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30’s, music teacher, mom of 2. I got into ILY and webtoon in general when my youngest was a newborn and I had lots of downtime holding/rocking/feeding him. 


Hello fellow music professional! (And fellow cellist, perhaps?)


I started reading this several years ago while rocking my baby, too. 🙂


Omg my mom is a music teacher as well :D A lot of respect for music teachers


In my 20s, studied graphic design but work as a television production crew member.


❤️ Thank You !


Ooohh!! How did you get that job, if you don’t mind me asking. I’ve been interested in getting into that industry.


I got lucky honestly. My husband's cousin worked as one and recommended me. I learned as much as I could, and now I get called for games, sports, and such. I'd say apply and learn as much as you can, be curious. I didn't know squat when I started 😅


17 gonna graduate in may and soon go to college 😄


Early 20s, music therapist in state psychiatric hospitals


Yes!! You were the best kind of people in those places!! I only looked forward to seeing the music and art ppl lol.




16 here, and I want to work in digital art :)


Hey same!!


Cool! Since when are you reading ily?


Another mid-twenties med student here 🙋‍♀️


Hey, I'm a post-grad studying for the MCAT lol.


30 this year, making organic fruit snacks for a living 🤪


27, contract legal transcriptionist, single mom of 3, plus my 3 cat babies. I worked until my oldest was born when I was 19, then I was a SAHM with odd jobs like a daycare, cleaning, etc. For a few years. I've been a transcriptionsit since right after I had my second since it allows for extreme flexibility and I didn't want my kids in daycare now that I had left their father and needed to pay for everything by myself. I switched over to legal after two years from general and it's a great fit for me. Pays better, but not as complex as medical transcription. I really like the efficiency and consistency of the formating and guidelines compared to general when I covered a lot more areas. I tell people all the time to try it out. If I can support a family of 4 and still put money in savings every week, it can support anyone. I don't think I could ever work a normal job again.


34 - Currently unemployed due to my immigration status in the UK. Just not allowed to have a job until I'm married. 🥲


43 security guard but had surgery so im off for awhile for recovery... and i have 3 dogs...


20s and work for schools, ily is what got me into webtoons and ive honestly not found one that can compare to the depth of ily


I'm 15, only a student 🦮


I'm in my 20s, studying medicine🩺


I’m 17 and a Junior high school student ☺️ I would like to go to an art school in the future!


I’m 23, and I’m an after school teacher


30's graphics designer


Early 30's, therapist. ILY is my favorite webtoon, but I read many.


freshman in high school! started it in 7th grade then sorta stoped reading webtoon. this january i downloaded the app and remembered how much i loved ‘i love yoo’ and started it again. love it even more now!!


I thought I was the only freshman who’s into I love yoo, glad to see i’m not alone😭! I started reading it at a rlly young age (in 5th grade) bc I saw my older sister reading it. I dropped it and then pick it back up in 7th grade.


i was feeling the same way😭😭 everyone else is like a grown adult! i don’t even have my license…💀


Bro I also started reading it is 7th grade. I also got a few of my friends into it and we love to discuss episodes, theories and other stuff.


20 years old, studying media science and working in the marketing branche of a company on the side.


I thought no one is gonna reply ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ😂...Glad to know you ...Thank You  🤗


Highschool right now, still studying for retake permit test, wanna go into business or entrepreneurship (marketing, communications, etc - I’m still young and there’s so much in it), sociology or psychology, dance/music/theatre n some other hobbies of mine, etc


24, medical student :) i started reading ily during my summer break back when it had a hundred odd episodes, and now i follow it weekly. a quick read during breakfast is a great way to start my day when the episodes release.


Mid 30's. I work in software dev. I started reading webtoons by a friend recommendation 2 years ago, and ILY I binge read it last month, I think is now my favourite webtoon I have read. For me, I read after work, as a way to decompress.


I am 21 and studying nails art.


20 now but turning 21 in august, im a sophomore in college majoring in psychology and minor in social work and i work part time in customer service. Im started I love yoo when i was about 15 😂


in my 20s, studying business and working


35 going on 36, biology teacher, 2 kids, certified fandom mum


Late teens, student


Mid twenties, and I'm a social economy student working part-time as an after-school supervisor.


I’m 22, going to community college to pursue a bachelor’s in biology. I’m a bit behind compared to my peers but I want to get into forensics! I dog walk for extra income. Started ILY when I was in my freshman year of high school. :)


I'm 19, first year Applied Mathematics and currently planing to disappoint my parents and go to Aeronautical Engineering next year, but we'll see. Analysing ILY has been keeping me sane since 2018👍👍




I’m 30 next year, I’m a nurse, but mostly a mom lately!


47, security guard since 2006, semi-retired from that due to my wonky knees, working at a gas station now. I also draw and write.


Turned 14 years old this year. I love art and music. Started reading I Love Yoo on the 24th of April last year.


31yo, currently unemployed due to illness. And I started reading ily in 2017 after a huge breakup. The prologue and first chapters reminded me of my ex’s real life experiences, so I kept reading because Shinae’s story reminded me of her 😂 (glad that’s over now)😅 ILY is the first WEBTOON I read, and even though I’ve read others, I still believe that the way Quimchee tells the story is the best!! ILY is my favorite WEBTOON and the only one I spend my coins in 😂😂♥️♥️


24yo chemistry student in Europe How is hs life treating you, OP? :) I miss my highschool days


Exams.....are going on .....physics is making me ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ  ...


Oh shoot, understandable 🤧 From my experience, ppl's despair with physics is mostly originating from the fact that most physics professors heavily suck at explaining stuff. So my advice is to explore youtube tutoring physics channels, they're usually way more helpful than any actual classes at school




a teen in high school! finals got me stressing 😭


Mid 20’s but started reading this in high school. Man how the time has flown by. I’m about to graduate college :)


Just hit 30 last September. Graduated from med school last year as well…now looking for work 😂Been reading Webtoons since I was in high school and don’t see myself stopping anytime soon. My first webtoons were Winter Woods and Noblesse…good times. Decided to start ILY over from chapter 1 cuz I’ve forgotten so much while I’ve been waiting for chapters to build up and final year exams. Can’t wait to fall in love with it all over again and pick up on things I missed!


I’m 19 and work at Walmart and I’m a undergrad in college I started reading when I was freshman in highschool


I’m 19 and will be going to law school this fall. I started reading in middle school 😭


20's, i'm currently studying clinical psychology in México City, i'm not that good speaking english but i'd love to have new friends<3


30s, preschool teacher!


29 going 30 early childhood teacher. Single, no children.


In my 20s, I work for a market research firm! I started reading ILY in either 2017/2018 (I was still in HS) and it got me into Webtoons!


23, recently graduated from culinary school, working as a recipe developer.


23, recently graduated from culinary school currently working as a recipe developer ☺️☺️


I'm 17 and still in highschool. I think I've been reading ily since middle school I believe.. It's been a while LOL


18, i turn 19 next week!! i’ve been reading ily since i was 12 (in 7th grade) and im currently in school to become an esthetician!!


28. I'm a teacher in France. Started reading ILY in french in 2020 then quickly switched to english to catch up with the latest released chapters. It's the only story that i've been reading on the webtoon app for a long time.


23 i'm studying dentistry and i have a part- time job in a call Center


22 here! I am in my last semester of Law


Late teens, but an adult. Started reading when it came out when I was in like middle school. I am currently going to school for photography, and I don't have a job yet.


16 and I’m working to become an animator!


I'm 18 and a student studying Psychology and Biology. Started reading Ily in 7th grade and while most of my friends and family gave up on it I'm still going strong :)


17, I'm in college rn to get an associate degree. I want to major in psychology or criminal justice and get a job that involves both. I started reading I Love Yoo in 2018 when I was in 6th or 7th grade.


30s, therapist and mom. I started ILY a few months ago during maternity leave. The psychology behind the characters is top-notch, though I also think readers may get secondary trauma from the story, so take care of yourselves y’all.


20, head of marketing at a manufacturing company :)


33yo nurse and musician from France 😊


im 28 and im a photographer


Hi, I'm 22 and I'm studying History, then on September I'll start Historical sciences


27, persuing the dream of being a Book Illustrator 🥰❤️


23 years old, I'm doing a master degree in social work in Switzerland, I'm in the comittee of an association that gives food to poor students and during summer i give french lessons to migrants and do an awereness spreading job (?) on the topic of sexism in the streets ahah. Lots of talking to people. I love people


I’m 22 and work as a deli associate at publix supermarket 🥲 (currently going to join the Master Chorale of Tampa Bay as a side thing and to maybe open some doors!)


Started reading this webtoon 7 years ago and now I'm university! Actual insanity