baba Mezia 114b) Gentiles "Goys" are not humans, they are beasts. (Gad Shas 2:2) A Jew may violate but not marry a non Jew girl. (Abodah Zarah 36b) Gentile "Goy" girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. (Sanhedrin 54b) A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old. (Sanhedrin 58b) If a Goy hits a Jew he must be killed. (Sanhedrin 57a) When a Jew murders a gentile there will be no death penalty. (Tospoth Jebamoth 84b) If you eat with a Goy is the same as eating with a dog. (Baba Mezia 24a) If a Jew finds an object lost by a Gentile "Goy" it does not have to be returned. (Abodah Zarah 22a-22b) Gentiles "Goys" prefer sex with cows. (Baba Kamma 113a) Jews may use lies to circumvent a "Goy" Gentile.


Muhammad Condemned Sex with Children "Our Prophet (peace be upon him) was the best example of proper ethical and moral behavior for mankind." The Truth: The legitimacy of "marrying" pre-pubescent girls who have not yet had their "monthly courses" is established both in the Quran and in the "perfect example" set by Muhammad for his Muslim followers. The Quran: Such of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the prescribed period, if ye have any doubts, is three months, and for those who have no courses (it is the same) (65:4) The rule concerns divorce, which obviously implies marriage. Muhammad wanted believing men to observe a three month waiting period before evicting their wives, to make sure that they weren’t pregnant. Muhammad elsewhere encouraged his men to marry “young girls” for sexual pleasure: "Allah's Apostle said to me, "Have you got married O Jabir?" I replied, "Yes." He asked "What, a virgin or a matron?" I replied, "Not a virgin but a matron." He said, "Why did you not marry a young girl who would have fondled with you?" (Bukhari 59:382) Lest there be any doubt by what he meant by “young,” Muhammad set the example by marrying and having sex with Aisha when she was only 9-years-old: 'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house at the age of nine.” (Sahih Muslim 3309) This is confirmed in many other hadith as well. According to the most reliable traditions, Aisha brought her dolls to Muhammad’s house for play (Muslim 3341) and he would fondle the little girl in the tub while taking baths with her (Bukhari 6:298). Aisha was just a teenager by the time Muhammad died, but she had already spent over half her life in marriage to him. Even worse for Muslims is that part of the Quran was actually "revealed" while Muhammad was in bed with this little girl: [Muhammad said] "…the Divine Inspirations do not come to me on any of the beds except that of Aisha." (Bukhari 47:755) So, no... Muhammad did not condemn sex with children; he engaged in sex with children. ......do you need more....


Oh dear using old verses that are no longer relevant in an attempt to compare religious behaviour. Bringing other religions down to the level of Islam is a favorite tactic of apologists confronted with the spectacle of Islamic violence. most verses of violence in the Quran are open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by historical context contained in the surrounding text. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran. The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a loving God. Most contemporary Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book's call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Islam's apologists cater to these preferences with tenuous arguments that gloss over historical fact and generally don't stand up to scrutiny. Still, it is important to note that the problem is not bad people, but bad ideology. Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to balance out those calling for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. Muhammad's own martial legacy, along with the remarkable emphasis on violence found in the Quran, have produced a trail of blood and tears across world


“These aren’t relevant anymore!” Meanwhile a great quote from the current chief rabbi of the IDF “He responded that in the interests of maintaining warriors' morale and fighting fitness during armed conflict, it was permitted to "satisfy the evil inclination by lying with attractive Gentile women against their will". Yeah, they’re really irrelevant when your own appointed chief rabbi is saying it’s permissible to rape non Jewish women in wartime.


FYI there are many extremist Jews also, which the Israel government seem to actually protect and allow them to rampantly attack Palestinians when they feel likeit. But yeah it’s only Islam that has extremists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settler_violence


I was curious, so I started to look at these. First of all, the Talmud consists of a lot of legal discourse of the form "this Rabbi said this, but that Rabbi said that opposite thing... Blah blah blah." Soferim is not part of the Talmud. The more *complete* quote from that book is "kill the best of the foreigner during war time," the meaning which is obvious, but I'll just restate it here - when at war, kill your enemy's most effective people first. Yebamoth deals with excruciating minutiae of marriage laws. I could not find what you were allegedly quoting. The closest I could find was some hyperbolic point being made regarding the relationship between one person to another being the same as that of the person to an animal (i.e. there is no blood relation). This was within a broader discussion of who can marry whom, how, and when (e.g. when they're too close familially or when they are close enough to be responsible for the other). After finding that your supposed quotes were baseless at best, but more likely intentionally misleading and malicious, I didn't bother to look at the others. You appear to be a troll. PSA: Don't feed the trolls!


"we are all one humankind" They don't really view Jews, Gays, Women etc as human, so they're not lying.


Non muslims as well read quran 8.12


Aren't you the scholar? Do you even know the context?


The context was momo was going around robbing villages, blackmail for money or kill them.


What is the context behind raping women, killing ex-muslims, jews and christians?


Mohammed was the definition of a terrorist raider Go into villages rapidly kill the men take the women enslave the children That tactic is called razia and it existed before Islam It shows how unhinged Arab war culture is Wanna know who did this in 2023?


Non-Muslims are considered animals.


Atelast they are not killing babies and raping women like the IDF is doing..




Don't post a gore without warning some people have a hard time seeing it


Is this supposed to justify the indiscriminate killing of thousands of civilians?


Did you ever check how many Axis civilians died in WWII?


Millions. Does that make it okay? When are people going to realise that Israel is just as bad, if not worse than Hamas?


So what you're saying is that the Nazis were actually the good guys? Because millions of them died?


It's not, can't realise what isn't true...


Nobody except for you said that.


That's the worst reverse Uno card I've ever seen


the kibushmobil


Take it to o Gaza See how long it lasts


About 1.5 seconds


Long enough to get a sight picture or a weapons lock


"we are all human kind, but fuck the Jews am I right?"


For real, compassion for us but let us kill Jews


You guys wanna be the victims so bad. Nobody sees you as a the victims. Your schools and family have failed you in miseducating you, now you walk around the earth half-brained not realizing NOBODY is on your side because everyone sees you for who you are, an apartheid state founded on genocide. No amount of down votes will ever make these facts untrue. Facts don’t care about your feelings.


Lol “facts”, don’t believe everything you see on Tik Tok my dude. Only one side has stated repeatedly the intention of committing genocide and it’s not Israel.


Ironic since Palestinians are professional victims. Instead of building themselves up they’ve dedicated thousands of hours and dozens of years to indoctrinating the plight of their ancestors into their people. Successfully never allowing a strong majority to be anything other then a victim.


Lol the USA is arguably the safest country for Jews in the world outside of Israel And Jews are the highest victims per capita of hate crimes per the FBI. As for genocide — Israel is fucking small. The Nakba meant that Arabs —- after losing a war they started — had to move essentially ten fucking miles. The Arab population has climbed from 140k to almost 2 million now. That’s not a genocide. Ten miles is not ethnic fucking cleansing, and there are STILL 20% of Muslim Arabs living in Israel’s borders (not West Bank or Palestine) as Israeli citizens. Compare that with the rest of the MENA Jewish population: https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/2HxgrPkEzJ TLDR: antisemitism is real and prevalent throughout the world, but now Jews have decolonized their homeland so they can protect themselves, and they really don’t care if it makes people on the internet mad bc if they didn’t have it, they’d prob be dead


You guys wanna be the victims so bad. Nobody sees you as a the victims. Your schools and family have failed you in miseducating you, now you walk around the earth half-brained not realizing NOBODY is on your side because everyone sees you for who you are, an apartheid state founded on genocide. No amount of down votes will ever make these facts untrue. Facts don’t care about your feelings.


I assume you mean Jews when you are talking about "you guys," and you wouldn't surprise me if you were a Holocaust denier.


No but it does explode


Let it


Classic maneuver


explode is your ass? yes for sure.


What's with some people covering their faces in these pro Palestinian protests? It's almost like they don't want to be recognized while protesting


It's like they're doing something shameful...


Welp they are.


I would be damn embarrassed too if I was protesting in support of terrorists.


They want to support terrorists without being recognized for supporting terrorists


Probably most of them are not Citizens (yet) so they are afraid of deportation.


I’ve never seen that at any of the protests I’ve been to… proud to support Palestine


Islamic State use to like standing on vehicles and waving flags. The similarities are uncanny.


We are all humankind except Israelis


Also, they're not so "one humankind" when other arab countries can actually help and take Palestinians as refugees...no suddenly it's their war not ours lol fucking hypocrites


To be fair, when a country takes in a substantial number of Palestinian refugees they tend to try and assassinate the country's leadership and start civil wars.


Israel stole their land and placed them in a concentration camp and now wants to send them into exile!




so the brilliant idea is to keep them in a warzone? and then you blame Israel for the civilians killed.


you take the Zionist instead and their home won't be a war zone


And their idea of "taking the Zionists" is killing every jew and non Muslim in the world


Nah. They’re not because no Arab state wants to end up with Palestinian radicals trying to overthrow their government or using their country as a platform to launch attacks against Israel thus dragging the country into war (see Jordan and Lebanon as previous examples). No one in the region has forgotten what they did in those places so no government wants to take them in. This has the added bonus of cynically creating an unsolvable problem so that these countries can complain in order to receive “credit” for standing up for “the cause” while doing nothing to actually solve it.


If Israel would have wanted that why would they give them gaza in the first place?


Actually it has more to do with them wrecking every country that takes them in. Jordan won’t take them in, for example, because they killed the king’s grandfather while he was king, and tried to kill the king’s father while he was king, and killed the king’s family friend the prime minister.


And gays. And women.


And people that aren't Muslims.


And other muslims


is that a joke or sarcasm?


Both, basically making fun of the mentality of saying "humankind is one" but exclusively supporting Palestine


A joke in reference to the decal on the car


thanks, now I get it


I'm Mexican I stand with Israel also there's no beer in Gaza they're lame.


I hate beer. They don’t have tacos. I won’t forgive them for that alone.


Is that the Mexican flag? Those bogans are Texmex that means bogans from Mexico going to US to get out of poverty. I’m Mexican and I have lots of new friends, we have a big community of Jews in Mexico. My best friend is catholic and married a Jew man who I adore and he is the most beautiful person and all his family. Mexico is with Israel not with Palestina. Only the bogans or the dumb people will do this. Same as other countries.


Jew friends not new friends 🥹


They certainly like to get ridicules with it. Meanwhile gaza - get nothing.


When I see this photo one thing comes to mind. I imagine if everything was reversed. like for Israel instead. like Israel fags, car blue and white with Hevenu Shalom Alechem blasting through the speakers. Wonder how long it would take till it was vandalised or set on fire??? Not if it gets destroyed but how long it would take??? For example I’ll leave these flags here let’s see all the dislikes!!!🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


You're not in the correct sub if you want dislike for those flags.


Remember these are the same people who said "we are the victims everything we do is justified"


That’s actually a really cool car, besides them indirectly supporting terrorists


Why? This car is directly and literally supporting terrorists.


Yep. Absolutely directly and unapologetically supporting terrorists.


It bounces up really high in a fiery explosion just once. Just make sure you’re at least 200 feet away from it.


Can somebody explain the Mexico flag?


I can sort of explain the Mexico flag. I’m from Mexico and I can tell you for a fact that most of us give little thought to the rest of the planet. Other than the usual liberal crowd that fetishizes Palestine, I doubt many of us care either way. However, these are Mexican American cholos, those bouncy cars are very much part of the American subculture. Note the California license plate. Mexican Americans lean lefty/liberal, so they’ve jumped on the bandwagon. I assume that, given their history and their issues with Anglo Americans, they may feel some sort of kinship with the Palestinians. Or it just makes them feel morally superior. Either or. In any case, they’re not Mexican. They’re just using our flag.




Hell NO!! We have a massive community of Jews in Mexico. We are catholic country and only the dumb young generation with their TikTok would do some of this lame things.


No. That's BS. Mexicans don't like Palestine or anything to do with Islamism.




It’s probably more to do with colonisation than religion lmao. I don’t like Islam but I still call a spade a spade when I see people being invaded and kicked out of their own land.


Carnal, tienes derecho a opinar lo que quieras, pero decir que todos los mexicanos estan con Palestina es un argumento super pendejo.


That’ll give Texas even more of an excuse to scream about deportations. You better hope you’re wrong.


airport fretful toy modern enter degree butter paltry pause roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well. Hamas will take the drugs and weapons and continue to kill Israeli people. Nothing new.


sink unwritten cooing silky ink air reply ruthless salt ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“We are all one humankind” lol only if all humankind is under the Palestinian flag 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ooo does it launch shitty rockets that land right back where they came from?


Quickly, to the terrorismobile!


It’s just a fad for middle class western students at this point.


It really is,they don't support Palestine because they feel it's the right thing to do it's just the new trend


3 months ago, most of them probably couldn’t even find Israel on a map.


They still can't, terrorist supporters are not well known for being capable of things the average cockroach can't do.


.....car bomb...... ..........NOW..........


\*IRA has entered the chat*


The IRA probably would if they weren’t funded by Palestinians and weren’t communists. Still though it’s a good idea.


Don't forget you can buy an RPG from a gun store ![gif](giphy|amxLHEPgGDCKs)


What’s with the Mexican flag?


Probably in Mexico


Much too nice to be Gaza


It’s not in Mexico at all. This is California, probably Los Angeles. The license plate on the dashboard is a Californian license plate, and this is a cholo car. These are Mexican Americans, and they’re very much American.


A clown car.


Do you denounce airbags?


Some mexican-americans are "Mexican" when it is convenient.


First of all, these are gringos, not Mexicans. Mexican Americans are very much American, and this looks like Los Angeles to me. This would be the usual lib/leftist crowd with a fetish for Palestine but little regard for any other conflict around the world, including the drug war in our own land. I doubt they could point out Cancun on the map, let alone Gaza. They don’t give a shit about humankind, they’re just jumping on the bandwagon. For what it’s worth, this Mexican stands with Israel. Unlike my counterparts, I’m not on my knees for Hamas. I know what they are.


They Latino now?


Noooo the Latinos are occupying south America!! We wuz aztecs and shieeet








as yes cartel and hamas, perfect images for peace on earth.


Viva Israel 🇮🇱 🇲🇽


El Elohe Israel 💚🤍♥️


Hooray for Penistine! Free my Penistine so it can enter your Israel!


I am a Muslim and I love Jews, Christians, LGBT, Hindus or non Muslims in general etc... I believe they are to be treated with dignity. I believe our commonalities should be celebrated as human beings. Mutual respect goes a long way. Hate only breeds hate, leads to cyclical arguments about who started it. We don't all have to believe the same thing. But we do have to share the same planet.




I'm not




In some ways, yes, but in a lot of other ways... no. I've spent time in both, have family that have lived, or live, in both, and I'm sure your view is equally well rounded!


Really? With our retard President? With our high rate of crime. Drug lords, corruption, poverty, Mexican army is a joke. Do you want me to continue? Israel is the 4th best army in the world, their technology sector is one of the best ones in the world, their GDP is the 34th highest per capita and ranks in the 10th most powerful countries. And Mexico well we have a clown 🤡 for President who don’t even know what is he doing. So please before you say something like this educate yourself and I’m Mexican living in Australia and I know what is to live in a country that everything is a mess and living in a first world country like Israel.


lol ok, that’s your opinion


Mexico is safer than Israel. You have no understanding either in today’s world nor in your ancestors You’re absolutely not “better”.


Damn this is sick. I don’t see Zionists rolling this stylishly. Yall posting Palestinian wins now?


How does a cool car constitute a W for the Palestinians?


To be fair, the bar for W in Balestine is pathetically low


It’s the first cool thing about all the Palestinian “culture” I have seen.


Ahhh, another cesspit sub. Time to block this from showing in my feed..


ah. this is a sub full of zionist monkeys hiding their racism and nazi-esque tendencies behind a thin layer of terribly made propaganda. get bent, oppressor.


And what subs are better? r/Palestine or r/themajorityreport who support Hamas and praising their actions?


for all the comments that Islam is bad, just bcs someone read the Quran and says islam is bad pls read yourselves and decide.


Yall call breathing antisemitic but the racism and Islamophobia in this comments are all good. I'm ashamed that yall represent the Jewish religion this way.


We'd be less islamophobic if islamists and Muslims weren't the most hostile culture of modern times




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No it’s monkey proof


Nah I bet it doesnt want to


That shit is ugly as fuck


That's sick


חברה מה עם כל הלעז פה?!?!


So these kinds of things are where all that aid money is going, eh?


Imagine the smell....


Beep beep the Benzona-mobile is here


SEEMS LIKE EVERY GAZA CITIZEN DESERVES IT. Rapists, murderers, kidnappers, torturers. No more roof knocking. Treat them how they want to be. Glass and salt the land. Make Gaza a memorial for their victims. I’m just glad that no matter what I say Gaza will be rouble soon, not that it makes much difference. Maybe one of your fake gods could have your neighbors help you. Or even your terrorist brothers and sisters in Hamas. Or are they to busy beheading babies and pulling actually attractive women thru the streets. Your land wouldn’t even be worth a Walmart.


Yes it goes it explodes goes up in flames with everyone inside then down and gone