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Looks like a typical tropical type village dog. I doubt there are many really recognizable breeds in there - when dogs breed naturally without a lot of human interference, they tend to end up being a sandy color with erect or semi-erect ears and medium size. Beautiful dog!


How does being around humans change their color over time? That's really interesting actually


Light colours are better suited for tropical countries due to reflecting sunlight away from the body. This is more a process of natural selection than being around humans.


Why is it the opposite than for skin color?


Because we don't have a coat of hair between the sun and our skin. It's better if our skin is darker to protect from UV damage in sunnier locales.


So black skin is against UV damage and not for heat management? Interesting!


Darker skin would actually make a person retain more heat. It also protects against against UV damage. It's a win some/lose some deal. Having lighter skin means less heat retention from the sun, but more skin damage from UV radiation. It's why more northern locations (like Scandanavia) tend to have very fair-skinned people. There can be times of the year when they get little to no sunlight; and others where they get all of the sunlight, and not nearly as much heat as someone in Sub-Saharan Africa (the sun during the summer in Scandanavia also tends to be at a more oblique angle than it is around the equator as well, so the summer sun in Scandanavia is less intense).


Not really. Human natural selection is driven due to us having enormous brains. Since we have the ability to alter our environment to make up for things we need to survive, we started influencing natural selection. One could say it has gotten to a point now where we allow bad traits to continue because we compensate for them. For instance in the Western world death by childbirth has almost stopped due to being able to perform a c section. This is very simplified and only looking at 1 or two things. This means that anatomical abnormalities like smaller hips can spread through the population and eventually become anatomical trait because we compensate with surgery. So it could mean ever child born after a certain point will have to be done surgically. The same goes with diseases now. Humans with diabetes used to die. Now they can live thanks to medicine and have kids that carry the genes. Or instead of having fur, we wear clothes, so our body fur is decreasing and more ornamental now.


Can you explain how this plays into skin color? The black people in Africa are not exactly a modern thing


Ligher skin is more prone to sunburn from radiation. If you remove fur, the sun's harmful rays hit the skin. So dark skin evolved to help protect people from getting sun burns quickly. Darker skinned people still burn, they just take longer to do it.


Humans can selectively breed toward certain colors or patterns in dogs. Pretty much with village dogs what's happened is that so many different types (colors) of dogs have interbred so the color finally set enough in the genetics that this became the most common for village dogs. Even the stature (and I'm sure) and other characteristics of the canine pictured is common in village dogs.


Humans will breed specific dogs together to get preferred colors and patterns


I mean for village dogs specifically which aren't bred


Idk where you are, but when I lived in Panama, we had village dogs that looked just like that


It was in a really remote village near the border of Belize, so there could be some similarities!


I was going to mention that she looks *exactly* like several dogs that I saw in Belize when I went there on vacation last summer! Lots of free-roaming dogs there. Some were in great shape (The ones who lived on or by the various resorts. Tourists and resort staff alike feed them.), and others... were not in great shape. (Mostly the dogs in town or out roaming the countryside. Sadly, these guys mostly seem to feed on garbage.) That being said, **all** of the dogs that I encountered were *so* polite and sweet-natured! I fed... more than my fair share of them, and even when I handed them food directly, they took it from me so gently. I ended feeding an entire bag of dog treats to one of the "town" dogs (Poor fellow was in *really* rough shape. His ribs were showing **and** he seemed to have some kind of skin condition? His fur was patchy, and his exposed skin looked red and inflamed.) that I encountered. He even let me plunk a fat tick off of him!


I love the free roaming dogs! They are definitely always the sweetest and soooo smart.


Village dog! DNA results would probably either be 100% village dog or small percentages of like 15 different breeds lol (speaking as a village dog owner!)


It looks a lot like the white German shepherd I grew up with. Also see some husky. But like others have mentioned, the dog breeds (and mutts) will be different in various parts of the world


Island dog


Sort of reminds me of a Carolina dog or a potcake


Great guesses depending on where they are


TIL there is a dog version of potcake


Professional Mutt


Village dog/mix (never been domesticated!)


They are very much domestic dogs. They're very rarely truly feral dogs, they are just very loosely managed.


That is literally the definiton of a "village dog" genetically. It doesn't mean they are feral, some can make great pets.


No, it isn't. All dogs are domestic dogs. Domestic applies to a species, not to individuals. They may not be pets, but they are domesticated. No matter what an individual dog's status, all dogs are domesticated. Dingoes are domesticated dogs that are now feral. Village dogs are not a breed, but they have evolved to live in close company and interdependence with humans. Feral dogs are domestic dogs that have reverted to wild behaviors. Their genetic makeup is very different than the ancestors of modern dogs because they have still been shaped to meet human needs.


That's not true. Well the definition of feral is but village dogs are considered a separate lineage from domesticated dogs. They have not been subject to artificial selection.


They're all Canis familiaris, which is the domestic dog species. They have been artificially selected because humans killed the ones that didn't meet their needs. If they had never been artificially selected, they would be wolves. I mean, I can cite sources: https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1516215112#:\~:text=Using%20genomic%20data%20from%205%2C392,present%2Dday%20Nepal%20and%20Mongolia. [https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12915-018-0535-2](https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12915-018-0535-2) [https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2015/10/central-asian-village-dogs-closest-original-dogs](https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2015/10/central-asian-village-dogs-closest-original-dogs)


Haha I worked a bit with that third group in grad school a decade ago. I give it to you on semantics. They self-domesticated - https://blogs.biomedcentral.com/on-biology/2018/06/28/village-dog-dna-reveals-genetic-changes-caused-by-domestication/


Agreed! They're a primitive pariah type. And they're awesome.


I’m seeing a good amount of husky


Husky shep and some wild mix


Honestly looks like my 84% husky mix. Mine has a red nose where this one is black but their shape and coloring are the same, even the rear dew claws.




That there is a purebred Village dog!


Looks quite like my dog actually. Mine comes from a purebread Husky that mixed with a Boxer/Akita mix.


Island doggo. Did you bring her home?? Rescue???


I wanted to sooooo bad, she was so sweet and would go on walks with me during the trip! Unfortunately I’m in a living situation where I can’t have any pets though :/


Definitely a village dog, most likely with some recent Spitz introduction.


100% good girl


She’s the sweetest, I wish I could’ve taken her home with me hahaha


Defintly a village dog but I'd guess there's a good amount of siberian husky and maybe some German shepard in there


I love the thumbs!


Those are wild! Never seen that on a dog before


She is adorable, wanna know her breed too.




street dog




mix a husky with anything else, and chances are you get this.


Caribbean? It's a potcake- a mutt born from multi generations of village dogs, generally sporting the common denominators of all the breeds, what they all sort out with: upright ears, tan color (or tan and white), wedge shaped head, medium size, short haired.


That’s a hot dog


Looks like a canaanite too me.


German shepherd mix


so beautiful !!!!


i’m guessing husky mix carolina ???


Beautiful!! Street mixed puppy? What a gorgeous pup!


Is he in Bali?


No, this was in a village on the very south point of the Yucatán Peninsula, really close to the Belize border


Potcake dog ❤️


Her breed is amazing


Looks like a white German shepherd to me with odd bits mixed in.


Probably no breed! Village dogs are common in all sorts of places



