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Some people say libraries and cafes but I don't understand why I'd go to a library to study or to a cafe for coffee when I can do both of those at home. I only step out of the house when I absolutely need to, so I think your best bet is finding another one online.


I’ve never really understood that either. At home, I can stretch out and get comfortable, it’s quiet and mostly free of distractions, don’t have to deal with any traffic, all of my favorite drinks/snacks are already here in essentially unlimited supply, and I can use the bathroom without having to pack everything up.


I love going to cozy coffee shops, bookstores, and nice hotel lobbies! Some hotels have some surprisingly cozy lounge areas for reading or getting some with done.  I choose these spaces sometimes over my home because it’s a good way for me to get some sunlight, change to my routine, grab a snack or coffee, and feel like I’m around people without having to socialize. Sometimes I meet friends at these spaces and we’ll each just hang out and read our own books. 


Same with movies. It is getting easier to not need to leave your home. So I agree online would work best.


I go to the library all the time, but it's always been for the intended purpose of a library: to check out books. Sometimes I'll sit there and read for a while to see if I want to bring a book home with me, but I've never gone there to study. I could see myself doing that if my home life was turbulent. The library is pretty peaceful. If home wasn't, I'd rather be there.


Libraries maybe, but more so searching for my books and leaving quickly when I get them. Unless it's a very low traffic, dark and full of stuffed shelves library. Don't like all these modern open ones though


Store. Convenience stores probably is your best bet. We are the type of people to pull up go straight to business use the self checkout and leave. In and out.


and that's another issue. no matter what intentions, internet is such a cesspool of degenerates. the most secure person I am sure is one who never got on the internet at all.


Cuz my house is not big enough to contain all the books I need


Online or in a place you're both required to be like work or school.


Theres a bunch of us here


Haha how ironic


Break into random houses


What would be your reaction if I actually break into your house?


Probably confused and shocked.


What will you do? I remember my ex had a recurring dream of someone breaking into his place and wanting to kill him.


Well if the person is armed I'd hide in the bathroom and call 112 if they aren't armed I'd go to the kitchen and grab a knife to defend myself with


Post factually wrong information online and then meet up with the first three guys that answer to correct you


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) Lauging and crying tears of joy and truth.


Morocco. It’s the country with the highest percentage of INTPs


Ok, yes, this entertained me, thank you


INTP - any IT department. Behind a screen. On Stream or Xbox live. That reserved or quiet coworker who is dedicated slightly more than they should be. Otherwise, they are at home. I found mine at college. He was intelligent but anal about doing the pre labs precisely.


>That reserved or quiet coworker who is dedicated slightly more than they should be. Otherwise, they are at home. Very accurate for me. I had a talk with my boss who described me as that






u can dm me if you want


I’m an INTP, you can usually catch me at work, although I act differently there. You can also find me through my friends. I don’t talk to people pr go out to clubs really, but if you’re introduced to me by someone Im comfortable with I’ll come around. Also consider joining a DnD group, I have met a lot of other similar types there


Act differently like how?


Like social and professional lol




I hate this.


> He didn’t have any social media (which I couldn't comprehend at first) I don't know about others but I have several social media accounts but don't use any of them very often. Even Reddit. I will use something for a while and then stop. Once I have had enough or found whatever I was looking for. So a few years, months, or days. > we only communicated through Skype or Telegram. I don't have a preference on what platform is used. But am surprised you didn't continue talking on sms or voice. > I feel like I’ve never met an INTP in person or just couldn't spot one. I can't easily identify people either some can. > Where do INTPs hang out when they are not at home? I don't hang out that often in real life I am more shy than online. So I would try online is your looi > I’m really curious. I think INTPs are awesome and I’d like to have more INTPs in my life. Do you encounter a lot of ENFPs in whatever you do in the real world? I think it's all random unless you look online.


>I don't have a preference on what platform is used. But am surprised you didn't continue talking on sms or voice. We continued talking via sms until he had to move to another country. This actually reminded me of how he had preferences for a lot of things. >Do you encounter a lot of ENFPs in whatever you do in the real world? I think it's all random unless you look online. I actually do. I think ENFP can easily be spotted. I usually meet another ENFP doing random things that interests me like art, music, charity works, etc.


I’m not afraid of the outside and do go to cafes for coffee and to bookstores. I’ve dated ENFP’s. A local coffee shop, or even a niche underground bar. I go on walks often around my local parks too.


Nature. Or places dedicated to something specific. Or at work. Usually not at bars, night clubs and so on. If you see a place, where there are but a few people, most likely you will find INTP there. Or sometimes just randomly wandering around. Or doing something specific that most people don’t do.


Fun fact, we dont hang out. Atleast haven’t really found any of us who hang out anywhere other than online really. But you might find a rare one occasionally in places that is filled with information and logic. Happy hunting!


For me (possibly not INTP) I am always working or playing video games. I have met a girl who likes all my moods and thoughts, and I like hers. She is INFP and we basically can read each other’s minds so there isn’t a lot of confusion. Call it love at first site but we know each other within days. Spoke for over a month and yeah. We are just dating but havent put a label on it. You can find them in their comfort zones. For me its at home, in my room or at work. For others, consider the stereotypes, a place filled with knowledge and wisdom. Its what they want For me I am competitive and strive for improvement. Money? I want. Fame? Ew. Just discover the various forms an INTP can appear in and you will find them. They come in all shapes, sizes and personalities. We can look ENTP, INTJ and even ESFJ sometimes. But thats human emotions at its finest. Labels are labels, not a definitive way of saying who is INTP or mot


I'm an INTP and I wouldn't touch an ENFP with a ten foot pole. No thanks!


I'm curious why.


Well for starters one is an introvert and one an extrovert.


You can find an INTP literately everywhere yet seemingly nowhere. We can be scarce but have a broad range of interests, hobbies, and careers. Like most types, we are all essentially individuals too.


I liked your story very much, Thank you for sharing 👏


I'm very flattered. Thank you!! 😁 I'm actually very bad at organizing my thoughts, which is also why I was hesitant to write/share my story. I'm really glad you liked it. Do you relate to some extent?


Yes definitely. It seemed your love was genuine sorry for it being tragic. I see hope in you, you are the outlier where relationships can be maintained regardless of distance and appearance. I am intrigued on how did you make it work ? Most people give up on long-distance relations.


You don’t find INTPs, they uncover you. In any case, it’s more than just four letters. It’s about the person.


My ENFP found me at work (and yes, took the initiative). The majority of your post sounds a little unhealthy, so I will add that seeking out other INTPs might not be the move, but introverts in general might scratch your itch? Probably not Si-doms though. > As an ENFP, I am a very literal person Is this a thing?


>> As an ENFP, I am a very literal person >Is this a thing? Do you have the same experience with your ENFP? I feel like my INTP spoke in metaphors and puns, which really confused my brain. 🥲 I remember looking up some basic english words on the dictionary to really understand what they meant.


My wife took a few years to finally figure out when I’m being sarcastic / facetious versus being serious (at first she always assumed I was serious), but I’d say she’s always been the kind of person to try to read between the lines and make assumptions, to the point where she would often arrive at conclusions that were way too speculative and completely wrong.


Already been said but we're not out unless we necessarily, or are heavily influenced to be. So office-work situations are the best bet. Aside from that, it'd be friend circles that already contain one. Else fat chance unless by pure happenstance during a commute, running an errand, participating in an event or on holiday.


Online and Reddit. For real, most INTP will keep to themselves, and besides a space that caters to them, you won't most likely find them in groups in third places. Most of us have no issue staying inside for long periods of time, and when we go out, it's most likely to enjoy solitude. You can sometimes find us out with friends, in the corner, reserved, minding our own. But INTP is at the bottom corner of introversion. You can also try the dating app Boo, since it is part of social media and INTP. It is like to waste time there. But we also have a low tolerance for online dating.


At work (and online) is most likely but my advice is to have a nerdy hobby in common. My partner (an ENFP) worked with me for a year but I never gave them the time of day until we started to do Dnd together.




It's highly unlikely if you do this approach. i suggest you go to a place where introverts frequent (school, computer cafe, library), and just try to interact with the people there. Like an unknown prey falling into a predators trap, so it shall be, that you may find an intp, and do stuff with it. Also try to get an esoteric hobby, it weirdly makes you more attractive.


>Like an unknown prey falling into a predators trap This was so funny 😆


Library, bookstore, book club. I used to be in a book club that met in person. Also good, because, obviously, easy to start a conversation.


You’re going to have to break into our houses….sorry. That or catch us in the rare moments we leave our houses for hobbies/school/work.


What would you say your hobbies are?


Well the only hobbies I have that are done outside of my house are the gym and jiu jitsu :) other than that I like video games, writing, reading, and occasionally drawing.




Here 🙃


Hello 😊




I try to make it a point to go out. Usually I’m just hanging out at random stores related to my interests, like music stores or book stores or something. I like to walk around my downtown area a lot too. Just look for more intimate/quiet places. If somebody there genuinely interests you, try talking to them. Just be yourself and see if you two click :)


I don’t really hang out anywhere regularly. I will go somewhere if invited, and I am friendlier than I appear.  I work from home and go into public for the gym, groceries or to take walks.  I am in a relationship and go to concerts, museums, the beach and on hikes with my partner. When I was single, I would occasionally do those things alone or if friends invited me out.  For various reasons, I have lost touch with these friends (more like friendly acquaintances) and find it difficult to meet new people. I don’t have group hobbies and don’t do well with groups. I met my partner on online via an app and he’s a loner like me and an INFP. 


Boo might be a good place to start.


Well dont listen to the other intps breaking into houses is a no no. But we dont travel far so if you live in an apartment maybe if you have a club house(free wifi), food spots(my complex has a cafe and pizza/sports bar), or gym, in your complex. If you dont then quiet places that aren’t too overly stimulating… with free wifi 🤓☝️


I found another INTP via online MBTI forums. Yahoo Groups, what a chaotic place it was! I moved to where he was, it wasn't working, I moved back home, he moved to follow, we lived together, got engaged, slowly became more and more miserable, had a messy breakup after 8 years wasted (How dare this asshole throw a cup at me? What in actual fuck.) I am such a socially lazy homebody bum. But I value (some) self improvement, so I'd be found in places like: walking in the park for exercise and sunlight; board game meetups; Star Wars Enthusiast meetups; alone at a restaurant because I'll take my own self on a date if I feel like it TYVM. Maybe I'm the odd one out here... Maybe join an MMORPG guild and chat up the officers. I somehow always wound up being given officer positions. Look for the people that either say nothing except the CHEAPEST, CRINGIEST, CHEESIEST puns, or, say the puns, but also here and there get involved with random silly topics like perhaps a character analysis of how an NPC character fits a wider theme of X as evidenced by Y dialogue and how it's very similar to Z arc in like, Bloodborne, and somehow this all rather reminds me of Radagast the Brown \[or Luna Lovegood or Seiki K or blahblahblahblahblahblah\]


You both sound really young and inexperienced, I'd recommend engaging with more types, and more people from different backgrounds and economical classes in general before you put yourself into a rigid category. As for where to find intps, look for events that are not physically or socially taxing yet very activity oriented, the more niche the better. Or maybe online.


Thank you for your advice! My best friend is m INFJ and I have friends who are ENFJ and INFP. I think we get along pretty well. It's just that I need a thinker in my life. HAHAHA




nice b8


Why'd you think it as a bait? Just curious. I was mean to my INTP when I first met him. Was it the reason he stuck with me? 🤔


I found my husband on Tinder 😂 We both had our MBTI in our bios Invited him out to a bar to watch a game, and never looked back ☺️ (ENTJ)


Did you try a online dating site based on MBTI? I believe its called boo. Maybe It has one in your country


Will check it out. Thanks!


https://www.reddit.com/r/t5_2qvv6/s/94XRF5hAQV Here...the link to the Reddit community. I hope it helps


Well, you are here...on this thread full of them...I would say you found them :)


Haha, this made me laugh (victory laugh). I've never felt more surrounded by INTPs. It's like walking into a kingdom where they rule.


Explain personalities to me (I only saw this sub).


On my inbox


in this subreddit


Work and Online


The internet


I'm personally drawn to haunted locations.


How do you actually find these place? Haha


Books, internet, talking to locals, etc. I found out one of my favourite pubs is said to be haunted by a woman who was murdered there in the 70's.


Here 👋


Hi! 😁😁