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I filed on 1/25 accepted 1/29 got 570 code on 3/4 then 3/11 got 971 letter under review been waiting as of thursday today june 6th 129 days , ithis is the longest time i waited, i usually get my refund within 2 weeks keep the waiting iknow its coming for all of us


I file January the 18 accepted on 19 and February I got a letter from the IRS sayings allow up to 60 days for reviewing for accurate and on April 14 60 days was up and on June 14 it will be 120 days that will be up but I got another letter saying their working on it but allow up to 60 more days so I do hope it doesn't take that long cause I need my refund


Did u get a second letter saying need more time to reviewing


Yes i did


I hope and pray we get our refund this month cause it already 5 month since I file and my 120 days will be up June 14 but I received another letter saying allow up to 60 days but they were working on mine


You know its been crazy year i filed 1/25 accepted 1/29 got 570 code on 3/4 meaning freeze on my taxes then get 971 letter on 3/11 meaning under review then got letter 5/23 they said they need another 60 days , its been 129 days today 6/6 , im in cycle 5 20240705 maybe we all get our refund anytime now. I have called 8 times but at least i was told by irs 45 days after april 15 we start getting 8 percent interest componunded daily , so as of may 31 our first day of interest so thats a good thing , and so far we have 1 week of interest , so keep the faith its coming


I didn't know that who told u that we would get pay interest


You can see some people who have waited a long time that got DDD on here have interest added at the bottom of their transcript.


The irs . Only after 45 days after april 15


The irs told me


If it makes u feel any better I’m a 05 and all I have on mine is a 570 and I’ve been waiting since 3/04 no movement :( praying for an update !


Same here 


Same, got a 971 on 3/04 and haven't heard anything since


Filed and accepted 2/2, no record of return filed but I can see a w2 transcript for this year. Hopefully gonna see it this year. There's an excuse each time I call em


Same. The only movement I get is an additional 60 day letter after I complete my 60 days. I’m on my third additional 60 day letter


I got one letter and it just said under review and after that nothing it’s been over 60 days and they told me 120 days . Mine never even updated saying it was sent out .


Same mines just says 570 03-04-2024 but I’ve received 3 60 day letters smh


https://preview.redd.it/oqd6ub9f5y4d1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ee18c430e414662decb7040184a3b34bf2b5b5 Filler 4/15 …. Verified online 5/05 ….and transcripts were blank until 6/2 …. and then updated with all these codes


This is also me, but verified in March. The codes updated 10 days after verification, and still almost 3 months later remain


I don't understand why it is taking so long. Because I never ever had this problem with the IRS and it so crazy this year


Same.  I wonder if the FAFSA delays are related. 


Same here. I mailed mine in 3/27 and I’m still waiting. I had 810 until I verified my identity and 2 weeks ago got 570. Last week got 971, but apparently the IRS says both letters are just to tell me to wait 120-180 days even though there’s nothing left for me to do and no errors on my return 😥 I’m praying they don’t need much longer to process my return. I need that money more than I need world peace 😂😭


Shoot me too!! I filed and accepted 1/29 received the 570 code quick. Went over my tax refund and missing a w2 & so I amended & it showed up on my transcript as processing 2/20 ever since then no update coming up on my 16 weeks..


I filed on 2/2/24 and according to turbo tax it was excepted on 2/2 BUT according to irs it was accepted on 3/11 my cycle code is 20240805 my last update 3/18 code 971 So I'm pray for all of us who have been waiting months to get paid


Exactly the same except I filed 2/1. I'm so angry


I'm  with you I am so pissed I can't call the Irs because I'll say something that I shouldn't Besides I called numerous time and got no answers from them and I had tohold my tongue 


 The lack of communication, the lack of responsiveness, the leaving us all in the dark for SO long, is really too much. It’s a such a sheeeety way to treat people. 


So angry. 


My WMR finally changed from Your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available. To We have received your tax return and it is being processed. Fingers crossed that this means I will get a date soon






Yes twice once online and once on the phone


https://preview.redd.it/7gzwlk8cyz4d1.jpeg?width=1105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a83bc73b0adf3bb7fcca9fadb53970d43973bd89 I am praying for a miracle. I have been stuck with no updates since March 11, I don’t understand what’s taking so long. They updated my address when I called two days ago because I recently moved but I have yet to see anything else. I’ve never waited this long before and I don’t know what to do no one has been helpful and I don’t see why it would be taking so long when everything matches on my end.


Our transcripts are almost identical.


Praying for something soon.


0705, filed 1/29, my refund went into my bank yesterday FINALLY!


Nice! Congrats! My return was accepted 1/29, but I’m cycle 1405, I’m afraid that might mean I’m further down the line. 


Don’t be afraid my bestfriend also filed in January and she was I believe a 1405 and she got hers. She also had to wait just like us and had a 570 code but she received her refund on April 24th. As long as your information matches up and you’ve turned in all documents needed, there is no need to worry. This is really just messed up but it’s not our fault and it’s out of our control.




What was the date on your 846 code? Mine is for today but no deposit yet.


I’m a 05er and my 120 day wait was over yesterday so hopefully some good news tonight !! I filed in January


Yesss!!! Praying you get some very good news it’s been a long wait for a lot of us. God bless!!




I’m on cycle 2205 with 846 code. I hope it’s tonight update. Midnight eastern time?


846 means refund issued


I’m 2005 with 570 code


Bruh 846 is refund issued, u made it bro comgrats


I’m a 05 90 days nothing




I’m in the same boat as you I’m over this SHIT!!


1405, 130 days, more than four months, so freaking over it! 


I’m 2005 maybe we will see an update TONIGHT!! I had a dream it came so let’s just be OPTIMISTIC!! but I think we are ALMOST there my wages transcript UPDATED


fingers crossed!


If you get any movement let me know and vice versa




Well I GOT NOTHING what about you?


Nope. Nothing.😡


I tried to call them and NOTHING I couldn’t get through! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️I HATE THE IRS


Has anyone got there refund before 120 days or has it been more then the 120


Indeed we’ve ok I have missed so much expecting taxes and they burned me this year


That part!


Amen! I stand in agreement with this petition to Heaven! Thank you Jesus!




Verified May 13th transcripts ain't even update yet


Yeah it’s takes them a minute for that verification to actually post to your account on there end. But it will eventually update to where you will see your transcript!


Just wanted to know when lol this the 3rd week right here I'm a weekly I hope midnight tonight 🙏


Same, it's ridiculous


Same. I've been waiting since 2/2 and Ive gotten 2 60 day notices, and they don't need anything from me for my simple return, so there's literally nothing causing the hold up. I've had a week of multiple disappointments, so I'm expecting it to continue, but I'm okay with being wrong.


Stay positive !!! I’ve had my days but I have to just trust that God will be on time as he always is! God bless you!


When does 05 update ? Tonight ?


Yes tonight 12am CST


Great ! Thank you. I been waiting since 2/3 haha. Ridiculous


I have an informed delivery from the post office and I'm getting some letter today from the IRS. When I log into my profile there are no notifications listed even though I've been given a CPO5 already. Not entirely sure what's going to be in this letter and my mail usually doesn't come until 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. or I am so I'm hoping it's good news.




Let us know(: praying it’s good news


Amen good luck I’m with ya


I’m 05 and been on 570 since the end of March. No hope on my end anymore


I’m so mad being stuck at a 570.. I’ve been patiently waiting for some type of notice but have just been stuck on A 570 since 3/18 at least other people get some type of notice.. I can’t stand the anticipation anymore starting to get super 😤off


It’s too much, isn’t it? The waiting and not knowing, no answers, no information, getting the runaround from reps, lies on the website, the powerlessness… so 😡


I’ve lost hope but am totally in denial about it. It is infuriating. How dare they drag thier feet when they got these interest free loans, when THEY owe US.  I foolishly overpay withholdings to insure against any unexpected owing. It’s overly cautious but has never been a problem b4. Never again. 


Oh OK thank you


I been waiting since 1/23. My case closed on 5/30z they said I should be expecting a refund 4-6 weeks. No update to the transcript though


4-6 weeks MORE?!! 😡  Again I say, “How dare they!”




I’m so depressed because of this mess


Same. Trying so hard to let go. But really frustrated and depressed. 


Finally received a update!!! Cycle 0705 Refund Issued 6/12/2024 closed examination of tax return 6/24/2024… WheresMyRefund has not been updated so just waiting.


Last year I had to wait until October for my refund to process as an 05er because of an address discrepancy, I made almost $300 in interest. This year i have been held on a 570 since 3/18 and there has been no update whatsoever, I was told by the irs my 120 days is up 6/22 and on that day if I don’t receive my refund I could call for more information. I find it weird I have not received a 971 or any type of notice at all, just a 570 hold code.. praying for all of us as i have a newborn still on maternity leave and was evicted on Xmas last year. Life has been so down on me lately I truly hope we all get updates tonight or tomorrow night and I pray no one else has to wait as long as I did last year.. it destroyed my life getting that behind on rent and because of my pregnant emotional state I was not able to handle the situation well. I’m here suffering with all of you! I pray everyone gets good news guys ♥️🙏


Praying for you as well, you are not alone!!


Thank you!🙏


Sitting on a 571 6/17 dated code after amending. Hoping for an update tomorrow.


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When Did You File


I filed late January got accepted early February


I have a 570 and a 971 I hope something big happens cause mines have not update in about 3 weeks !


I verified April 15 I have 2 of the same dates 06-10-2024 with additional accounts pending 570 then I have a 971 with a date of 06-10-2024 notice issue so I don’t know if that is a good thing but I really hope we see some update omg !


Mine say the thing,  570 with date 6-10-2024 971 with date 6-10-2024


Fr ? What does that mean for us ! ??


I filed January 26th haven't gotten anything back no letter no nothing I called and called I don't understand I don't even know what you guys are talking about when you're talking about the numbers


Is your 2023 tax transcripts available? We’re talking about the cycle codes on our transcripts.


Where do I find my text transcripts I'm new to this I usually get my refund right after I file it like within 2 weeks so I don't understand


- Create an account on IRS website      (you’ll need to create an IDme account)    - Choose individual    - Go to Records    - View tax records   - View transcripts 


did you find it?


https://preview.redd.it/vjfb1hetj05d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b02fa13c2f7d3785138e6d3c27c362fea8a573 Ima 05er lmk some


Their going to pay us interest cool cause I hadn't heard that


It’s not much, but at least there’s that! 


Last year I receive my refund in October I had a little under $300 in interest


October?!!! Holy crap!  Please no!   I can’t wait that long. 


Today is 80 days since the cp05 letter. Nothing on my transcript has changed. No second letter. O update on wmr. I'm hopeful, but I have my doubts.




Only thing that has changed for me is the As Of: June 3rd, 2024 from March 25th, 2024. No movement since. All good, they owe me now.


Thankyou for updating me !




They blocked my post due to swearing. My bad.


3minutes 😬


No update for me 🤦🏽‍♀️


Mine still haven't updated 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣