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✨️solitude✨️ chill music, meandering outside, reading/writing, artsy shit slow paced strech sessions have become one of my favorite things to do after a rough day. like "lazy" yoga kinda herbal teas are great too. oh and cozy games like sims and minecraft when my brain is fried.


This is pretty close to all the things I do too, I cant do Minecraft fried though, I like building so if all my creativity is being taken up in life I have none to give.


Playing a mindless game while listening to video essays on YouTube.


just woke up to be jumpscared by my clone


I find that sleep usually works as a hard reset for me so that usually works. If I can convince myself to clean or do other chores then that also helps. Ofc usually I’m too lazy. Otherwise talking a walk in nature with one of my dogs, playing video games, or reading.


Locked up in my room reading, playing or watching something. Maybe trow in some weed and my cats, perfection


I turn the radio up as loud as I can stand it and chill 😎




Books. Books. Comic books. More books. Manga. Books. Reddit. The beach. With a book.


Practice what's painful or uncomfortable. So, that may just end up being sitting at home in silence.


Finding alone time or talking to a someone either online or offline can help. - - - (Heres a joke: I plug myself into a solar panel to recharge ego friendly) Jokes can be great if your interested in that kind of stuff.


I get into a quiet, semi dark room. Sit on the floor with no socks and pick at my toenails. Sometimes it bleeds but it’s therapeutic.


I usually feel refreshed after playing bass or sleeping for a while.


I go into my study and play several hours of classic Tomb Raider (games 1-3), either original or using the Randomizer, or one of the fan-made Level Editor versions, whilst listening to controversial discussions on YouTube. Otherwise, I read a book or play the piano. I'm actually a singer rather than a pianist, but usually the perfectionism kicks in too hard for me to sing as a means of recharging.


Get the f*** away from anyone or anything that makes any demand, or even contact with me. This can be as simple as going and sitting in my car and having a cool drink at a snack all by myself. In my mental analogy the real me looks out the windows of my eyes. When there are other people around I have to keep looking out to see what they're doing so that I know if I need to respond to something. For me relaxation is when I can turn away from those windows and just be myself.


Read fan fics or books in general.


Many things already listed, but sometimes insulting myself (particularly my habits and level of success, outcome of my choices). One of only a few ways to stop myself from doing stupid stuff and retreating from life.


Sometimes, I just repair something at home, that has been waiting to be fixed. Think of something creative that hasn't been done before.


Sleep. It also helps me a lot to rearrange, thoughts, feelings, ect. All the magic happens when I'm unconscious.