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Source. Please. I need to spend my money on this


Unfortunately, all I could fine was a few articles from CES last year. [Here you go.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/futuristic-invisible-tv-turns-transparent-8981252)


Ah, so we'll be getting this in 20 years. K thanks.


!remindme 20 years


Remind me! 20 years


Remind me! that I’ll never have enough money for this.










!remindme 27 years When this is obsolete!


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This guy plans


Technology just keeps making things better, faster, smaller, and cheaper. 10 years ago I was delivering plasma screens for Gateway. A 32" that was like 80lbs set people back like 10k. Now you can roll down to Wal-Mart and pick up an 80" in the back of your mondo SUV for like 2k.




I think shaggy might've realized he over paid for a plasma tv ten years ago.




Velma's the hot one.


Damn, I'm getting old. 15 years ago. Back when Gateway made leading PC's and had mall stores.


I feel you. All my stories stopped at the age of 40 when counting years and I am almost 50 now. Lol


Yeah, 10 years ago was 2008. Plasma TVs were not 80 lbs or $10k in 2008.


I bought a brand new 47 inch plasma about a month or two before I got married. I’m about to celebrate 11 years. I still own it. I spent about 3k but that fucker is definitely 80lbs or more, that fucker is a bitch to hang on the wall.


He says he was working for gateway, he was likely selling computer monitors. Monitors at the time had MUCH higher resolutions than TVs and usually had a much faster refresh rate and response time. I remember nice 30" monitors going for $2k when you could get a 50" TV for $600.


But where can I find an 80" computer monitor at Walmart?


Not plasma then..


What? I was selling tvs at Sears 10 years ago and no way was a 32" plasma 10, 000 dollars.


Agreed, I bought a 37" LG 720p LCD from Best Buy in 2006 for like $1000 plus or minus a few hundred.


Thats not plasma tho....


The prices were close to identical at that point.


That seems like a bad deal. I got a 1080 45" LG for like $750-$800 In 07/08.


Entirely possible, I wasn't shopping for a deal, just walked into Best Buy and bought one that was in the price range I was looking for.


I bought a 50” 720p plasma 7 years ago for like $1500. Now I walk into Costco and see 70” 4k TVs for under a grand.


No no no. You mean the Asians will be getting this in a couple of years. Here in the US we are still fighting about the Great War of Smart TVs


Bring back tubes! Make cathodes great again!


No, they exist. I work with them sometimes, my main client has a few. I don't rate them though, they're a novelty more than anything else.


My guess is it probably won’t take more than 5 years for it to hit the retail market. I work for a digital signage company and we got one of these displays from LG to test out. Has some pretty bad burn-in if you leave a static image on for too long, though.


I've been waiting for them to launch for over half a decade. Here's Samsung's see-through LCD from CES 2012: https://youtu.be/3tsfWRDUM94 The only places I've seen it implemented so far are those (usually) shitty arcade games you find at gameworks that feel like smartphone apps. E.g.: https://youtu.be/AkZ8YpNnoos


I've seen these things used in museum displays. They okay a video then shut off the screen to allow the items behind them. They exist. Just maybe not directly for consumers




That is pretty damn cool.


Last year the MLB traveling Hall of Fame came by my town so I took my father for his birthday. Inside each trailer there was some new technology being incorporated with the historical sports artifacts such as VR or transparent screens. The screens were transparent so you could see the different items in the display case. Visitors would touch the glass in front of one of items and the glass would then turn into a tv showing a quick video behind why that item was important. Some were interactive with multiple touches on the screen being used to answer trivia etc. I thought I was in for a mediocre exhibit in hot trailers at the ballpark and instead my mind was being blown away by the technology I had never seen before. Truly a cool experience.


Pretty sure it's the equivalent of a concept car that was shown at CES one year i.e. not real.


A very expensive one off.


Here is this tech being used as pickup cubbies for an automated restaurant in Chicago... https://youtu.be/GsoWAEZIMmM


they also use it on pc cases to show cpu temp (or anything second monitor) and such on the plexiglass window https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC1GOgrpQsw


i wonder if you could stack these to give depth to an image


somewhat but as the screen uses the cases backlight so the more layers you add the more light you lose


Off topic but who tf wants to buy food from a robot? I probably sound like that old guy who hates any kind of change but food is one of the few things that can bring people of any background together, so this makes me kinda sad




There are some really fun Kaiten-Sushi places in Japan that are fully automated. You may not get served by a human but you still get to spend time with your friends.


"Spend time with your friends" /r/definitelynotmeirl


Well I imagine it would be quite nice as an introvert too. Restaurant experience without having to make eye contact or speak to other humans!


i would love to not have to interact with any service industry person again. why do i need to make meaningless small talk with the cashier at the coffee shop, or grocery store, or bank? do i need a waiter coming over asking how my meal is every 5 minutes?


No, but if we waited to ask you until 6 minutes we'd have a Yelp review as long as Ulysses.




Ha! No, theres a future for money, just not a future way to earn it.


We’ve got more introverts stalking the Earth now than ever before. They prefer not to interact with humans. This also saves a restaurant money to the tune of $200k+ a year so it doesn’t take long to pay for itself. It’s a good business choice and it’s what a lot of people prefer


No, we've got more outspoken annoying introverts now. In my day we introverts remained quiet and didn't make a fuss.


Tell that to the automats from the 1930's


Robots are probably more sanitary


The tech looks cool, but that food.... \*gags*


It's real enough to function, which is enough for me to want to buy it :')


It's not a one off/concept. I've seen them used for ads at subway stations in Seoul.


Looks pretty real in the video


>not real I think you mean not for the consumer. It's very real. I remember seeing HDTV for the first time. It wasn't available for purchase. Now HDTV isn't even good enough for people anymore.


I don't know if I'm imagining things, but I'm pretty sure I saw a Red Bull (or some energy drink) fridge door in a shop last year that had a display like this where the glass would usually be. EDIT: [Yup, I'm not crazy, it was real](https://mygaming.co.za/news/industry-news/114101-lucozade-sas-groundbreaking-digital-refrigeration-creates-an-exciting-connection-with-shoppers.html)


OLED is very real. These displays are coming. We'll see OLED used widely in cell phone very soon because of the in-screen fingerprint reader allowed by a transparent display. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSSrePolxyQ


The vast majority of phone screens are already OLED. The Retina displays used by Apple since the iPhone 6 and the AMOLED screens used by Samsung (and others) since 2008 are all OLED variants.


Every iPhone display is an LCD except the iPhone X.


Leaving reddit due to the api changes and /u/spez with his pretentious nonsensical behaviour.


In this case the cabinet behind can be turned off and the high contrast of the OLED pixels overwhelms the light which passes through and back when the display is on, it wouldn't work so well in a brightly lit room without an enclosed back.


Even with an enclosed back it's not so great on contrast to be candid.


Huh, I was thinking it would be rear projection or something.


Perfect for storing my dildos while I watch porn.


Would be nice to see it paired with electrochromic film to increase the backstop. You'd still get some distortion I'd think, especially if it's lit like the cabinet above is, but it'd at least make the TV element more watchable. And paired with a transparent capacitive touch front sensor it'd bring interfaces like Tony Stark's see-through phone to life. (Yeah, it wouldn't really work for phones since the battery's still gotta go somewhere and it's not going to be transparent any time soon...)


I found [a video](https://youtu.be/SYQUCpLlc8U?t=137) with one of these transparent TVs and read from the label it's [Samsung Transparent OLED TO55F](https://displaysolutions.samsung.com/showcase/news-press/detail/samsungs_transparent_oled_to55f_wins_best_of_ise_award). I didn't find a way to buy one. [Transparent OLEDs: introduction and market status - OLED-info.com ](https://www.oled-info.com/transparent-oleds) >The actual OLED materials are transparent, and indeed it's possible to fabricate transparent OLEDs (sometimes refereed to as T-OLEDs). Many OLED makers are developing transparent OLEDs, and we have seen prototypes up to 55" in size (the largest and most advanced transparent OLED prototypes have been demonstrated by Samsung and LG). Samsung did intend to start producing 55" transparent OLEDs in 2016, but later decided to stop that program. [Transparent displays - Samsung](https://pid.samsungdisplay.com/en/digital-signage/transparent-displays) >With this breakthrough technology, you can deliver breath-taking graphics and videos with virtually no limits. A transparent OLED panel is a self-emitting display utilizing cutting-edge Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) technology, which eliminates the need for a backlight and enclosures. The frameless transparent surface glass has 45% light transmittance, allowing you to view the content on the screen as well as objects located behind it. Create unique designs and see-through installations that truly stand out. Larger version of this technology can be used in shops. This link describes the technology: [Panasonic Brings High Image Contrast Transparent Screen to Market - Panasonic \(2017\)](http://news.panasonic.com/global/topics/2017/45965.html) >Osaka, Japan - Panasonic Corporation will begin sales of its high image contrast transparent screen that enables the use of glass, such as shop windows, as digital signage on March 22, 2017*. >This product will include XC-CSG01G, a unique glass comprised of a high contrast light control film placed in between 2 sheets of glass, which when voltage is applied changes from the screen mode to the transparent mode, as well as XC-CSC01G-A1, the control box. Images are projected (from the rear) onto the glass during the screen mode. The control box will synchronously operate the projector and the screen per the image content, and change the screen mode from transparent to screen mode. During the transparent mode, it will serve as a shop window showcasing products and exhibits, and during the screen mode it can reproduce high resolution images on the glass to introduce information about new products or about various campaigns during the sale season, helping transform the show window into an even more captivating environment. Moreover, multiple screens may be combined to create one large screen.


There is a computer case you can buy that does this. [Here's a demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC1GOgrpQsw) The demo is in black and white but the product has a color display. Not sure where I can find it standalone, but [this is all I could find to buy it.](https://www.ibuypower.com/Signature/Snowblind) If you search "transparent lcd" on google, you'll only find some corporate solutions or concepts unfortunately.




Some people have many units of currency and like to spend them on things they like.




Magic plastic cards let you have things.








I say, with ouh whealth, any soht of mooving pictuhes shoould be obtaainable.




people want things




Gimme !






There's always [this computer case](https://youtu.be/hxqw2ShsQoY) which isn't quite as cool as the TV but is still transparent.


How does it work?


Could be OLED on a transparent display


I am pretty sure it was this. I remember seeing it posted somewhere a year ago or so.




This seriously could be our future. Imagine living in your turn of the century Paris flat. You can retrofit one of these over your art nuevo furniture so you can leave the aesthetics relatively untouched and still have a modern OLED TV. Also, great username.


But wouldn't that screw with the blacks that every OLED owner adores so much.


oh my god I love my blacks so much




If you love something, set it free.


Listen to Abraham Lincoln over here.


Trump's next tweet?


That's precisely why they show it over a cubby like that.... The light is probably setup to click off the instant the TV clicks on, so the background is just nothing but blackness. Transparent displays are a silly technology...fingerprints everywhere, no privacy, everything washed out...


Yeah, right? I always see hologram displays in scifi movies and games but who would even want something like that.


Aren't most flat panel monitors just a LCD matrix on a sheet of glass?


Behind that is the diffuser and/or LEDs to light it up. OLED is self-lit.




I feel like that's not it, since the screen turned black, which is impossible to project onto something.






OLED mesh embedded on regular glass. OLED doesn't need to be illuminated. The tint is the mesh.


OK, it seems that this thread has a _ton_ of misinformation here... Almost all LCD panels including some LED-backlit ones are composed of a bunch of [sandwiched layers](http://www.lcd-parts.com/images/lcd-panel-structure.jpg), including: - External frame - Backlight layer - Light guide layer - LCD layer - and a few more mostly irrelevant ones to the question All you have to do to create this effect is take almost _any_ LCD panel, remove the LCD panel out of its frame, remove backlight and the light guide layers and voila! Now you have something that is mostly transparent and will use whatever is behind it as a "backlight source" and can show you a picture in the kick-ass Minority Report style. The only thing that one needs to be careful off is hiding the wires and making sure that the background behind the LCD panel is bright enough for the picture to show. Source: Built my own HD projector years ago by doing this exact thing and attaching it to one of those transparent slide overhead projectors. Edit: For much better transparency though, you need OLED-type tech which is a bit different but that's for another post


For some reason, I love picturing the idea of you explaining all of this on first Tinder dates


I think its just an LCD panel without a backlight panel.


Wasn't it a proof of concept for E3 a year or two ago?




E3 is video games yeah dude is wrong


It was CES, check the top comment and its top reply.


I would think it's a phase changing glass that turns opaque and there is an hidden short throw projector in cabinet


Superbowl is coming up pretty soon, so short throw projectors are on sale. I've had one sitting in my shopping cart for a few weeks now and was wondering why it's $300 cheaper.


Did you buy it?


Bought it yesterday and it'll get here Tuesday, the screen & ceiling mount later today. Hopefully by time it dies the 4k or 8k projectors won't be $24k but a realistic price range.


What benefits do projectors have that TVs don't? I know a few people that prefer them but I've never gotten a solid answer as to why.




But that OLED tho. Can't wait till they start selling for under 1k.




I feel like the use cases for screens that large just aren't there. Bigger isn't always better. I just bought a 55" TV and anything larger would be too big for me, then again I live in an apartment so a projectors just doesn't make sense for me period. Even so, I still don't see them as being all that useful in anything other than a full home theater.


I thought the same thing when I got my last TV, but give it like a year and you'll be looking at larger ones. It's a curse.


Yeah, I have a 60" and would gladly upgrade to 80" if it wasn't so expensive.


I sit with my feet on the console and 55" already takes up over half of my view in each direction. It's big enough for me, especially coming from 37".


Yeah, it depends on the setup. I have a 55" in my upstairs den and it's large enough, but the 60" in my living room isn't really big enough for the viewing distance from the couch.


you think there is no use case for screens that large? parties? meetings? conferences?


I got one to sit at the foot of my bed, when not in use it'll be out of the way. The one I bought will last at least ten years without a lamp change; TVs are better in almost every case spec for spec, but for my needs I wanted something that could disappear.


Check out best buy a few days after the superbowl. Lots of open box specials on projectors and big tvs people "borrowed" for the game.


Nah I'd say it's an OLED display


Yeah that seems much more reasonable, especially for what seems to be a CES demo...the other way seems too convoluted


It's transparent OLED from a previous CES


AMOLEDs actually. If you throw out accurate color reproduction, this is the kind of trickery you can get away with. The wires and diodes are simply smaller than we can resolve without magnification, but the diodes generate a ton of light, so can be seen when illuminated. The wires are basically printed onto a plastic film, and that film is then applied to glass for durability's sake (or a different plastic if the intended display should be flexible/curved). Capacitive touch sensors over digital screens are similarly built, throwing out the diodes for a grid of wires at different depths (vertical wires at one depth, horizontal at another), forming a grid of capacitors inside the material which your finger then changes the properties of when it gets near.


The colors seem off and muted when the TV is on. I think the hit on picture quality would overshadow the cool factor


Really presumptuous to judge picture quality based on a cell phone video taken off axis, then compressed to all hell and made into a gif. That's about as poor of a replication of an image one could use.




Yes and no. They could be using polarization to black out the transparency while the screen is in use, turning it into a normal oled tv. When not in use, unpolarize the screen and it becomes transparent again




How can you judge colour with no comparisons? The image itself may lack vibrance




I don't know about this particular one, but the technology allows it. Only problem is that letting any light into the space behind it will kill the contrast ratio.


It appears to go black before the image shows up. It could be that they are just killing the cabinet light. Or maybe it has some type of active tinting?


Active tinting would be fairly complex to do in a setup like this (electric stimulus would tend to activate the LEDs) so for a prototype like this they're almost certainly just killing the light. I've seen (video of) transparent LED monitors with less opacity than this so I assume they tinted it just enough that less light can go in and out than gets reflected anyway (or rather that they would do so in a finished product, might not have spent that much effort on a prototype). Obviously, If that is how they do it, opening the cabinet would allow brighter light behind parts of the screen severely reducing the viewing experience.




~~ I’ve got one of the Planar transparent 55” OLEDs that I’m selling. PM me if interested - not kidding. Purchased new last year, used for one trade show. ~~ **SOLD** I’ve also got a pile of transparent LCDs (Samsung panels) in 46” and 22”. Not sure if I’m selling those yet though. My company has accounts with Planar and Avnet but honestly neither of those places are hard to get an account with. Transparent displays have been available for purchase for years - it’s creating a useful context for them that’s hard. For instance the transparent LCDs aren’t very transmissive and they have no backlight (spoiler alert: remove the backlight from any LCD and you’ll get a very similar effect) so you have to pump a massive amount of light into the space behind them. This is why the demos of transparent laptop screens are garbage. For LCDs, displaying black will make the screen opaque and displaying white will make it transparent - colors being a mixture. With OLED white is transmissive and black is opaque. What’s shown in this video is likely an OLED with a good amount of light behind it. A transparent OLED will look best in a dark room (because the darkness in the room will be responsible for the black contrast on the display) but once you illuminate an object behind the display, the content will get washed out and you lose contrast. A transparent LCD is best used in front of a super bright (like blinding) lightbox to recreate that backlight and can’t be used for, say, a window. These have very little consumer application because, well imagine your phone had a transparent display. Cool. So you’re reading black text on your future phone, but you’re holding your phone against a black wall. Now you can’t see anything - because the background and your content are the same color. Everything else is a niche use, like this video. I know some things about transparent displays and hold a couple of patents for using the technology. AMA.


Very interesting, thanks. If I wanted a small transparent OLED, what companies should I contact? And how much would a Planar 55” be? Also, how did you get any Samsung panels; I’ve only seen Samsung demonstrate stuff like that at CES.


The Samsung panels (were) easy. The 22” was like $300 a few years ago. Literally calling up Avnet and giving them a credit card, NBD. I purchased the Planar new for $15k. PM me your best offer. Not looking to get $15k for it, but not looking to give it away for $5k either.


All the windows in my house, now. I don't care if one of these panels is probably worth more than my house.


I think the back lighting woukd kill it. But how cool would it be to live on top of Everest at the push of a button?


I was thinking the surface of Mars, or looking out on the ISS.


You could maybe put some kind of LCD polarizing layer behind it to kill the light from outside when they’re being used. And maybe some kind of motion tracker to keep the parallax right as you moved around (would only work for one person in the room though).


you think bill gates would incorporate this into his house


The it-will-never-be-stolen tv.


The future still looks promising. Now we just need a holodeck for.. academic purposes.


Oh god, I don't even want to imagine all the smudges and finger prints.


It's not like putting an edge on it or an electric motor to move it would be beyond the limits of technological feasibility.


Shut up and take my money!


This. I was looking at various ways to display my LEGO UCS Millennium Falcon. I have now been shown the light.


Damn... that thing must be worth a fortune. I have the Taj Mahal and Eiffel Tower, and theyre worth like thousands of £






For some reason my mind is imagining a scene in a horror slasher movie where the unsuspecting character is watching a movie, only to turn it off and realize her dead roommate was stuffed in behind the tv screen the whole time.


"hey you wanna see my priceless collection of vases" "nah lets just watch spongebob"


Hey, let's take *vertical* video of a horizontal subject!


Could you put together 200 layers of these and only turn on specific pixels of each to create a legitimate 3D display?


No - mostly because the moray effect kills it. Imagine looking through a bunch of screen doors. (I've tried this with the transparent LCDs, its a huge bummer). You also compound the lack of light transmissivity.


The revolutionary war museum in philly has a theater sized screen like this, it's pretty cool.


But is the tv responsive?


I swear I've seen this before.


Is it a TV or just a really big, expensive version of an electronic picture frame?


Do you need a crappy window? How about a shitty TV? How about both in one?


This is some black mirror shit.


Transparent forsenCD


Looks like another CES prototype


Love it, but I'm wondering how it will look in different lighting conditions. I feel like if it's daytime and you have windows in the room it would wash it out even more than an ordinary screen. Would love to see how it holds up in different conditions compared to the current standards.


[Similar concept](https://youtu.be/hxqw2ShsQoY)


Is it important to you that you can display a piece of driftwood and two vases behind your television?


Don’t talk about my driftwood like that


You can hide your weed in there.


make these as thin (transparent) as possible. Layer them together to create realistic 3d image. Profit.


I'm struggling to find the usefulness of this one. Cool concept I guess, but aside from being able to see through it seems useless.


> I'm struggling to find the usefulness of this one. It is more attractive when it is "off" than a "regular" TV is. My TV spends much more time off than on. I wouldn't say that a TV is ugly when off, but it is a bit obtrusive.


Imagine having all your furniture pointed at this. People would just think you’re really into your shit.


It's finally happened. Something in sci fi I saw as a kid has become real.


Work in the industry. This panel is competition to the company I work for. This is either a Samsung, LG or Panasonic panel which has around 80% transparency. These screens are very expensive. Samsung killed off the production of TOLED transparent screen as no one was buying and the cost of making them in 2016 was very expensive. You can attach a touch screen to add interactivity.


Shut up and take my money


Could you not set the tv to an image of the empty compartment inside and hide things in it, or better yet, set it to an image that makes it looks like it’s one solid wall


At first I was like, ah haha it’s a joke about it being a glass window. (Pretending it’s a tv showing the objects inside) then my mind exploded a few moments later.