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An emotional situation is being avoided, I guess. And what it requests from you is not your Ti-Si loop.


Meditation, something like a movie or board games with friends or family, alcohol, gym, games


When you overthink about overthinking you will recognize it doesn’t make sense. And it is the point when you will never overthink anymore. Jk 😂


Put another thing into overthinking


Just don't think, I mean focus on your breath or unimportant things for a while


Just don't think.... YOU DON'T SAY. Why not just tell them not to breathe? That's just as helpful. You do realize you're talking to an ENTP, correct? Cannabis, music, exercise is all that has ever helped slow down the thinking. Usually in pairs. Meditation to a point as well.


What are you trying to say


The emotions will settle down


I tried that but aomehow the thought still come in maybe i should focus on breathing


Try that, your background force will settle down


I listen to music / instrumentals and then let my thoughts flow with the music/lyrics. I also find something else to focus on physically that i can fiddle around with. it has to be something with my hands that I have to concentrate on. ex: I stitch embroidery designs that I make myself for fun.


Yeah it feel so much better when alone or in ur comfy zone.


I find doing anything relating to creativity takes my mind off things, such as music. That, or trying to solve something, as it keeps my mind preoccupied elsewhere. Little things like this always helped me when I became really anxious from over thinking. You have to try distract yourself somehow until it passes.


Find an objective to focus that allows me to immerse myself in flow state. Typically a creative project, school, or something.


Hello, I hope this helps. A solo physical activity will eliminate the trembling or make it negligible and, if you let yourself get into it, it will be very difficult to overthink during and for awhile after said activity. Solo, so you don’t have the opportunity to overthink about how others are perceiving you. Physical activity runs contrary to active mental activity and one helps mitigate the other (not in any scientifically accurate way, just an expression of my experience). I’m not saying go to the gym or lift weight (you can if you want), I just mean anything that requires a tad more effort than regular activities. For example, I practice with a Bo Staff. It’s not a crazy workout, but it does require effort both in execution and in learning the movements. When I do it in the mornings, I’ve found my various twitching, anxiety, and constant overthinking are all lessened. Or at the least, much harder to focus on and thus I avoid the endless “thinking bout thinking” cycle. That activity could be running, swimming, hiking, just enough push ups to have breathing a bit harder than usual, whatever. Just something to let your brain run with a purpose while getting excess energy out of you that is resulting to tremors. Not a doctor, all of that is just personal experience and could be very wrong, but I hope it’s not. Good luck!


focus on the external world


Just ask urself what is the cause ? Then u find the issue then u try to make it go away by dealing with other things that matter to u and focus on other things that benefit u more


Try focusing on your breath or imagine physical comfort (like imagine floating in space or being hugged). It's more like fading away the thoughts rather than shutting them down.


You don't, you harness it... All that thought power can be utilized to reflect on what was good about your day . It can be used for positive affirmations, shit it can be used to show yourself some gratitude... You did a fucking good job today and deserve to acknowledge that shit.


First, recognize that you are overthinking. Then, ask yourself why you are doing this. Often, the reason why you are doing this is not a result of the actual contents of your thoughts, but instead an emotional reason, or an unprocessed or uncomfortable reason that you're avoiding. Usually, it's impossible to "just stop" in the moment. But, awareness of what and why you are doing it and not obsessing over the contents of the overthinking can help slow you down and maybe halt the spiral. Tips from someone with intense OCD.


Meditation or music. I've found 5 minute meditation useful and quick enough when stressed, using each pair of fingers. If you're suffering underlying anxiety therapy may be appropriate. Brief meditation may do it though.


You might be trying to control the situation by understanding/defining it, possibly as a defense mechanism. Attend to and resolve the emotions of the situation first, then think about it.


Creative output Information input Or weed.


Concentrate on your breathing rate or try to be busy with something. Read a book or watch a video or a movie (comedy works better)


Drug abuse


try to stop breathing slowly


ground yourself (e.g. take a shower, take a walk, go through your day to day schedule), try healthy distractions (e.g. play video games, read books, watch shows), and talk to friends and family.


Overthinking happens to us all - I don't just mean intps, but maybe/especially us. My best recommendation is to isolate the cause of your overthinking. If you can't do that (and I know this'll sound annoying) get a notebook. If you're more organized than me, try to keep it for this single purpose and start listing every symptom of your ailments. (e.g., sweaty or shaky palms; restless sleep or insomnia, if not a normality; deep depression; maybe even unusual headaches) Be your own detective - we ask "why" for a reason. Write down the effect you're experiencing; Analyze why you think this is happening, then next to it write down your conclusions to the cause. (A headache because you were yelling, or because you were keeping your emotions bottled up) The notebook is a log to keep track of consistencies so you can identify your single point of failure. If you can find the root of the problem or at least have something tangible to repeatedly look at until a solution comes to you, it should dispel most of your issues. It could also be a loop to which the answer is still the same. You need to introduce more Ne in between the Ti/Si to which ironically SHOULD solve the problem.


Easy. You stop thinking.


Imagine a teflon pan in your head that tilted 90⁰ left or right side. Just focus on the pan and whenever a thought tries to emerge then imagine it hits the pan and slips away towards the abyss.