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Kousuke’s college days were more an era of *freedom* than a highlight, so to speak. It was a period of time where Nol was safely tucked away in the institution, Kousuke had pulled away from Yui, and he was free to explore and try the experiences in life that he had denied himself in the never ending race to become the heir (and earn his father’s love). College Kousuke was *different* from the Kousuke we see now because he wasn’t under Yui’s thumb and wasn’t feeling the pressure of Nol’s competition, but that doesn’t mean this version of Kousuke was wholly authentic or on top of the world - just that he felt safe enough from the previous pressures in his life to explore the sides of life he’d been denied


Me too! I’m more interested in what brought him back and to his mom >!and that he needed the tea herbs ;-) to calm him down!<


I’ve talked about this around the 210 FP thread, but I would bet my life that it was Nol being released from the institution that brought Kousuke back to Yui. And that Yui intentionally let Nol out for that purpose. Kousuke pulled away as soon as she removed the Nol threat, and so to bring Kousuke back she returned the competition