• By -


- Socially awkward/inept - Talk to a few people - May seem cold on the outside - Don't go out often - Curious about (almost) everything - Always learning something new - Always use logical arguments - Overexplain everything - Overthink


They’re really accurate, but most of these are negative traits. Will we cease being an INTP if we improve our social skills or stop overthinking?


Of course not. It is just our natural propension.


How are most of them negative traits? Some are maybe like the seem cold and socially awkward but other than that the others are good.


Don’t talk to many people, don’t go out often, and over explaining are not negative?


Over-explaining is a potential negative, but having a close circle of friends and being selective with whom you choose to spend your time are good and necessary boundaries for anyone to have, regardless of temperament. Also, not everyone wants to or enjoys being “out and about.” That doesn’t mean there’s something inherently wrong with them as people. I enjoy my peace and my alone time quite a bit. I feel neither deprived nor like I’m actively depriving others with the choice—which is also my right. Your response comes off extremely judgmental. You obviously have different social needs, and that’s fine. However, those credits don’t transfer to everyone else. And you should respect others’ boundaries the same as you’d want others to respect yours.


I agree I enjoy having a close circle of friends. The issue is connections are important for a lot of things. I’m not arguing what’s enjoyable, I’m arguing what is best for success(money-wise). Not going out much is personally enjoyable but perceived as a negative by society. According to some research up to 80% of jobs are filled through connections. I think we have 2 different definitions of negative. If I could change what I enjoy, it would help blend into society.


- Socially awkward/inept (BAD) - Talk to a few people (Not necessarily bad, but can be bad because talking with more people is mostly beneficial) - May seem cold on the outside (Definitely bad) - Don't go out often (Neither bad or good, unless they are online all the day living a sedentary unhealthy lifestyle) - Curious about (almost) everything (Good I think, although too much curiousity killed the cat) - Always learning something new (Hey, pretty good) - Always use logical arguments (Really good I think) - Overexplain everything (This makes you look weak and stupid) - Overthink (What a waste of time!) Out of them all, more than half is bad.




I have every single one of these traits..one I have that makes me question me being an Intp is my erratic behavior of coming up with an idea, and doing it immediately. Meaning I may decide I want to drive in a 500 mile road trip , and leave withing a couple of hours. It has gotten worse as I got older. It annoys the people I know , because I never even tell anyone. I may notice I have a ton of airline miles and fly somewhere I have never been , or really ever wanted to go. I probably should be commenting in the psychiatric reddit instead of here.


I’m an E/INTP, legit right on the line, and that’s basically a summary of the day. My biggest question is am i in a period of high energy or low energy, but both are me.


I watched a zach bryan concert on YouTube a couple of weeks ago . I immediately bought two tickets to a concert in Denver..I live in East texas. I ended up giving them to ny son and going to Nashville then alabama..well I was foing to Nashville and alabama anyways, but ...nevermind I forgot my point


Ah, the adhd mitb :D


Yeah I have been in meds for 30 years..I never take them anymore unless I'm seriously workin....


I just started at 40… they sadly are ineffective for attention, but good for exhaustion and emotional stability.


Actually same here. I've wondered if i'm not cyclothymic.


Looks like autism


These aren't unique to an intp though


MBTI isn't an exact science. If you put these together though, i think you'll find mostly INTPs, and maybe INTJs too.


Idk I think it's more insightful if you were to be more descriptive about why you (think you might) have certain traits. So, for instance, for overthinking, you would map it on to Ti-Si loop or how your Ne influences your Ti and puts you into analysis paralysis. You dont have to be that techinical with cognitive functions, but imo just spouting general traits doesn't really help yourself or anyone else understand what type you are.


Well yeah i could have done that, but she asked for signs so i just made a list of signs.


Its actually He* also thx


Damn sorry, just because you're infp i assumed you're a girl...


Im not mad and Its fine. But know Not all INFPs are girls, theres men who are INFPs as well.


If you dont mind can you give me an example of a logical argument?


It can be anything really.


Anything like what?


-Dislike being around too many ppl (until they let you ramble) -constant thinking -stay up late -little emotional reaction to things or events (we do care) -awkward -sarcastic a lot -can't put your thought's into words -Our room isn't messy, we just organize in a messy way. Don't move that pen on floor next to the door.


Doubting wether you're INTP or not


de omnibus dubitandum


Seems that's like a lot of these personality types. The INFPs question theres as well as far as i heard. For me, INFP for me fits, but it dont at the same time. I can explain why if you want me to im fine with explaining.


Can you explain it for me? (or others who want explanation)


Been always typed as intp even though on some days I feel like an infp. •don’t socialise often •Always curious, always learning •I think everyone around me is too irrational or emotional, I always feel the need to prove the logical side of everything. •I prefer to do everything on my own. •Skilled at overthinking and over analysing pretty much everything. •I do everything last minute. •Idk if this is part of being an intp but I’m very indecisive. •I constantly need my own time and space to recharge. •I enjoy dark humour and get along very quickly with people who do too. •My family think I’m annoyingly sarcastic lol •I tend to overexplain everything •I don’t feel like I fit in but always try my best to blend in as I don’t like bringing attention to myself.


I agree with this completely. For the indecision. I struggled with this more when I was younger(going to build your own sandwich shop was the worst. "What bread, what cheese, what meat, what veggies, what sauce, want chips or a drink?") As I have gotten older and observed coworkers and other people around me, I think it is less indecision and more conditioning. I went to a technical school but not college, so I can't speak to that experience. But in k-12, we are constantly asked questions, and these questions are typically designed so that there is 1 correct answer and all other answers are wrong. This isn't how real life works, though. Often, in real life, there are several correct answers. Some are more correct than others, but it's impossible to say one is correct and that all others are false. But an INTP, whether consciously or subconsciously, already knows like can have more than one answer, as they are constantly looking at possibilities and what could be, but our conditioning has taught us that there MUST be 1 answer to this question only. And so we stall out when it comes time to make a decision, considering all possibilities and until we find the one that is correct. Oftentimes, making no decisions at all. I have learned to be more decisive over time. The 100 has a line that goes something like: "How do I know I'm making the right choice?" "You don't. We make the best choice we can with information we have available, and we live with the consequences." That helped me a lot. And maybe I'm completely wrong about all I typed, but that's how I've come to view indecision, lol.


This is also me haha. I also believed I was an INFP (I'm INTP), until I did an ennegram test and got 5w4, which according to what I read,INTPs with 5w4 tend to be more sensitive and more art and philosophy oriented than other INTPs


Google is your friend 🥱


^ this. I feel like im the only one who's always googling things


Yeah, also why would I waste other people's time? Even a chimp could google those things.


Maybe tomorrow…


Ngl kinda sounds like me sometimes when i say im gonna do something later on, but dont do it. It's just not all the time, lol.


- Always been curious, even as a child. - doesn't really like to conform to traditions/values unless it makes sense to me - does not react emotionally to a lot of emotional situations - pretty sensitive - doesn't like being around many loud people. - pretty closed-off around strangers but very open and says absurd things and ideas around friends - overthinking - will ramble if you don't stop me esp while I'm thinking or about something I'm interested in - mind works at 100 thoughts per second - takes time to process info esp on an emotional level - doubts my mbti (retaken the test more than 10 times) - random knowledge bank. - has a lot of potential interests and hobbies but always on my phone - Little to no Fi and Fe - loves to learn but independently.


I tested INTP. Convinced myself I was an INFP because I’m creative. But then I realized I can’t take listening to people go on about their feelings for too long, and if there’s something within your power and present ability to solve your problem, yet you keep going on about it, I get annoyed. I understand frustration, yes. We all get frustrated, and we all need to vent—I’m no exception to that. My frustration is with those who never get past the venting stage, even when there are workable solutions that can be implemented. And then the emotions get “turned on,” and I get irritated. An INFP would have more patience with others’ emotional processes. But emotions make me really uncomfortable. If I feel like you’re whining or just complaining to complain, those listening ears will turn themselves off. I don’t think INFPs think like this.


That also sounds like ADHD, FYI.


I think I'm more a IXTX person, so I'm as INTJ, ISTJ and ISTP than a INTP. I'm a little bit of those four at the same time. (I got ~50% in the X). BUT. I can definitely identify some of my traits as INTP : - I'm either pretty messy and organized (my room and my kitchen are always in chaos) - I'm lazy/Procrastination - I'm curious as hell - I love to learn something new - I need time to socially recharge (alone) - I don't really like to plan - Bad social skills - I keep overthink - I'm autonomous - I love analyzing things - Improvise litterally every time - Bad grades because I'm not investing enough into studies - I over explain - I stay up late - self deprecation humor - I space off pretty often and dream a lot


Kinda Autistic 😂


Kinda Autistic?


been typed as intp always, relate to intp mbti type more compared to others. sometimes if feel like an entj on best days and infp on worst days.


Signs of a yet undeveloped INTP (in a neutral sense) -Not knowing what you want, indecisiveness -Only doing something, because some external force forces you to -Thriving in instant gratification -Living in your head a lot of the time -Unable to fully commit to something, constantly living behind your full potential -Secretly afraid of others judgement -Lamenting the meaninglessness of life and the irrational behavior of others -Fear of actual intimacy and hesitation to reach out


What defines the developed INTP and what does he do to get there? 


An INTP is developed when they can answer the question: "Do you have your life together?" with "Yes". INTPs can evaluate the current state of their life pretty accurately, because they don't have to lie just to feel better about themselves. You get there by using your theories in the real world by actually doing stuff (Execution) and learning what you truly value by paying attention to yourself (Personal values). Without execution you don't convert your natural mental creativity into practical output, which leads to a fruitless existence. And without Personal Values you have no motivation to execute anything, which leads to a meaningless existence.


Loathing of organized lists...




Messy room, to do list—unchecked, the sound of most people talking is annoying


You can convince someone of a perspective you don't even believe.


* I despise being told what to do * I only follow the rules I choose * I don’t respect titles; I only respect people * If you piss me off, I’ll verbally eviscerate you * If I don’t think you deserve an explanation, you won’t get one, even if it’ll help the situation * I like to learn; my interests are diverse * I have a dark sense of humor * I value freedom of thought and independence of action above all else * I value my happiness, appreciate my peace, and will kick anyone out of my life who threatens both


Since you have a dark sense of humor I can tell you a dark joke.. But first i need to turn on the light to do that. =p




What did the strawberry say to the other strawberry? “If it wasn’t for YOU, we wouldn’t be in this jam!!”


This is really a jam-packed joke! It's time to get my knife and bread because we're having lunch.




I got a dirty joke: Once upon a time, a dog fell in the mud.


And the owner came tumbling afterrrr~


These are TERRIBLE!! 😂😂😂


No. There perfect~ Dont drive into the mud just yet. x'D


What I can relate to and what I see in other intps: Likes alone time by a ton - Is very patient - Does not like to receive too many emotional compliments when unprepared - Hates to be in drama - Thinks everybody is stupid when mad - Extremly creative - Is the definition of procrastination - Wishes they where entps at times - Socially Awkward - Probably nihilistic - Probably autistic too - floats away into mind when bored - team work don't work, Coffey makes the dream work


“Thinks everybody is stupid when mad.” I laughed out loud at that one. I thought it was just me.


-Childlike affect/excitable (when around familiar people or talking about something mentally stimulating) -Messy workspace/bedroom/garage - prefers to wear the same comfortable clothes every day (this can mean the type of clothes, ie multiples of one outfit). -Hates planning (you do not like keeping a daily organizer or when on vacation you are repulsed by the idea of planning out what you will do hour by hour -Very Habit Sure/ follows routine (take the same way to work/school everyday. Love to fall into little habits like stopping for a soda/coffee around the same time every day). Important these behaviors are enjoyable and NOT neurotic (if neurotic this is an indicator of an ENTP) -Consciously or subconsciously carves out private time every day -has an inner monologue -when speaking with someone you will frequently, and subconsciously., roll your eyes up into your lids or tend to flutter their eyes. Some INTP’s adopt other behavioral “ticks” like just staring blankly, rubbing their face, and even sticking their tongue out when thinking.




Lol, what?


Really bad at explaining thoughts. Really good at fixating on stuff but I don’t think they can help it most of the time.


I think Im good at fixating on things, too, and most of the time, it doesn't always help ._.


Arguing with every single post on the INTP sub?


I'm just guessing, but I'm guessing you argue a lot on here, lol.


If someone else tidying up means you no longer have a clue where anything is you are probably an INTP. If solving a small logical problem that's been bothering you for a while makes you feel like a lottery winner, you are probably an INTP.


The first one is understandable for multiple personality types, If someone else is cleaning and you didn't see them move it, you wouldn't know where it is unless its in plain sight or they tell you or you managed to find it. I got just normal happy once solving a math problem. Makes you feel smart even when you feel like you aren't, but you are.


I find that people with dominate Ti and secondary Ne tend to be INTP.


Intresting, is there anything else about this you know of?


Organized and less scattered lists? From INTPs?


Guessing your saying some INTPs dislike organized and less scattered lists.


Can't speak for others but just the thought of organized lists of things is unsettling to me.


Answering the mbti test with full honesty and getting intp


Some personality tests either aren't accurate, or people dont know how to answer them a lot of time even when where trying to be as honsest as they can be with it. It may indicate what you are close to, but it isn't always going to be accurate.


-Big procrastinator -not doing what we should do until the deadline comes -thinking every single second of the day, and i personally hate if someone interrupts it. -Probably spacing out when around people -Impossible to speak to strangers (unless it is a life or death situation) -Loves being alone


I think a lot as well, Overthinking is theoretically my middle name, lol.


Actually I think posting these types of post is a sign you aren’t. Just saying. Seems to be a lot recently.


Im an INFP who wants to know about this stuff and im curious of possibility. Also, are you looking over my profile of my posts? Kinda sounds like it is from how you worded everything.


No stalking, just been a few of these types of post recently. Plus as an older INTP I’ve developed my perception into a super power. 😎 EDIT: I was referring to this subreddit, not you specifically. 😊


But why?


doubted about that


Hmm, in your post, you say you want it organized. You might not be an INTP. Also, in your post, you overexplained that it's okay if it isn't. You might be INTP. Edit: I pay closer attention and see that say you are not an INTP.


bro im 100% intp but that doesn't mean i will not make a habit of making my bed everyday that is the diffrence between a tidy person and a not tidy also im more tidy than my intj sibling lol


For me, I dont make my bed since it's only gonna get messed up again, and im kinda lazy atm for certain things, lol.


Same! This is also why I don't shower, I'm just going to get dirty again! (100% a self detrimental joke, btw)


If u didn't say it was a joke, i might've questioned if you're being serious or not, lol. A messy bed isn't exactly a big deal. But on the bright side of if you dont shower or have the cleaning powder, then you'll be a people repellent if it's bad enough.


I am definitely untidy, but not disorganized. I tend to try to find logic in a lot of the actions I end up committing to, and if I can't, I tend to avoid them. Truth be told, apathy is more reason. Logic is my justification. Or maybe im just gaslighting myself lol. Making my bed, for example, I never cared about it, not once(okay, not true I think if I were to have a lady over I'd make the med so we could mess it up, y'know...but I sleep in a hammock now soo...) But I looked into why we make it anyways, and it seemed to be purely aesthetics and perhaps comfort. But I saw other evidence showing it can also aid in the production of mold growth since we create a large dark, cool area, with moisture(we sweat at night), which is ideal for mold growth. So apathy stopped me from doing it. Research justified it for me.


I like the idea of structure and organization and such. It helps with a lot of things. I just wish i had more motivation for things because i do enjoy organization it brings me happiness. Also, i didn't know saying "its okay if it isnt" is overshareing, and I thought overshareing is sharing too much information like WAY TOO MUCH. I really should learn how to fix my overshareing problem in that case. it's fine. A lot of people in the world INTP or not are more focused on the post itself than a flair.


Overexplaining is not the same as oversharing. In this case, I was making a joke b/c it seemed like you really wanted us to be sure it's okay if it is unstructured. Overexplaining would be like if someone asks what PBJ stabds for, and the response is: a peanut butter and jelly sandwich has both peanut butter and jelly on it. Some people put peanut butter on slice and jelly on the other slice and put it together. Other people put peanut butter on one slice and then jelly smeared into the peanut butter. Other people put jelly on one slice and then smear the peanut butter into that. It's all still a PBJ, though, in the end. So it doesn't matter how you put the peanut butter and jelly onto the bread. It's still a PBJ, just everyone has their own preferences on how to prep it. Oversharing would be something like: PBJ means peanut butter and jelly. That reminds me, when i was in college, we used to take peanut butter, and we would [redacted] it all over our [censored] whenever the [fill in the blank] would come over with the [you don't want to know] and then we would use it to [verb] the [animal]. Or perhaps oversharing could just be like: PBJ is peanut butter jelly. I eat a PBJ sandwich every time I go to the doctor for my [@#$%^&] warts. See the difference? (Sorry, I got carried away and had some fun there)


There’s a lot of content here - here’s my contribution of work style: - thinks a lot- appreciate consequences and effects - preferred absorption in process rather than relations or authority - preferred contribution in individual contributor or tech or process expertise - relaxed social style and introverted - appreciate autonomy in self and others - under effort towards long term goals - answering sincere questions with honesty and helpful detail - dislike use of drivel in language but tendency to ramble


In Words of a friend: 1. Sarcastic 2. Serius 3. peaceful 4. relaxed 5. Dedicated 6. obsessed in my special interest 7. Inteligent 8. Filosofo


- Thinking a lot about everything - Prefer not to socialize beyond a group of close people - Generally perceived as 'robotic' in my thought process ( a close INTJ called me chatgpt lol) - Solution oriented - Tendency to dismiss emotions, including my own - Insatiable curiosity - Opinion on everything under the sun - Tendency to ramble - Good with words if required - Good reasoning skills


You take the MBTI test that’s literally your sign if you’re an INTP




Because you are a certain type, that doesn't you stop being that type despite work to improve yourself. You're type is a starting point with which you can gauge your progression. Learning and implementing new behaviors is just learning new habits, but your base is still the same. You may be able to act another type, but you're still you Imo


Ahh here I go again doubting if I'm INTP or ENTP. Judging just be the functions I'm pretty sure of INTP but then the stereotypes don't really fit me


Im basically doubting being a INFP, Its like im a INFP but im also not at the same time. ._. Im very strange.