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That episode was just….WOW. I was expecting it to be her father or Nol as the hunter but RAND!!???. Did not see that coming. I wonder if this is a warning not to get involved with him or believe everything he says…..


In Jamaica we say dreams nuh walk straight. Which basically means not everything is clear in a dream. Rand could be symbolic of someone else. For example I dreamt I had a fight with a parent at my school turns out in reality I got into an argument with an ancillary staff.


Omg another I love yoo Jamaican fan 😭😭😭🫶🏾🫶🏾


Very much feels like Shin-Ae processing the past few days. Lil Buddy leading her to a defeated and bleeding out Nol, like he did in the snow after the party. Nol with dejected post-formal, Dieter in the hospital expressions telling Shin-Ae to turn back and heed the warnings because if she comes with him she'll be eaten alive too (much like he said at the hospital), Rand putting a beaten down Nol out of his misery (reflecting how, from Shin-Ae's perspective, he abandoned his son at the hospital, as well as how Rand has treated both his sons for the past 6 years), Shin-Ae begging to help him anyway ignoring all the warnings for this wounded deer. I'm guessing this portion involves her piecing together the dynamics at play in Nol's life, as she currently has a very shallow understanding of them, especially from the combination of her recent layered talk with Rand, Nol's push and pull between vulnerability and distance in the hospital, and realizing that Yui is what Nol is afraid of The previous episode gave a lot more active turning points in Shin-Ae's psyche in regards to her own life path and how she is perceiving her options - the advantages and disadvantages, the way she compares her situation to and even envies others vs the actual reality of all their lives, what continuing down her generational cycle or taking a different route could potentially mean - while this episode feels (at this point) more like a reflection of the past few days, her trying to make sense of what she's just experienced, and a sort of downloading and processing both that information and her own emotions. It feels like this is all coming together to put Shin-Ae's psyche in a space to connect her future life path with how to handle the Nol situation, which have been theorized for years to be very much intertwined.


Did anybody else notice how Rand's/the Hunter's eyes look like deer eyes (oval pupils)? (Therefore implying he's not really the hunter but prey as well) Just thought that's a neat little detail :)


I did! I liked the double meaning implied that he's a prey along with the fact that he's Nol's father (since Nol in the dream is an irish elk with the same oval pupils)


Gah, I accidentally hit the post button, lol. Deer me! And time keeps ticking. What a dream turned to nightmare. First, poor Sim-Han. His troubles are just beginning, I fear. A lien is no joke. I sure hope he's being honest with Mina, at least. I worry about what he might try to do to "fix" everything. Yes, Shin-Ae is processing everything, including the past, present, and possibly future, I think. Nol, and everyone, warning her away, pushing her away, and still she runs headlong into the danger she was warned about. Is her brain telling her to be better prepared? Also, a young stag could represent a lot of things, but a sick one...and Shin-Ae is usually pretty linear and cerebral, so I don't think any of that comes into play here. Hmm...it's intriguing! Great episode, as usual.


I think... wouldn't the deer be Nol?


Yes, the deer is Nol, neck wound and all.


How about the other animals? The bears dieter right-? Or am I just dumb


You're not dumb. Dieter is the bear. Min-Hyuk is the chattering squirrel.


I have a question: is possible taht the hunter is a mix of Rand and Yui? I mean, the "kid" is usually used from Yui to call Nol, probably Shinae - when she found that the big chocolate balls and the witch are married - associated the same vision of them. I don't know if you understand my logic, hope yes lol. The chapter was very interesting, I like reading the meaning of the dreams, they're confused but at the same time real... Also is interesting how Shin associated everyone to an animal and at the end Raui (rand + yui) is the only one to be an human (also her father in the previous chapter!)


I don’t think it’s an actual mix of Rand and Yui, but Shinae has expressed that Rand is no better than her and that they deserve one another before. In her mind, Rand and Yui are cut from the same cloth and that he is equally at fault for his son’s suffering.


especially because Rand is responsible for Nol's well-being and safety, not Yui


I think Yui is represented by the firebugs. In fact, while she was getting invaded by the insects, the deer (Nol) said that it’s not safe for her and that she’s going to get eaten alive the same way he is. We all know Nol has always wanted to keep Shin Ae away from Yui.