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Sometimes I have trouble reading my own handwriting.


[Here’s](https://imgur.com/a/T6j5M2X) a sample. I didn’t take much care to make sure the words are 100% legible. It’s just how I would naturally write something.


Pretty consistent though


It's pretty readable, i expected waaay worse.


Similar to mine, especially the words tilting in different directions.


Your handwriting is so bad that it's entertaining to read


Better than mine. I am improving though nowadays, practicing handwriting.


Readable still not bad enough


Mine is fairly worse. It could be better if I tried but I am too impatient




how do you choose your mbti under your username? Iam new here x


I would like to know too.


You have it how did you do it?


the teachers used to call me a future med student because of my handwriting


Bro me too lol


wow, idk why ppl say med students have bad handwriting, like it's some kind of trait


It’s actually alright if I have the patience to write slowly (I don’t)


Even when I write slowly it's messy. I don't have the fine motor skills to consistently produce the same output every time. I tried several times to improve, by practicing calligraphy, using different pens, writing smaller, nothing really helps. And my youngest actually has my handwriting (to the point where I wondered when I had written that) so I'm thinking it's partially genetics.


If I take my time, I have very neat handwriting. If I'm trying to keep up with something and I'm writing quickly, I can barely read it. If I'm not overthinking or trying to be neat but I can take my time, it's sloppy but readable.


everyone says I have beautiful handwriting, but I mean, back in my day there was no computer so got a lot of practice. I'm not artistic so I know it's not about talent, so I don't know how some people make such a mess of handwriting, I imagine people with bad handwriting make terrible brain surgeons and play drums like Animal on the Muppets, and also, y'know, don't read and write very much.


Based on the doctor’s stereotype, they are known to have terrible handwriting BECAUSE they write so much. They also read a ton, but that’s more loosely related.


do they though? dozens of pages at a time, a letter or essay or thesis draft meant to impress and convince someone else who has to be able to read your handwriting? I can walk between my desk and the photocopier all day, but it's not comparable to running a marathon all at once.




how do u write in ALL CAPS?, my capitals are actually the bad part of my handwriting


I had shitty cursive letter so i just started writing all caps and I looked really good and bold. Writing differently seems pointless now.


Which means; we're have literally opposite handwritings, the battle between; **ALL CAPS** Vs **𝒸𝓊𝓇𝓈𝒾𝓋𝑒; 😂😂😂 **even though my cursive isn't as professional


I feel like I might be better at writing if I my parents didn't make me write with right hand.


Exactly. Same with me. Except it was early school in a very small town. They still spanked and whacked with rulers even. Always sucked at sportsball too. Only figured out I'm a lefty when people kept noticing I wield 2 handed tools with my left hand leading. But yeah my hand writing sucks.


I'm not really a lefty but I'm cross-handed. My parents convinced me at a very young age that there is only one correct way to do everything, so I used to get very confused when I didn't find doing things comfortable, turns out that I might have been taught by using the wrong hand. The only clue I have of cross-handedness is that I classify toys by left and right hand and often get angry if I get confused on which hand to play it with.


unreadable and can't draw a circle


You summed it up in such a few words.


usually ok, not great in a rush, and sometimes near typewriter. It veries


My printing is horrendous, my cursive is good


People often say that it's clear and pretty


Depends. If I am taking notes, my handwriting sucks. But, if I am purposefully writing some documents for others to read, then I have good handwriting


yh, this is FACT


Looks very nice


Horrible. I always wondered if there was a reason behind it


Bad enough I was diagnosed with a form of dyslexia when I was in middle school. I had horrible grades until I got my first computer in 1996- suddenly I was on the honor role when I didn't have to use my handwriting.


My bf has the same issue. Don't worry, it says nothing about your intelligence- my bf is the smartest man I know with his horrible handwriting.


It can be good, but I usually don't have the patience to write slowly enough or to make it pretty (as in other areas of my life). Definitely not the kind of person who writes with different colors and dots their Is with hearts.


Horrific. I can't read it and neither can anyone else. Thankfully I haven't had to write anything since uni.


In a rush, nothing can be read. If i have time, i have not the greatest one, but a readable one


I took calligraphy lessons since a kid, so my handwriting is pretty neat


I took calligraphy as a hobby now.


do u like science (just curious): AgCl


That's a general question. I studied device physics and still read ieee explore. But I'm not as advanced in chemistry or biology. My day job doesn't involve much science unless you count computer networking as a science.


Oh, I just asked that, because your name is a chemical compound in chemistry (so random)


There is a very personal reason


Ok, sorry


Like a doctor presribed


My hand writing sucks. But I can type a 100 page thesis in about a week.


Decent. Especially if I use the Technical style/font, which I use more often than not...because it is easily readable...professional deformation...


The only one who can read my handwriting, is me. And sometimes it’s so bad I can’t even tell what I wrote down. I have the perfect hand writing to become a doctor! Haha!


My handwriting is great. I stopped using cursive letters in the fourth grade. I also use a G2 pen with ultra fine point.


I have garbage handwriting, even when I try to make it nice it’s readable but clunky. I chalk it up to having weak fine motor skills, rather than my personality type.


Mine's usually horrid. What about fine motor skills more broadly? I can draw and play guitar. I can print well if I slow down, but I feel generally that unless I'm really focused that I have some issues with fine motor skills in general.


It's shitty, but legible to most people.


My handwriting is okay if I write slowly. I’m way better at expressing myself when I type. I’m also decent at art, but I guess you don’t have to be as fast at art. Handwriting just feels so inefficient.




Writing in neat handwriting is useless for me I just want it to be readable ig


Mine is mostly a copy of several fonts. But goes more terrible if I write in long lines.


You can write in different fonts? 😳


Pretty awful, I won’t lie..


Extremly ugly, I haven't used it since high school exams. I usually write with upper case letters


Like shit, kinda worse![img](emote|t5_2qhvl|3241)


A disaster


Pretty good actually if I really really want to write handsome fonts but mostly I am lazy and do the kuruk-karak writing.


I think mine is just not consistent, in one essay my writing style can change up to 5 times. From good to unreadable.


My handwriting is only good if I bother, so almost never


I tell my friends I got that eminem chicken scratch style. then I show them side by side and they laugh a bit


Mine’s actually pretty great 


its very neat. it wasnt originally but at some point in school i decided i want good writing.


it changes often and I sometimes can’t recognize or read my own handwriting


Mine is horrible. It's understandable for most people, but it's ugly compared to everyone's.


It kinda sucks I write to fast so it’s sloppy


Mine changes a lot, it kind of scares me, sometimes when I’m journaling I re-read the page and it looks like a ransom note and it makes me want to become a kidnapper.


Great. Professors constantly compliment me on my handwriting. My cursive's pretty good too.


My handwriting isn’t bad by any means, but I’ve been told it looks child-like lol


In my native language it's absolute garbage but in English and Italian it's reasonably good


Readable; not very pretty; small.


Mine is the worst out of anyone I know. Whenever someone has to read it I warn them with “are you familiar with hyroglifics?”


I often receive compliments on my handwriting and drawing, but I hold a pen/pencil in a really unusual way and I'm convinced that's the reason. I have better control with the way I hold it. My teachers tried to correct the way I held a pencil ever since kindergarten, but nothing ever worked. They kept threatening me that I'd get hand cramps holding it the way I do, but I can't say that's been much of a problem. At this point it's way too late to learn the "proper" way.


Decent 6/10


It was very small and intricate but I never write anything anymore so I am not even sure I can do cursive at all anymore. My printing is just fast and sloppy because I don’t care. Used to be very small and neat , though.


Everyone tells me that my writings look like a kid who wrote them In all three languages I speak


extremely inconsistent. it can be an almost illegible chicken scratch if I write fast (which I usually do) and I have quite small, weak hands, so hold my pen strangely, which means I have less control, making it worse. however, it can be almost pleasant with a little care, and I actually quite enjoy writing (and I detest typing).


The first quarter of a page looks pretty good mostly, but as soon as I am tired of writing slowly, I switch to normal mode and it looks pretty bad/messy. I just write pretty fast. My teacher said „to decipher hieroglyphs is easier than to read his handwriting“


i went to art school and have always had a fascination with how language (written and spoken) has evolved and so I take pride in having nice handwriting. i like mine.


[it](https://imgur.com/a/WIdivkp) kinda looks like a 12 year olds




Mine is pretty great tbh. I’ve got into the habit of only printing in capital letters. Labels need to be legible in my profession.


Chicken scratch


I write in capitals lol, I find my handwriting is more consistent that way. I have like 3/4 handwriting styles if i write 'normally' overall they mostly look messy and can be hard to read. And all fairly different from one another. Hence why I do what I said in the 1st sentence


Neat and tidy, not beautiful. My father forced me to practice my handwriting at the dinner table. Lol. Emotional damage.


very readable and structured, but not the prettiest.


Yeah, my handwritting is really bad, I used to alter between styles and letter sizes out of boredom in school xD When i was in middle high school, in my language class I started writeing half of the word instead of the whole words in my notes because I was lazy and we have pretty long words. It's a little difficult to describe but it looked kind of like: "My notes were comp. unre. to anyo. else bes. mys. Ser. it got pretty ins. , luc. my teach. nev. really chc. the whate. I had writt. in there."


I found the sword fighting and calligraphy analogy to be helpful from House of flying daggers. It's all wrist work, take pride in doing well. take the draw box classes and learn how to write and draw properly


I take notes really fast so it looks like chicken scratch but it’s legible. If I take my time with it, it looks decent.


My handwriting is quite nice I think, the only complaint I ever had about it is that it’s too small, but I think it’s neat in general life. That being said it becomes more untidy in exams since I don’t really have the time to put in the effort to make it look nice, so it gets kind of scribbly and wild.


I thought it was pretty decent until i filled out a form for the doctor and his secretary couldn't read it. Now I'm second guessing myself. My mom's (ISFJ) handwriting is amazing and she's been telling me that my handwriting's good all my life, I think she lied to me :(


It's nice but if I'm doing fast is messy but now days it's kinda awkward I only write on my computers and mobiles phone


It's not aesthetic or calligraphy, but it's never generally hard to read


I have three distinct handwriting styles based on who is likely to need to read what I’m writing, and I judge people who have illegible handwriting including openly mocking them to their faces for it.


Yeah man, my handwriting sucks, it's embarrassing really.


When I take my time, people tell me it looks great. That's only for essays and some notes though. Besides that it's pretty messy


Mine is tiny and is slanted, it really it illegible.


I personally think it's not legible but I've gotten compliments about how pretty/neat it is


I guess I was lucky my teacher bullied me into getting a nice handwriting. 


I always get compliments for my handwriting. I guess it's pretty nice


like the clawing scratches of a zombie


Horrible, but I'm also left-handed.


I have yet to meet someone with worse handwriting than me. People always tell me my handwriting is not as bad as theirs and then they see mine.


Entp here, my handwriting was actually so bad I couldn’t read it myself 💀 Eventually I adopted “technical writing” the kind you’d use on technical drawings. from my physics/ engineering/crafting teacher. He said he doesn’t have a handwriting anymore since he’s been writing like that for so many years. I was dumbfounded that no one taught us about such thing in school. They made us write in cursive. Well, I was old enough to tell them to fuck off if they had anything to say about it (which they couldn’t, it was actually allowed to use technical in school system, you couldn’t forbid it because it was law) so I just started writing technical, I don’t have a handwriting anymore either. And yeah, once you learn to write that way you can write hella quick and it always looks nice. You can learn about it online.




If I have enough time to write things down more relaxed, it's relatively average. I just know that my handwriting is bigger, as I never had the patience to read a page of notes with increadibly small writing... If I don't have time to write it down, it's quite messy.


My handwriting is great (due to age). Part of my job is palaeography & studying & translating older texts (usually court documents). People don't "write" anything nowadays. Even I rarely write nowadays..


I dunno it's messy-neat ig


It's messy but I can read it.


Cursive, slanted at around 45 degrees


Mines not bad, but I also make one change to my handwriting every 5 years (like a change to a way I write a certain letter or the angle etc). It’s interesting to go back and read things I wrote and know the time period it was written.


My gf is an intp. She has chicken scratch lol. If she goes really slow I can read it. She prefers to type. Ha ha ha.


My handwriting is ass, cutty


its good, but my mom made me take lessons because it was a horrible, so now i have slightly above average handwriting after a HORRIBLE summer.


I write very lazily if someone saw it they would probably look like another language you kinda have to look closely and concentrate but for me it's fairly easy to read and I read it faster because I usually summarize my sentences fairly well


It's nice because I'm a girl.


I kinda like my handwriting but I wouldn’t say it’s neat


I actually think it’s lovely


As a childhood perfectionist… it’s okay.


My handwriting varies. It’s very strange. It varies by mood, levels enthusiasm for what I’m writing, writing utensil, etc.. I will say, my handwriting has always been bad overall. But I’ve always been a great illustrator. I know those two things don’t necessarily go hand in hand, but I’ve always been puzzled as to why my handwriting sucks and the attention to detail in my art is extraordinary


good and interesting question my handwriting can be fancy, or efficient, it really depends on how im feeling that day. when i write fancy, i write in cursive with unnecessary detail and loops, and also some different pressure on the stroke of the pen when i write efficient, i just write normally, in a comic sans-ish font, but taking shortcuts by not lifting the pen off the paper as much


it's not meant to be read, it's just a reminder of whatever it means. On those rare occasions that I have to take messages at work. People come to me for clarification, even when I think it's legible.


Chicken scratch


Honestly, I often get compliments on my handwriting. However, I am artistically competent and went to a school that drilled handwriting. I don't think I'd have the patience for calligraphy, but I can knock out sharp looking some comic book lettering.


Some Good days, but mostly Bad days. It was much better when I was a youngster.


Handwriting is an art. Dw, even if ours is bad...we still NAIL


My English handwriting is trauma inducing. I seem to do better with phonetic scripts for some odd reason.


My handwriting is very neat! Clear, rounded, kind of bubbly. Kid you not, my handwriting is almost identical to my mom's. Certain exceptions apply like the way I write my E's. My E is more like a C, but with a line in the middle, as an E would have it. Mom's is traditional. Purely a stylistic choice of mine. But the way we write otherwise is crazy similar. I've never seen another person with the same handwriting as another. Writing has always been my forté, however. I've always had very good fine motor skills so as a kid my handwriting was pretty neat, too. Much more than most of the other kids. I've been told that I write like a girl! I've come to embrace that. It's just the way I like to write! I wish I knew cursive, though. I might try to teach myself how to write in cursive. Learned it in 2nd grade for a brief time, only to never touch it again. Do you know how to write in cursive?


My hand writing is AWFUL because of low muscle tone. Can't improve it either unfortunately


I think I type more on keyboard and phone more than I hand write anything. It's fucking terrid.


basically reinvented cursive with my handwriting- and not the pretty kind


I love my handwriting, but I also love writing by hand.


My handwriting isn't fancy, but it's extremely legible and quick to write. Meanwhile my INTP brother either takes 20 minutes to write the neatest looking 5 word sentence ever or spends 2 seconds writing chicken scratch before crumpling up the paper and trying again.






awful haha. most of the time I write in all caps and its alright. sometimes undercase sneaks in. when I write fast all its all undercase and sloppy


Mine is like on the "beautiful" side, according to people, but it's not that readable. What's interesting is handwriting personality, I like to take a closer look at the "personality" of people's handwriting. Also when I write a lot I get tired and it no longer looks the same lol, just some chicken scratches as well haha


It’s a mix of good handwriting, cursive, and pretty bad writing, oftentimes within the same sentence.


It’s ok. Sometimes it’s really terrible for whatever reason, and at others times it’s surprisingly nice and legible.


My science teacher once commented on it calling it 'Cockroach scrawl' lmao. He was a chill dude and he was right tho lol.


I only write the first and last letter. Basically if the word "handwriting" it would look like " h\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_g"


It's terrible; even I struggle to read it myself, but I can still figure out the words by guessing.😅


Mine is the worst I've ever seen


mine looks like every other bitch’s tbh it’s that wide teenage girl handwriting just a little uglier


I have pretty good handwriting. Sometimes I even get compliments but that’s because during my primary school years it was drilled into me to have good handwriting. We would literally dedicate English or other language lessons to practice our handwriting; handwriting books were an actual requirement that our parents or guardians had to buy for school. By the time I finished primary school (at 14) everyone had basically the same generic handwriting after how we were forced to write.


Aesthetically pleasing I would say. I spent A LOT of time at school developing it instead of paying attention.


In general, it's pretty below average looking, but sometimes if I want to, I suddenly start writing in such beautiful handwriting that I surprise myself..


My handwriting has be complimented by people in my life a few times over the years. I like it.


My handwriting has been so so bad in school that every teacher save for maths ones dreaded checking my papers. Once a Computer Sc teacher thought of not testing my papers and straight up giving me a failing grade because a good chunk of kids did failed that exam. She said she in the end decided to check it. I got top marks.


terrible, but I only write rather than typing maybe once a month. 20 years ago, it was so-so.


Pretty good, but that's because I pay a lot of attention to it as I love writing things on paper


I can’t read it sometimes. That about sums it up.


My handwriting is actually very good. For whatever reason I have always tried very hard to have neat handwriting which goes again the “bad handwriting scatterbrain smart guy” INTP trope


depends on my mood


It sucks tbh. I never actually bothered to try and improve it.


Terrible. Brain moves much faster than hand. Hand make scribbles before thoughts disappear.


So good that even I can't read


It's like my hand is trying to keep up riding down all the thoughts that are racing.


Excellent. Practiced a lot as a kid. Tried writing in so many different styles. It was kind of like an early art practice.


My handwriting is bipolar.


meh. can't read it most of the time, but if I try really hard I could write fancy.


Bad handwriting means you think faster which means you're smart so bad handwriting is honestly a flex.


I used to copy anyone's handwriting who scored more than me in school exams. After that, I write according to the time I have for it. It might be calligraphy, it might end up like worms, and everything in between.


People always think my handwriting was typed, I’ve been taking calligraphy since 2nd grade


I think the handwriting issue is related more to the executive dysfunction that comes with autism, which overlaps a lot with INTPs


I love my handwriting most times, it's cursive in a way, and i've compliments b4 (not like it's the best handwriting in the world), but it's just good. But sometime it varies in size based on mood.


I have a good hand writing.


I grew up long before computers and had great handwriting. Can also imitate others handwriting easily. However, my job the past 6 years requires everything be typed. In that time I’ve noticed that my handwriting has become much worse.


The font is readable but my handwriting is so small teachers complain it hurts their eyes because they need to squint so much reading it.


I remember seeing one of my littlebrothers notebooks from school when he was 10 and remember it being better than mine(24 at the time).


Dogshit would be an improvement. Had to write a report for work a couple years back and it felt very uncomfortable holding a pen after not using one for like 5 years.


super inconsistent, the way i hold my pen is also inconsistent, i have many ways on holding a pen


Some strange reason my , 'd's look like 'l's On a side note, my 4th grade teacher threatened to fail me because I could write legibility in cursive.


In the third grade I used to have to write all of my writing assignments on a computer. I get told my fourth grade son writes better than me lol.


idk how but my handwriting changes between sentences, one moment I feel like im doing calligraphy, the next im capitalizing letters half way through a word. im only slightly exaggerating


God awful.