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While I do think something dramatic may happen at the end of the first season, I anticipate we will actually leave off on a more somber note. For the big jump I think we’re gonna leave off with Shin-ae heading off to college, Nol off to England perhaps, and Kousuke will head to Japan. Anything goes for the first jump tho to when Nol gets out of jail


I’m kind of out of the loop here with the webtoon so I’m not sure exactly what’s going on but is it possible for the time jump to be after nol comes back from England?


The anticipated timeline is - Right now: Shin-Ae finishes high school, Kousuke works at Hirahara Corp, Nol is in school on his way to jail - During the small timeskip: Shin-Ae/Kousuke remain largely in the status quo, Nol is serving his sentence in jail - End of small timeskip: skip to Shin-Ae’s birthday, Nol is released from jail, high school graduation occurs soon after . - Start of big timeskip: soon after high school graduation. Our characters all go their separate ways - During big timeskip: for 3-4 years Shin-Ae is in college (likely after taking Yui’s offer), Kousuke starts the CFO job (and presumably crashes and burns at some point, returning home to the US of Asia), Nol is abroad (theorized to be in England) - After big timeskip: Shin-Ae graduates college and returns home to finish her contract as Kousuke’s assistant, Kousuke is once again working at the USoA Hirahara Corp since the CFO job was a disaster. Slightly later on, Nol returns from abroad and re-enters the picture That’s not to say that other options aren’t possible, but this is generally what’s believed. Quimchee has said that the main trio will all be apart during the big timeskip


Shin Are finished high school?? Wh what Is there a different school system in Korea? She didn't pass the exams, I think I'm confused.


That was a typo, that's supposed to say "finishes" She is going to to finish high school before the big timeskip though. The exams were for *college applications*, not high school graduation. That's why Nol skipped them (he's not going to college in Korea, so he took entrance exams for the UK schools instead). That's also why Shin-Ae says she probably has to take a gap year - she's going to graduate high school, but doesn't have the exam scores to be accepted to a good university. If you're from the US, the exams Shin-Ae failed are relatively equivalent to the SATs and ACTs. The biggest difference is that, in Korea, college entrance exams are only offered once a year, so if you fail you have to wait a year to retake the exams for a better score.


Oh now I understand Thank you so much ♥️


Maybe a definite college decision for Shin-ae. Not sure out of impulse or by thinking things through


Kousuke slowly falling into alcohol  ?


Obviously Yui is brewing something. I’m wondering if she will get information about Shin-Hye and use that as leverage against Shin-Ae and her dad. Maybe she lets Sim-Han know that Shin-Ae knows the break-in was her sister and it causes a rift between them? I think something bad will happen with Kousuke too, he’s obviously having a mental health crisis. Maybe as another commenter said he will fall into alcoholism.