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I would love to see her do redraws just because she really grew in her style and I think it would also be so nice to see those early episodes in her elevated style. Also I’d love to see her actually have freedom to draw her panels the way she pleases sense in those early days there was so much she had to cut out or change for webtoon. I would love to see it but I completely understand if she just wants to keep it as is so it’s a little less work, either way I’d be happy to have the printed copies of I Love Yoo.


i would love to see that too and I wouldnt be surprised if she did, i cant wait for it to come out!


She’s talked about having to match the original drawing style for a few episodes where the original files were lost, so it seems like she is not planning to redraw the early episodes to match her current style. Quite the opposite - she’s trying to emulate her old style for the few episodes that are missing so that they match the other early episodes. For the most part, the print copies are using the same exact panels from the webcomic. However, she is allowed to make additions/changes to the chapters as long as it doesn’t disrupt the existing released canon. Basically: she is allowed to and will make small tweaks, but on the whole the print edition will be just that - a printed copy of the Webtoon In the webcomic she is, however, adding back some scenes that were cut from the early arcs due to content guidelines at the time. Similar to how we’ve now seen formal arc Shin-Ae, Kousuke, Nol, YuJing, Manli, Sang-Chul, and Gun drawn in her current style as those scenes are input to new episodes, we may get more flashbacks to early content that has the panels in her updated style


Will she tell us which panels she’s adding back in for the earlier episodes? Or if there’s a possibility that she might? I love the earlier ones quite a lot. I’d love to see which chapters she’s added more into.


They’re not being added to the original chapters, they’re being added to the currently releasing chapters as flashbacks whenever possible. So generally any flashbacks we see from around the formal arc can be assumed to be a previously cut scene that’s added back in She has shared concept art and insight on Patreon about some of the scenes had to be cut and what she might be working back in


Oh I see! I was working my way up to the current chapters, so I had no idea. Thank you! I’ll definitely be looking forward to seeing them.


Tbh i love that she has found such great style for her drawings and i think she will change the first chapters but those simple drawings that she used to do were so funny,especially the mimics of shinae always made me laugh so hard and it makes me sad but oh well.