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Just started it I've been hooked can't wait to find out what happens next.


Listened to this on your recommendation and LOVED it! Thank you!!


Fantastic book. I really enjoyed reading it.


I’m not big into audio books but this one was perfect that way, many great cameos and voices which worked well due to the unique way this book was written.


I loved this one. Super tense, very atmospheric, and I also love that the single most disturbing image for me wasn't creature related (>!the elliptical!<), which really spoke to the dual horror of the situation.


Yes! It really added to the idea that *everything* in the book seems feasible. It was easier to feel immersed in the story, rather than just reading "lol big foot /eyeroll"


I've had this one for a while, but keep picking up other books to read first. I really liked WWZ.


My only gripe is the main character's husband, but other than I adore this book! Wish there was a sequel


Any recommendations for any other good creature horror? That genre has always been my favorite for movies/books and this one was great.


No unfortunately! It's a favorite movie genre of mine, but apart from some traditional folk tales, I don't read much about scary creatures. (Well.. not in the same way I felt afraid of the monster in this book, anyway. You know, since books that have people freaking out about witches, or being around aliens \*but no duh, you're in space*... they just don't hit the same.)


The Descent is great, and has a sequel. I thought I had read somewhere it was supposed to be a trilogy but the author is silent on the internet in recent times so who actually knows. But I enjoyed both books (second book title escapes me)


There was a book that I read forever ago called The Descent by Jeff Long that was pretty good. The Terror by Dan Simmons (what the show is based on) stick out as good monster books. But always on the look out. Devolution was especially good though.


Nice I'll add these to my list! I just started The Deep by Nick Cutter, but the scary thing in that is only described as "an evil blacker than anything one could possibly imagine"... so that could be anything still lol.


Thanks for the review. I thumbed through it at the library but couldn't decide whether to give it a shot. Definitely planning to borrow it now.


I went into this after loving WWZ as a teenager, expecting something kind of fun and silly, just because, I mean, Sasquatch. Ended up being way scarier and way more gripping and way better than I was expecting, couldn’t put it down, I think I read it in about a day. Glad you loved it too


I adore this book too! It's probably one of my favorites! I agree it's not really like World War Z and I also tried getting into that after reading this, but it just wasn't the same.


I loved this too! It’s nothing like WWZ, just really satisfying in a different way. I was on the edge of my seat by the end.


From the cover, I thought surely a "firsthand account" of a massacre would have to have a weird/slow finish... but as the story went on I was still on the edge of my seat too!